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Cedar Hollow

Page 13

by Tracey Smith

  “It’s flat!” He said exasperated. “Just bought the damn thing and it’s got a flat tire!”

  “What should we do?” Cassidy asked.

  “Hangman’s Ridge is just a few more miles down the road. We’ll stay there tonight and I’ll get a tow in the morning.”

  Cassidy nodded and pulled back onto the road. “Is there a motel in Hangman’s Ridge?” Cassidy asked, wondering where they were going to go in that small town in the middle of the night.

  “Sarah has a room above the restaurant. I have a key. We can stay there for the night.”

  Cassidy swallowed back the butterflies that suddenly erupted inside her, and carefully gripped the wheel as she drove to Hangman’s Ridge.

  When they reached the restaurant Ben led Cassidy around back to a staircase that ran up the side of the building.

  “Are you sure she won’t mind?” Cassidy asked as Ben unlocked the door.

  “It’s fine. I stay here sometimes.” Ben assured her as they entered the room. Cassidy had a sinking feeling as she wondered if this was where he brought women. Surely he didn’t bring them home to Mrs. Owens, but obviously he had a few exes around town, the man wasn’t celibate.

  “Do you come here often?” Cassidy asked casually as she looked around the room. It was a studio apartment, just one large living space with couch, bed and kitchen area. Cassidy tried not to stare at the bed.

  “It’s been awhile.” Ben answered walking to the fridge to check inside.

  “How did you know it would be vacant?” Cassidy fished.

  “It’s kind of my place.” Ben admitted. “When we first came to Cedar Hollow my dad and I rented this room from Sarah. After he died I started officially working at Miller’s and moved up to the house, but Sarah always kept this room for me in case I needed to get away for a while. As a teenager it was an oasis. Spent quite a bit of my early twenties in and out of this apartment too, of course by then it was more of a bachelor pad.” Ben smiled sheepishly and Cassidy’s worst fear was confirmed. He’d brought other girls here. “But it’s been five years since I’ve even been here.” Ben added. “I’ve tried to give Sarah back the key a dozen times and she always insists I keep it. She says she doesn’t need the hassle of being a landlord anymore and sometimes during the peak tourist season she stays up here to be closer to the restaurant.”

  Cassidy’s tension eased a little. He hadn’t been here in five years, she could live with that. “It was very nice of her to do that for you.” She said as she looked around the small apartment trying to imagine a younger version of Ben.

  “Yeah, Sarah’s always been great. She dated my dad for a few months when we first came to town. It didn’t last long, but she always looked out for me after that.” Ben smiled fondly. “Anyway, it works out for us tonight that she never took that key back.” Ben added. “You can take the bed. I’ll sleep on the couch.”

  “Ok, thanks.” Cassidy agreed. “Bathroom?” She asked. Ben pointed to a door in the corner.

  Cassidy washed her face and rinsed her mouth with water, of course she didn’t have a toothbrush or a nightgown. She hadn’t really been prepared for a sleepover. She let her hair down from the chignon she’d had it in and ran her fingers through the long strands, massaging her scalp. There was a soft knock at the door.

  “I found some old t-shirts in the dresser.” Ben said through the bathroom door. “I thought you might like to sleep in one.” He offered.

  “That’d be great.” Cassidy agreed as she opened the door to accept the t-shirt he was offering. Ben hesitated for a moment as he stared at her, he’d never seen her with her hair down before. Then he quickly handed her the shirt and turned away. Cassidy closed the door and changed out of the skirt and blouse that she’d been wearing. The t-shirt was just long enough to reach mid-thigh, but not quite to her knees. She self-consciously pulled at the hem trying to cover her legs as she came out of the bathroom.

  Ben had already made up the couch with some blankets and was stretched out on top of them with his arms tucked behind his head. He wore an old pair of basketball shorts and his chest was bare. Cassidy pulled at the hem of the shirt again, shifting her feet nervously. Ben stared.

  “You should wear your hair down more often.” He remarked huskily. Cassidy nervously played with the loose strands that were cascading over her shoulders.

