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The Path to Freedom (Task Force 125)

Page 19

by Pietsch, Lisa; Gerow, Tina

  This was the truth of the situation. There was something between her and Vince, and they both would need to set aside their personal feelings in order to get this mission done safely. Her part in this mission shouldn’t make a difference in Vince’s eyes.

  I have to believe that.

  Sarah showered quickly and scrubbed her skin until it shone. Then she applied moisturizer and a touch of rose oil. There were several bathing suits in her case to choose from, but she decided Vince was worth a good one. The black and gold thong, topped with the black and gold push-up bikini top fit her well. After brushing her hair and applying her lipstick, she did a full turn in the mirror and decided she was ready to make an appearance.

  Big Daddy, if you had a camera you would drop dead because this babe is definitely drop dead gorgeous today!


  Chapter Thirty

  Sarah grabbed the romance novel she’d brought along to assist in her cover and grabbed one of the plush towels in Hassan’s bathroom before walking out to the sun deck. After she settled into a chaise and closed her eyes against the bright sun, the launch pulled up. Nicholas’ voice directed someone to the fly bridge. Heavy steps trudged up the stairs to where Hassan waited. She cheered on the inside because the fly bridge was just above her and she would be able to hear the whole meeting while seemingly working on her tan.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Hennessee. Please join me for lunch.”


  Sarah assumed he’d come by as a tourist in a boat when she should have realized he would be setting up an arms deal with Hassan.

  Vince’s deep voice carried well. “Sounds great. I’ve had a pretty long day and missed lunch.”

  “Cigar?” Hassan was the perfect host. “They’re Cuban. The finest I’ve had yet.”

  “Don’t mind if I do. Thank you.”

  Chris’ voice interrupted Sarah’s eavesdropping. “Will wants you to nick a few of those.”

  There was a pause in the conversation. Sarah assumed they were busy tasting their cigars.

  Sarah heard Vince say pointedly, “Nice view you have here.”

  Thank you very much!

  “Only the best.” Hassan sounded happy. “Sarah, my beauty. Join us, will you?”

  Here we go.

  Sarah shielded her eyes from the sun as she looked up at Hassan on the deck above.

  He nodded and motioned for her to join them.

  Sarah slipped her sandals on and made her way up the stairs.

  This should be interesting. There is a whole lot of testosterone up there. Two of the hottest men I’ve ever met…hmm, I wonder if they’re up for a threesome?

  Still hot after her athletic morning with Hassan, Sarah felt particularly empowered. She arrived on the fly bridge glowing and quite turned on by the view. Hassan wore the clothes she’d stripped off him this morning. Vince looked sexy as hell in black slacks and a gray T-shirt that stretched to show off every inch of his chiseled chest.

  Boss or not, you have got one rockin’ body! I’d trade this guy for you any day.

  “Mr. Hennessee was just admiring you,” Hassan quipped.

  Yeah, I’ve been admiring Mr. Hennessee for quite some time now. It’s about time he returned the favor.

  “How generous of Mr. Hennessee. He’s quite admirable himself.”

  Hassan smiled as he puffed thoughtfully on his cigar. “Mr. Hennessee, I’d like you to meet Sarah Stevens.”

  Okay, I see what you’re up to.

  “Very nice to meet you,” Vince said between puffs on his cigar.

  Sarah could see what sort of game Hassan played, as could Vince. What she wasn’t ready for, was playing this game with Vince in this environment.

  I assured the guys I could do this. I can do this. It’s just a job and if anyone would understand that, it’s Vince.

  “So, is Mr. Hennessee a man of action or does he prefer to observe from a distance?” Sarah taunted Vince as she sat provocatively on Hassan’s lap and crossed one long, tanned leg over the other.

  Vince’s eyes sparkled. He seemed to be having fun with where this was going. “Oh, I’m definitely a man of action.”

  Okay, big boy. You want to have some fun? We can play.

