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Adrianna's Storm

Page 5

by Sasha Parker

  Ari smiled at him. "That is so nice of you both. I will let Mamo know. Where are you staying?"

  The men exchanged a look and it was Lachlan who answered, "Close by. Your grandmother has our numbers, just let her know we are here."

  Ari nodded. They ordered lunch and talked about Ari's life, her job, and New York. The men told her they did consulting work all over. They owned their own security company and were based out of Wicklow on the coast right now. They were thinking about changing locations of their base, explaining to her that it could be anywhere they were.

  Ari was fascinated by their work. These men had told her about being in the military, they had glossed over it, but she knew they had done their job well. She also knew the jobs they had in the military were serious, but she refrained from asking more about it. These men were smart and obviously were secure in their work and lives. She looked between the two of them and thought, whom would she choose? Then thought laughingly to herself, shame I can't have them both.

  When they had finished lunch, she thanked Mrs. O'Leary and the men walked her to her car. There was a large SUV parked just down from it with rental plates on it, she suspected it was theirs. She took out her keys and turned to them both.

  "Thank you for a lovely lunch. I had a good time."

  Reilly stepped forward and said, "I had a great time as well, luv. Maybe we will see each other soon." Then he reached out, curled his hand around the back of her head, and pulled her forward for a kiss. He lightly pressed his lips to hers and slowly ran his tongue on the seam. He kissed her gently and softly, then pulled back and winked at her.

  Reilly turned her around and there was Lachlan. "It was fun, sweet. See you soon." She was still stunned from Reilly's kiss when he placed both his hands on either side of her face and drew her in for a kiss. Unlike Reilly, Lachlan plundered her mouth, kissing her senseless and with intensity. Then he released her and helped her into her car.

  As she drove off, she glanced in the rearview mirror and saw the two men watching her drive away. She wished she could go back and do all the sensual things that were going through her mind at that moment. Both men had kissed her. She couldn't believe it. There were multiple partner relationships in the glen, it was accepted there. They went as far back as the first arrivals. She had just never thought she might have that situation put in front of her. What was she going to do now?

  Ari arrived back at the castle and Erin came out to greet her. "Well, well, it seems we took a long time to pick out a few bottles of whiskey," Erin said with a laugh.

  Ari groaned. "You know already? Damn, I thought I could make it back before it got here. That woman, I swear, some things never change."

  "Yeah, yeah, so get ready, cause we are all waiting in the kitchen for the deets," Erin warned as she grabbed the first box out of the trunk.

  Ari rolled her eyes and got the second box out then walked inside. Sure enough, everyone was there, including her grandmother. Let the inquisition begin, she thought as she set the box down on the counter. She looked at them all sitting at the little table in the breakfast nook and her grandmother raised a brow.

  She huffed out a breath. "Fine. I had lunch with two men. Brothers. Reilly and Lachlan Parsons. They were nice."

  Her sisters started cheering and whooping while clapping their hands. "I see," her grandmother said.

  They waited for her to say more and when she didn't, Calli spoke up. "And? Are they hot?"

  Kira piped up with, "Are you going to see them again?"

  "How did you meet them?" Erin asked.

  Ari felt the beginning of a headache coming on. She opened her mouth to answer them and the doorbell rang. She smiled. "Saved by the bell."

  She danced to the main entry, happy to have dodged that bullet for the time being and flung open the doors. There on the doorstep were the Parsons brothers. Her mouth hung open in shock. What the hell were they doing here?

  Reilly stepped up to her and smiled. "We told you we would see you again soon, luv."

  Lachlan reached out and put a finger under her chin. "Best to close this, don't want to catch flies."

  "H-how? W-what?" Ari stuttered.

  "Ah, there you are, boys. Welcome," her grandmother said from behind her.

  She turned to her and said, "You knew they were coming here?"

  "Of course, A leanbh, I invited them here. They are staying with us," her grandmother said calmly as her sisters joined them in the foyer.

  All she could do is look at her grandmother in shock. Then she spotted her sisters and rolled her eyes. They all introduced themselves and shook hands after their grandmother invited the men in. Then her grandmother told the boys to follow as she showed them to their rooms. Her sisters watched the men go up the stairs after their grandmother and then all three turned to her. She knew the time had come to answer their questions. Damn.

  Coni showed the boys to their rooms as she silently thanked the god and goddess for sending them so quickly. She had put them side by side at the end of the hall. Ari's room was right across from theirs. She motioned the boys to go into Lachlan's room and she shut the door.

  "Thank you for coming. I am concerned the threat is already near. I can feel him close," Coni told them.

  Lachlan nodded. "We feel it, too. Don't worry, nothing will happen to her. We vow." Both men put their hands over their hearts and bowed their head to her.

  Coni nodded seriously and said, "Thank you, we are honored you are here. If you need anything, let me know. Blessed be."

  Chapter Seven

  Over the next few days, the women planned the party details and gathered their supplies. They caught up on each other lives, sharing about work and men. The sisters all dated, they never seemed to lack for attention from men, but not one of them had found that special someone.

