Holidays Bite: A Limited Edition Collection of Holiday Vampire Tales

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Holidays Bite: A Limited Edition Collection of Holiday Vampire Tales Page 86

by Laura Greenwood

  Alex, not wanting to be left in the dust, began kissing his way up her leg, her inner thigh, then her sex.

  It was one kind of competition between the two men that Katie was okay with.

  Katie released a moaning noise she would have been embarrassed to make at any other time.

  Not now. Not when she was with them.

  Alex flicked his tongue on her clit. He moaned as he tasted her, as though there wasn’t anything in the world he liked more.

  Every sound he made, every wiggle of his tongue, brought an even deeper reaction out from her. She couldn’t stop herself from shivering and sighing under his kiss or the gentle sucking from Frederick.

  “Make her make noise for us, vampire,” Frederick commanded, his hand gripping her breast firmly enough to make her gasp, the sharp contrast in sensation pulling her back from the edge, giving Alex more time to continue licking and sucking on her clit without worry that she was going to come.

  As good as it felt to have both of their hands on her, both of their mouths on her, she needed so much more than this.

  Katie needed them. Immediately.

  “I...I need...I want...” she couldn’t get the words out. Both men were a little too good at making her lose her mind, and she could hardly stand it any longer.

  “She’s close,” Frederick said. “Give it to her harder. I want to see her face when she comes.”

  They were so fucking mean sometimes that she didn’t understand how she managed to love them so much.

  Alex did as he was told, pushing his fingers inside of her to add more to her pleasurable torture.

  If there was any information they happened to want, she would have gladly provided it if it meant they would bring her off even sooner, but that didn’t seem to be what the end goal was, despite Frederick’s words.

  They seemed to want to draw it out for as long as they could while simultaneously making her pleasure rise higher and higher.

  How the hell were they doing it? Every single time they tag-teamed her, she couldn’t figure out how they managed to wind her up so much. It was a complete mystery.

  One she never wanted to solve.

  “P-Please,” she begged. She didn’t care how it made her look. She would plead all day long if it got her the result she needed it.

  Alex ignored her, however, keeping his focus on his task with no hint of letting up.

  It was time for her to bring out her wild card.

  Reaching down, she took hold of Alex’s hair with both of her hands. As though on instinct, he pulled back from her sex, looking up at her as she stared down at him, putting all of her power into what she said next. “I need you.”

  That did it. She could almost see the click inside his mind that took away any refusal he had about giving her what she wanted.

  Frederick tried to neutralize her command. “Alex, don’t do it. It’s a trick. Alex!”

  Too late, and Katie couldn’t help the small laughed that that bubbled out of her at her win.

  Alex stood tall, his hard cock standing at attention, and spread her thighs before he slammed home.

  Filling her, claiming her, taking her. Katie needed it. She opened her mouth in a silent gasp. It was almost too much for her to handle. She came immediately, the build-up had been too much, but that didn’t seem to matter to Alex as he pounded into her.

  Frederick muttered a curse but instantly went along with it as he tilted Katie’s head back and kissed her full on the mouth while she moaned through her orgasm. As though he wanted to swallow all of it down, to take in his share of it.

  Katie might have blacked out a little. It had to be the strength of the orgasm, or just the power both men had over her in general. It was as though time slipped away, and when she opened her eyes again, Alex was still inside her, but he was looking at her the way a purring cat might.

  And she wasn’t pushed up against the counter island anymore with Frederick at her side.

  “When...when did we get on the floor?”

  That’s where they were, and Frederick lay beside her and Alex, head resting on his fist as he smiled at the both of them.

  “A few seconds ago,” Alex said, circling his hips just enough to make her aware that he was still hard.

  Her body was still sensitive but eager for more.

  She shivered.

  “I think you need more,” Alex said, shifting his hips again, his cocky grin showing off his fangs.

  Without meaning to, her toes curled, and her belly clenched.

  “I...yes,” she said.

  “Good,” Frederick pushed a strand of her hair out of her face. Alex leaned to the side to make room for him, and Frederick leaned over top of her. His eyes seemed to glow with the fire of his inner dragon. “Because now, it’s my turn.”

  Chapter 5

  Chapter Five

  By the time they finished, Katie was limping a little.

  She was a shifter, but she was a house-cat shifter. Not a big, bad cougar or a dragon, and she definitely didn’t have the strength of a vampire.

  As much fun as it had been to have sex on the kitchen floor like that, again and again, and again, there was only so much punishment her body could take before she had enough and needed her rest.

  She hadn’t meant to fuck and sleep her entire day away. Thankfully, she didn’t need to do much to prepare for the dinner she had planned the next day.

  She just hoped she’d have the energy to make everything.

  Laying on the couch, watching the lights of her Christmas tree while sandwiched between two amazing men, she thought about her plans for tomorrow.

  “You know, we’re not entirely helpless in the kitchen,” Alex said. “We can do something.”

