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Taken: A Dark Romance Collection

Page 37

by Duvane, JB

But then, A few years after our father started beating us it seemed like that wasn’t enough punishment, and…over time…he started to torture Jeffrey. The changes were small at first, so I guess that’s why I didn’t really realize what was going on, but it eventually became a nightmare.

  The punishments always revolved around our father’s knowledge of one or both of us being sexually aroused. He would tell us he knew what we had been doing and would perform the most unimaginably sick, twisted games…or tests on Jeffrey. At this point he rarely came for me. He seemed to focus all his efforts in on my brother, maybe because he saw more of himself in Jeffrey, I don’t know. But he would push him further and further…with images from magazines and…then he would use anything he could come up to put him in is as much pain as possible. He used rubber bands and clothes pins and other things I don’t even want to think about to control Jeffrey's impulses. It was horrible.

  He terrified me, Abby. Our father absolutely terrified me. This went on for years and years, along with the beatings, and he always made me watch. He told me that he wanted me to know what would happen to me if he ever saw me get excited in any way. He said that he would not only do the same thing to me, but he would make it so that I would have nothing to touch. I was paralyzed with fear. I was afraid of ever getting excited over a picture of a woman or even a thought because I felt like my father always knew…and it just got worse and worse…even after he died.

  But at the very end, right before my father died, he hurt my brother in the most horrible way imaginable. I don’t know why. I don’t understand what would bring him to do something like that to his own son, but do I know that our father’s death wasn’t an accident, and I know that Jeffrey killed him because of what he had done to him.”

  Jake stopped talking again and put his head in his hands and covered his eyes. He looked so pale and exhausted and I didn’t want to put him through any more anguish.

  “You don’t have to talk about this anymore if you don’t want to, Jake. We have time. It doesn’t all have to happen right now,” I said as I moved closer to him and touched his arm.

  “I need to tell you this, Abby. It’s important to me that I explain…I want you to know how I became the person that cowered behind that glass wall. I don’t know why, but I feel like this is something I have to do so that I can get past all of it. I need you to understand,” he said as he lowered his hand and looked over towards me, but wasn’t able to look me in the eyes just yet.

  “After our father died, Jeffrey changed. He seemed to have taken on his role around the house, and our mother was either drunk or passed out in her room all day every day, so there really was no one to stop him. Like I told you before, he studied our father’s books and lab notes and spent a lot of his time in that hospital, but he had also started to treat me differently, like everything was somehow my fault, as if I had been in on it all. I quickly learned to just stay out of his way, but he always found something to blame me for, and he always talked to me like I was dirty and weak and despicable, like our father had whenever he came in to punish us. I just wanted things between us to to back to the way they were. He had been my best friend…my only friend…and I loved him. There were times when he would talk to me, or share something with me, but things were never the same between us again.

  When we got to high school even though I still thought of him as my closest friend, I started to try and separate myself from him, finding new friends and hanging out with girls. But every time he came near me he would berate me in front of the other kids and tell me that no one would ever want to be friends with a coward like me. That no girl would want someone that was as fucked up as I was. There were brief moments, even then, when he would treat me like his brother and his friend again, and I wanted so badly for things to go back to the way they were when we were younger that I would go along with anything he wanted to do. I’d made the mistake of telling him once that being with girls scared me and made me nervous and I wasn’t sure, but it seemed like I wasn’t functioning properly. After that, all he would do was make jokes about how I was a lost cause if I couldn’t get it up around a girl at sixteen. But he told me that he had this idea. He said it would be fun if we shared a girl to see if they noticed…if they could tell the difference between us. I would start out, get a girl to like me and come home with me, and make out with her for a while. Then I would go to the bathroom to get a condom and we would switch. Then he would finish them off, as he put it. It was hard for me to say no to anything he wanted to do, even when I knew it wasn’t a very good idea, but I wanted to feel like we were doing something together again, like when we were kids. I know that may sound strange to you, but we had a really special relationship when we were kids. We relied on each other so much.

  This went on all through high school and continued when I went to college. I would bring girls back to the house, and by then I was too terrified to even try to go the whole distance on my own, and Jeffrey was more than happy to take over for me. No one ever found out, and he loved the fact that he could get away with pulling the wool over people’s eyes. I was just relieved that none of the girls ever found out I wasn’t able to get hard. I felt terrible about what I was doing, but I didn’t know what else to do. I was terrified of anyone I knew ever finding out.

  That’s when Jeffrey really started to take advantage of the situation. After college, I just wanted to break free of everything having to do with him and that house, and like I told you, I never went back, but Jeffrey would figure out who I was seeing and threaten to tell them about me. I started to wonder if I was providing something for him that he wasn’t capable of, the same way he was providing something for me.

  It became this horrible secret that I had no idea how to get out of. And… the worst part…” he stopped there and I could tell he was starting to get choked up. I didn’t say anything, though. I just let him go at his own pace. I moved a little closer to him and put my hand on his leg and waited for him to continue.