  Ari found that that special someone might be closer than one thought. The two men who had moved into the castle had also decided to move into her life. They seemed to be everywhere she was. She couldn't turn around without bumping into one or both at one time or another.

  She started receiving small gifts at different times during the day. At breakfast, she would find a small sprig of Foxglove, which was also known as 'Witches Bells', sitting next to her place at the table. She would go to bed at night to find something chocolate on her bedside table.

  She loved the gifts, but she loved spending time with them more. When they were around her, she felt safe, cared for. When she would talk, they would actually listen and then they would respond with answers or questions that showed intelligence. They didn't just ignore her comments and talk about themselves like most men did.

  They took her for walks in the forest, picnics in the meadow near the castle, and had even taken her into town for lunch a couple of times at O'Leary's. She had found herself on more than one occasion waking up looking forward to seeing them. They had exchanged many kisses during the time spent together. Ari was so sexually frustrated she could have screamed. She had to drag out her vibrator on more than one occasion to try to stave off the burning need they were building in her.

  Not only was she losing sleep because of her men, she was losing sleep because of the dreams as well. She was still being plagued with the dream that she was being chased by evil. She knew in her dreams the two men who never seemed to make it to her were Reilly and Lachlan, but she didn't know who or what the evil was. Many nights, she woke in a sweat, feeling the evil had almost reached her. It terrified her and she knew she would need to find a way to deal with it or she would never get any sleep.

  Her sisters had all commented on the fact that she looked tired and tried to blame the men and the attention they showered on her. They thought she was having wild sex with them each night and losing sleep that way. Then they noticed the hunger in the men's gazes and knew that had not been happening. They had asked her repeatedly about why she looked so tired and why she wouldn't let the men in. She kept avoiding talking to them about it. They had cornered her more
than one time. Each would try to give her advice on 'getting it on' with the two hot guys and maybe that would solve all her problems. She would roll her eyes as they always gave her a knowing look.

  It seemed they had all made a plan and now had her at the smaller table in the kitchen, trying to talk to her regarding 'her men'. She put her head in her hands, wondered how fast she could bolt out the back door and if they would follow.

  Reilly and Lachlan had been trying to woo their woman for several days now with no result. Well, they had gotten some kisses and she had opened up to them about her life in some ways. They could still tell she was holding back and keeping herself removed from them. They wanted her. In more ways than one. But they wanted to make love to her, show her how much they really did care for her, and she was being difficult.

  They had discussed it that morning and decided they would have to resort to the sisters. If they could charm them then maybe Ari would come around. They headed down to the kitchen area to strike up a conversation with them and get to know them. When they entered the hallway, they could hear the women yelling at each other.

  "What are you talking about? You're crazy!" Ari yelled.

  Erin chimed in with, "Yes you can!"

  Kira was yelling over Erin, "You are an idiot not to!"

  They heard Calli say, "You need to, you are wound too tight!"

  The girls were all sitting around the kitchen table, trying to convince Ari that a threesome with those "hot guys" could work. She had argued that she couldn't do that, it was impossible. She had a life in New York. Then everyone had started yelling at her. She heard someone clear their throat and looked over to find the men in question standing with their grandmother in the entry to the kitchen.

  She groaned and put her head back in her hands. She couldn't imagine her day getting any worse at this point and it had started out so well. She glanced at the men to find them watching her with amusement on their faces. Erin jumped up and invited them over to the table. Kira asked them if they wanted anything to drink and Calli helped prepare them. Both men sat down across from Ari while the sisters bustled around them, making sure they didn't want something to eat or anything else. Ari rolled her eyes as she watched her sisters look like fools, all because two good-looking men were at the table. Okay, she had to admit, they were hot, and she would probably have acted the same if she hadn't been so embarrassed over what they heard.

  She sighed and excused herself from the table. Everyone looked at her as she stood and headed out the French doors. She walked through her grandmother's garden admiring the colors in late afternoon sun. She walked around the greenhouse toward the caretaker's cottage. There was a hiking trail, which led around the cabin into the woods beyond. She continued to walk, thinking about these new men and what it might mean to her life. Her sisters were right about one thing, they were interested and she should take advantage of that, if for nothing else than it had been a while since she had been sexually satisfied.

  She was jerked out of her musing by a sound in the forest. The wind whipped around her furiously for a few seconds, as if it was trying to tell her something. She looked around quickly, thinking that maybe one of her sisters had followed her. She saw no one but felt a chill run down her spine. She had an overwhelming sense to get out of the woods immediately. She turned and began to head back the way she had come. She hurried back toward the caretaker's cottage, feeling like something was watching her—or stalking her.

  As they watched Ari head back into the back garden, Lachlan and Reilly stepped into the woods looking lethal. They glanced at each other and then stood tall knowing they were there. It didn't take but a moment for Ari's hunters to arrive. Out of nowhere a man dressed in all black appeared. He had on a tight, black t-shirt, cargo pants, and military boots. Another man, dressed the same way, stepped out to their right. Suddenly, there were four men surrounding them and they kept their stance relaxed.

  "What do you want?" Lachlan asked him, trying to keep an eye on all four.