  Sarah stood and strolled the few steps it took to stand behind Vince. She had to gauge her actions so as not to push Hassan too far, but to push him far enough to turn him on. She watched Hassan’s gaze as she caressed Vince’s strong, hard shoulders and arms. “Certainly there’s no doubt about that…mmm,” she murmured as she seductively rolled her shoulders for Hassan’s benefit. “But I get enough action already, thank you very much.”

  She spun on her heel to walk down the stairs and back to the chaise she’d been sitting in.

  That should be enough for you to play with but not enough to kick me out of your bed.

  “Nice girl.” Vince complimented Hassan as Sarah settled into the chaise. Sounding less distracted, he then informed Hassan. “I have the merchandise you need.”

  “Excellent. You didn’t have any trouble procuring it, did you?”

  “No more than usual. Don’t worry, no one will be able to trace it, and my men and I will be able to deliver to the location you specify.”

  “That will be fine. Jaleel will give you the specifics.”

  “You’ll have the balance upon delivery?”

  “Yes, of course. Now, please excuse me for a moment. Stay and enjoy your cigar.”

  The sound of footsteps on the stairs alerted Sarah to Hassan’s approach.

  “Sarah, would you join me for a moment?”

  Uh-oh. He sounds pretty serious.

  The hair prickled on the back of Sarah’s neck. She began to second-guess herself and wondered if she’d overplayed the scene. A flashback to the leggy blond who had disappeared after flirting with the bartender came to mind.

  Damnit! Amateur!

  Sarah opened her eyes and steeled herself for what might happen. She stole a quick glance and saw Vince looking down at her with concern.

  Don’t worry. I can handle this.

  She didn’t need him to act too concerned and blow their covers, so she smiled, stood and sauntered into the main salon where Hassan waited.

  “Why did you touch him?” Hassan demanded, his mouth a grim line.

  Sarah stood her ground. “Because you dared me to. I don’t take challenges lightly, Hassan. Remember that and we’ll get along just fine.”

  “Do you always fight when challenged?” His voice was husky now, instead of angry.

  “Always.” She stared purposefully into his eyes.

  Hassan grabbed Sarah by the waist and pushed her up against the wall. He forced her head back with a long, rough kiss as he quickly unbuttoned his trousers.

  Okay. I definitely nailed that scene.

  Sarah knew why Vince was here. He was the man who would sell Hassan the guns his terrorist friends would use in Iraq.

  Vince’s brother was in Iraq so this had to be a particularly difficult scene for him to play. Her mind couldn’t be on Vince now. The idea of a man like Hassan getting so hot for her he’d cut short a transaction for several tons of AK-47s made her hotter than she had ever been. She wanted Hassan as much for her own ego as he wanted her for his.

  With his trousers undone and his erection longing for release, he grabbed her by the thighs and wrapped her legs around his waist. He thrust into her forcefully, pinning her to the wall and making her climax instantly. The rush of having this sort of power over him was exhilarating and she drank in every hard gulp of it. He came within minutes and released Sarah with the second most passionate kiss she’d ever had. She couldn’t help but wonder why all her other lovers had been so completely inept compared to this man.

  The wrong man.

  “Did you enjoy that?” Hassan growled.

  “You know I did.”

  “Good. Because there is more where that came from,” he stated with a satisfied smile. “I want you to do something for me.�

  “Mmm…” she said as she caressed his thighs. “I’m sure I’ll be happy to oblige.”

  “No. Not yet, but you will do that, too. I have reason to believe Mr. Hennessee may not be what he claims to be. I’d like you to conduct a little test for me.”

  Panic stabbed at Sarah’s gut. Vince couldn’t have been made so early in the game.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t trust him. I think he might enjoy seeing you in the white caftan.”

  “Of course he would. He’s a man. Any man would enjoy seeing me in sheer nothingness. What’s your point?”

  Hassan lifted her chin. “I need to test his intentions and I believe you are the perfect bait. He seems quite taken with you.”

  Sarah pushed him away and started to walk toward his stateroom. “Look, I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing here, but I don’t care to participate, thank you.”

  Hassan caught her with his long reach and grabbed her arm in his vice-like grip. “I said put on the caftan and join Mr. Hennessee on the fly bridge. Make him believe you want him. Now.”