  Katie shook her head. “Nope. Maybe next year. This year is all me.”

  Frederick’s chest rumbled, his cold foot pressed up against her calf. She didn’t mind. “Have you ever prepared a meal like this before?”

  “I’ve made chicken before. Turkey is close enough. I’ve got the creamed corn, the carrots, and the easy bread rolls that pop right into the oven, and YouTube for any questions that come up. I should be fine.”

  She had never made a meal this size before, but she wasn’t crazy enough to do everything from scratch. The point was that she had the essentials, and she wanted to be the one to make the food.

  She wasn’t entirely sure why, but it seemed important that she feed her men.

  At least this one time. She just hoped she didn’t burn anything.

  “So long as you’re sure,” Alex said, snuggling a little closer.

  Frederick did the same.

  For a couple of alpha, macho men, they sure loved to cuddle.

  Katie had no complaints about that.

  Alex, however, couldn’t seem to stop fidgeting. It was as though he was a little kid loaded up with sugar.

  Katie took it to mean that he was just struggling to find a good spot to get comfortable in.

  Not so.

  He finally sat up, grinning, fangs exposed. “I know it is not quite midnight yet, but I want to give you my gift.”

  Frederick groaned.

  Katie blinked. “Huh?”

  Alex jumped up, coming to a stand, fully naked, and ran out of the room on a mission.

  “Idiot,” Frederick said.

  “Whatever, you love him as much as I do,” Katie smacked him on his forearm, pushing herself to sit up.

  Frederick didn’t deny it. He just growled a little while he sat up with her.

  “Should we do all the presents now?” Katie asked.

  Frederick would not look at her. He seemed annoyed.

  Alex came rushing back before he could respond, fully dressed—how? He hadn’t been gone that long—and with some papers in hand.

  Papers that it appeared he’d slapped a red bow onto.

  Katie looked at them, then at her mate, and even though she was terrified of the idea of giving out her own gift, of it not being worthy of them, she
couldn’t help but be interested. “Is that mine?”

  Alex nodded, chest puffed out. “It absolutely is.” He cleared his throat, holding out the papers for her. “Merry Christmas.”

  Katie laughed, taking the papers. “You don’t have to say it if it’s not comfortable.”

  “It’s part of the tradition,” Alex said, and he seemed to stand at attention as he waited for her to see what his gift was.

  She pulled the bow away to see what was printed on the pages, ignoring Frederick as he leaned behind her, looking over her shoulder.

  The papers seemed to be...receipts, and a manual. Some pictures of various cameras, all promising to sync up directly to her phone if she needed. “ this...?”

  “A new home security system,” Alex said, pride in his voice. He seemed to get a few inches taller as he planted his fists on his hips, a triumphant grin brightening his pale face.

  Frederick snorted. “That’s what you got for her?”

  Alex glared at him. “I was told to put thought and heart into my gift. What could be more thoughtful than updating our security and making our mate feel safe in her home?”

  Her stomach warmed up a little at the thought.

  “Boys,” Katie said, grabbing their attention before she walked right up to Alex, pushing herself up onto her toes and kissing him warmly on the mouth. “I love it.”

  She did love it, and she knew he would sense the honesty in her words.

  “I really love it. Thank you so much.” Katie held the papers to her chest. “I can tell you put so much thought into this.”

  Alex blinked, and he seemed to relax as he realized that his gift was being accepted. “You like it?”

  Katie nodded. “I do.”

  “Hold on,” Frederick said, running around to the side of the couch. “I have to get my present!”

  Oh, God. Katie couldn’t help but laugh a little. They were both so damned ridiculous.

  Alex leaned in a little closer. “So long as you tell me that my gift is better than his, I will be pleased.”

  “I’m going to like both of your presents equally as much.”

  Frederick came back, holding a small box. He hadn’t taken the time to dress, like Alex did, but the look on his face suggested he was confident in what he was about to present Katie with.

  “You will love this.”

  “You guys are honestly going to make me blush.” She was pretty sure she already was as she took the box from Frederick.

  Frederick shot Alex a look. “My gift was properly wrapped, and she can make use of it now without waiting for delivery or whatever.”

  “Uh-huh,” was all Alex said, though now he was the one staring over Katie’s shoulder, eagerly awaiting to see what his rival had given.

  Katie pulled at the ribbon. It had been tied and was not the sort that came pre-stapled.

  She had never received too many of these kinds of boxes before, but she recognized that it was jewelry before she opened it.

  She just did not expect to see what was inside.

  Alex growled. “You told me that jewelry was too obvious.”

  “They are,” Frederick said, beaming with pride. “But this is different.”

  He pointed to the pendant. “This is an exact replica of the moon, as it looked in our location the night we first met.” He took the necklace out of the box, revealing the bright and elegant silver charm. Then he turned it around, revealing what was on the back.

  Frederick’s name and Alex’s name.

