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Omega - Part Two: Cherished

Page 2

by D. J. Heart

  “That’s good,” Peter says, standing over him, impossibly tall. “If you need anything, tell me, but don’t disturb me as I work. Do you understand?” Peter gives him another of those stern, impossible to disobey looks. Not that Evan wants to disobey.

  “Yes, sir,” Evan says, wondering how Peter imagines Evan might be tempted to interrupt him. Peter nods and smiles, the facial contortion forced and greatly appreciated, turning to his computer and leaving Evan to get settled.

  A few minutes later and Evan is sitting comfortably, pencil ready on the first page. Looking around the room for inspiration, Evan suddenly knows what he want’s to draw. Peter’s ass. It’s right in front of his face, and it’s beautiful. Firm and muscular, suit making the round curve look amazing.

  Tongue poking out between his teeth, nose scrunched up in concentration, Evan started sketching.


  Chad opens the door to Peter’s office without knocking, the alpha looking up sharply to see who would dare enter his domain so casually. When he sees Chad, the tension leaves his body and he diverts his attention back to the computer.

  Chad, however, isn’t really interested in Peter. His eyes travel over to the corner of the room, landing on Evan where he sits on the floor, shielded from the door by Peter’s body. Evan has also looked up, and the smile on his face as he sees Chad makes him feel amazing.

  “You’re early,” Peter says, sounding displeased. Chad ducks his head, but he doesn’t leave. He closes the door behind him, waiting for permission to enter the room. Peter sighs, but it’s not angry. Chad has come to know all of Peter’s tells, and he knows that right now Peter is amused more than anything.

  “Go sit with Evan. We’re leaving in half an hour.”

  Chad grins, walking around Peter’s desk and dropping to the floor next to the omega. He let’s Evan keep his pillow, but he does grab him around the middle and pull him closer. Evan laughs, but scoots over willingly.

  “What are you doing?” Chad whispers, looking at the stack of papers Evan has put on the floor on the other side of the pillow. Evan looks startled, blushing as he tries to push the papers further away.

  “Just drawing… Peter said it was OK.”

  Chad grins, curious to see what their little omega has drawn that he’s trying to hide. He leans over Evan’s body, grabbing the papers before righting himself. Evan is blushing something fierce, fingers jerking as though he wants to snatch the drawings back.

  Chad turns the stack of papers over and, on seeing what Evan has drawn, laughs.

  Peter’s ass is staring back at him, and as he flips through the pages he sees it again and again. Peter’s ass filling the whole page, Peter’s whole back as he’s standing in front of his desk. Peter’s profile, body twisted so that his ass is featured prominently…

  It seems like their omega is an ass man.

  But other than the choice of subject, the drawings are good. Chad never would have suspected they were done by an omega. It’s impressive, really. He looks over at Evan, the omega looking mortified.

  “These are really good,” he says, giving Evan’s head a rub. “And I really like your subject.”

  Evan smiles a little, but his face is still beet red. Chad looks up and sees that Peter is staring at them.

  “Show me,” he says, holding out his hand. Chad hands the drawings over, grinning. Peter takes them, flipping through the pages with just a hint of smile curving his lip.

  “These are very good, Evan. I’m impressed,” Peter says, handing the drawings back to Chad. He’s pleased, Chad can tell, with the evidence of Evan’s attraction. “Now both of you be quiet while I finish my work.”

  Chad zips his mouth, leaning back against the wall. It’s wonderful, to be sitting there with his omega cuddled up against his shoulder, his alpha standing between them and the world. Perfect, really.


  Evan has his head turned, nose pushed into the fabric of Chad’s shirt as his head rests on the alpha’s powerful bicep. He’s breathing in through his nose, Chad’s scent heady and delicious. It’s enough to make his hole feel empty with need, his cock pressing against the fly of his pants in a desperate attempt to escape.

  He needs to be fucked.

