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Holidays Bite: A Limited Edition Collection of Holiday Vampire Tales

Page 73

by Laura Greenwood

  Before I can get the car in park, Jasper jumps out of the car. He has a soft spot for situations like this. His father abused his mother when he was growing up.

  My muscles tense and my heart shifts as I walk closer to the scene. It’s too close to Christmas. Two more days. No need for anyone to lose a family member.

  “Excuse me,” I bark, making my way through the crowd. Jasper has a male pinned up against a building. I scan the area for the woman. I didn’t locate a woman who appeared to be in distress. Then I race to Jasper’s side.

  “What’s going on here?” I yell. Jasper has a temper and can be rough with criminals.

  Jasper pushes his face hard into the wall as the man screams that he didn’t do anything.

  “Where is the lady?” I scream.

  A gust of wind and screams from the crowd behind me makes me tremble. A crash of people fall around at my feet. I pivot around and drop my gaze to the ground to see one man has tackled another. Easing my gun out the holster, I try not to show the terror on my face. I’m in fear for my life.

  “Stop!” I scream. The man rises anyway. I see a knife on the ground.

  “He was charging toward you with a knife,” he responds. Blood had rushed from his face, leaving him as pale as snow.

  He stares at me with such admiration. A familiar face, as if I’d seen him before.


  “She is here,” I growl. Busting through the bathroom door, I search for a coat. I must leave at once. My heart swells as my veins throb. My fangs buzz at my gums, ready to emerge at any minute.

  The sweet taste of her blood is a figment of my imagination. It has been years since I’ve had it. But I crave it's savory, juicy texture.

  “No one’s here,” Cruz says as he lets out a yawn and rearranges himself on the sofa. He places the blanket over him and closes his eyes.

  “Get up, you maggot,” I bark, then kick at the sofa.

  He sleeps most of the day away. If I didn’t know any better, I’d assume he’s a vampire like me.

  “We can go find her in two hours,” he groans, eyes still shut.

  “No, she’s here,” I respond as I hear the commotion going on downstairs. I force the window up to look downstairs. And her presence is overwhelming. I must find her. I snatch away from the window and race towards the door.

  Cruz sits up on the couch and rises with his pajamas misaligned. He rubs his eyes. “Alright, we can go downstairs.”

  I stand at the door waiting for him. He slides on his slippers and makes his way to the door.

  “Hey, man, you don’t have a reflection,” Cruz says.

  I snarl and crack the mirror on my way down the stairs.

  The creak of the stairs behind me tells me that Cruz is on my heels. I march toward the crowd. The aura becomes so intense I nearly faint.

  Even with her back turned to me, instantly I recognize her. The same glow and slim physique. I lick my lips at the thought of the lovemaking we shared decades ago. But the memories never leave my mind. The love never left my heart.

  Suddenly, a tall man wearing a grey hooded sweater steps closer to her. His facial features are almost completely covered. But his pale face has a tinge of pink. Either he is angry or freezing. He raises a silver knife and the sun glints off it, sending a sharp pain to my eyes. But the crunch of his tennis shoes grinding into the snow is rapid. Fast enough for me to know he is running. I force my eyes open to witness him charging toward Lauren. I fly forward and within a second, I’m forcing him to the ground. If he hurts her, I’ll devour him. Here and now.

  She twists around and yells, “Stop,” a frown covering fear on her face.

  I stand to my feet and rest my gaze on her. The world stops. The gibberish from the crowd fizzles in the background. All my attention is on her.

  The brown eyes are a perfect almond shape. I can tell she remembers me. She pauses as if she is grateful that I’ve returned.

  “He was charging toward you,” I respond, feeling warm on the inside. My love is here. I can hardly contain my emotions. The energy buzzing between us is like Time Square on a Saturday night. I want to grab her hand and whisk her away to our realm, but she would never understand. In time she will.

  “Thank You,” she mutters as she put her gun back in its holster. Her uniform is sexy. In our last life in New York, she worked as a nurse by day and we drank blood at night. She was never the tough type, and she was terrified of guns.

