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A Killer Margarita (Nikki Sands'/Wine Lover's Mystery Series)

Page 6

by Michele Scott

  1 cup shredded Purple Cabbage

  1 whole Lime

  For the Adobo Sauce:

  5 teaspoons Adobo Sauce (from a can of chipotle peppers in adobo sauce; 11 ounce can)

  ¼ cup Sour Cream

  1/2 of a whole Lime

  2 dashes Salt


  Chop the cilantro, and thinly slice the green and purple cabbage. Chop the onion and set the veggies and cilantro aside.

  In a small bowl add the adobo sauce from the can of chipotle peppers, sour cream, lime juice, and salt. Mix and set aside.

  Put the shrimp in a medium size bowl and add the chili powder, garlic powder, pepper, cumin, and salt. Mix together so that the shrimp is coated with the spices.

  In a medium-size skillet add the olive oil. Then add the shrimp. Turn the shrimp as they cook until each side is lightly browned (about 6 minutes). Reserve the olive oil in the pan, and remove the shrimp onto a cutting board or plate.

  Cut the shrimp in half and put them in a bowl. Then add the remaining olive oil from the pan in with the pieces of shrimp and mix together.

  Warm the corn tortillas in the microwave for about 10 to 12 seconds. Then top with the shrimp, onion, cilantro, and the green and purple cabbage. Drizzle the adobo sauce on top. Serve while the tortilla is still warm, and with a quarter piece of lime.

  Chapter Ten

  Nikki and Derek continued their theorizing over “dessert.”

  Wrapped in cotton sheets, both of them feeling pretty damn energized, Derek pulled her in close. “Maybe we should take a nap and sleep on all of this.”

  By this, he meant the ideas they had come up with together.

  She sat up. “Nope. No time for rest. Now we write it all down.”


  “Yes. I am surprised that someone with your organizational skills would not have thought about that.”

  “Is this why you keep a stash of notebooks?” he asked.

  “You are really getting to know me.” She donned a robe as she went to the closet and pulled out her suitcase. She unzipped a side pocket and withdrew a notebook.

  “You came prepared?” he asked with a hint of exasperation in his voice.

  “Not for a murder. I am just always prepared.”

  “Unbelievable. Totally unbelievable.” He smacked his forehead with the palm of his hand.

  “Now you sound like your brother. Speaking of whom, where are Simon and Marco? I’m surprised we haven’t heard from them.”

  “I’m sure they’re lounging poolside. We’ll catch up with them later. Hope they found a place for sushi.”

  She sat back down. ‘No time to consider dinner options at the moment.” She opened up the notebook and started writing:

  Victims: Villa Man (whose name we really need to find out), and Dream (which I am positive isn’t her real name).

  Derek leaned over her shoulder. “You sure about that?”


  “That Dream isn’t her real name?”

  “Pretty sure.”

  “Fine. We have the victims written down, now what?”

  “Well, you tell me, what would be logical to put down here?”

  “I think you should write down the cause of deaths,” he said.

  “Good thought. Gunshot—supposedly Juanita’s gun where Villa Man is concerned. Let’s take one victim at a time.” She wrote down next to Villa Man, Cause of death: gunshot. She looked at Derek. “I wonder whose car that was. The one he was stuffed inside of.”

  “It was a rental.”


  “I took note. When you were asking Susannah those questions, I watched as tow truck turned into the drive, and the driver went over to one of the cops. I was curious as to whether or not the car was from the U.S. If it had been driven down here. I could see that it had Mexico plates, and I could also see a sticker on the right side of the back windshield that I recognized as one of the car rental place’s logos.”

  “Ah, I have been teaching you via osmosis, I see. Good. Do you know the rental car company?”

  “Alliance. The company with the Distinctive logo with rabbit ears. I never could understand the significance.” He shrugged.

  “Nice work.”

  “And what do we plan to do with that information?” he asked.

  “Well, we can find out who rented it.”

  “How do we do that?”

  She thought a moment. “There are a few possibilities when situations like this arise.”

