Holidays Bite: A Limited Edition Collection of Holiday Vampire Tales

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Holidays Bite: A Limited Edition Collection of Holiday Vampire Tales Page 23

by Laura Greenwood

  “They do?”

  “Yes. Don’t let the magical night be spoiled for all of the lovely couples.”

  I furrow my brow. “Lovely couples…”

  “It’s more like a romantic day for couples there. Almost like a second Valentine’s Day.”

  “Wonderful,” Clover grumbles.

  “It is wonderful,” I snap. “Any excuse to bring people together and to show their love—”

  “Love shouldn’t need a day or two on a calendar to be shown. It should be shown all year round.”

  “I’m not denying that, but people can be busy, can get complacent, and—”

  “That’s when people are lax and start to drink blood right in front of their dates.”

  I bristle. “Is that what you remember? Because that is not what happened!”

  “Yes, you did. You were flirting with the waiter, and—”

  “I was not! Gregory is an old friend of mine, and—”

  “Someone you used to date?”

  “No. I never dated Gregory. Eq. I’ve known him since we wore diapers. I remember the one time he took his poopy diaper off and put it on his head like a hat. It was disgusting! No, I’m not into Gregory. Not at all. If you must know, he slipped me a vial from his sleeve. I didn’t drink from his wrist, if that’s what you asked. I was nervous about our date, and I couldn’t drink beforehand because of said nerves. I was too amped up, and I needed blood. Gregory hooked me up. I was about to put it into my drink so you wouldn’t even know what was going on. How did you think I drank from him?”

  “You flashed your fangs, and…”

  "I can't help that I'm a vampire," I say, as stiffly as he's said anything. "If you can't handle that I need blood to survive, that's on you. But seriously, pull the stick out of your stump. We have a job to do, and I don't want the Yuki-Onna to change her MO and start to freeze people to death. What do you say we blow this joint?"

  Clover gapes at me. Then, he spins on the ball of his right foot and marches out of there.

  Illa crosses her arms and leans back against the wall. “You two.”

  “What?” I grumble.

  She just smirks.

  I huff and march right on out of there.

  Chapter 3

  Thankfully, HEX Unite has a seemingly unlimited supply of fairy dust, so we can teleport to Japan instead of having to fly over. I can't imagine being on a ridiculously long flight sitting next to Clover. Even if I sat in the front and him in the back, I wouldn't want his laser stare pointed at the back of my head. No thank you.

  When we arrive, I gape at the lights. The Christmas decorations are beautiful. Given what Illa said, I hadn’t expected the colorful lights. Bushes are trimmed in blue lights, and there's a silver-white tree light up with a matching star on top. I can't tell if it's actually a tree or just strings of light tilted to make the appearance of a full tree. Either way, it's stunning.

  “Can you gape some more?” Clover asks. “I don’t think everyone realizes we’re tourists yet.”

  I grin at him. "Oh, don't be a spoilsport. Don't you dare ruin any couple's night, do you hear?"

  “Excuse me,” a man says to me in Japanese. “Can you take our picture?”

  “Yes,” I tell him in fluent Japanese.

  Clover grunts.

  I smirk at him as I accept the man’s camera. He poses with his girlfriend in front of the light-string tree. Then, they kiss, and I snap another pic.

  “Check them to see if they’re all right,” I say.

  He does. His girlfriend points at one and giggles.

  “Thank you,” he says. “Can I take your photo?”

  “No,” Clover says.

  “Yes,” I say at the same time.

  After handing the man my phone, I grab the dryad’s arm and march him over to the spot the other couple stood in. Clover is as stiff beside me as a tree can be, but I smile brightly.

  As I accept my phone back, I murmur to the man, “Have you heard about that strange illness?”

  The girlfriend shudders. “The doctors can’t tell what’s going on.”

  “Do you know where the people fell ill?” I ask.

  “Over by the bridge.”

  I nod. That makes sense. After all, water would draw out a snow spirit.

