Surrendered Control (The Control Series Book 1)
Page 7
'Thank you. Turn them all back on in an hour." He hung up. "Happy?" He smiled at Amy.
"Has anyone ever said no to you?"
"Doesn't happen often."
"I will have to remember that."
"Enough talking Amy."
He slid his hands down to his hardened cock. He undid the zip, pulled himself out, and began stroking his cock. Amy put her hand down and circled her clit. She held herself so that he could see everything. She was breathing heavily, and her perfect breasts swelled within her t-shirt. James wanted to touch her, but he wanted to watch her satisfy herself, first. He gripped himself harder, his control was wavering. Amy was getting close; he knew the soft whimpering noise she made already. She was breathing harder and harder and her head fell back against the edge of the chair.
"Don't come yet Amy."
"Fuck you."
When her eyes flashed open, she met his gaze with intense ferocity. James lost his control. He rushed forward, grabbed her hands, and held them above her head. His weight pressed against her, his cock close to the entrance of her sex. All he needed to do was push inside her.
James' face was inches from hers, and her eyes glistened with devilment. She was testing him.
"I should deny you for that."
"You won't."
"Do you really want to test me?"
James took both of her hands in one of his and the other went to his cock. He thrust hard into his hand and came instantly upon her thigh. He groaned out loud as his soul poured out of him and marked her delicate flesh as his. He could scarcily believe this was happening, she looked beautiful with his cum on her. She was definitely his now, not that she hadn’t been from the first moment that he had seen her. James looked up, and she was watching everything. He let go of her hands and put himself back in his trousers.
"Keep your hands above your head." She did as he asked, and he went to his sink, got a cloth, brought it back to her, and cleaned her thigh. "Right, I need to show you the office. Up you get."
"James?" her eyes were full of questioning.
"Punishment, Amy. You wanted to test my limits."
She sat up and pulled her skirt down.
"Really." James smirked.
Amy huffed, but she stood and took his hand.
The tour of the office seemed to take a long time.
Everyone had heard the boss had a girlfriend from Marie, and they all wanted to meet her and talk with her. Amy was polite and took her time to speak to everyone, but she had a healthy glow to her cheeks. She was seething at him for this punishment. If he hadn't had just come, he would be hard again with the excitement of watching her. After about an hour and a half, they finally finished and James saw Amy into the lift back down to the car park. He got in with her, and as the lift started descending he pulled her to him. She had waited long enough. Before she could argue he had his hand under her skirt and massaging her clit.
"Are you going to be a good girl this time, Amy?" He removed his pressure.
"James, please." James could tell she no longer cared they were in a lift and it could stop at any time and someone else get in. All she wanted was to orgasm at his touch. It was all he wanted now as well. He gave her what she need again, harder, circling the little nub in tantalising pleasure.
"Come, Amy. Come, now."
She did, shuddering and pulsating against him, her groans of euphoria causing him to hiss into her neck in need. He was rock hard again and longed to just sink balls deep into her but he had made a promise. He would keep it even if it killed him. James held her tight as he felt her legs caving. The lift stopped.
James righted her skirt and almost carried her to the car. He knew she couldn't speak, so quietly he placed her in the Aston Martin to a questioning look from Matthew.
"I think all the questioning was a bit much. Miss Jones is fatigued."
Matthew nodded.
"I will see her home safely, Sir."
"Thank you, Matthew."
James watched the car pull away and brought his hand to his nose. The smell of Amy's orgasm was on it. The guilt suddenly washed over him. What had he done?
Amy could feel the throb of that orgasm between her thighs for days. She was floating. He had denied her, she had struggled not to touch herself for almost two hours, and then he’d touched her and she exploded. It had been in a lift. Damn. What if it had CCTV? James would get rid of any evidence, she was sure. She wondered if he could get the tape for them to watch together. Amy shook the thought from her head.
Where was Matthew? He was late.
Amy hadn't told James, but she had made a decision. They were testing each other's limits. James had been close to pushing inside her, and he would have come the second he did.
It was too risky.
Amy had booked the appointment to get checked and make sure she was clean. After Amy had discovered about James and his ex-girlfriend and the prostitute he had left a file for her detailing that he had regular annual checks and that the last one was shortly after Lanzarote. Amy was his girlfriend now, and as such, she needed to take precautions to prevent any unwanted accidents.
Matthew finally buzzed up, and she grabbed her Mulberry handbag and raced down to the car.
"I need to go to Kennington Lane please, Matthew."
"Of course, Miss." He drove away and Amy checked her watch. She had twenty minutes until her appointment. Hopefully, the traffic was going to be good. She looked out the window as the sights of London sped past. As they rounded Green Park, they headed north.
"Matthew, this isn't the way."
"It is, Miss."
Her phone rang before she could answer him.
"James, is it urgent? Matthew has taken the wrong direction."
"No, he hasn't. He is taking you to my private physician at Harley Street. "I am sorry, Amy. If I had known earlier what you were planning, we could've discussed it together and I could've come with you. This is something we are both in together."