  “I guess I’ll see you in the morning.” She said, desperate to get under the covers and out of his penetrating gaze. She felt like he could see straight through the thin t-shirt she was wearing.

  Fashion had always been a shield for Cassidy. Neatly pressed business attire, hair perfectly coifed, high heeled shoes. These were the things she hid behind, they made her feel secure and in control. Standing barefoot in a t-shirt with her hair falling loosely down her back made her feel vulnerable and exposed, especially standing that way in front of Ben.

  “Goodnight.” He said, his eyes still riveted on her and small smile playing around his sexy lips. She quickly crossed the room to the bed and crawled beneath the covers. Ben stood from the couch and walked to the door. Cassidy watched his every move with the covers pulled up to her chin. She watched how his muscles rippled as he walked, watched how his shorts rode low on his hips revealing the V-shaped abdominal muscles that pointed right down to… She quickly looked away, blushing with embarrassment. Then the room went dark. Ben had flipped the light switch by the door. She could hear him moving back to the couch as her eyes adjusted to the night.

  “Sweet dreams.” She heard his voice through the darkness and her skin prickled with awareness.

  “Goodnight.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

  A loud clap of thunder startled Cassidy awake. Lightening was flashing outside causing a strobe light effect in the small apartment. She could hear rain pouring down on the roof. Another summer storm.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Ben’s voice broke through the darkness, she could hear him shifting around.

  “Are you ok?” She asked. She was only able to make out his shape during the intermittent flashes of lightening, but she could tell he was standing in the middle of the small room.

  “The roof is leaking.” Ben said irritably. “Over the couch.”

  “Oh.” Cassidy’s heart was immediately in her throat. Obviously Ben couldn’t sleep on the couch under a leaky roof, which only left… “We could share the bed.” Cassidy offered timidly. Her suggestion was met with a beat of silence. She held her breath waiting for him to respond.

  Lightening flashed again and she could see him moving closer. “Are you sure?” His voice was right beside her now.

  “We’re both adults.” Cassidy tried to sound nonchalant, praying that her voice wouldn’t crack and betray her nerves. “It’s the only other place for you to sleep.” She pointed out.

  She felt the mattress bend beneath his weight. She scooted to the edge of the bed as he settled in beside her.

  “I’ll have to tell Sarah about the roof in the morning.” Ben’s strained voice broke the heavy silence. Cassidy nodded, unable to find her own voice. Lightening flashed again.

  Cassidy lay stiff as a board, eyes wide open staring at the ceiling. She gripped the blankets under her chin, holding on to them as if they were a lifeline. She could hear Ben breathing beside her, feel his body heat. His proximity made her anxious, she felt like she wanted to crawl out of her skin. Instead she held perfectly still barely breathing, aware of every little sound and move he made. It was going to be a long night.

  Eventually Ben’s breathing became deep and heavy, she tried to pace her own breaths to his. Slowly calming herself and relaxing her tense muscles. Once she was sure that he’d fallen asleep she finally allowed herself to release the death grip she had on the blankets. She stretched her aching fingers, wondering how long she’d been lying with her fists clenched around the covers. It could have been minutes, it could have been hours.

  As she finally began to feel herself drifting off, she rolled to her
side ready to allow sleep to envelope her. She bent her knees and her leg brushed against Ben’s beneath the covers. Skin to skin. She was wide awake again and suddenly she couldn’t hear him breathing anymore. Was he holding his breath? She held hers.

  Then so softly she wondered if she imagined it, she felt his fingers skim her knee. She held perfectly still, wondering if he was awake, wondering if it had been intentional. Then she shifted her leg again, allowing it to barely graze his. This time she had no doubt when his fingertips reached out and stoked a gentle trail from her knee up her thigh. Cassidy’s heart raced and she scooted a little closer. Ben silently ran his hand along her leg up and down from the back of her knee all the way to the hem of the short t-shirt she was wearing. Tentatively Cassidy reached out and ran her fingertips along his flat stomach and up to his chest. She felt his muscles contract under her tender touch.