  “You’re welcome.” I raise an eyebrow, trying to snatch my eyes from her, but I can’t. Her tantalizing stare drives me wild. She’s confident and assertive.

  “What happened?” Cruz asks as he rests his hand on my shoulder. I want to slap him silly for bursting this bubble I was in with Lauren.

  “Nothing,” I respond, never taking my eyes off Lauren.

  She drops her gaze to the idiot who charged at her with a knife. She grabs his wrist, then throws the handcuffs on him. “I can handle it from here,” she responds. The red lipstick smeared across her lips gives me hot flashes. She looks even younger than I imagined her.

  Her partner comes into view. “Let go,” he growls as the man he had in cuffs continues trying to break free.

  She walks toward the car. I can’t let her leave. I follow behind.

  “Wait.” I stalk closer. “What’s your name?”

  “Officer Green,” she responds and gives me a sheepish smile.

  Officer. I was expecting her first name, not a formal name. Besides, we know each other on a more intimate level.


  My shift is finally over, and Jasper offers to take me home. I suppose I could call an Uber, but I'd rather save the 20 dollars it costs. Since my raggedy car is in the shop I’ve taken the squad car home most nights, but it’s needed by another officer tonight.

  Jasper put on his music of old rock bands. Although he isn’t much older than me, he likes music from the 90s. He says his dad used to listen to the band when he was younger and it stuck to him.

  At twenty-two, I’d never thought I’d be an officer. But they were hiring, and I had bills. My grandma left me the house, but it needed many repairs. My parents had long vanished when I was a child. Grandma says they weren’t ready to be parents. They were obsessed with vampires. On my fifth birthday, they went on a crusade to find vampires. Never to be seen again.

  We arrive in front of my house. Terry prances around the window and I could practically hear his purr. I didn’t let him out much. Most days when I got home he was hiding under the bed. Today he’s happy to see me. He must be hungry.

  Jasper turns the radio off then shoots me a deep look of concern. Not one drop of sarcasm graces his features. That’s a first.

  “What is it?” I get that sinking sensation in my chest. Like I’m in a bottle full of water. The last time he gave me a serious glance, his mother passed away.

  His green eyes sparkle. He gave me a lustful blink. “I like you, Lauren.”

  I let out a sigh of relief. It hung in the air like a foul odor. “I like you too, Jasper,” I reply.

  “No, I like you.” His eyes shy away from my direct gaze. “Like my father loved my mother.”

  I don’t know why he’s even saying this. He is a self-proclaimed ladies’ man. He’s even told me how he plays all these women. “I will not be a part of your harem.”

  “No, it’s not like that,’’ he responds. “I’d let all the other women go if you would give me a shot.”

  “You're not ready for that.” Although I find Jasper sweet and sexy, I’m not getting my heart broken. Besides, we’re co-workers and I have one policy: no sex with co-workers.

  “I’m ready. What’s wrong, are you seeing somebody?”

  “No, that’s not the problem.” I push the few strands of hair out of my face, then pin Jasper with a stare. “We are good friends. No point in messing that up.”

  He sighs. “If that’s the way you feel. Do you need me to walk you in?”

  “No, I have Terry at
the window to protect me. Good night, Jasper.”

  I toss and turn, and my feet become tangled in the sheets. A slow drip of sweat moves down my back.

  The cry from a baby awakens me. I yawn, then nudge the guy next to me. He doesn’t move. “Bailey,” I yell.

  He snaps awake in a panic. “What?” he yells.

  “The baby.”

  “Oh.” He rushes out of bed, heading towards the nursery, I assume. I hear him say “Hush, hush.”

  I grab the breast pump from the side of the bed, cursing at the dreadful machine. I wince and apply the suction cups to my nipple.

  Cradling the baby in his arms, he enters the room. He’s such a gentle father, and he loves Amber.

  She was named after the color of her eyes. They seem to glow at night. He brings her to me and I lay her on my lap.