  Sarah wanted to kick Hassan’s sleazy ass right now, but the team was in this to win and that meant she had to play Hassan’s game. She gave him a cold, hard stare.

  This had been kind of fun but that brought me back to reality. Thanks. We’re going to take you and your whole organization down if I have to stay here for a month.

  Sarah stalked out of the salon and toward Hassan’s stateroom for her wardrobe change.

  The white caftan in broad daylight wasn’t much more than an opaque film.

  Sorry Vince, I’ve got a job to do and you’ve become my next project. Hopefully Chris has clued you in.

  Sarah made her way up the stairs and through the sky lounge. Hassan sat in a corner with a drink in hand, waiting for her to bait his trap for Vince.

  “Enjoy the show.” Sarah glared at Hassan and strutted out to the fly bridge where Vince waited. She closed the tinted sliding glass door so Hassan might not hear what was said and then sidled up to Vince. Gently, she put her hands on Vince’s shoulders and stroked downward over his chest. “Sorry, but the Sheikh has some voyeuristic qualities I wasn’t briefed on. He’s on to you and wants me to toy with you a little. If you don’t take offense to my advances…”

  “He’ll know he can’t trust me to do business with. If I take advantage, as much as I might enjoy it, it could get ugly.”

  “In a nutshell.” Relief that he understood flooded Sarah.

  Vince let out a heavy sigh. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. Now make him believe.”

  Sarah snaked her hand along his broad back and stood in front of him. She wasn’t wearing a stitch of clothing underneath the caftan and knew the afternoon sun showed every nuance of her body through the near-sheer silk fabric.”

  Vince jumped to his feet. “I came here to conduct business, not disrespect my host. What are you trying to do?”

  He was so convincing that Sarah startled and stumbled backwards. She caught herself on the deck rail and was steadying herself when Hassan stepped out of the sky lounge and onto the sky bridge.

  “Mr. Hennessee, is there a problem?”

  “No. None at all. With all due respect, if we’re finished here, I have things to do. I’d like to head back now.”

  “Yes, of course. Jaleel will take you in the launch and discuss the delivery details.”

  Good job, boss.

  Sarah watched Vince walk down the stairs and out of sight. The anger simmering under the surface of her skin rose to a full boil. She stalked up to Hassan, stared him in the eye and slapped him hard across the face.

  Hassan raised his hand to slap her and adrenaline rushed through Sarah as her body prepared for the fight of its life.

  Stay calm. Don’t break eye contact. Show no fear.

  Hassan lowered his hand and chuckled. “You did well, beautiful one.”

  Sarah turned on her high heel and walked away. It didn’t matter. This time it was Vince, so there was no harm done, but if she let Hassan think he could continue these games with her as his pawn, it might get dangerous. The slap was really just for effect. He’d understand now she wouldn’t play this game again.

  Hell, if I’d really wanted to inflict pain, I’d have skipped the slap and gone straight to a roundhouse kick to the head!

  Sarah had gone too long today without the benefit of food. She found her way to the galley where the little woman she’d seen the night before in kitchen whites appeared to be preparing meals for the staff.

  “Yes, ma’am?” The woman greeted her in perfect American English.

  She marveled at the woman’s ability to greet her so respectfully when she was practically strolling around the ship naked. Hassan definitely kept a tight ship.

  “Hi. What’s your name?”

  “Delia, ma’am. Is there something I can get for you?”

  “Delia, I’m dying for a cheeseburger. I don’t suppose you have the makings of one here?”

  “Of course, ma’am. I’ll have one sent up to the Sheikh’s quarters immediately.”

  “Thank you, Delia.” Sarah smiled before she turned and left the galley.

  As she made her way to Hassan’s cabin, she wondered what to expect after the slap. She paused a moment outside the door, took a deep breath and stepped inside.

  The cabin sat empty and she let out a sigh of relief. If Hassan was to send her away, she might have enough time to enjoy a good meal before she got the boot.

  The cabin was spotless. The food tray from earlier was now gone, the bed linens had been changed and Hassan was nowhere to be found. Sarah turned on some music and decided now might be a good time to do a status check with Chris.