  He reached for her hand bringing it to his lips and kissing the tips of her fingers. He then kissed her palm and the inside of her wrist. Cassidy shivered as each searing kiss sent shock waves through her body. Ben slowly trailed kisses along the inside of her arm to the crook of her elbow. She rolled to her back and he hovered over her. Lightening flashed and she could see his brilliant green eyes looking down at her, then it was dark again.

  He brought his head down to her neck placing soft kisses along her collar bone and the hollow of her throat. He kissed the side of her neck and just behind her ear. Cassidy writhed beneath him, breathing heavily and running her hands along his bare muscular back. He continued his gentle assault, kissing along the line of her jaw and then finally bringing is mouth to hers.

  The kiss was slow and gentle, a soft exploration. Ben continued to caress her as he kissed her tenderly. He ran his fingertips down the side of her face, trailing them along her throat, and slowly, achingly slowly he brought his hand to her breast just barely grazing her hard nipple with the pad of his thumb. Cassidy arched into his touch, moaning into his mouth. She could feel wetness pooling between her legs from her throbbing desire.

  Ben brought his hand down to her thigh slowly sliding it beneath the t-shirt that was the only barrier between them. He sat back and gently pulled the shirt over her head. Cassidy raised her arms allowing him to slip the it off. She left her arms extended over her head, offering herself up to him. He bought his mouth down to her breasts, teasing her aching nipples with his tongue. Then he trailed a line of kisses down her stomach. Cassidy raised her hips allowing him to grip the edges of her panties and slide them down her legs. Her knees trembled.

  Ben repeated the process he’d started, slowly leaving a trail of kisses starting at the back of her knee and following the inside of her thigh to the apex between her legs. It was a slow and torturous pleasure. Just when Cassidy was sure she couldn’t take anymore, she felt his warm wet tongue flick out and rasp against her tender flesh. Cassidy bucked beneath him crying out. He grabbed her hips, holding her down as he explored her intimately with his mouth.

  Cassidy was racked with waves of pleasure crashing over her unrelentingly, her world had become nothing but sensations. Touch, taste, smell. Her senses were overwhelmed.

  Suddenly he pulled away and Cassidy was able to suck in a ragged breath before he was over her again spreading her thighs, grasping behind her knees and plunging inside of her. She screamed out in pleasure and the world exploded around her.

  Lightening flashed around them as their bodies melded, moving in a primal rhythm. Cassidy closed her eyes and lost herself to the sensations. Her hands explored the contours of Ben’s back, feeling his muscles flex beneath her probing fingers. She kissed his chest and neck, tasting the salt of his skin. She reveled in the smooth glide of their overheated flesh slicked with sweat. She felt him pulsing inside her and heard his low moans of pleasure intermingle with her own.

  Ben buried his face against her neck and she could feel his hot breath on her skin as their tempo increased, gradually moving faster, harder, deeper, pounding, thrusting, driving each other over the edge. Ben cried out as he pulled away abruptly before his release. He collapsed on his side, Cassidy still trembling beside him. He reached for her pulling her against him, she molded to his side enjoying the feel of their heated skin pressed intimately together. He draped his arm across her waist and then placed a kiss on her temple. Without a word they both drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Cassidy woke up alone. She opened her eyes to the unfamiliar room and the memories of the night before flooded over her. Ben had been so gentle, she’d never imagined it could be that way. It had been the best night of her life. But where was he now? She sat up in bed and looked around the empty room.

  The shopping bags from their trip were sitting on the floor at the foot of the bed. He’d brought her clothes up from the car. Cassidy smiled as she climbed out of bed to retrieve them. She hurried to the bathroom with the bags, and rummaged through them until she found a bright yellow summer dress that matched her mood. She slipped it over her head and then turned to the mirror.

  Her face was flushed and her lips slightly swollen, she touched her lips remembering the feel of Ben’s kiss. Her hair was a mess. She went in search of her purse and a hair brush still smiling to herself as she relived the memories of last night in her mind. She returned to the bathroom with brush in hand, but as she worked out the knots she began to feel more anxious about where Ben could be. How did he feel about last night? How would he act this morning? How should she act?

