Holidays Bite: A Limited Edition Collection of Holiday Vampire Tales

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Holidays Bite: A Limited Edition Collection of Holiday Vampire Tales Page 22

by Laura Greenwood

  “Ready to turn on the lights?” DeLorean excitedly asked the moment he saw us, with Sebastian by his side.

  “Yes,” I nodded, taking my place upfront with my and Mathew’s parents. Antoine, Zoe, Dove, and Alfie stood to our right.

  “Transylvania, are you ready for the countdown?” my father asked loud enough for the cameras transmitting to the entire country of Romania, and all Vampiri around the world to share the occasion.

  The excitement rushed through the hundreds of Vampiri and human people joining us as they nodded.

  “Ten, nine, eight…” we all began to shout in unison, and I couldn’t help but feel like a part of me had always craved this, but I had never allowed myself to accept it, until now.

  When we hit five, DeLorean pressed the button, and a string of white lights began to swiftly light up the castle, outlining it like a domino effect while making its way to the gardens. Snowflake silhouettes lit up too along walls and shrubs, the light rushing towards the huge tree.

  “One!” our voices shouted in joy just as the twinkles briefly stopped, and the next second, the entire Christmas tree illuminated fully, all lights shining brilliantly in the night… as one.

  Sheers erupted and fireworks of a thousand colors exploded in the sky. Mathew pulled me into his arms, kissing me like the first time he knew I was his.


  A frantic screech split the night, and we all turned around to find Dove jumping like a crazy woman, while Alfie remained on one knee before her. The pink diamond sparkled furiously among the million lights.

  “I’m getting married!!” she screeched again, and everyone laughed, many lifting their glasses in cheers.

  “You haven’t said yes yet,” Alfie complained, and she laughed, jumping on him when he stood.


  “Woohoo!” people yelled, celebrating, while many shared kisses in the festivities.

  Music filled the night, and Zoe grabbed Antoine’s face firmly, smacking a kiss to his lips. Grinning, he pulled her closer, kissing her properly. “I love you.”

  “I love you!” Ivas repeated, gripping Zoe’s face and kissing her, then turned to Dove, then to Alfie, and Antoine, and we couldn’t help but burst out in laughter while he made his way to us, kissing everyone.

  Marie almost fainted when he kissed her lips too, honey eyes sparkling dazedly. So much so, that Zoe had to steady her before she could pass out.

  “Someone has a crush,” Anne teased, and I shook my head.

  “Do not encourage them.”

  When Ivas stopped before us, he gave Mathew a peck too. “I love you, Daddy.”

  My husband grinned, hugging him. “I love you too, Ivas.”

  “I love you, Mommy.”

  I smiled, expecting my smooch too, but Ivas crouched before me like he had always done, hugging me instead. I stroked his head as he pressed his cheek to my stomach. “I’m not going to lie, I kind of wanted the kiss.”

  Mathew chuckled just as Ivas looked up at me and grinned excitedly, kissing my belly. “I love you baby too.”

  Time froze with his words, and I finally understood why Ivas had been so over protecting, forcing me to eat, and saying that one word every time he saw me…

  “Mathew,” I rasped, struggling to breath, and slowly glancing at him.


  “I’m pregnant…”

  The most brilliant smile I’d ever seen captured his lips, and he pulled me into his arms, kissing me again. “Merry Christmas, Baby.”

  A Note from the Author

  Thank you for reading Cursed by Christmas,

  Dynasty of Blood Saga: A Christmas Story.

  If you enjoyed this holiday story, be sure to read the Dynasty of Blood Saga

  to learn about the gang, their stories, and see how it all began!

  Also, who doesn’t need sexy Vampire deliciousness in their lives?

  Start today, the series is complete!

  1-Click today to binge-read the entire series!


  is available on Amazon and FREE on KU!

  About the Author

  Stephany Wallace is an International Bestselling Author of Young Adult and New Adult Fantasy Romance, Paranormal Romance, and Urban Fantasy. She has multiple bestselling series including Dynasty of Blood, The Winter Court Chronicles, and Curse of the Lycan.