  “All right, let’s go,” Peter says, walking towards the door. Chad stands too, and if he hadn’t been so quick, Evan would have toppled right over.

  “I’ve got you,” Chad says with a laugh, gripping his upper arm tight before grabbing him under the arms and hoisting him up. The manhandling goes straight to Evan’s cock, making him whine low in his throat.

  “Peter…” Chad says, but all Evan can focus on is how Chad is holding him away from his body.

  “What?” Peter asks from the door. He’s slipped on his coat, looking tall and intimidating. Evan wants him.

  “Apparently fucking him this morning wasn’t enough to tide him over until tonight… He’s going into heat again.”

  Chad’s hands are gripping him tight, holding him up so that Evan is standing on his toes, most of his weight supported by Chad’s big mitts. Being held is good, but being held so far away is not. Chad’s arms should be crushing him close, not lifting him away.

  Evan watches as Peter shrugs off his coat and hangs it back up, walking over to his phone. He picks it up and holds it to his ear. “I need food. Knock and leave it by the door when it gets here,” he says, hanging up without waiting for a reply. He then toes off his shoes, unbuttoning his shirt before undoing his belt and sliding his pants down his muscular thighs.

  He’s magnificent. Big and tall, strong as hell and exuding dominance. Evan forgets about Chad, watching Peter get naked with wide eyes.

  “Undress him,” Peter orders, the size of his pupils and the bulge of his cock straining his briefs the only signs of his arousal. Chad, breathing hard, standing frozen, gives his head a little shake before dropping Evan down on his feet.

  “Wow, he’s pulling me with him,” Chad says, grabbing the hem of Evan’s shirt and pulling it over his head. Evan is jostled from side to side as Chad rips his clothes off, having him naked in no time. Once he’s standing there in nothing, Chad spins him around and pushes him up against the window, falling on his back with a growl. Chad grinds his bulge against Evan’s back, kissing and biting his neck as he purrs in pleasure.

  It feels amazing, though what Evan really wants is Chad’s knot. He arches his back, pushing his ass back into Chad’s crotch. The alpha lets out a pleased chuff, hand moving from where it’s groping Evan’s ass to free his cock.

  A deep growl has both alpha and omega freeze. Chad lets out a little whine while Evan feels a thrum of excitement. Peter stalks up to them, grabbing Chad by the nape of his neck and yanking him back before taking his place.

  It’s different, being pinned by Peter. Chad was hurried and needy, greedy in the way he clutched Evan tight, while Peter has perfect control. He grabs Evan’s hips, pulling his ass up to his cock so that the hard length is nestled between the cheeks of his ass.

  He needs the big shaft inside of him. Needs to feel the big knot nestled over his thighs to stretch him open. To fill him.

  “Settle,” Peter orders, and Evan realizes that he’s been writing and pushing his ass back like an animal in heat. He stills, shuddering as Peter lifts him up and down, sliding his big cock up and down his crack, lubing it with Evan’s slick.

  “Good boy.” Peter’s voice is calm and measured, his praise making Evan’s heart soar. He feels primed and wet, his rim aching and open for Peter’s cock. All the alpha has to do is slip inside.

  Peter lifts him up higher, using his grip on Evan’s hips to push him up against the window and pin him in place. Evan can feel the tip of the alpha’s cock pressing against his rim, his own little cock trapped between his belly and the glass. Lifted up high, Evan can feel the head of Peter’s monstrous cock pushing against his ass. The blunt tip is fiery hot, throbbing against his entrance with burning need.

  Almost there, Evan thinks as
Peter rocks his hips slightly forward. Peter drops him down, thrusting his hips up as Evan is split open by his huge cock. The knot pushing past his rim is pure heaven.

  Mind overloaded by how good it feels to be taken by his alpha, Evan pants and twists his head back in an attempt to get more. His lips of Peter’s skin, the alpha’s teeth on his neck… he doesn’t know what he wants, but he knows that he wants it. Needs it.