  “I’m not going to like this, am I? Are you embellishing?”

  She shook her head. “I can’t embellish until I know the tactic we want to take. But you’re right—you may not like it. These situations usually involve Simon, and sometimes Marco.”

  He frowned. “I don’t know if we should include these guys this time around. I think we should allow them the vacation that they came here for.”

  “I know. But Simon is really good at this stuff. You wouldn’t believe it. I mean, he has pulled off some stunts before that truly amaze me.”

  “I’m sure. I don’t know, if you think that we should include them…I guess I’m open to suggestions here.”

  “We find them and ask. We give them the option to keep on getting golden brown and sucking down margaritas, or joining us and finding a killer or two.” She started pulling on her shorts and T-shirt.

  “Wait a minute. What are you doing? Get back here.” He patted her side of the bed. I liked the notebook part, where you lay next to me in your robe and we write down our theories.”

  She slid her feet into her flip-flops. “The notebook is fluid. To solve a crime we have to take action. Trust me, we will get back to that.”

  “It seems to me that we should write it all down first like you suggested. I think that is a brilliant idea.”

  She tossed him his T-shirt. “Not how this works. You keep organizing those thoughts, and I will move us forward. Right now, we have to look for your brother and Marco, and then we have to find the Alliance rental car facility.” She knew that Derek was probably right. It did seem wrong in some way to involve the guys. This was supposed to be their vacation. But, Nikki also knew that she was right about Simon and Marco’s help when it came to finding answers. They had been instrumental in helping her get the bad guys in more than one situation, and this was a special case. She knew that she was going to need all the help that she could get.

  Derek pulled on his shirt. “Whatever you say, Chief. Oh, and we forgot to ask Susannah one question.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Who found Villa Man in the trunk?”

  Nikki pointed at him. “You’re good. We need to go back later and find her. See what she says. I can’t believe I didn’t think to ask that!”

  Five minutes later they were headed to the pool when Nikki spotted Tattoo Timmy at the bar. “Hold on. Hold on there, Lover. There’s Tattoo Timmy.” She shook her head. How obvious! They hadn’t even really discussed this guy and his girlfriend, but in reality they should have been at the top of the list. It was almost too perfect to be spotting him there, alone, at the bar. Perfect.

  “Tattoo Timmy?” Derek asked.

  “Yeah. Villa Man’s sidekick. Listen, change of plans, or kill two birds with one stone, depending on how you look at it.”


  “Go make nice with that guy. See what kind of 411 you can get from him. See what the cops asked him.”



  “Right. How?”

  “I don’t know. Buy him a beer. Become his buddy. Alcohol makes people talk.”



  “While I am making friends with my new amigo, what are you going to be doing?”

  “Sticking to the original plan.”

  “I’m not going to like this.”

  “Maybe not. But it’s great to have a partner. This kind of backup will help.” She kissed him and st
arted to walk away.


  She turned and looked at him, a smile on her face. She held up her hand as to mock slamming back a drink. Then she nodded to Tattoo Timmy, whose back was toward them. “New amigo,” she said just loud enough for him to hear. “I’ll be in touch. You got your cell?”

  He held it up.


  “I am so not going to like this,” she heard him say as she made her way to the pool to look for the boys of summer.

  Chapter Eleven

  “So let me get this straight. Straight.” Simon made a face. “Hmm. You are planning on solving another one of these dead body dealios?” He was stretched out on a chaise, a drink with an umbrella in one hand, and his iPod in the other. “I can’t believe this. I am trying to get my swag on and listen to a little Timberlake singing some TKO, drink my fruity pebbles drink here, which is so freaking good I can’t stand it, and you want to go all Castle and what’s her face on me?”

  “Beckett. Kate Beckett, and that’s not the situation.”

  “From my point of view that’s exactly what it is.” He slurped down some more of the drink.

  “I think I’m going to try to bring justice to this situation, and Derek is helping. Yes,” Nikki said. “Dealio? Dead body dealio? Fruity pebble drinks and getting your swag on? What has gotten into you?”