  Her tension grew as the minutes ticked by. Where was he? Her stomach twisted with anxiety. Out of habit she began to braid her hair, as her mind raced with millions of questions.

  “You should leave it down.” Ben’s sultry voice came from behind her. She’d been so consumed with worry that she hadn’t even heard him come in.

  “I never wear it down.” She replied to his reflection in the mirror. He stood behind her, close enough that she could feel his body heat.

  “I like it down.” He told her replacing her fingers with his own and undoing the braid. She leaned her head back enjoying the feel of his hands in her hair. He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her neck and all of her fears dissolved. Last night had meant something to him too.

  “Sarah has breakfast ready downstairs.” He told her after he’d smoothed the long strands of her hair over her back, allowing his hands to drift a bit lower and graze the contour of her behind.

  “I brought you a toothbrush. I thought you might want one.” He offered, handing her the packaged toothbrush.

  Cassidy spun around and threw her arms around his neck. “Thank you.” She whispered.

  “It’s just a toothbrush.” Ben laughed as he hugged her and kissed her forehead. “I’ll see you downstairs.”

  A few minutes later, with teeth freshly brushed, Cassidy made her way downstairs. She found Ben and Sarah sitting at a booth in the empty restaurant. Ben smiled at her encouragingly and she crossed the room to join them at the table. He passed her a plate of pancakes.

  “So she’s just a guest at the Inn, huh?” Sarah teased skeptically, although she didn’t seem at all surprised to see Cassidy there.

  “Actually she’s old man Miller’s great-niece.” Ben revealed. Sarah sat back with wide eyes and appraised Cassidy closely. She nodded.

  “You look just like your mother.” She said softly. Cassidy sucked in a shocked breath.

  “You knew my mother?” She asked.

  “She was my best friend.” Sarah revealed. “I miss her every day.” Cassidy could feel the genuine sentiment in Sarah’s words, she immediately warmed to her.

  “Can you tell me about her?” Cassidy asked, feeling a lump rise in her throat.

  “Kim and her twin sister Lainey moved to Cedar Hollow with their parents our junior year of high school. Their uncle had just turned the family home into a bed and breakfast a few years earlier. Rumor had it that there had been a falling out between the brothers, but Curtis Miller moved back
with his family to help Robert run the Inn and make amends. Anyway Kim, Lainey and I became friends instantly, and Kimmy fell hard and fast for Billy Patterson. They were inseparable from the moment they laid eyes on each other.

  “The entire town was shocked by the deaths of their parents. Both were ruled accidental but they were suspicious. Nothing like that had ever happened in Cedar Hollow. Kim and Lainey were sent back to Connecticut to live with their grandmother. Billy was devastated, but they kept in touch and Kim came back as soon as she’d graduated from high school. They married that summer.

  “Billy got a job working for her uncle at the bed and breakfast, but Kim didn’t like living there. Too many memories of her parents. Billy saved up and bought a small cottage out on Glen Oaks Road just outside of town. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her. Any time he wasn’t working he was out there fixing it up. A few months after they married she found out she was pregnant, and Billy began working even harder promising to have the house finished before the baby came. It’s all she ever talked about, finishing the house, decorating the baby’s room.

  “For Christmas he built her a crib. I was so happy for her, she deserved that kind of happiness after the tragedy she’d been through.” Sarah paused to take a sip of coffee, and Cassidy realized that this story wasn’t going to have a happy ending.

  “About a month after Christmas she received a letter from her sister. I don’t know what the letter said but it really had Kim upset. She made me promise not to tell anyone that her sister had written her. Then she told me that they might have to leave and if they did she might not have a chance to say goodbye. I didn’t understand any of it. She was telling me goodbye just in case she didn’t have a chance to tell me goodbye. About a month later she got word that Lainey had been killed in a car accident. Kim wasn’t the same after that. She seemed nervous all the time, jumpy. She kept telling me that they were going to leave, but made me promise not to tell anyone.


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