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Friends in High Places

Page 20

by Toni DeMaio

  I watched Tori’s face as her thoughts raced. “Let me think…” she said, “Gia one thing I’m sure of is that we’re all safe here for tonight. We just can’t give into him and go back there. We can’t. There’s no other way but to tell Kat and Mrs. Donovan everything later tonight and I just know they will help us.”

  “We can’t tell! Please Tori, you promised. Sal and I have to live with him and he is going to hurt Sal if we don’t do exactly what he wants.”

  “I won’t let you go back there and I’m not going back either. It’s time to tell, Gia. We have no other choice. We’ll wait until the boys are asleep. Trust me; it’s going to be alright. I promise you. Tonight it will be over. You’ll never have to be afraid of Uncle Mario again.”

  I watched Gia as she began to realize Tori was right. There really wasn’t any other sane thing they could do. Uncle Mario would never stop abusing and scaring and threatening her and none of the children would ever be safe unless he was stopped now, once and for all.

  I have never been as proud of anyone in my life as I was of my niece Tori in that moment. I leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek. Her hand flew up to the place I’d kissed her and then she smiled and kissed the little crystal angel she held in her hands and I knew she knew I was close by; waiting and watching.



  Just when I was thinking this day couldn’t have been any more perfect, a miracle happened. It occurred at around eight-thirty in the evening. Mom and I had spent that whole Saturday with all of the Rossi kids, along with Lilly, Liz, Frannie and their families. We’d been decorating the Bed and Breakfast and baking cookies, until finally, all of our traditional decorations along with hundreds of colored lights were in place making the house glow like the North Pole.

  Tori was settling in here with us and becoming a part of our family. She was so happy she made everyone smile as she played big sister to Daisy and organized easy ways for all the little boys to help too. I couldn’t have been more proud of my little girl.

  All day Lilly and I had exchanged secret looks and I could feel her happiness was equal to mine. Lilly has always been the keeper of my secrets and now we were finally moms together, even if no one else knew it yet.

  The entire day was magical and after our guests had gone home, tired and full of the take-out feast we’d let the kids organize, all the little ones snuggled up in front of the fireplace on big pillows, wrapped in Mom’s Christmas-themed velour throws.

  Anthony and Sal keep sneaking more of the cookies we’d made earlier even though our dinner had been a hearty, if greasy, and very huge boxed deal of KFC, which apparently was the favorite food choice of the younger members of the Rossi clan. Of course we were sworn to secrecy as they knew Mama Maria would take that news very badly.

  Tori had just finished doing my hair and make-up, and even though I felt a little like a Vegas show-girl, I had to admit I didn’t look all that bad. I’d been the main make-up artist on her as well as on Mom and Gia and all three of them looked really adorable, more fashion-model than fashion-challenged, like I did, but still, I wouldn’t have changed a thing about our day together.

  It was beyond wonderful to have my own little girl caring so much about turning me into her version of a knock-out. Now Mom and I giggled as we watched the two girls try to eat the decorated cookies without ruining the many coats of pink nail polish they’d applied to each other’s nails. I figured their nails would be dry sometime before the night was over, but no time soon.

  Brian Sr. had been true to his word and we were all watching the latest rented action flick on the big screen T.V. over the fireplace. It was right about then my cell phone rang and the miracle began. When I saw Gino’s name pop up I just assumed he was calling to check on the kids, but I was completely wrong.

  He sounded a little bit out of breath and I’d never heard him talk so fast. “Kat,” he said, “It’s me, Gino, and I’m calling you because there’s something very important that I have to tell you.”

  “Is it about the kids?” I asked, a little confused, “They’re all right here in front of the fireplace and everybody’s doing great.”

  “I’m sure they are,” he said, quickly, “And no, the kids have nothing to do with what I have to say. Do you think it’s possible for you to slip out of there and come over here? I’d suggest I come over there, but I don’t want the kids to overhear us.”