  * * *

  Stephany writes about headstrong, quirky, bad-ass heroines, and their swoon worthy, alpha male, sweet, or sexy nerdy heroes. She loves writing about Vampires, Dragons, Wolf Shifters, Witches, and creating incredibly vivid worlds that capture you from the very first page, and leave you wanting more.

  * * *

  Steph has many more adventures to embark on, so make sure you join her in her magical journey.

  Want to get a FREE copy of Dark Phoenix Rising?

  (Not sold in stores.) Then join Steph’s Newsletter!

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  Check out the rest of Steph’s Bestselling Series.

  There is something for every book lover:

  * * *

  Ancient Magic Series

  *A Celtic Adventure & Paranormal Romance.*

  Hidden Magic, book 1.

  Renewed Magic, book 2.

  Unwanted Magic, Eisha’s story, book 3.

  Worthy of Magic, Art’s story, book 4.

  Absolute Magic, book 5.

  * * *

  The Winter Court Chronicles

  *A Fae & Dragons Epic Fantasy Romance.*

  Forgotten Kingdom, book 1.

  Broken Kingdom, book 2.

  Everlasting Kingdom, book 3.

  Dragons of the Temple. Avra’s Story, book 4.

  Secret Kingdom. Theo’s Story

  and the series conclusion, book 5.

  * * *

  The Curse of the Lycan Shifter Universe

  *A Wolf Shifter Fantasy Romance.*

  Beast of Shadow & Light, book 1.

  Slayer of Hope & Sorrow, book 2.

  Knight of Iron & Stone, book 3.

  Queen of War & Peace, book 4.

  Gustav & Zelin’s Story

  Wolf Prince, Book 5.

  Dark Wolf, Book 6.

  * * *

  Dynasty of Blood Saga

  *A Paranormal Vampire Adventure & Romance.*

  Cursed by Darkness, Book 1.

  Claimed by Darkness, Book 2.

  Consumed by Darkness, Book 3.

  Countess of Darkness, Book 4.

  Cursed by Christmas, A Christmas Story.

  * * *

  Witches of Fire & Ice

  *A Paranormal Romance *

  Evil Little Witch, Grimoire 1

  Lost Little Witch, Grimoire 2

  Pure Little Witch, (Coming 2021)

  * * *

  Supernatural Taskforce Academy

  *An Academy Series, Paranormal Romance Adventure

  From Authors J.L Weil & Stephany Wallace.*

  Scorpion Blood, Mission 1.

  Mystique Blaze, Mission 2.

  Immortal Shift, Mission 3. (Coming 2020.)

  * * *

  Darkling Penitentiary Series

  *A Supernatural Romance*

  Dark Phoenix Rising, the Prequel.

  (Available only for Newsletter Subscribers.

  Sign up today.)

  Phantom Assassin, Part 1

  Dark Rose Society, Part 2 (Coming 2021)

  God of the Realms, Part 3 (Coming 2021)

  * * *

  Rise of the Dragon Master

  *A Dragon Riders Paranormal Romance*

  Dragon Eye, Book 1

  Dragon Rider, Book 2 (Coming 2020)

  Dragon Master, Book 3 (Coming 202

  * * *

  Falling for Shifters

  *A Shifter Romance Anthology*

  Wolf Bait, A Wolf Shifter Romance Novella

  * * *

  Curse of Christmas

  *A Collection of Paranormal Holiday Stories*

  Cursed by Christmas, Dynasty of Blood: A Christmas Story

  Paranormal Winter

  Magical Hunters Academy Short Story

  Nicole Zoltack

  About Paranormal Winter

  Blond, preppy vampire Calli is more than ready to start her career off as a paranormal hunter with a bang… only her partner is the dryad she had a terrible first date with last year. Great. Just great. Just what Calli needs to ruin the holiday season.

