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Black Rose

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by Steele, Suzanne

  Kindle Edition

  ©Black Rose

  Copyright © 2013 Suzanne Steele

  The Contract Series © 2013 Suzanne Steele

  Stormy Dawn Weathers Series © 2013 Suzanne Steele

  Published by Suzanne Steele

  All Rights Reserved

  This book is a work of Fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the Author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced. It may not be used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the Author.

  Cover photo © Dollar Photo Club

  Cover Copyright © Suzanne Steele

  Edited by Corey Amador

  Cover Design by Mayhem Cover Creations

  Formatting by Suzanne Steele

  Thank you for downloading this e-book.

  Your support and respect for the property of this author is appreciated.

  All content herein is protected under copyright law.

  This e-book is Rated 17+

  To the Reader

  The men I write about are Alpha males in every sense of the word. They are the men society warns us about. They are dominant males with controlling tendencies. They are the men you know you should stay away from but yet

  you are drawn like a moth to a flame. If you are looking for a sweet romance, you won't find it here. What you will find is dark passion. Many times my heroes carry what would be

  considered an obsession for the women they love. Each and every character I write about has demanded their voice be heard. I have been true to that calling and I have stayed true to their personalities, which at times the reader may not always agree with. They are dark, they are gritty, and many times their love is dysfunctional but, none the less, it is real.

  Stalk Me…

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  Table of Contents


  Present Day

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty One

  Chapter Twenty Two


  I can remember the horror I endured at the age of sixteen as if it was yesterday. The internet had just become available and though computers weren’t affordable for the general population, I, by no means, fell under that category.

  Though technology has vastly changed over the last twenty years, human nature has not. Some men are born with cruelty in the very marrow of their bones and, on this day, I would witness it firsthand. Though the pack of wolves had no access to computers to flaunt their sadism, they had brought a video camera to ensure longevity.

  I hid behind the crates in a back alley, watching in horror, as a local street gang viciously beat a man to death. I could hear their jeers, yelling, “Are you getting this?” directed towards the youth holding a camera, taping their horrendous act of violence. They were recording it all just for the sport of watching it with other gang members at a later date. Each kick to the head, each brutal blow, and every single bone, which could be heard cracking as it broke, was caught on tape along with the horrifying screams I was certain could be heard by neighbors who share the same code of conduct: don’t get involved with crime. The true horror came when the man gave into his plight and his agonizing screams ceased. In that second, I feared they had succeeded in snuffing out his life.

  My heartbeat thundered so loudly in my ears, I was certain they would hear it, but they were too busy jeering each other on with the vicious beating. I don’t believe there is a more brutal way to kill a human than beating them to death. Unlike a bullet, or even a knife blade, it is so much more personal in its cruel delivery. It was much like a train wreck in that I wanted to look away, but I could not peel my eyes away from the horrid scene unfolding right before me.

  Everything in me wanted to do something to help the victim, but the pack of wolves tearing into the man’s flesh far outnumbered me. I could never remember not just feeling, but actually being, so helpless. How could anyone be so cruel and brutal?

  Finally, when I felt I could stand no more, the vicious pack of boys dispersed and made their way down the alley, laughing and high fiving one another as if they had just won a high school football game. I waited for a moment to be certain they were gone before I came out from my hiding place. I cradled the man’s head in my lap and remained with him until he breathed his last breath. A complete stranger died in my arms that day. I felt like I owed him that—I couldn’t let him die alone. I will never forget the look of pleading in his eyes. Though he never spoke a word, he begged me not to leave him abandoned in that alley, and so…I stayed.

  When I visualized him move on to eternity and I was certain he had gone from this world and to a place much better, I gently laid the man’s head down and exited the mouth of the alley a changed being. I had entered as a boy, but emerged as a man. That was the day I vowed to myself I would never be an innocent bystander to the cruelty of mankind again. That was the day I became…Black Rose…

  Present Day

  Black Rose

  Because some women don’t want champagne and roses, they NEED black roses and knives. It is for these women I write my story…

  My name is Charles Wentworth III and I suppose if I was to have to describe myself with one word it would be oxymoron. Whether it is due to nature or nurture, to say the least, I am a contradiction in terms.

  I am just as comfortable in nothing but a pair of jeans, walking through my mansion barefoot, as I am in a suit and tie. I am a chameleon of sorts but, then again, when you’re a serial killer, concessions must be made.

  I was raised in the upper echelon of society. In my world, appearances are everything and perfection is paramount. From the day I was born, I was taught in what manner to behave around the elite of society who inhabit my world—a world where you inherit your social circle and no amount of money can buy or secure your place there.