  I continue pumping. Tears fill my eyes as the machine sucks the life from my nipple. I hate it, but it is the best thing for the baby. Bailey grabs a bottle from the nightstand. His eyes turn a fluorescent orange.

  “I can handle it.” I know he’d just awakened, and it takes a lot of energy to transition.

  “No, I’ve got.” His fangs bust through his gums. He raises his hand, biting his finger. Drops of blood sprinkle down his hand. He places the bottle to his finger, allowing a steady flow of blood.

  He hands the bottle to me, and I pour my milk into the bottle and shake it up. Amber is fuzzy; she’s starving. She needs a little blood to get her through the night.

  I place the bottle in her mouth and immediately she quiets down and continues devouring the bottle as if it’s her last.

  Bailey giggles at her enormous appetite.

  I force my eyes open and hop out of bed screaming, “Help me, Help me.” The stranger, I think as I bury my face in my hands. That was a hell of a dream.


  I stand in the shadows of the trees, lurking. Waiting for my chance to strike. The paleness of my face has become like powder. If I don’t feed soon, I’ll have to return to my realm without my love.

  The mumble of human voices puts me on alert. I watch as a couple jogs past. Not my target. I’m looking for a vulnerable female walking her puppy, unaware of her surroundings.

  There. I spot a lady buzzing along with headphones on.

  The hunger pains ignite in my abdomen as my mouth waters with delight. It’s feeding time. I creep down the wooded area, heading for the path. I pause and take in a breath. What if she’s a mother? My Amber misses her mother, and she never got over it.

  I'm jittery, in need of her blood like a diabetic needs sugar. I narrow my gaze in on her bulging neck veins calling my name. My breathing increases. How do I resist? I inch closer. I can’t turn away now. My stomach aches like a burning fire.

  Just do it, I tell myself. She’s within feet of me. She smiles at me and continues her jog, her hair flowing down her back. Her joggers are tight on her frame. She passes me, and I give her a fake smile. I’m not an animal, but I am a vampire.

  Turning behind her, I follow her for a few feet. She has no idea I’m there, stalking her, my prey. If she had turned down her headphones and was not so trusting of strange men in the park on early winter morning, she could have survived.

  I have to think about Amber. I’m bringing her the best Christmas present ever: her mother. With that thought, I force myself forward, pushing my victim to the grown.

  By the time anyone would hear her screams, I’d severed her carotid artery. The blood there is plentiful. She lands on the ground of the bike path. Without screaming, she attempts to get back to her feet.

  I grab her by her ankles, dragging her to the woods. Now she screams and kicks. It's too late; I’ve made up my mind already. This is my feeding and I'll enjoy every second of it.

  She lets out a piercing scream that startles me and I turn to view her. She has the fear of death on her face. No need for her to be frightened; she’s going to meet her maker. I hold my finger to my lips, warning her to be quiet.

  She does and I lean in closer. Like a wild horse, she kicks me in the face. Temporarily, things become misaligned. I wasn’t expecting her to kick me and with such force.

  Once everything becomes stable, I realize that I let her go. She’s a few feet in front of me, running for her life.

  I fly closer and grab her by her long blonde hair. Yanking her back to me, I force my fangs out. I sink my teeth into her neck, breaking through her flesh. Immediately, blood shoots into my mouth. I relax and continue drinking, pleasing myself. She becomes heavy. Now there are no sounds or movement. I drain her dry. It only took ten minutes, but my skin color is returning to a pale pink.

  The growling rumble in my stomach has ceased. I drop the corpse to the ground and exit the wooded area back on the bike path. Sirens wail in the background and I continue on my jog.

  Up ahead, there are several flashing lights: the cops. And I get that buzzing feeling that I have to answer. That magnetic force she has, driving me to her. Her body is calling me. It’s almost time for us to return home to our realm.

  I continue to the flashing lights to see four people talking with Lauren, my eternal love. I jog closer and turn down the headphones I had stolen from my victim.

  I pause in front of Lauren, causing her to freeze, her eyes stuck on me. Her cheeks become red, and I’m not sure if she’s blushing or afraid.

  “Hey, did you hear any screaming?" her partner questions.