  "We have been sent to retrieve her. Do not interfere," he said.

  Reilly barked out a laugh. "Well, I'm thinking that's going to be a problem, gentlemen. She is ours to protect and you aren't going to get anywhere near her."

  All hell broke loose as the four men attacked Reilly and Lachlan. The brothers had turned so their backs faced each other and they faced the attackers.

  Lachlan and Reilly exclaimed, "Claíomh!"

  They reached over their heads onto their backs and pulled out their magical swords, which would appear when called upon. They were about the length of their arms and heavy with power.

  Their attackers also pulled out swords and the fight was on. Clashing and clanging could be heard throughout the forest as they battled the enemy trying to get to their woman. When the dust cleared, Reilly and Lachlan were panting and tying up the four downed men. They had not killed them, it was not their way. That was for the Council to decide. They also needed them alive to answer questions.

  Lachlan knelt beside the lead man, huffing a little from the exertion of the fight. "We told you that you will not get her. Who sent you?"

  The man remained silent as Lachlan finished tying him up. Coni had told them earlier the caretaker was out of town for a couple of weeks so they stashed the men in the little cottage for the time being.

  Reilly made a call to the Council and asked for an extraction team. This team would come pick up the four men for interrogation at their main headquarters. When he hung up, he looked at Lachlan and nodded. They both realized how close Ari had come to being taken. They had to identify who was after the girls before anything else happened.

  Both men also knew that Coni wanted to have time to talk to the girls to prepare them. That time had just been cut short. In order to protect them properly, they needed to be told what was happening so they could be vigilant. They also knew they had to call in other teams, but it would take some time for them to arrive. For now they were on their own and they would handle things as they came. First thing was to talk to Coni and convince her time had run out.

  Reilly went into the kitchen and found Coni by herself. He quickly checked the hall to make sure the girls were not around.

  "Reilly, what is going on?" Coni asked.

  Reilly looked grim. "A team was sent to take Ari," he told her quietly. "Lachlan and I stopped them, but more will come."

  Coni put her hand on her chest. "Is she okay? Did they harm her?"

  Reilly put a hand on her shoulder. "No, she is fine. She was safely inside before we battled them. We have the men secured in the forest. Do you have any forgetful potion?"

  Coni nodded. "In my greenhouse. How many men?"

  "Four," he answered.

  "I have enough," she told him. "Does she know anything?"

  Reilly shook his head. "No, but you will have to say something soon."

  "I understand. I just wanted to get to the party and then tell them together."

  "Coni," Reilly took her hand. "I think you are going to have to tell them sooner rather than later. They need to know. The threat is real and here now."

  Coni squeezed his hand. "I know. I will do it in the morning."

  "Good. Lachlan and I will help. Together we can assist them through the transition. Now, I am going to find Ari and convince her to come for a swim," he said as he smiled at her. "Don't worry, we will keep her safe."

  Coni smiled at him. "Thank you, Reilly. Blessed be."

  Reilly headed to the back door and turned to Coni. "Good night, Blessed be."

  Chapter Eight

  Reilly found Ari in the library. She was surrounded by books and sitting in one of the high back chairs by the fireplace. She was a curled up with her chin on her knees as she stared off into space. He cleared his throat as he stepped through the doorway so as not to frighten her. She glanced up at him and smiled, acting as if nothing was wrong when he knew she knew something had been in those woods.

  "Hey there," she said. "What are you up to
?" Ari couldn't explain it but when Reilly had came in the room, she felt safe and calm again. She also got that tingling feeling again and wondered what it meant.

  He smiled. "I came to see if you would come swim with Lachlan and me. We are in dire need of some time with you," he said in that deep, sexy voice she loved.

  "Um, okay," she told him as she got up and headed toward the doorway where he was standing.

  Reilly reached out and grabbed her wrist as he looked deep into her eyes. In that instant, need and longing gripped Ari hard. She had to admit to herself that she had thought, dreamt, and fantasized about these two men. Her sisters had told her to go for it. She hadn't been with anyone since Eric and with Reilly looking at her that way—she knew she couldn't resist. She was going to follow Julie's advice and just go for it. This was her vacation and she deserved to have some fun.

  Some niggling voice in the back of her head told her to be careful. She could lose her heart to these two men and then where would she be? She had to remind herself it was just going to be sex and then she would go back to New York to her career. Her decision made, she turned to Reilly and placed her other hand on his chest.

  She cleared her throat, but her answer still came out husky. "A swim sounds nice."

  Reilly's eyes darkened with desire as he pulled her close to him and kissed her with a passion that made her knees weak and her panties damp. His tongue swept into her mouth and caressed every inch of it while his hands roamed over her back. She melted into his embrace and moaned at the sensations he was stirring.

  He suddenly broke the kiss and put his forehead against hers. "Come on, let's go find Lachlan. I definitely need a swim now."

  She smiled and followed him down the hall. They passed through the kitchen and Coni was gone. No one was in sight as they slipped out and headed toward the pool house. When they arrive, Reilly ushered her in and then locked the door from the inside.


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