  “You aren’t going to try to head that way, are you?” she asks. “You should come with us. We’re going to get some fried chicken.”

  “That sounds delicious,” I say warmly.

  “We can’t,” Clover interjects. “We already ate.”

  “We did. Maybe we can tomorrow? Unless you’re busy…”

  We exchange numbers, with Clover huffing. When we introduce ourselves, I have to say Clover’s name for him because he just stands there like a loaf.

  "You're a sad sack," I tell him as the cute couple walks away. Aiko is leaning her head on Haru’s shoulder as they go about the rest of their night.

  “I am not. Excuse me if I don’t want to pretend this is a vacation. In case you’ve forgotten—”

  “I haven’t forgotten,” I snap, “but we need to blend in, and we need to learn where the attacks are occurring. Now, we know without anyone being the wiser. I don’t want to risk upsetting anyone—”

  “I bet you smiled real wide for the picture, didn’t you?”

  I grin at him, flashing my teeth. “Did they seem frightened at all? No, because they didn’t see my fangs. Relax. I’m not an imbecile. I know what I’m doing.”

  He flares his nostrils.

  “How were you planning on learning where to go? Head to a hospital? Interview the victims? They might be in comas, and I don’t want to risk causing them mental anguish by approaching them. I figured all along that I would talk to random strangers. Yes, it might take a bit to learn something, and yes, the bridge isn’t a huge clue—”

  “I know what bridge she’s talking about,” he says.

  “Great! Lead the way!” I beam at him.

  He stares at me a moment and then shakes his head as he lowers his gaze to the ground.

  “What is it?”

  “Is it me, or is it getting colder?” he asks.

  I glance around and then shrug. “Yeah, it’s a little colder.”

  “Cold enough to snow?”

  “I hope so. Yua will have no choice but to come out on a night that snows.” I grin. “Maybe if you’re nice to me, I can help us out with that.”

  He scowls. “No way. You can’t—”

  “I can.”

  “That is serious magic.”

  “I’m a serious vampire.”

  “But…” He does the whole look at me and then away thing again.

  “What? Because I have blond hair and blue eyes, I can’t be a serious vampire? I’m a living one. I have feelings, you know. I’m not dead inside. You might be as hollow as a tree—”

  “Trees aren’t hollow.”

  “Yeah, well, you’re as thick as one.”

  He blinks a few times.

  “You know, thick as in…”

  Clover rolls his eyes, but I swear the corners of his lips are curling upward slightly. “How about we head to the bridge now?”

  “Sure. Be on the lookout for a woman with black, long hair, pale skin, and—”

  “Blue lips,” we say at the same time.

  “You know your creatures,” he says.

  “Of course. We all had to study up on them.”

  “Yes, but not everyone can recall every creature just like that.” He snaps his fingers.

  “Yeah? And not every vampire can conjure a storm just like that.” I snap my finger.

  Clover glances around and looks up. “Um…”

  “It’s dark. You can’t see the cloud, but it’s there. Have some faith. By the time we reach this bridge, it’ll be snowing.” I wrap my arm through his. “How about we head on over now?”

  “Is this necessary?”

  “We want to blend in.”

  “With your hair, that’s impossible.�

  “There’s nothing wrong with blending in and standing out.”


  I giggle, and I think he might laugh. Maybe Clover’s not quite as bad as I thought and more like my initial impression of him, but why did he assume the worst of me? Why did he think I would drink in front of him? And even if I had, why would that freak him out so much? He knew I’m a vampire when he asked me out.

  Oh, well. I’m not here to rekindle a romance with him. I’m here to capture my first evil paranormal creature, and I won’t let anything or anyone stop me from doing my job.

  Chapter 4

  It’s a beautiful stroll over to the bridge, and I timed it perfectly. The storm opens up, and flurries start to fall as we step onto the bridge. There are a fair amount of people wandering here, which makes me wonder if it’s a tourist spot, especially because a lot of people are snapping pics.

  “She’ll have her choice pick if she’s here,” I murmur in Clover’s ear.