  “The worst part was…the only time I could…get off, was when I was watching Jeffrey fuck one of my girlfriends.” He put his palms over both of his eyes and ran his hands through his hair as his head dropped in front of him.

  “I’m so sorry Abby. I feel like such a sleazy, disgusting…”

  “Stop. Jake, I don’t think anything like that of you. None of this is your fault and I don’t want you to think for one minute that I am judging you or thinking that you are disgusting. I know it’s incredibly hard for you to tell me about all this. I know you’re not the same person anymore, and if you could have the past be any other way, you would. But it is in the past, Jake. And it isn’t who you are anymore.”

  Jake looked up at me with tears in his eyes and smiled.

  “Thank you, Abby. And yes, if I could change what happened to you I would do it in a second. You were so special to me from the very beginning, and, of course, Jeffrey knew that. My whole life I kept making the mistake of telling him things, about people who were important to me, about you. I told him this was different, that I didn’t want him involved with you at all. I didn’t even want you to know that I had a brother. I didn’t want you to know anything about my past or my family. I just wanted a clean slate. And I actually believed that I loved you enough to make all of my own problems go away. I know now that that was silly, that I really needed help and that I couldn’t expect someone else to fix me, but I wanted so badly to believe it. And when I still couldn’t get hard when I was with you…Jeffrey convinced me that it was the best solution…the only solution. So I let him.”

  Jake stopped talking again for a few minutes and I just sat there with him, holding his hand.

  “And when you left that night…I thought you knew. I didn’t want to try and stop you because the last thing I wanted was any kind of confrontation where this or any of my past would be brought up. I wanted so badly to talk to you but, like Jeffrey said, I was a total coward…and I just stood there and watched the only woman I had ever loved walk aw
ay. But what I don’t know is how long Jeffrey had been planning his whole bizarre kidnapping thing. There’s no way he could have known that you were going to break up with me, and I’ve wondered if he had been planning on keeping you from the very beginning.”

  “But how did you find out I was at that house?”

  “Oh, he told me. He called me a few days after he’d taken you back there, almost like he was bragging about it. I don’t know what he thought was going to happen, if he thought we would just take turns with you while you were being held captive for the rest of your life, I have no idea. I got up there that same day that I came into your room. I thought I’d just take a chance and see you and hope that he didn’t find out about it. It didn’t even occur to me that you would think that he was me, though. I guess, to me it’s always been so obvious that we were nothing alike and I forgot that other people can’t immediately see the differences until they really get to know us. And pretty much no one gets to know both of us anymore.

  It wasn’t until the next day that I realized that you still thought he and I were the same person and that really killed me. I couldn’t stand the thought of you believing that I was doing those horrible things to you. But nothing made me hate myself more…nothing…than being so fucking paralyzed in my own body that I couldn’t go against my brother. I saw everything. I watched everything that happened in that room from behind the glass wall and I didn’t do a single goddamned thing to stop it.”

  He was holding his head in his hands again and I put my arms around him.

  “But you did, Jake. You did stop him.”

  “But not soon enough! My God, Abby, it went on for a week and I was just an impotent fool, hiding from the world while he tortured you…and raped you. It was like watching what happened to my brother all over again,” he said as he started crying. I climbed into his lap and wrapped my legs and arms around him and let him sob as he buried his head in my neck.

  After we sat there for a long time I asked him if he wanted to lay down in my bed with me. I told him I didn’t want anything to happen between us that night, but I could tell he was exhausted and that it would be nice to have his arms around me. He pushed my hair back and smiled as he nodded his head. We got under the covers with our clothes on and our arms and legs wrapped around each other and I thought about everything Jake had told me. It was just about the most horrifying and bizarre story I had ever heard and I would have been lying if I’d said that it didn’t scare me a little. But I also knew that I loved him, and I wanted to be here for him, no matter what had happened to him in the past. After a while, I looked up and saw that he was staring at me.

  “How are you doing?” I asked him as I reached up and ran my thumb across his jawline. He looked so beautiful lying there in the dark and I knew then that I couldn’t let him slip away from me again. Actually, I had known all along and was just too afraid to admit it to myself.

  “Better,” he said with a smile.

  “Do you think you’d be interested in going out on a date sometime, Jake?”

  “I can’t think of anything I’d rather do than go out on a date with you, Abby.”

  “I mean I’d really like to take it slow, no fooling around or anything, just spend some time together for a little while. I’m not ready for anything more than that right now.”

  Jake laughed and grinned from ear to ear.

  “I am absolutely ready to take things slow with you, Abby. I’m not ready for anything more than that right now either. But I would like to spend as much time with you as humanly possible.”

  “Ok, how about we go out to breakfast in the morning?”


  “After we wake up here…together,” I said with a big smile. There was no way I was letting him go home tonight. I wanted to fall asleep with his arms around me and wake up to his gorgeous eyes in the morning.

  “Sounds perfect,” he said as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me.

  It all felt like a dream, but not a nightmare this time. Like the sexiest, sweetest dream I had ever had, and I felt like my body was floating next to him as his lips pressed into mine.