  “Good boy,” Peter growls, balls deep, curling his arm around Evan’s neck and crushing his smaller form against his powerful naked chest. Peter’s other hand comes to rest on his belly, and suddenly Evan is being lifted away from the window and towards Chad.

  Chad has also stripped, his cock standing angrily erect and leaking clear pre-cum, bobbing up and down as he trips from foot to foot, watching Peter take what he wants. Peter walks right up to him, pressing Evan up against his chest. Crushed between the two alphas, Evan is in seventh heaven.

  Peter keeps walking, forcing Chad to move in reverse until his back hits the wall. Chad reaches up and holds Evan close, grabbing him by the back of his neck and pulling him in for a kiss. Peter has let go of his neck, grabbing his hips as Chad holds him up.

  Peter pulls almost all the way out of his ass, slamming back in with enough force that both Evan and Chad are pushed back into the wall. It almost knocks the breath out of him, the thrust punishing, but it also feels amazing.

  The thrust sets the tone. Peter fucks him hard, punishing his hole and drilling it without mercy. Evan grunts and cries, clinging to Chad as Peter owns him. Every inch of his skin feels sensitized and hot, Chad’s grip on him electric and heavy as Peter makes his hole feel impossibly good.

  With a roar Peter comes, shooting hot rivulets of come deep onto Evan’s ass, knot swelling up and locking him in place. Breathing harshly, Peter reaches up and curls his arms around Evan’s chest and neck, pulling him away from Chad. He walks over to the pillow in the corner, sliding down making himself comfortable. He arranges Evan’s legs so that they spill out on either side of his thighs, arms crushing Evan’s back against his muscular chest.

  “Get the food,” Peter orders, and Evan looks up to see Chad starting at them with an absolutely wrecked expression on his face. He doesn’t obey, staring at Evan with intense longing as his huge erection leaks like a faucet.

  “Chad!” Peter growls, making Chad jump. He looks surprised, then quickly moves to do as he’s told. He opens the door, unconcerned that anyone might see him naked, and grabs the bags of food that have been left by the door.

  Evan hadn’t heard Logan knock, but at some point when Peter was pounding him he must have. It annoys him that Peter had been aware enough of his surroundings to notice it while he hadn’t. He wants his alpha to be just as caught up in their mating as he is.

  Then again, alphas need to be on the lookout for threats in a way omegas don’t. They’re wired differently. Evan can afford to let go and trust Peter to protect him, but Peter needs to be constantly on guard. Needs to be ready to protect him.

  Feeling better, Evan watches as Chad closes the door and brings the food over to Peter’s desk. He pulls out several containers, grabbing two before taking a seat on the floor right in front of Peter and Evan. He hands one of the containers to Peter, who takes it and pulls off the lid. A delicious smell wafts up to Evan’s nose, making his belly grumble.

  “I think he’s hungry,” Peter says, rubbing Evan’s stomach. Chad laughs, pulling the lid off his own container.

  Peter hand feeds him, fingers pushing into his mouth and sliding over his tongue as Chad watched with wide eyes, chewing slowly. Evan doesn’t know what kind of food he’s eating, but the succulent pieces of meat inside the little doughy balls tastes wonderful.

  Eventually Peter’s knot starts to go down and Evan is lifted up, both alphas lending steadying hands until he can stand without toppling over. He smiles up at Chad, the handsome alpha vibrating with need. Evan is ready for him.

  “Chad, you can take the rest of the day off. Evan, you’ll go with him,” Peter says, gathering his clothes off the floor. He looks primal and strong, muscles rolling under his skin; pumped and ready to burst into action. He gets dressed, and if it weren’t for the fact that he reeked of sex and mating pheromones, you never would have been able to tell he’d just been knot deep in his omega.

  “Can we-”

  “I don’t want you having sex at the office,” Peter interrupts, obviously knowing what Chad wants. Chad looks mutinous, a frown pulling his mouth down.

