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Holidays Bite: A Limited Edition Collection of Holiday Vampire Tales

Page 90

by Laura Greenwood

  “Hey,” Zoe said, her expression a questioning one. “Why didn’t you just use that weird contraption thing on the vamps like you did earlier tonight?”

  Drake looked down at the device that was still in the holster strapped to his hip. “It’s not always that accurate.” He shrugged.

  When Zoe cocked an eyebrow, he continued, “I didn’t want to accidentally hit you with it, okay?”

  Her lips formed an O. “What’s in it? It looked like a cloud of white magic earlier.”

  Drake chuckled and nodded his head toward the path ahead. “We should get moving. And I told you, I’m just an ordinary human, no magic involved.”

  “Right,” Zoe replied, walking faster so she could catch up with him. “Then what’s the big secret? This science you mentioned earlier?”

  “I figured out a way to kill larger groups of vamps,” he replied, the playful grin that spread on his face turning impish. “You’ve seen what holy water does to them. Well, this little gadget here—” He tapped the end of the device’s spout with his fingers. “—it shoots out holy water infused with silver.

  “Science, huh?” Zoe replied, rolling her eyes. “It’s basically a water gun.”

  “A holy water gun,” Drake corrected, chuckling. “And come on, admit it, you’re impressed.”

  Chapter 8

  The first thing they noticed when they finally entered Albian’s compound was the smell. The hot, stuffy odor of death, mixed with the coppery reek of blood. The dark wooden floorboards groaned under their booted feet as they crept along quietly.

  “This way,” Zoe said, and Drake nodded. Clearly Zoe was retracing her steps.

  Drake couldn’t help but think about all she’d been through during her time there. He wanted to wrap his arms around her and tell her just how brave and strong she was, but he knew it wasn’t the time for that.

  They made their way through a large room, decorated in aged elegance, and finally found themselves at the bottom of a staircase. Drake took a deep breath, and they both took one purposeful step after another until they were at the top of the landing.

  It can’t be this easy, Zoe thought, and when she looked at Drake she could tell he was thinking the same thing. Where were all of Albian’s men?

  They slowly moved forward, Zoe in the lead, but Drake suddenly stepped in front of her protectively. She was about to argue that she could see in the dark and he couldn’t. But when she saw him aim his contraption at the door, she realized what he was thinking. If they entered one of the rooms and found themselves cornered, his holy-water gun would be their best chance at wiping out a larger group of vamps.

  Drake reached out and twisted the doorknob to the first room. Surprisingly it was unlocked. Slowly pushing it open, they stepped into the room.

  Even in the darkness, Drake could see the coffin that sat in the middle of the large space. Suddenly, he felt unsure about his plan for the first time that night. Were the coffins locked so that the sleeping creatures didn’t have to worry about invasions such as this?

  He certainly wasn’t expecting a coffin to be the hitch in his plan. The stories he’d heard claimed that vampires had abandoned the ancient tradition of sleeping in such creepy and confined quarters, but clearly, they were wrong. A sudden thought ran through his mind. Did Zoe sleep in a coffin? But when he glanced back at her, she rolled her eyes as if she could read his mind, clearly just as caught off guard as he was.

  Zoe stepped forward, dagger raised in one hand, the sword ready in the other. There was no sound, but she could sense the dark creature moving inside. It should’ve rose from slumber by now, but for some reason it hadn’t. Before it emerged, there was movement behind them. When they turned, they saw a young vampire, a woman with flowing, dark hair, standing in the doorway. They froze, unsure whether to attack her first or throw open the lid of the coffin and destroy the vamp inside before they ended up ambushed.

  Before they could do anything, the woman let out a loud shriek that sent a shiver down Drake’s spine. In seconds, the coffin lid lifted, and the once sleeping vampire crawled out of its resting place. Drake sprung forward, grabbing Zoe and dragging her to the corner of the room, their backs against the wall. He lifted the contraption and released the nozzle, spraying the two vamps with a blast of holy water.