  Chapter 1

  A paranormal hunter, that’s what I am. I don’t know if that’s what I’ll always be, but for now, it’ll do. I like the idea of hunting the evil paranormal creatures. They aren’t the most terrible of creatures, the ones we hunt. They’re to be sent to Magical Prison. The ones that paranormal slayers are sent after are borderline. Those creatures tend to fight back, and if that’s the case, the paranormal slayers can, guess what? You got it! Slay them! And paranormal executioners, they’re sent after the worst of the worst. Those bad boys don’t have a chance of being sent to Magical Prison. They’re just killed outright.

  I stare at my reflection and tilt my head from side to side, examining my makeup. You would never know by looking at me that I’m a vampire. Yes, I have to layer on the foundation thick to hide the fact that I’m a member of the Team Blood gang. I even wear fake teeth to cover my fangs sometimes. My hair is a bright blond, a platinum shade. My color contacts make it look like I have blue eyes. Honestly, I look like a preppy chick, and that’s how I want to look.

  It’s how I wished I look when I roll out of bed.

  It’s not that I hate being a vampire. I don’t. I just… I don’t mind the whole drinking blood bit. That’s not it. I don’t kill humans to get the blood. They never scream. I never hurt them none. I’m a good vampire. Naturally. HEX Unite wouldn’t want to hire me if I weren’t.

  And I’m a living vampire at that. My mom gave birth to me. Yes, she’s a vampire. My dad’s an incubus. Getting women pregnant is kind of their thing.

  I just wish sometimes that I was human. It’s why I pretend to be. Maybe that’s stupid, and this is just a phase I’ll outgrow. Who knows? For now, I’m only comfortable in my skin if I look like this.

  Glowing red eyes? No thank you. Pale skin that’s porcelain and makes me look like a doll? Not any better. At least I’m not one of the turned vampires. I’m alive. I’m not dead already, so I can wear perfume to smell nice versus drowning myself in it to cover the stench of decay.

  Today, though, I want to look perfect because I'm finally going to be given a partner. I can't wait to meet him or her.

  As I leave the bathroom, Hestia shakes her head. She’s a fellow vampire. Black hair, porcelain skin… She looks like a classic gothic vampire straight out of the pages of some boring novel about moors and ghosts.

  We’ve been friends since forever, long before we attended Magical Hunters Academy together.

  “I thought you died in there,” she says. “I don’t want to be late.”

  She’s in and out of the bathroom in two seconds flat.

  I roll my eyes. “Yes, you’re going to be so late,” I tease.

  We giggle and hook arms. Together, we race out of our apartment using our vampire speed, and we’re at the headquarters for HEX Unite not one minute later, giving us six whole minutes to spare.

  HEX Unite. Hunters, Slayers, Executions Unite. It’s where just about everyone who graduates from Magical Hunters Academy attends.

  Illa, a troll, eyes us. I swear I’ve never seen her large red eyes blink. Her purple complexion is amazing. Only her pointed ears give away the fairy blood in her system.

  “You’re late,” she says dryly.

  “No, we aren’t. We’re six minutes early,” I say proudly.

  “If you aren’t fifteen minutes early, you’re late,” she counters.

  “That’s backward,” I mutter.

  "Hestia, you…" Illa points, and Hestia takes off. She's already been assigned her partner. I hoped she and I would be together, but no dice.

  “I’m to get my partner today,” I inform the troll.

  “I know. He’s late.”

  “He?” I question, lifting my eyebrows.

  “Here I am.”

  “You’re late,” Illa tells him. “Callidora, this is Clover. Clover, Callidora.”

  “It’s Calli,” I correct her. “Calli Cruorem.”

  I turn to my partner, my hand extended, and pause.

  “I know it’s Calli,” he mumbles.

  My heart starts to pound and not in a good way.


  A dryad.

  The dryad I went on a date with during my third year at Magical Hunters Academy. My friends tried to tell me it wouldn’t work out, but I thought Clover was handsome and intelligent and kind. I told them that opposites attract. Not that I thought myself ugly, dumb, and cruel. But I know that vampires take and dryads give.