  “I am on vacation. Do I need to spell it out for you? I will if I need to. And you heard me, Señora Cucaracha. No more dead body dealios…what do you mean Derek is helping you?”

  Ah! Ha! She’d heard not only surprise but maybe a little bit of jealousy there. Nikki knew it was wrong, but in this situation she could probably work that sibling rivalry thing just a little bit.

  “Señora Cucaracha? What in the world? And yes, your brother has seen the light and understands the importance of making sure an innocent woman does not spend the rest of her life in prison. Not to mention that after you two left for the clubs last night, Derek and Villa Man sort of got into it, and the cops might be considering him a suspect. All you need to do is come with me to the rental car place to see what I can find out about who rented the Caddy that Villa Man was found in.”

  “You heard me right. There is no way in the world that I’m going to continue calling you Snow White if you’re going off on some murder hunting expedition while we are in paradise supposedly having a vacation. You’re new name is Señora Cucaracha until this murder dealio is over. And, as far as your husband goes, I doubt it’s the light he’s seen! You have some other kind of power over him. And…I seriously doubt the cops are looking at my brother as a killer. Look at him. He’s like the straightest laced guy ever.”

  “This is Mexico. He doesn’t look so straight laced down here. And, for your information, Derek is not straight laced.”

  “Do not say another word and tarnish my image of my big brother. Here is the dealio, Snow White…Dead Villa Man in some rental car is not something I am interested in exploring. V.A.C.A.T.I.O.N.” He held up his drink and smiled.

  “Would you stop saying dealio? And I am not going to be called Señora Cucaracha. Power shmower over Derek, and straight laced. Whatever. The facts are Derek is willing to help. That poor girl with her mother in jail…,” She made a sad face. “What if it was Marco, and you weren’t around and Violet was in trouble?”

  “Señora Cucaracha, do not, do not go playing the kid card in this. Only Marco and I can play our kid card. I feel awful for that girl and her mother, but seriously, not our problemo. My problemo at the momento is that I am in need of you removing yourself from my sun.” He pushed his sunglasses up off the crook of his nose and leaned his head back on the chaise.

  “He is learning Spanish,” Marco cut in from the chaise next to Simon. Nikki thought since he’d been so quiet that he must have been napping. “I agree with him, Bellissima. Let the police solve the crime this time. Derek isn’t going to jail. We know your tactics.”

  “Spanish. You call that Spanish? Dealio and Cucaracha? Problemo? It’s problema. And, the police could be a part of the problem. I don’t have tactics.”

  “You’re so smart. And, you do have tactics.” Simon smiled up at her. “Problema? So what! And, if the police are involved, then that’s more of a reason to stay far away from this dealio.”

  Nikki sighed, at a rare loss for words.

  Simon shrugged. “Tequila. Now there is a good Spanish word and after hearing all of this, I think that I need some. Don Julio. Yes. I want some Don Julio to go along with the murder dealio, Señora Cucaracha. You and Señor Cucaracho can go play detectivos.”

  “Oh boy, you think you’re so funny.” She crossed her arms.

  “I know I am. And another thing, here we are down here in paradisio and now we have a murder on our hands, and all we want to do is fiesta and siesta, sister… What the hell is wrong with you? Grab a glass and get some Coppertone on and let this thing go!” Nikki shook her head. “I am serious. There are drug cartels down here and who knows what you’ve gotten the familio messed up in.”


  “Whatever. Why don’t we all don ponchos and huarache sandals and all do the freaking salsa? But I am sorry Señora Cucaracha, you expect way too much from all of us. No dead bodies.”

  “Too bad, because I found one, and I am going to figure out who really murdered Dream and Villa Man, because there is no way in hell that I am going to let that poor woman rot in jail for the rest of her life. Or, let my husband go to a Mexican prison.”

  “Oh Lord,” Simon said.

  “Bellissima, you need to let it go. You must. It will all work out.”