  I took a deep breath, wondering what all this mystery was about. “Yes. Of course I can come. Brian Sr.’s here with Mom and the kids are all worn out anyway and practically asleep. We had a lot of fun today.”

  Gino laughed, “It sure sounds like you did. I wish I’d been there.”

  “You could have come over. We’d love to have had you with us.”

  Gino sounded relieved as he said, “Thanks for saying that, Kat. You’re amazing.”

  I didn’t know what to say back. Gino hadn’t been very warm and fuzzy to me lately. I wondered what could have happened to change his attitude so suddenly.

  “Well,” I said, “I don’t know how amazing I am but I will pop over there in a few minutes. I can’t wait to hear what you have to say. You’ve got my curiosity going.”

  He laughed again. “It’s nothing bad. Just hurry, and thanks again for agreeing to see me.”

  Then the call ended and I leaped into action. I pulled Mom out into the hall and told her what had just happened. She hugged me and grinned, “Get going, Girl! This sounds promising.”

  I couldn’t help hoping she was right. “Maybe,” I said, then grabbed my keys and left for Gino’s. As I closed the door, I heard Mom explaining to the kids that I’d run out on an errand and would be back shortly.

  I pretty much flew over there; then forced myself to calm down before I walked up to the door and rang the bell.

  He opened the door so fast I wondered if he’d been waiting there on the other side for all the time since we gotten off the phone. “Kat!” he said, all smiles as he stepped toward me; then stopped in his tracks, staring at me as if I’d grown horns out of the top of my head. “You look…” he stammered, “I mean, you look…”

  “Like a hooker?” I asked, remembering how crazy I looked and laughed at his shocked expression. “I forgot Tori gave me an over-the-top make-over! I must look ridiculous! But your face! It’s hysterical!”

  Gino laughed too. “Actually I was going to say you look a movie star. But I’m not used to seeing you look like that… I mean, you’re gorgeous anyway. You don’t need all that make-up.”

  I felt my cheeks go hot. “Thanks, I think!” I said, when I’d found my voice.

  “Come in, come in…” He opened the door wide. “Have a glass of wine with me?”

  “Sure,” I said, stepping into his cozy, candle-lit living room. He quickly poured us both a glass of Chianti from an expensive looking bottle encased in a basket, and handed me one. “I was hoping you’d say yes to coming over,” he said, “Not that I deserve it.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked, puzzled.

  “I’ve been a jerk to you lately, Kat,” he said, looking away, “And I’m really sorry. I just hope you’ll give me a second chance to let you know how I really feel about you.”

  Yes!!! My heart was doing back flips because now he was looking at me so intensely I felt it in a physical way. He really regretted it.

  “You don’t have to apologize, Gino. You’ve been pulled in a hundred different directions lately. You explained it well that night outside of Lilly and Tom’s. As a single dad you’ve had to put Tori’s feelings first.” I leaned forward and put my glass down on the coffee table between us as I raised my eyes to meet his, again. “And then, when Isabella showed up, I figured you’d moved on. Tori so easily accepted her and didn’t seem upset about the time you two spent together, and honestly I like Isabella, too, she’s really sweet, as well as beautiful…I figured I couldn’t blame you; no one could”

  Then his face changed in a w
ay that stopped time for me, and before he spoke again, I suddenly knew the truth about his feelings for me…but then… he nodded slowly agreeing with everything I’d said, and my heart sank again.

  “Isabella is definitely all that,” he said, “But she isn’t you, Kat. No one is like you. Not only are you gorgeous and smart, but you’re warm and loving and the way you’ve befriended my kids is the proof of that. You still gave them your heart even when I got it all wrong and I got jealous of Brian and pulled away from you…

  He stopped to take a deep breath then continued, “I know now I’ve been a total idiot. You tried to tell me there wasn’t anything between the two of you but I wouldn’t listen. I’m just so sorry and I hope you’ll give me a chance to make it up to you…even though I know sorry isn’t good enough and I’ve probably already ruined everything.”