  More and more vampires suddenly came out of the shadows, stepping through the doorway, rushing at them, but Drake held steady. The holy water splayed out in all directions, as he kept it aimed at the moving figures.

  Hisses and shouts filled the room as vampires were caught in the firestorm of holy water mixed with toxic silver, but Drake knew it wouldn’t last long. The weakness wasn’t in his weapon, but in how much holy water he could carry. It would eventually run out, and they’d be trapped in a room with dozens of vampires. He’d planned to use it only on Albian, and the guards who surrounded him, not on what seemed like a never-ending horde of vampires making their way into the room.

  Zoe saw the expression on his face and understood. She rushed forward, despite Drake’s protests, and sliced through the growing crowd of vampires. Her sword slashed at flesh and bone. Drake joined her in the fray, reserving what was left of his holy water. He pulled out a stake and drove the vamps back with it, quickly burying it into one vamp’s chest after another, while Zoe continued slicing through the dwindling crowd of vampires. Her movements were fast and steady, as one by one, they fell at her feet. Drake couldn’t help but be impressed, and from the look on her face, she was as surprised as he was.

  Side by side, they worked in unison, until finally, there was only one remaining—a tall vampire with long, blonde hair that hung in knotted hunks around his ears. His eyes blazed in the dark room, clearly in a frenzy of bloodlust. He moved swiftly, faster than the others, catching them off guard. He quickly pinned Zoe against the wall, his eyes filled with rage.

  “Traitor,” he hissed, ready to sink his fangs into her neck.

  Zoe reacted quickly, piercing his chest with her sword, pushing with all her might as the blade buried itself deeply into his flesh, until it slid all the way through. Suspended by her blade, she lifted her foot and kicked him hard, releasing her sword and sending him spiraling back. He hit the wall hard, slumping to the floor momentarily before he started to crawl toward them, his long, sharp fingernails scraping the wooden floor.

  Drake took a few steps toward him, waiting for him to come a bit closer. Then with one hard blow, he decapitated the monster.

  “You’re amazing with that sword,” Drake said, catching his breath. “I’m kinda shocked.”

  Zoe chuckled, crossing the room and stepping into the hallway. “Me too. Now, let’s find Albian. I think I remember how to get to his chambers.”

  Together, they made their way through the rest of the compound, encountering a few vampires, who they took out quickly. Ten, overall. Enough to give them a challenge, but nothing they couldn’t handle together.

  Finally, they arrived at a large set of double doors, trimmed in gold, ornate roses. Zoe reached out, tracing a finger over the carvings. She remembered staring at one just like it as Albian’s men had held her down.

  She bit back a sob, swallowing the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes as she kept her back to Drake, not wanting him to see her cry, but he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her.

  “I can do this on my own, Zoe. You don’t have to face him again.”

  “No,” she whispered. “I have to do this.”

  It was so comforting, standing cradled against him, his arms wound protectively around her. She allowed herself just a moment of reprieve from the war that raged inside her, resting her head against him and preparing for what they were about to do.

  For the first time in years, despite being seconds away from facing the man who’d turned her life into a nightmare, she somehow felt safe. In Drake’s arms, she knew she could face anything. And in that moment, she realized how much she needed him in her life.

  “I’m rea
dy,” she whispered as she stepped forward, ready to destroy the man who’d changed her forever.

  Chapter 9

  Albian’s quarters were an immense series of rooms, all interconnected. Drake and Zoe moved with a silent, easy grace, their footsteps not making a sound. They made their way around yet another corner which led them through a long corridor, this one lit by flickering sconces on the wall. Even though the other rooms were also without windows, somehow the shadows seemed thicker there, the deeper they moved through what felt like a massive labyrinth.

  “I remember,” Zoe whispered, as they crept down another hallway, ducking into dark corners each time they thought they heard footsteps. “We’re getting close.”