  He turns toward me, and I try to ignore my racing heartbeat. He would just have to turn a little bit more, and we could kiss. It’s romantic, the darkness, the snow falling, the light… I can see why the Japanese hold Christmas Eve as a night for lovers.

  “She would want to be away from them some. She won’t take someone to feed on out in public,” he says.

  “Any suggestions?”

  “Maybe under the bridge?”

  “Why not?”

  We head that way, and we pass by a couple kissing. They look so very happy, young and in love, and I try not to be bitter at their happiness. A lot of my friends have found love, but me? I’m still looking. I’m young yet, I know, but there’s something about having someone at Christmastime. It’s a magical time of year even if you’re a human.

  The snow starts to pick up, covering the bridge entirely in a thin layer. As we head beneath the bridge, there aren’t any tracks. None.

  “She can’t leave any tracks,” Clover reminds me.

  “No animals are leaving tracks, which means she has to be nearby,” I point out.

  He grins at me. “You’re right.”

  “Music to my ears.”

  Up ahead, there’s a huge mound of snow that shouldn’t have accumulated yet. A faint voice calls for help, and a man rushes over.


  I forget that Clover and I have our arms linked, and I use my speed to be beside the man in an instant. Clover bristles as we stop, and I almost shove him aside as I grab the man’s arm.

  “We’ll save her,” I say firmly.

  “But—” His eyes are glazed over, as if he’s in a trance.

  I use my power of compulsion. “You will leave us to save her and forget you saw her in the first place.”

  The man wanders off in a daze, and we turn to face the Yuki-Onna.

  Yua is rubbing her arms. She's wearing a white shift of a dress, and her black hair falls forward over her shoulders. Her eyes are dark, black like coal and just as lifeless. “Come, help me, please,” she begs.

  “You can cut the drama,” I say. “The gig is up?”

  “Is it?” Yua bends down and picks up a baby. “Won’t you help this little one? She’s going to die. Look!”

  The Yuki-Onna holds out the baby. The baby's face is gray, her lips as blue as Yua’s. The baby looks already dead.

  There’s no heartbeat.

  The baby’s only an illusion.

  Clover shakes his head. “You can’t believe we’ll fall for that.”

  Yua throws back her head and howls with laughter. “You think I’m going to come easily? You two are so wet behind the ears that it’s amazing I haven’t turned you both into icicles yet. Would you like that, living vampire? Don’t demons hate the cold?”

  “You’re a demon,” I snap. “You love the cold.”

  “I love the snow.”

  She opens her mouth, and a winter’s wind blows out. It dumps three feet of snow on us in seconds, but I just race forward.

  “Don’t touch her!” Clover calls out.

  He's right, of course, but I can't let her


  The Yuki-Onna shrieks with laughter as she runs, floating about the snow. If we don't hurry and stop her now, she'll shapeshift into fog. If that's the case, we'll lose her entirely.

  Something tugs on my arm. Clover? No. A vine. It grows as I grab, growing and growing, and I whip it back and then forward.

  The vine snakes through the air, but the Yuki-Onna transforms into the fog, and she melts away into the night.

  “Are you kidding me?” I howl.

  Clover jogs up beside me. “Don’t worry. We almost had her.”

  “We weren’t ready.”

  “We’ll be ready next time.”

  How the tables have turned. He’s being so kind and understanding now. He’s the one being optimistic, instead of me.

  “We’ll be ready,” I echo.

  But will there be a next time? Or will she skip out of town?

  Chapter 5

  We head back up to the bridge, having no other idea where to go, and we walk along it. My eyes are peeled for anyone in that same trance-like state of the man. My ears strain to hear cries for help.

  “She has to be hungry,” Clover murmurs to me. “She was almost ready to feed on that guy.”

  “Maybe the other end of the bridge?”

  “Maybe. If not…”

  I didn’t want to think about that, and neither does Clover.