  Though I was born into the status I have been allotted, I was also born with innate traits—traits that need to remain hidden at all costs. You see… I am a born predator. I am no different than a wild animal in this sense. I enjoy the hunt, capture, and take down of my prey. It isn’t something I do, it is who I am. No amount of resistance or therapy will ever change my nature. Just as surely as I was born into my social status, I was also born with the nature of a killer.

  Surprisingly enough, this bleeds over (no pun intended) into my sexual escapades. Once I have tracked my prey, I will stop at nothing to attain that which I crave. I am a stalker in every sense of the word, and I am very good at what I do.

  As fate would have it, I have raised my nostrils in the night air of sensuality and I have gotten a whiff of the prey that I so desire. A woman I have coveted in my dreams has now become a reality. After years of searchi
ng for a woman I can take under my wing and train, I have finally found her. By the time I am finished grooming her to my preferences, she will be perfect for me. She will be a woman with a craving for my cock and my deviant sexual tendencies.

  Oddly enough, the type of woman I have been looking for is not what would normally fit the stereotype of a man of my means. She is the total opposite of the women who have graced my arm in the social functions I attend.

  In the past, the women I fuck have been mere eye candy for the press and paparazzi who make a living selling my pictures to magazines. Paparazzi prey off the general public who live vicariously through the rich and famous and I gave them what they wanted to see.

  Melanie is anything but mere eye candy; she is a woman with heart, soul, and substance. These characteristics seem to be lacking in the women who normally pursue me—women who crave the limelight, money, and social status I can provide. It’s enough to hurt a man’s feelings… if I had them. Lucky for me, I learned to turn my emotions off years ago.

  I never lack a warm body in my bed due to the abundant pictures, newspaper articles, and press interviews of me ever present in the media. Each woman covets a spot in the social section of The Courier Journal, better known as the CJ of Louisville, KY. Horse racing has been good to this city and the Kentucky Derby has been a gold mine, a drawing card for the rich and famous. Anyone who is anyone attends the annual race and never lets the opportunity to show off their fashion sense in hats go to waste. It has grown so much that even those who grace the screens of Hollywood attend. Each woman on my arm believes I can give her a life of fame and fortune. Each woman believes she will be the one I will fall madly in love with and make all her dreams come true. In turn, I fuck them and move on to the next naïve victim. Being upfront with them about my unavailability only seems to spur them on. It’s a bit of reverse psychology though that is not the reason for my being so forthright. I am honest with them because I want to fuck them and then I want them to leave me the fuck alone.

  My obsession with Melanie has opened the door to a problem I never anticipated. Now I always measure any other woman by the standard that I perceive Melanie to be and they never measure up.

  I have now come to the conclusion that the women in my escapades curb my passion—nothing more, nothing less—and tonight, I need some curbing to be done. For those of you who have read of my exploits in Miller’s memoirs (The Contract Series), I believe it is necessary to share this one story once again, for the sake of those of who have not. At the risk of repeating myself, please bear with me in order for me to enlighten those who have not read that series. Once again, I graciously offer my apologies. This will be the only story repeated and, I promise, I have purpose in doing so.

  I make my way into an establishment on the Upper East Side for a drink. It always humors me how ‘the high society girls’ make their way over as if they aren’t trying to pick me up.

  I eye the latest flavor who has eased her way into the bar stool next to me. Her hair is done in long, dark ringlets and her make-up appears as though it was professionally applied by a stylist. She wears a tight, salmon colored, banded dress that lifts up just high enough to show the lace at the top of her sexy, black thigh highs when she sits down.

  I don’t have much time for the high society women who reside in my income bracket. They remind me too much of my Mother—uptight, frigid, social-climbing cunts.

  I am smart enough to realize they can’t be that frigid all the time, not if they are anything like my Mommy Dearest. I know all too well I am the seed spawned from an affair my Mother had years ago but like any good high society family, denial runs rampant. The secret has been swept under the rug and all is well in the Wentworth household.

  Tonight’s entertainment makes her way to the ladies’ room. I retrieve my wallet and lay a generous tip down for the bartender. I swiftly turn on the toe of my Italian leather shoes and make my way into the hallway that houses the restrooms to await the brunette. She steps through the door and I lean in to speak in her ear.

  “I’m leaving… and I would love nothing more than to pin you in the alleyway and fuck your brains out before I retire for the evening.”

  With that, I quickly turn and make my way out the door. The baffled brunette just stands there for a moment in shock but I can feel her eyes on me as I walk away.

  I lean against the alleyway wall, smoking a cigarette and listening for the click clacking of stilettos that I know will soon come.

  Sure enough, the brunette turns the corner, looking back and forth over her shoulder behind her as she makes her way into the alley.

  As soon as she opens her mouth to speak, I grab a handful of her hair and growl in her ear, “Shut the fuck up and get your hands up against the wall!”