  Finally, they reached another staircase. This one led into Albian’s private chambers. They ducked into the shadowy landing at the top of the winding stairs. Drake cocked his head, straining to hear any telltale signs that Albian was still awake. Dawn wasn’t that far off. The last thing they wanted to do was rush into his chambers only to discover he was heavily guarded. The two of them had proven to be strong fighters, but there was no way they could fight off an army of monsters, greater than the last.

  “I don’t hear anything,” Drake murmured, his words so low Zoe barely heard them.

  They made their way down a grand hallway lit by candles. The walls were littered with grand paintings of what appeared to be vampire kings of old. When Zoe looked over at Drake, concern darkened her eyes.

  Would they be able to pull it off?

  Albian was a ruthless man who’d claimed so many lives.

  How many of his minions would they encounter before they even made it to him?

  Zoe thought back to when she’d been held captive, searching her memory for anything that might help them in their quest to destroy the old vamp. She remembered how he was always surrounded by young women who catered to his every need. Other than when he’d called in his men to pin her down, she couldn’t remember any guards stationed outside of his room. Perhaps they’d get lucky and find him alone and unprotected.

  They suddenly found themselves outside another large door. Zoe froze, rooted in place. “This is it. He’s behind this door.”

  Drake held her gaze for a second, muscles tense, before stepping forward. He raised the contraption once again, aiming it in the direction of the door. He silently prayed that whatever holy water he had left would be enough.

  Zoe’s head ached, and her stomach was an empty hole, but she was ready to fight to the death if it meant Albian would never be able to hurt another person again.

  This time, they didn’t bother slinking into the room. If Albian was surrounded by guards, perhaps they could catch them off guard. Drake kicked the door open and moved in quickly, ready to launch into battle. But when they entered the room, there wasn’t a soul in sight.

  Looking around in confusion, they took in the contents of the room. A series of small beds were scattered around the space, similar to a room one might find in an orphanage.

  “What the fuck?” Drake muttered as Zoe took a few steps forward, studying the walls. She immediately recognized the décor. The timeworn, dark red wallpaper, the odd paintings which hung on the wall depicting naked women, most of whom were covered in blood. But it was the carvings of gold roses that surrounded another doorway which held her attention.

  “This is where they held me captive,” she whispered. “In this room.” She took a tentative step towards one of the beds. “There were other women here with me…other humans.” She pointed to a bed in the corner and bit back a sob. “That’s where I slept.” She fought hard to steady herself, refusing to allow the haunting memories to consume her. She had to stay strong and remain focused on the task at hand.

  “We’re going to make him pay for what he did to you,” Drake replied, closing the distance between them. He reached out and squeezed Zoe’s shoulder, and she nodded.

  They went on, plunging through the quiet corridor as quietly as they could. Zoe’s ragged breathing was so loud inside her head she barely heard when Drake murmured something about how they should approach Albian.

  When they turned another corner, a large room came into view, and they moved silently into it. A massive four-poster bed, with decadent gold and silver trim, occupied the center of the room. Behind it, massive portraits of more naked women hung along the entire span of the wall.

  And on that bed was a hulking frame with two smaller bodies curled up on each side of it.

  Drake, who already had his contraption aimed at the bed, lifted it an inch higher, carefully positioning it. Zoe stepped forward, both hands gripping the hilt of her sword, her wooden stake tucked closely behind her.

  It couldn’t be so easy. After the events of earlier that night, when Drake had shown up at the Night of Transformation and slaughtered so many of his men, there was little chance Albian would leave himself so vulnerable.

  How could he be sleeping so soundly, with no guards in sight?

  The thought curled Drake’s stomach. Clearly, Albian felt, with an astonishing arrogance that he was indestructible behind the walls of his compound, that the terrifying stories whispered about him were enough to keep even the bravest human away.

  But he was wrong.

  Drake swallowed his thundering heart, sending it back down to batter his ribcage. He breathed in deeply, centering himself. He could tell that Zoe was doing the same.

  Then they crept closer to the bed to make what could very well be their final stand.

  Drake assumed, they’d just kill Albian in his sleep and be done with it, but clearly Zoe had other plans—clearly she needed closure, to have her say.