  “You-” he starts, but Peter cuts him off, voice deathly quiet.

  “Are you arguing with me?” he asks, the words dangerous. Chad takes a step back, a shocked look on his face. Peter stalks towards him, grabbing him by the hair and forcing him to his knees. Evan watches the display with a thundering heart. The air is thick with tension, every fiber of Chad’s body bending submissively to Peter. It’s a shocking sight.

  “No. I’m sorry. I’ll take Evan home,” Chad says, the words submissive. Peter looks down at him with intense eyes, looming over him like a dark god. He lets go of Chad’s hair, touching his cheek tenderly before grabbing his jaw and holding him tight.

  “I know it’s hard for you, Chad, but I expect you to be in control of yourself. Even when it comes to Evan. Do you understand?”

  Chad lowers his eyes, mumbling, “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good. Now get dressed and go home. Your cock doesn’t leave your pants until you’re back in the apartment. Have I made myself clear?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Peter lets go of Chad’s chin, leaving Chad kneeling on the floor, chest having like he’s just run a marathon. The dominance Peter exudes is choking, and Evan thinks that if Peter ever spoke to him like that he would die of a heart attack on the spot.

  Chad pulls himself together, getting dressed and tucking his rock hard cock back in his pants. Peter picks Evan’s clothes up off the floor, handing them to him with a kindly smile.

  “Are you OK with going home to have sex with Chad? he asks, Chad freezing as he waits to hear Evan’s answer.

  “Yes, Sir,” he says, hole already anticipating the other alpha’s knot. He can’t wait to have Chad’s eager hands on him, cock pushing into him and fucking with an uncontrolled enthusiasm that’s simply fun.

  “Good. I expect you to behave for him, do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Evan says. Peter ruffles his hair. The tension from earlier is gone, and Evan lets out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding.

  “You don’t have to call me Sir,” Peter says, “Just call me Peter.”

  “OK, Peter,” Evan replies, ducking his head and grinning. He doesn’t know what just happened, but everything seems like it’s OK now. Chad is now fully dressed, standing by the door ready to leave.

  Evan hurries to pull his clothes back on. He steps towards Chad, looking questioningly at Peter to see what he should do. He doesn’t want to leave with Chad until the more dominant alpha says that it’s all right.

  “You may go,” Peter says, moving back into position behind his desk. He looks pleased that Evan waited for his permission. Evan smiles and heads towards the door, about to step out of the office when Chad lifts him up and throws him over his shoulder and practically runs out the door.

  He can hear Peter laughing behind them.


  Chad can’t believe that Peter hadn’t let him fuck Evan in his office. Peter had done it. It was so unfair he’d hardly been able to think straight.

  He’d almost challenged his alpha. It’s like a lump of ice in his stomach. He feels shaky with it, and he knows that when he goes to sleep tonight he’ll be replaying the incident over and over in his mind.

  Chad has challenged Peter exactly once. He barely remembers what it was about - not one of the big things like quitting active duty or when Peter barred him from the omega houses - only that it set his teeth on edge when Peter had told him no. Had made him see red.

  While he doesn’
t remember why he challenged Peter, he does remember how hard he went down. How Peter had him in the floor in two seconds flat, teeth over his neck like he was about to rip his throat out. How Peter’s growl had come from deep within his chest, so filled with fury that Chad’s balls had almost crawled back into his body. Peter had jumped back, a look of shock on his face. He’d left the room, Chad on the floor so scared he’d almost pissed himself.

  Peter had lost control, and had almost left him because of it.

  Chad doesn’t mind that he lost the fight. It was the obvious outcome. He’s much stronger than the average alpha, but Peter is a fucking beast. But Peter had reacted to Chad’s challenge as though he was any other alpha. There had been no moment of consideration or hesitation. He had been challenged, blatantly, and he had reacted as was his nature. Swiftly, harshly and without mercy. That Chad was his mate, the man he pulled close in sleep, hadn’t mattered a bit.


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