  We just sat there while he stared down into his wine glass and totally missed how I was grinning back at him like a crazy person, with so much love and hope and happiness in my heart I wouldn’t have been surprised if I’d lifted off the ground and floated up to the ceiling.

  “You’re wrong again, Gino. Sorry is more than good enough for me,” I whispered, as he raised his eyes to meet mine and a smile spread slowly across his sad face and I watched as relief flooded through him just as it had through me moments before.

  It felt as if all the colors in the room had grown brighter and I was suddenly aware of Gino as a man: a very masculine man, with physical strength as well as the quiet inner strength that’s harder to find. And he was no longer sitting on the sofa, but was coming around the table toward me.

  My heart pounded harder than if I’d run a mile and I could barely catch my breath as he pulled me up and into his arms. It felt surreal as if my secret fantasies about Gino were all coming true in that moment. But this Gino was no fantasy lover. He was totally real, tall and muscular and teasing me on every sensory level as he slowly pulled me closer and closer, his arms like steel, his scent, irresistible. And when his lips pressed down over mine, teasing, then claiming my heart and soul with a kiss that ignited my deepest passions, all of my impossible dreams became the beautiful reality that was this moment.

  And even before he whispered it in my ear, I knew, beyond a doubt that Gino loved me, and that this was no longer just a school-girl crush, I loved him back with all

  that I am or ever will be. And I also knew this was what people were talking about when they said you’d know when you found your true love because it would just feel right…Perfectly right!

  He picked me up effortlessly, as if I were a skinny little thing, which in reality I’ll never be, and he carried me into his bedroom. Even though I asked, he shook his head, and with a sexy smile, refused to turn off the one small, softly-lit lamp sitting on the table beside his bed.

  Terrified I’d disappoint him, he broke down my last barrier with a playful tug of war. For the first time in my life I loved knowing I would never win and so I gave in to him, no longer wanting to hide any part of myself from him. Melting inside, surrendering completely to his fiery passions, I welcomed the cool caress of his satin sheets as he slowly undressed me.

  When I was completely naked, he paused for a moment, his eyes moving over every part of my body and I watched his face as his desire deepened and any assumptions I might have had about his preferences in a woman’s body were completely and happily destroyed. Gino loved my curves and was hungry to prove it to me in so many inventive, breathtaking ways that soon we lost all track of time…and the rest of the world fell away from us.


  The phone beside Gino’s bed was ringing off the hook and we both were startled awake, surprised we’d fallen asleep. Gino groaned as he slid his arm out from under me and grabbed for the phone. “Hello,” he said, then immediately sat up straighter, brushing his hair out of his eyes, and looking as guilty as if the person on the other end of the line could see through the phone.

  He looked so adorable, I had to suppress a giggle in the pillow, a pillow that smelled amazingly like a mixture of the both of us…my new favorite scent.

  “Sure, Tori,” he said, “You can speak to Kat…” He held the phone out to me and then I, too, scrambled up into a sitting position, and apprehensively took the phone from him, wondering what Tori might have to say to me…

  “Hey, Tori,” I said, cheerfully, “How’s it going over there? Are the boys behaving?”

  “Everything’s fine, Kat,” Tori said breathlessly, “And when your mom said Dad called and you went over to see him I was really glad because I forgot to pack the right underwear for the dress I’m wearing to church tomorrow and I’d rather tell you what to bring back than have Dad bring it over in the morning because he’d never get it right.”

  I laughed and Tori giggled too. “I completely understand, just tell me what you need and where to find it and I’ll get it right now and bring it back with me.”

  “Thank you!” she said, sounding very relieved, “And Kat, I’m really glad Dad wanted to talk to you. Really glad…”

  “Me, too, Sweetie,” I said, my heart filling with more love than I ever knew a heart could hold.

  She told me what she needed and where to find it; then ended the call by saying, “Hurry back, Kat because Gia and I have something to tell you and your mom.”