  Chris picked up on the signal. “I hear a little AC/DC going. Is that my cue?”

  “Yes, it is.” She didn’t bother to hide her excitement at the sound of his voice. “How are we doing today?”

  “Excellent, Sarah. We’ve got some new locations being monitored by satellite. Great idea to leave your necklace near the phone, by the way.”

  “Huh?” Sarah touched her neck and realized the necklace had been removed this morning. “Oh,” she said. “Lucky that.”

  “Hey, I heard a slap that didn’t sound like it went with a tickle. Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I slapped Hassan.”

  “Sweet.” He laughed. “You got big balls for a girl. Keep up the good work.” There was a pause. “Oh, make sure you bring that white thing back with you. Vince told us all about it and we’re all dying for you to model it for us, too.”

  “He just left. Don’t you guys have more important things to talk about than what I’m wearing?”

  “No, not really. We’re five dudes waiting for the shit to hit. You’re doing all the work and from what we’ve heard, your wardrobe is a pretty important feature in this operation.”

  There was a knock on the door. Sarah turned off the music. “Come in.”

  A stewardess entered the room with a silver tray. In the middle of the tray sat a stunning Wedgwood china plate topped with a cheeseburger surrounded by French fries. A bottle of water and a dish of fresh strawberries rounded out the meal. Sarah’s mouth watered as the aromas assailed her senses.

  Well, that’s not your average Happy Meal!

  “Thank you. Please give Delia my compliments.” Sarah took the tray and closed the stateroom door as her stomach growled in anticipation. She wolfed the whole meal down in minutes. Then she took the bottle of water and reclined on the bed to consider Hassan’s next possible move.

  Option one: He could be arranging for me to leave right now. Option two: He might be turned on by my nerve and want me to stay even longer. At least the day wasn’t a total loss. I got good and laid, Chris said they managed to get some intel on specific locations and I ate the best cheeseburger I’ve had in months.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Sarah opened her eyes and stretched, long and ca
tlike. She had no idea how much time had passed since she’d fallen asleep. What she did know was the room had changed. Every tabletop was covered with a vase full of long-stemmed Sterling roses, and the air was thick with their heady, sweet scent.

  She scanned the room and found Hassan reclined on the sofa by the bed with his feet up on the opposite armrest. His shirt was unbuttoned and barely hanging on to his shoulders. His chest and abs were so tanned and defined, he looked like a Greek god.

  Hassan smiled at Sarah in a sleepy, seductive way that made her body respond, regardless of how bad he was and how much he’d pissed her off.

  Be cool. Be cool.

  “I must have fallen asleep. What time is it?”

  Hassan stood. “Time for us to talk, my beauty.”

  Sarah sat upright and immediately took the defensive. She wasn’t going without a fight. “Look, if you’re upset about the slap, you had it coming, and then some, and you know it!”

  He smiled his perfect, charming smile. “Perhaps I did, but never in my life has a woman, any woman, dared to correct my behaviornot even my own mother.”

  Well, maybe she should have.

  “So, you’re angry?” She arched one eyebrow in challenge and waited for his answer.

  He chuckled. “Hardly.” His voice softened and he brushed a strand of hair from her forehead. “I’m intrigued. Either you are very foolish or very brave. If you were foolish, I would have lost interest the moment I finished making love to you for the first time. The look in your eyes tells me you’re brave. It is the look I see in a horse’s eyes before he is broken. Defiant, bold and fierce. Most of all…intoxicating. It is the one thing my money and connections will not buy. Therefore I must have it.”

  “Excuse me?” Sarah raised an eyebrow. “Did you just compare me to a horse?”

  Hassan reached under the pillow and retrieved a small black velvet box. He opened the box. “Stay with me?”

  The sparkle of the yellow diamond solitaire had the effect of an atom bomb.

  I love it. I want it. I’ll take it.

  “What did you say?” She croaked after taking a moment to collect herself. She didn’t know if he’d asked her to marry him, to be kept by him or to just stick around for a few more days.


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