  “I put both of our names on it, so you can’t say I wasn’t thinking of you either when I got it.”

  Alex sputtered.

  Katie couldn’t look away from the beauty of the item in front of her. “You...put so much thought into this, didn’t you?”

  “I did,” Frederick said, puffing his chest out with pride. “Those are also real opals and diamonds in the border, too. I didn’t pick this up from some cheap website.”

  Even if he had, she would have loved it all the same.

  Her mates liked to argue and even fight with each other, but she knew the gifts weren’t just for her.

  A security system was a little more on the practical side, but something like that would benefit Frederick as much as it would benefit Katie.

  A pendant with the time she had met both of her mates on it, as well as both of their names written on the back? Just as much for Alex as it was for her.

  They may have tried to out-do each other on what they gave to her, but the thing that really made her eyes burn—that truly made her hold back her tears—was the fact that they would go to such lengths to give each other a gift such as this, and hope the other wouldn’t notice.

  “I love you both so much.”

  Both her mates looked at her as though they hadn’t expected to hear such a thing from her.

  Shit. She was going to cry. She might actually start crying.

  “I...just bought some lingerie. I couldn’t think of what to get either of thought at all. I thought...maybe if I put myself in something, you guys could take it off...I don’t know.”

  An idea that seemed so cheap now. She knew her mates enjoyed having sex with her, but with both of these wonderful gifts in hand, presenting them with more sex, which they already enjoyed with her, seemed like a cop-out.

  She hadn’t been able to put in nearly the same amount of thought they had.

  They must be so disappointed in her.

  “You bought sexy lingerie?” Alex asked.

  She nodded. “Yeah.”

  Alex and Frederick looked at each other, then at her.

  “So, are you going to put it on for us tonight?” Frederick asked.

  Katie didn’t understand the reaction, but both of her mates grinned at her, as though she were about to give them a marvelous treat.

  “You...want me to go and put it on? Right now?”

  “While wearing my necklace,” Frederick said, earning him the side-eye from Alex, though they both seemed to be in agreement.

  “I would love to have you model what you purchased for us,” Alex said. “I may have something similar, as an added gift, if you wanted more lingerie. But, not before I see what you picked out for us, that is.”

  She couldn’t believe it. How was it that she was getting off this light?”

  “You’re not...disappointed?”

  Her question seemed to shock the pair of them.

  “Why would we be?” Alex asked.

  “You’re offering us more sex and more fun,” Frederick replied.

  Alex nodded. “We get to unwrap you.”

  A pleasant heat pooled into her belly. “Oh, well, in that case, what I got also came with a silk ribbon if you wanted to tie my hands. Or if I wanted to tie yours—whoa! Hey!”

  Alex grabbed her, picking her up into her arms and rushing to their room.

  Frederick followed after.

  “No need for you to rush to the closet where I assume you hid our gift,” Alex said.

  Frederick agreed. “We’ll take you there.”

  “Right now?”

  “It’s our midnight Christmas gift,” Alex said. “If it’s to be a proper present, we need to sample you in it before Christmas officially gets here.”

  Katie didn’t think that was how it needed to work, or that it even made any sense, but she was getting off light, in her opinion.

  Her mates had made her first Christmas with them such a happy one, and they were thrilled with what she was giving them in return.

  Well, she promised them that she had put a lot of thought and effort into her gift, and while she never slacked off in bed with them, now was the time to really show how much thought and effort she could give to them.

  * * *

  The End

  Enjoyed this story? Be sure to leave a review! You can also go back and read how Katie, Alexandru, and Frederick met in Vampires Don't Share With Dragons!

  About the Author

  USA Today Bestselling author
Mandy Rosko is a videogame playing, book-loving chick. She loves writing paranormal romances that range from light steamy to erotic, while also dipping her toes into hot contemporary!

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  Read More of Mandy's Books

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  Alpha Bites Series

  The Aquaterrestrial Task Force Series

  Bad Boy Billionaire Series (contemporary romance)

  Dangerous Creatures Series

  The Furry United Coalition Newbie Academy Series

  The Princess’ Dragon Lord Series

  Things in the Night Series

  You've Got to Be Shifting Me Series

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  Bad Boy Bear

  Bite Me

  Clockwork Heart

  Dangerous Guardian

  Darkness Awakened

  Jessie's Harem

  Kidnapped by the Dragon

  Mate of a Dragon Villain

  My Angel Lover, Have Mercy on Me

  Night and Day

  A Rose by Any Other Name

  Sold to the Enemy

  Vampires Don't Share with Dragons

  The Wild Wolf's Wife

  Love Bites

  Cate Cassidy

  About Love Bites

  Just one bite is never enough…

  * * *

  Zoe's life is bound to the darkest vampire in the world, but when she discovers the blue-eyed heartthrob she's been crushing on is a vamp slayer, there's finally hope that they'll find a way to destroy the bloodthirsty monster once and for all.


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