  “I’ll hurry,” I said, as she hung up and I dropped the phone and fell back into Gino’s arms, my words racing a mile a minute as I told him what Tori had said to me. His response was a huge smile and then a kiss that threatened to keep me in his bed for the rest of the night if I wasn’t careful.

  “Things are finally going our way,” he whispered in my ear before nibbling on it and driving me crazier than ever.

  “Now that’s not fair!” I gasped, “I have to get up and get dressed. Tori’s expecting me back there in a reasonable amount of time. And I’ve been here for nearly two hours. She’s going to wonder what you had to say that took this long to hear.”

  “Just tell her I’m madly in love with you and I had to be certain you were convinced before I could let you leave.”

  “Yeah,” I said, laughing, “that explanation would go over big.”

  “I guess you’re right,” he said, laughing with me. “So what did she ask you to bring back for her?”

  “Girl stuff; the right underwear for the dress she’s wearing to church in the morning.”

  “Better you than me,” he muttered, “Come on, I’ll show you where her room is and good luck finding anything in that mess she has in her underwear drawer.”

  “I’ve got this one, Gino,” I assured him. “I am an underwear expert.”

  I stood and pulled on my jeans as he grabbed me from behind and we both tumbled back on the bed. “Oh, really!” he said, nibbling on the back of my neck as his hands crept up to caress both of my breasts. “Then I expect a fashion show the next time we get together,” his voice was a growl as I felt desire pounding through every part of my body, stronger than ever, draining my mind of all rational thought, and then I remembered Tori needed me back at Mom’s.

  I broke free of him, jumped up, grabbed my bra and top and made it to the door before he caught me again, “Please, Gino. I need to get back there. You aren’t making it easy for me to say goodbye.”

  “That’s good,” he said, teasing me, “Because I wasn’t trying to make it easy.”

  “Hold all those good thoughts for next time,” I said, scrambling into the rest of my clothes, then grabbing his hand and pulling him toward the door. “Take me to Tori’s room.”


  Her room was as feminine as I’d expected, reminding me of my own at that age. I located the training bra and slip quickly then turned to look at her favorite things. “She certainly has a great collection of dolls and stuffed animals,” I said, moving closer to the bed to give them a closer look, and then suddenly I stepped on something on the shadowy floor and nearly tripped.

  Gino caught me just before I did, then I bent dow
n to see what I’d tripped over and found it was Tori’s diary. I hadn’t intended to read any of it, but it had fallen open at today’s entry and the few lines that caught my eye instantly turned my blood cold. As I read on, Gino kept right on talking behind me, unaware of the horror Tori had been hiding from everyone.

  “Better put that back under her mattress, Kat. That diary is top secret and she has no idea I know where she hides it. I bet when Anthony was jumping on the bed it must have slipped out from under there and fallen on the floor.”

  “Gino,” I said, spinning toward him and pressing the diary into his hands. “Sit down and read this entry. You’re not going to believe it, but I’m so glad we found it.”

  Gino didn’t argue with me. He did as I asked and then I watched as a rage I could never have imagined began to grow hotter and more deadly as the realization that ‘Uncle Mario’ had been molesting Gia and had attempted to do the same to Tori sank into his consciousness.

  “He’s a dead man,” Gino whispered, as his lower lip trembled and he sighed raggedly and shook his head to clear it. “How could I not have known what this piece of scum was doing to Gia! And now this bastard has the balls to come after my daughter! I never thought he was good enough for Lisa, but this…”

  “We need to call the police, Gino,” I coaxed, trying to calm him down, “He’s not worth killing, let them handle it. We have all the proof we need right here in the diary.” I said, pulling my phone out of my pocket and punching the numbers 911 in before handing him the phone. “Just tell them what Mario’s been doing and to go pick him up at the restaurant. He’s working tonight and we can meet the police there.”

  “What time is it?” Gino asked as I watched his ability to reason slowly return.


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