  Yeah, a once and done type thing. Clover cut things off with me after that one date, and he hadn’t been the kindest about it either.

  I force myself to smile, but I probably just flash my teeth at him. I opted not to wear the teeth cover today, so he can see my fangs. He'll probably take that as a threat, and whatever. He can think whatever he wants.

  I cross my arms and eye Illa. “We have no say in our partner?”

  “No. No say whatsoever. Why? You don’t want to work with a dryad?” Illa sounds bored. “What about you? You unwilling to work with a vampire?”

  Clover stiffens. “I will do what is asked of me.”

  I eye the dryad. He looks every bit as handsome now as he did last year, which irks me to no end. His body is brown like a tree trunk. His hair is moss-like. Who knows? Maybe it is moss. I wanted to touch it before, but now? No thank you. He had to wear brown and green clothes at the academy, but it seems like he favors them because he’s wearing brown slacks and a green golf shirt that matches the deep green of his hair. His eyes are every bit of a rich brown as they used to be, like molten chocolate.

  “Follow me,” Illa says. “In the office, I’ll give you your first assignment.”

  She marches off, but Clover and I hesitate.

  “We’ll make the best of this, I guess,” I say, trying to sound chipper.

  “Don’t misunderstand,” Clover says darkly. “I will do what is asked of me, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

  Chapter 2

  The office is small, cramped, with just enough room for a desk and two chairs. Not even a chair behind the desk. It's a taller desk to accommodate Illa's height, and she hands over a folder.

  I accept it before Clover does. I’ll handle this case, bring in the creature, and be done with it and him as quickly as possible. “What’s the creature?” I ask eagerly.

  “It’s a doozy,” Illa says. “You’ll have to go to Japan.” She names a specific city that sounds just wonderful. Of course, she could’ve named any Japanese city, and I would’ve thought that amazing too. I’ve always wanted to head out there.

  “I’ve never been there before.” I grin. Maybe this will be fun.

  “You’ll want to bundle up some,” Illa tells the dryad. “It’s not that cold there in late December, but it is colder than you would prefer, I’m sure.”

  “I’ll be fine,” Clover says stiffly.

  “It’ll be Christmas Eve when we arrive,” I say. “Do they celebrate Christmas over there?”

  “How does that have any bearing on our assignment?” Clover asks.

  I lift my chin. “Excuse me if I want to get to know other cultures. I thought that would be a smart thing to do. If we can talk to the people there, we might be able to track down the creature faster.”

How about we learn what the creature is first?” he counters coolly.

  A muscle in my neck jumps, and I want to scream. Why is he so infuriating? It seems like he hates me. Why? Our date had been terrible, yes, but we hardly talked at all. More like, I tried to ask him questions to get him to talk, but he wouldn’t, so I did all the talking. Betcha he thinks I talk too much. Typical. How rude is that?

  “The target is a Yuki-Onna named Yua," Illa says. I swear she's almost smiling. She probably thinks we're going to fail.

  We won’t.

  I won’t.

  “Do you know what—”

  I interrupt Illa. “A snow spirit,” I say eagerly.

  “A woman who dies from the cold,” Clover interjects.

  “She has magic powers over the cold.” I side-eye the dryad. “You might want to stand back before she freezes you and snaps you like a twig.”

  “Yukionnas are demons who can steal souls,” Clover adds as if I hadn’t said anything.

  "She can kill people by freezing them to death, or she can feed on the life essence of the living." I glare at the dryad. "Considering she's to be hunted and not slew or executed, I'm thinking that it's more like that she feeds off people."

  “Does she appear with a child in her arms?” Clover asks, ignoring me entirely.

  Illa smirks. “You’ll have to do that research yourselves. “Do try to be in and out. The Japanese people don’t celebrate the Christmas season like we do here, but they do have fun on Christmas Eve.”


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