  She put her hands on her hips. “Fine. You two lie in the sun with your margaritas or fruity pebble drinks and guacamole, which…” She leaned down, took a chip from the bowl on the table and dipped it into the guac that was set there. “Which is quite good. I just hope it satisfies your guilt.”

  “Oh no, you are not manipulating us. Not this time,” Simon said. “Don’t even try it. Not going to work. See, you have tactics.”

  “Not trying to use any tactics.” Nikki spun around and headed to the lobby. She saw Derek still at the bar with Tattoo Timmy. They seemed to have become fast friends. She made sure he didn’t see her. If he knew she was going at this alone, he’d definitely not be happy about it. But she didn’t have much of a choice.

  She walked outside and got in a short taxi line. As her cab pulled up, something caught her eye: two tall men, good looking, one blond and the other with dark hair. “Hang on,” she told the cabbie.

  Oh boy, oh boy… Nikki felt pretty sure they were the guys at the table with the woman last night at the restaurant. She watched them as they walked over to the parking lot, where she saw them getting into an open jeep. That didn’t strike her as curious. What she saw next did…

  The woman walked over to them. It was definitely them! From what Nikki could tell, she’d just gotten out of a black SUV. She handed the blond man behind the wheel something. An envelope? Nikki wasn’t exactly sure if that’s what it was, but she definitely handed them something.

  “Señora, you coming, or what?”

  “I’ll wait for the next taxi. Sorry.”

  She stepped back, and as she did, a man slid into the taxi. She didn’t pay much attention at first other than she caught a whiff of his cologne—something expensive, she was sure of that, and she saw that he had a silk suit on. She noticed that as soon as the cab pulled away, so did the jeep with the two men in it, and if she didn’t know better, her gut screamed that they were following the taxi.

  Another cab pulled up, and she got in. A moment later someone slid in next to her. Simon. “What are you doing?”

  “Going to the rental car place with you, duh.”

  “I’m confused. Hang on. Um, Señor, can you please follow that jeep that just pulled out?”

  The taxi pulled away from the curve.

  “I thought we were going to the rental car place.”

And I though you weren’t helping me this time.”

  “I lied. I had to. For Marco. Please, do you think I would let my poor brother possibly wind up in jail?”

  “Okay. I am confused. You were so adamant with your messed-up Spanish words and all, making fun of me.”

  He waved her comment away. “I can’t let you do this alone. I was just giving you a little shit because you totally deserve it, but face it, you need me. We both know that. Derek is a rookie at this stuff. I am a seasoned pro. I’m your Castle. Well, in some ways.”

  “It got to you, didn’t it?” she asked.


  “That Derek is helping me.”

  “No! Okay, yes, maybe it got to me a little bit.” He pinched an inch of air between his fingers. “Just a little. That’s it though.” He looked out the window. “We aren’t going to the rental car place, are we?”

  “No, we aren’t. Change of plans. And where does Marco think you are?”


  “Ah. You know he’s going to find out and he isn’t going to be happy. You need to tell him up front that you have gone all detective with me.”

  The cab driver glanced at her in his mirror; she gave him a weak smile.

  “I’d rather beg for forgiveness later,” Simon replied.

  The taxi took a right turn into town—just a little too fast. Nikki was practically thrown into Simon’s lap.

  “What have you gotten us into, Señora Cucaracha?”

  “I’m not sure, amigo, but we are going to find out.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Nikki tried to get a good view of the vehicles ahead of her, but the cabbie continued to drive recklessly and Nikki wondered if, like her brother-in-law, he’d already had his share of margaritas, or fruity pebble drinks.

  “Señora?” the cabbie asked.


  “It’s sí,” Simon said.

  She nudged him.

  “The taxi turned into that villa drive. There is a gate. Is this where you are going?”

  Nikki saw a wrought iron gate, and beyond it what looked to be a steep drive. Palm trees lined the surrounding area, but other than that, all they could see was the ocean. “No. I’m sorry. Not there. Do you still see the jeep?”


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