  I pull her legs out, bend her body at the waist, and move behind her as I begin to growl threats. “Don’t you dare move your fucking hands off of that wall, bitch!”

  I stand behind her and slowly shimmy her dress up. I yank her G-string off of her as if it is nonexistent. I begin to rub her torn panties back and forth between her already swollen nether lips, coating them in her juices. I watch her body tremble with interest as I lean in and begin to degrade her with my speech. “I’m a vile, nasty man. I’m an animal who is going to fuck you in a back alley and probably never see you again. Your cunt is dripping wet, girl. That’s it… come all over those panties, because when you finish coming, I’m stuffing them between those perfectly lined lips of yours!”

  She cries out as her juices soil the underwear I have used to rub over her sensitive clit until I brought her to orgasm.

  I jerk her head back and command her to open her mouth. I shove the soiled panties between her lips just as I informed her I would do. I pull my hardened cock out and sheath it.

  “I’m going to fuck you up against this brick wall, girl.”

  She jacks her ass up and spreads her legs, giving me free rein to follow through with everything I have threatened.

  I am viciously fucking her when I look up and see a man who has entered the mouth of the alley. He is now watching us and engaged in full blown masturbation. Our twosome has now become a threesome.

  “You are a Fifth Avenue slut who is getting fucked in an alleyway while a drunk watches and jacks off.”

  She hadn’t noticed him until I began to taunt her. I twist her hair in my fist as I take my finger and begin to manipulate her clit. It is evident I am not the only one who is getting turned by the knowledge that we now have a voyeur. Little Miss High Society is now clawing her perfectly manicured nails into the bricks as she climaxes.

  I grab both of her hips, viciously pounding my cock in and out of her, as I unload into the condom I’m wearing.

  I take a moment to recoup and then hiss in her ear, “Don’t fucking call me or look for me. If I ever want to fuck you again, I’m well able to find you.”

  I throw the rubber off and turn, making my way down the alley. I can hear her heels clicking their way around the corner and back into the bar. I chuckle as I think about the irony of high society.

  Chapter One

  Black Rose

  “Though a single black rose, tis his kiss of death; for her it holds no power. For when she doth receive, tis not a mere black rose; but a bouquet thereof…”

  I make my way through the room, fingering some of the items I have purchased for my precious Melanie and her son, Tommy.

  I have spent a lot of time on her dwelling place that I will soon be taking her to. The time is at hand for me to take the last of these items to the apartment located behind my aunt’s suburban home. After all, I want to be certain my little prey will feel right at home. I have gone to extreme measures to ensure that everything I purchase will be to Melanie’s liking.

  I know what size clothing she wears, what brands of make-up she would like to use but can’t afford, and what cologne she would love to be able to lavishly spray on. I know these things because my heart has broken as I’ve watch
ed her at the mall staring longingly at the items she cannot afford to purchase. I have seen her get samples of the perfume she wishes she could wear while the woman behind the counter looks at her as if she is trash. There will come a day I will escort her back to the department store for the sole purpose of buying her the very cologne she was forced to put back. You can be certain I will purposely choose a different sales lady to make sure that rude bitch will not make commission from the purchase. Depending on my mood that day, I may even lean in and whisper something derogatory into her ear just to humiliate her and watch her pompous face turn beet red. I can assure you that she will pay for her rude treatment of my precious kitten.

  Melanie is everything I have ever dreamed of in a woman to fulfill my eccentric sexual appetites. She is the perfect woman to teach, train, and to take. This makes her even more desirable in my eyes because even though I can afford to buy anything and, most times, anyone I want, I rather like the idea of taking Melanie.

  The hunt of prey is always so delicious but Melanie isn’t just any prey. No, Melanie is a keeper.

  She is not anything like the trash I have tied up in my basement right now. All he is… is a means to an end. He is only a messenger—someone to relay the message that I so desperately need to get out to the public. I need for the public to understand me. I need for my fans to see me for the man I truly am.

  I don’t just want Melanie, I covet Melanie. I crave her, much like a junkie craves a fix. My desire is that she will crave me as much as I do her even when my truth is revealed to her. There have been times, such as the day in the parking garage when she took Tommy to the doctor, that I almost veered from my plan. She had been so close. I could literally smell her and it had taken all of my mental fortitude to not reach out and grab her but things have to be done correctly. She is a prize, someone to be treasured, and not a woman to be squandered on just any man. Enough thinking about Melanie, I have work to do.

  I make my way out of the bedroom and through the massive hallway. I grab one of the black roses from the crystal vase adorning the massive, antique, oblong table which sits on the expensive, marble flooring. I walk down the spiral staircase and make my way through the mansion’s foyer, into the formal dining area, through the chef’s commercial kitchen, and to the door that will bring me to the basement confining my next victim.


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