  I take the headphones off to show that I'd been listening to music. “What?”

  “Have you heard any screams around here?" Lauren questions

  “No,” I report.

  “What are you doing here?” Lauren prods.

  “I’m taking my morning jog. I do every morning.”

  She nods. “These ladies heard a woman scream.”

  “I haven’t heard anything. But perhaps we can discuss it over dinner.”

  “Perhaps,” she says.

  She hands me a card. “My cell number is there. If you remember anything, give me a call.” She winks.

  Yeah, I’ll call her for sure and convince her it's time she comes home to be with me and Amber. She has to remember us.


  I agreed to go on a date with a complete stranger. I’m not desperate. But it’s something about him. I even had a weird-ass dream about him. The way he looks at me with such lust. I’ve never had that before. Maybe it was love at first sight. I don’t believe in that. But it’s like we’re made for each other.

  He has a nice strong build, and the bluest eyes I’ve seen. Jasper is handsome, and he says he likes me, but he doesn’t look at me the way Bailey does.

  I stare at myself in the mirror as I scatter my makeup. I only have five minutes before eight o’clock, when he is to pick me up. He insisted we go out today. I wanted to wait, since it is Christmas eve. But I didn’t have anyone to spend it with, anyway.

  It doesn’t matter that he is a stranger to me. I certainly can take care of myself. I’ll whip his ass and then arrest him. No one fucks with me. I put my glasses on to get a better view of my makeup. Perfect, I think. No contacts tonight. I'm going to wear my glasses.

  My iPhone pulsates on the counter. I stop drawing my eyeliner and shoot a glance at the phone. Bailey’s name flashes across the screen. He is on time to the second. I answer the phone.

  “I’m sitting outside your home as we speak.”

  “Ok, I'll be out in one second,” I respond.

  I hurry and finish my makeup, putting the last touch on: my spicy red lipstick. It drives all the men insane.

  Racing to the front, I notice the classical music playing outside. I slip the curtain to the side and take a peek out the window. A gleaming white limousine sits in the driveway. That can’t be him. He ordered a limousine to pick me up. He’s truly a sweetheart. I exit the door and lock it behind me.

  Trying to control my excitement, I walk to the limo, gripping my purse tightly. I’m nervous and have nothing else to squee
ze. I clench my jaw tightly to prevent a smile.

  The driver hops out the limo. He nods, then opens the back door. He doesn’t say a word, but I remember him. It’s his friend that was with him the first day we met.

  I slide into the car, onto the warm leather seats. How does he know I hate cold leather seats in the winter? The lights are dim and there’s champagne on ice.

  “Hello, Lauren,” he says in a smooth voice like Barry White. My heart melts when I see his face. Considering the vivid dream I had, I should tremble with terror.

  “Hello,” I respond, looking around the car. “You always travel in a limo?” I question.

  “No, but only the best for you.” He grabs my hand.

  I blush; I can’t control it. “Where are we eating?”

  “Wherever you want to go,” he responds before kissing the back of my hand.

  “I don’t have a preference.”

  “I have scheduled our reservations at Chandra’s Steak House.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  “Cruz, take us to the steak house.”

  “Sure thing, boss,” Cruz says.

  We get to the restaurant and I have never seen anything so nice. I have never eaten here and usually I don’t eat steak, but today I will.

  As we await our meal, he places his hand on the table and I place my hand in his. I’m mesmerized by him. It’s magic. He has me hypnotized.

  “So, are you from Brooklyn?”

  “Yes, born and raised. How about you?”

  “No, I'm from Ontario, but I spend a lot of time in New York.”

  “Where is your family?” he questions.

  “Well, my parents disappeared when I was younger and my grandma died three years ago. She left me the house.”

  “So, no family?”

  I sigh. “No, but I have a cute cat named Terry.”

  We could have sat and talked for hours, but I have to work tomorrow.

  After dinner, he takes me home and I wonder if I'll ever see him again. The date was magical, like a fairy tale. I have never connected with someone on a deep level this way. He’s so intelligent.


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