  Chapter 17 - Jake

  The doorbell rang and I barely let two seconds pass before I answered it. I had waited over fifteen years for this night and I swear to God it felt like I was a kid again. And I still couldn’t believe that it was going to be with Abby, that she wanted me as much as I had wanted her since the first time I’d laid eyes on her.

  “Abby,” I said as I grabbed both of her hands and just stood there looking at her.

  “Well? Are you going to let me in or should we have our whole date out here on the porch?”

  I laughed as I pulled her inside, and shut the door behind her. I led her across the room so that we were standing in front of the couch, then wrapped my arms around her waist, but the whole time I couldn’t stop staring at her eyes. Looking into Abby’s big, beautiful eyes made me feel like nothing else in the world existed except those sparkles, and they were right in front of me, focused completely on me.

  I reached up and touched the incredibly soft skin on her face, then lowered my lips to hers. I had been so nervous about this night for the two months we had decided to date that it’s all I had been able to think about. We’d talked about taking it slow this time and really getting to know each other, and the last time we were together on our two month dating anniversary, we agreed that this would be the night. But every time I tried to picture it, when I tried to imagine what it would be like to make love with Abby, I was filled with anxiety that things weren’t going to work like they were supposed to. But as soon as my lips touched hers I let all of the worry and fears go and allowed the warmth that flowed out of Abby take their place.

  I started by removing her clothes. I loved watching her stand in front of me and peel her clothes off slowly, especially when she would turn around and bend over, pulling her panties all the way down to the floor, but tonight I wanted to be in control. I wanted to take her and make her mine. I unzipped her sexy little dress and let it fall to the floor and pulled her almost naked body against mine while I buried my face in her neck. She squirmed a little, then curled up against me and I could hear her smile.

  I reached around behind her and unhooked her bra, then slid each strap off her shoulders and let that fall to the floor too. But I saved her panties for later. I wanted to peel those down her thighs as slowly as humanly possible as I breathed in her intoxicating scent. She squealed as I picked her up and carried her into the bedroom, then screamed and laughed as I threw her onto the bed. She had a smile on her face but her eyes were wide with desire. I watched her squirm as my eyes moved slowly across her gorgeous body and I was surprised that she didn’t try and cover herself up like she’d done in the past. I could never understand why she felt like her body wasn’t good enough. It was hers, I had always thought as I watched every move she made, in spite of her attempts to camouflage it in some way, of course her body was perfect.

  I slowly removed my tie and then my shirt. I had no idea why I’d dressed so formally or what I thought we were going to do other than rip each other’s clothes off the second she got here, but I was glad that it gave me time to stand over her and take in every single inch of her body.

  When I had taken everything off I crawled on top of her and cupped her beautiful breasts, squeezing them and gently biting the nipples and feeling myself get harder as I listened to her breathy moans. She couldn’t wait to get her hands on me either and I almost jumped as I felt her fingers delicately running up and down my hard shaft and over the smooth head. It felt so incredible to feel her hands on me like that, and the realization that she was touching me while I was rock hard almost made me giddy. I let her move her hand up and down my length for a little while longer, slowly stroking me and gazing at me in a way that made me mad with desire. But then I moved out of her grasp because I had things to do. I made my way down the curve of her stomach, grabbing it and licking it and burying my face i
n the soft flesh as I kissed my way to the one remaining piece of fabric that separated the two of us.

  As I hooked my fingers over the top of her panties and lowered my face to the damp space in between her legs, I looked up at her and I was astonished to see that she was shaking a little bit. I wondered if it was possible that she was as nervous as I was as I watched her look down at me with anticipation.

  “I don’t know what I was expecting, but everything feels so incredible, Jake,” she said as she touched the side of my face and ran her fingers back through my hair. I just smiled again as I continued to pull that flimsy scrap of fabric down, and was almost instantly overwhelmed by her musky scent. After holding them up to my face for a few seconds, I threw her panties to the floor and I buried my face in the silky patch of hair between her thighs.

  I grabbed her legs and forced them apart, holding them firmly in place, and I heard a sharp intake of breath that made me want to lunge at her like an animal. But I also wanted some parts of this experience to go very slowly, so I brushed my mouth against her thighs and kissed the sensitive inner crevice that led to her velvety, hidden lips until she was writhing around underneath my grip.

  I spread her apart and buried my mouth in the deep space between those lips, licking and sucking and tasting the liquid that flowed out of her. Every fiber of my being wanted desperately to possess this woman as I immersed myself in her scent and flavor. I pressed my face into her as I used my lips and tongue to lick and suck and explore every inch of her that usually stayed hidden between her legs. I could feel her back arch and her hips grind into me as I wrapped my hands around her thighs and pulled her even more tightly against my mouth. She bucked and struggled as I held her legs open for as long as I could until I felt the last of the waves of convulsions sweep over her body. I watched her beautiful, peaceful face as she sank back into the bed then pulled away and let her rest for a moment when her thighs closed around my head and her hand push me away.


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