"What?" Amy couldn't believe what he was saying. "How did you know?"
"Amy, I told you, I know everything about you."
Amy didn't know whether to be flattered he cared so much or annoyed that he had told her what to do again and was paying for it. "There is nothing wrong with my doctor. Matthew will be there the entire time. Well not in the examining room but...oh you know what I mean. I will be safe."
"I mean no offence to your doctor, but mine is the best money can buy. He will offer you the best advice and give you the right contraception for our needs."
He had smooth-talked her around. "Ask me before you change my plans next time. That is all I ask."
"You can punish me later." She could hear him chuckling.
"Go do some work Mr North, I have to go spread my legs for your doctor."
Amy laughed.
"Do whatever he suggests. Don't think of the cost. Phone me when you are done."
"I will. Later."
Amy hung up.
"Is everything alright with the change of plans Miss Jones?" Matthew looked at her through the mirror. He looked guilty.
"Matthew, do you tell James wherever I ask you to take me?"
"It is what he pays me to do Miss."
"He is as bossy with you, then."
"Always." He laughed.
"Matthew, one thing he can't make you do, though, is call me Miss Jones. I give you permission to call me Amy. Please do so."
"As you wish Miss....Amy." He stopped the car, "We are here." He got out of the car and came to open the door for her, "Just up those steps."
Amy had never been to Harley Street. There were so many doctor's practices. She chuckled and thought maybe she should enquire about getting her beasts enlarged while she was here. See if that got back to James. He would have a fit. She went to reception, told them her name, and she was escorted into a private room a
nd offered a drink from a vast menu of branded beverages. She decided on just water but even then had to choose a particular make, though she’d expected it to just be from the tap. The doctor appeared almost immediately after her drink had been brought. Amy was suddenly very nervous; this all felt really serious. She didn't need to worry, though, Doctor Baudin was very friendly. She examined Amy and gave her a clean bill of health, a blood test was taken, and she promised the results would be available later that day and couriered straight to her. They discussed various forms of contraception, many Amy didn't even know existed. Amy was given the injection but was told to be careful for seven days as she wouldn't be covered until then.
James was going to India in two days. She wouldn't see him for at least a week. Amy thanked the doctor and was told the bill had been sorted by Mr North. Amy didn't argue. She probably couldn't afford the prices in here anyway.
It was the start of April and exceptionally warm. Amy had been cooped up in the house for a long time, so she asked Matthew to drop her at the North side of Kensington Gardens on the way back, and she would walk home from there. He grumbled his reluctance, but she insisted and he had no choice but to obey her. The gardens were full of spring colour. Tulips and daffodils lined the walkways. Amy looked to the sky, shut her eyes, and inhaled deeply. She was in the middle of a very busy city but it was so peaceful here. She had to get James to walk here with her. Maybe she could ask him to take the day off before he went to India. Spend the whole day just the two of them together.
As Amy rounded the corner of the Serpentine by the Princess Diana memorial, her peace was shattered when she was suddenly set upon by a man with a camera and a woman holding an iPhone to her mouth.
"Miss Jones, tell me what is it like to be dating one of the most eligible billionaires in the UK? Where did you meet him? Is he as good in bed as the rumours say? Can we get a picture of you posing by the fountain?"
The camera flashed in her eyes and she blinked. "Who are you?"
"Sally Bridgewater, London Daily Magazine. Come on Miss Jones, no need to be so shy. Mr North is quite the catch. You are a very lucky girl."
The camera flashed again and people stopped to stare. Amy felt very exposed.
"I don't wish to talk about my relationship. If you would excuse me." She went to push past the buzzing paparazzi but Sally Bridgewater was persistent.
"Come on, just one quote for our readers. Is he as sexy under those suits as we all imagine?"
Amy was suddenly hoisted backwards. A lady she had never seen before stepped in front of her.
"Miss Jones has no comment. If you have any questions, you will address them to Mr North's press secretary, as is proper. Miss Jones, this way, please. Matthew is waiting in the car to escort you home."
The lady grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the now-sullen Miss Bridgewater. Amy tugged her arm free.
"Who are you?"
"Sonia, Miss Jones, I am your personal security."
"My what?"
"Miss Jones, the car, please. We need to get you away."
"No." Amy turned and began to walk off in the other direction from where she was being led. Her phone rang, and she didn't need to look at it to know who was ringing. She knew. "When were you going to tell me you were having me followed everywhere?"
"Please go with Sonia."
"Fuck you, James."
She hung up. The phone rang again, but she didn't answer. She muted it and put it back in her bag. Amy hurried out of the park, though she didn't really know where she was going. Sonia was probably following her.
He was supposed to not keep secrets from her, yet he had someone following her around. Why hadn't he just introduced her to Sonia? She understood the need for protection. Without thinking, she slammed her fist into a nearby wall. People around her began to stare.
"What are you looking at?" She shouted at the onlookers.
Matthew pulled up in the car beside her. "Amy get in, please."