  An idea comes to me, and I bend down to the snow, and I smear it down my face, washing off my makeup. Clover doesn’t say a word but watches me.

  There. Maybe now I can trick the Yuki-Onna. She won't recognize me, and—

  Suddenly, a woman shrieks. “Someone has to help her!”

  We race over, not too quickly because there are humans about. There’s a massive snowbank again. Yua is there, holding not one but two babies.

  “Grab the babies first,” the woman shrieks.

  I tap her shoulder. “Leave and forget what you saw.”

  Clover bristles, but I use my speed and send all of the humans away.

  Except for two males. They’re just about ready to touch the babies.

  If they do, they’ll freeze on the spot.

  Vine snatches the guys’ arms, pinning them in place. I quickly compel them too, but it’s much harder this time. Yua is furious. She’s trying harder to get her meals, but I overpower her magical might, and as soon as Clover releases the men, they take off.

  “You won’t win.” Yua sneers.

  “No?” I ask innocently. “You love the ice, don’t you?”

  She glowers at me.

  “But the cold killed you. Aren’t you freezing?” I ask, coming closer.

  “Yes, come to me, child,” she says, her eyes lighting up although they still appear lifeless.

  I come closer.

  “Calli,” Clover warns, but I know what I’m doing.

  “So cold,” I murmur. “I can warm you up.”

  I’m right in front of her. We can reach out and grab each other, but before she can touch me, I hold up a hand.

  A hand holding a ball of fire.

  “I can heat you up real fast,” I say.

  The Yuki-Onna lets out a shrill. She staggers back a step, but the snow mound works against her.

  Concealed by the snow she magically created, Clover sends out vines, and he wraps her up tight, starting with her arms and then the rest of her body until she’s smothered in a cocoon of greenery.

  “You’re going to find that you have a much different diet at Magical Prison,” I say eagerly. “I hope you don’t mind.”

  Yua opens her mouth, and Clover wraps one last vine tendril around her mouth to muzzle her.

  "Do you want to call Illa, or should I?" I ask, grinning at my partner.

  “I’ll do it,” Clover says.

  The Yuki-Onna shuts her eyes, but I feel no sympathy. She preyed on people, and now, she'll be put away where she can
either learn to control her impulses or remain there for the rest of her life.

  That’s the life of a paranormal hunter. You hunt down the ones that can possibly be rehabilitated.

  A fulfilling life.

  One that hopefully won’t be lonely for long.

  Chapter 6

  Illa herself comes to collect and transport the Yuki-Onna. I didn't even realize that until Clover comes up to me. I'm standing on the bridge, looking out into the distance at all of the beautiful, shining lights, taking in this gorgeous night. The snowfall from my storm has tempered down, so it's barely flurrying, but it still adds to the magic of the night.

  “Yua’s being locked up right now,” he murmurs.

  “Oh. So we have to go back?”

  “I asked for tonight and tomorrow off for us. We earned it.”

  “One assignment and then time off? Score!” I grin. “Ah, you going to head back now?”

  “I thought maybe we could head to a bakery I spied. It had a sign out front for Christmas cake.”

  “That sounds delicious.” I eye him. “Are you sure you want to go there with me?”

  “Why not? You’re my partner.”

  “I know, but…”

  “We can talk over dessert.”

  To my shock, he links our arms, and we take a lovely stroll to the bakery. There’s a table for us to sit outside. Christmas cake, as it turns out, is a cut sponge cake topped with strawberries and whipped cream. It’s delicious.

  Clover laughs and touches the tip of my nose. “How did you get some there?” He licks the whipped cream off his finger.

  “I don’t know.” I shrug. “So…”

  “Yes.” Clover leans forward and clears his throat. “I… You deserve an apology. I… I think I was… My friends…”

  “They didn’t think work,” I say dryly. “My friends said the same thing.”

  “I tried to tell them that opposites attract—”

  “I said the same thing!”

  Clover grins and runs a hand through his hair.

  “Is it… Can I touch it?” I ask shyly.

  “My hair? Sure.”


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