  “Albian,” she said in a tight, controlled voice.

  The vampire sat up in bed, his eyes wild, his mouth open and his fangs glistening with saliva. Before they could respond, he let loose a bloodcurdling growl that shook the walls.

  “Who are you, and how dare you break into my home?”

  The two women who were sleeping alongside him, woke up, their eyes wide, as they frantically tried to understand what was happening. Obviously, they weren’t used to such disturbances.

  The woman to the right of Albian bared a set of gleaming fangs, but the other one looked to be human, a frail looking thing with terror in her eyes. She quickly scampered off the bed and into the corner of the room, her knees curled up against her chest in a fetal position.

  The female vamp, however, was ready to fight for her man. She stood from the bed and lunged at Zoe, who lifted her sword high above her head and slashed it down, just as the vampire closed in. The woman screamed again, but the noise quickly died on her lips when Zoe sliced the blade across her throat. Then she aimed it for her foe’s chest, driving it in as far as it would go.

  When Zoe looked back up, her eyes were a burning crimson. Drake took a step back, momentarily caught off guard by the look of murder on Zoe’s face.

  “You…” Zoe seethed, pointing the tip of her sword at Albian who surprisingly remained seated in bed, his fortress of blankets hiding most of his muscular frame. “You don’t remember me, do you? I’m just another face to you. Another life you destroyed.”

  Albian’s features twisted as he analyzed the situation, clearly looking for the best way to attack, but his eerie calmness threw Drake off. He felt himself grow nervous at what Albian might have in store.

  “Oh, I certainly remember you, woman,” Albian replied darkly. “How could I forget? You put up quite the fight.” He chuckled darkly. “Few women, or men for that matter…” he paused, his gaze flickering to Drake and then back to Zoe, “…ever fight so hard. Usually they give in when they realize all they have to gain.”

  “Gain?” Zoe hissed in a deadly whisper. The energy in the room bristled over her skin, reminding her of everything he’d put her through. “The only thing any of us gained was heartache… loneliness, and having to live knowing we can never see our loved ones again.”

  “Oh, don’t be so dramatic.” Albian sli
d to the side of the bed, his feet firmly planted on the floor. “You’re forgetting all of the things that make us superior. Everlasting life, for one.”

  Zoe kicked the corpse at her feet, her sword ready to strike should Albian move an inch closer. “Does that look like everlasting life to you?” She shook her head. “I didn’t want this life. You forced it on me as you’ve forced it on so many others. But after tonight, you’ll never hurt anyone again.”

  Albian’s mouth pulled down in a gruesome sneer, revealing the pointed edges of his teeth. “And you…” he said, looking at Drake with an unreadable expression. “What are you here for? You’re human. I can smell your blood from here. So, if I didn’t turn you, what’s your cause?” The vampire’s face suddenly darkened, a knowing expression crossing his features, and he jumped to his feet. “You… you’re the one who interrupted the event.”

  Drake squared his shoulders and took a step forward. He firmed his chin and shot Albian a look that let him know that yes, he was that guy. If he let his stony expression slip for even just a second as he thought about his mother, he knew Albian would see his broken heart as a weakness.

  Drake wouldn’t let that happen.

  “Ruined your little event, did I?” Drake’s face was mottled with rage. “Your days of preying on the innocent are over, Albian.”

  Albian let out a deep growl, the haunting sound of a soulless creature who’d long ago traded his humanity for power. “Innocent? Humans are just as vile as you believe vampires to be, boy. Throughout history, they’ve waged war against their own, killing countless women and children, all in the name of one religion or another.” His dry lips curved into a wicked smile. “They murder each other every day, just for the pleasure of it. We only do it for survival. So, tell me, who are the real monsters?”

  Zoe’s chest tightened as her mind flashed back to her last day as a human. Before then, she’d spent the better part of her adult life believing men were innately evil. Tearing through countless true crime books as a teen, it had seemed to her that the reality of the world was far more horrific than any fiction ever could be.


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