She folded her arms across her chest and refused to budge.
"Please, Amy. If I don't get you back to the house safely, it will be more than my life is worth. I know him. He will have left the office and be heading home now. He is scared you will get hurt. That is the only reason he did this."
Amy rolled her eyes and sighed with defeat. She opened the door and got in the car. Sonia jumped in the front seat next to Matthew. The short journey to the house was made in silence. When they arrived, Amy didn’t wait to have the door opened for her but stormed into her new home without so much as a thank you. She was so angry, she was fuming. Her knuckle hurt and was bleeding but most of all had realised that the freedom she had had in the past was gone. Did she want this?
She felt enclosed, claustrophobic.
Amy went to the kitchen sink and took a cloth and washed her knuckles. She heard the front door open and James called out her name. He was angry.
"In the kitchen." She kept her back to the door and washed her hand. James thundered into the room and threw his briefcase on the counter.
"What did you think you were doing? You never not answer the phone to me, Amy. Look at me." His voice was full of fury but had undercurrents of deep concern. Amy turned. Tears had started to tumble down her pale cheeks. The cloth she held at her hand was covered in watery blood. "Jesus." James halted in shock. "What happened? Did they do this? I will sue every last penny out of them." He rushed forward and grabbed her hand and checked it. He brought it to his lips to kiss it but Amy pulled her hand away.
"I did it. You lied to me, James. I asked you not to and you did it again. In fact, you did it all morning. You cancelled my appointment and rearranged it with your Doctor. I know you have a need to control but...." She stopped and turned away again.
James stumbled backwards and took hold of the counter. "You want to leave me?"
Amy couldn't turn to face him just yet. She needed to figure this out without looking at him. "I know you need to control and I accept that. In many ways I like it. You look after me and ensure I am safe when I can’t do it myself, but you need to tell me what you are doing." She took a deep breath and turn back to face him. He looked so scared. Neither had spoken of the feelings that were developing between them but they were starting to run deep on both sides. "If you had told me about Sonia, I might have complained for a few hours, but I know the reasons you are doing it. James, I know that in your business you just do things and people follow suit but this is not a business, this is a relationship. We are in it together. No more secrets from me. Please, James."
"'You are not leaving me." He took a tentative step towards her.
"If you promise me here and now that important matters such as personal protection or things which cost large sums of money will be discussed between us as adults, then I will stay."
Amy expected him to come and cradle her in his arms but he didn't. He reached for his briefcase. "I should tell you about this then?"
Amy was instantly worried. What now?
"Our relationship has hit the gossip press and I have arranged an interview tomorrow for us both to officially come out as a couple."
"Alright. It isn't with that foul woman from the Park?"
"No someone much nicer."
"Good, anything else?"
"Will you to accompany me to India. I want you to be at my side throughout the entire opening. I want everyone to know that you are my girlfriend. Please, Amy. I have sorted a visa for you and everything."
"Yes. I may want to surprise you, and keep that a secret, but you have my word. Big decisions I will talk to you about. What do you say, Amy, will you come with me? Be my partner for all the world to see?"
She smiled. "You better take me shopping for summer clothes."
James rolled over in the bed and his arm felt Amy's smooth, naked frame in the bed next to him. It wasn't a dream. They hadn't slep
t together before, but last night it just seemed the right thing to do. They hadn't been intimate in any way. It was not the time for that. They had just laid on the bed in each other's arms until they had fallen asleep. He had totally lost it yesterday when he got the phone call from Matthew saying that Amy was being hounded by Sally Bridgewater. His lawyers were now working on an injunction against her. When Amy had refused to answer the phone to him, however, he had almost combusted. She defied him but mostly he was scared. He was afraid that he had pushed her too far and that she would walk away from him. James had never felt this way about anyone before. She was driving him crazy. He wrapped his arms around her as she stirred, her bright blue eyes opened and greeted him.
"Morning, beautiful." He kissed her lips.
"Morning, handsome. You sleep well?"
"Best sleep I have ever had."
Amy nuzzled closer into him.
"What time are the magazine people coming?"
"Around ten. They will bring someone to do your hair and makeup. They will have someone find the perfect clothes for you as well. I have to do a phone call with India at nine, but I am not going to the office today."
"That is good. As long as they dress me in clothes I like." She looked at the clock. "So we have half an hour more in bed."
"Well, I was going to make you a cup of tea and breakfast in bed?"
"Oh. That gives me a big dilemma. I would like breakfast in bed but I also want to lay in your arms a bit longer."
"Decisions, decisions." James ran a hand down her stomach.
"Breakfast, please."
He groaned. "Really?"
He slid from the bed and pulled on a pair of jogging bottoms. He could feel Amy's heated gaze scan over his body as he did.
"My wish is your command, Miss Jones. But just so you know, in future, I have an intercom into the kitchen and could've asked mum to bring it and leave it outside the door instead." Before Amy could say anything, he pulled his T-shirt over his head and left her moaning.
His mother was in the kitchen preparing breakfast as normal. He kissed her cheek.