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If It's Not One Thing, It's a Murder

Page 22

by Liz Wolfe

  “Didn’t want to run out.” Max led the way to the living area. “Nice furniture.”

  “Thanks. I had a good time choosing it. Most of it’s from Pottery Barn and Pier One.” Craig had always hated those places so I’d never bought anything there. But this was for me.

  “I like it.” Max sat on the sectional and placed our glasses on the coffee table. “You have a great sense of style.”

  “Thanks.” I settled beside him.

  “I envy someone who can pick out the right furniture and colors and accessories. I can barely match my clothes and you always look terrific.”

  “I do?” I felt heat bloom in my cheeks. I wasn’t used to men complimenting me, but I liked it.

  “Yes, you do. You have a knack for selecting clothing that brings out your best features.”

  His arm moved around my back to rest a hand on my shoulder. “Does this make you uncomfortable?”

  “No, it doesn’t.” I had to smile at the surprise on his face.

  “That’s nice to hear.” Max pulled me closer and kissed my temple.

  Just a little kiss, but it sent shivers down my neck. He turned my head and brushed his lips across mine. My breath stopped, wanting more. He pulled back and looked into my eyes and I didn’t think he would ever look away. That made me a little nervous and I dropped my gaze to his lips. He had really nice lips. My hand moved up to trace a finger over them. I remembered how they had felt that night at his place and leaned in just a bit.

  Max seemed to think that was a good idea and covered my mouth with his. His lips moved softly over mine, his tongue tracing their outline. I felt his hand slip from my shoulder down my arm and underneath my breast. I leaned into his hand even as I thought it probably wasn’t a good idea. When his hand cupped my breast, I decided it was a very good idea. I felt a little light-headed and wondered if I’d forgotten to breathe. He pulled me to my feet and I almost whimpered as we lost body contact for a moment. I wanted his shirt off. I wanted to touch his flesh. Now. I pulled his shirt out of his pants and he leaned back to give me better access.

  His hands left my breasts and I would have objected, but they moved to my waist, then drifted lower to cup my bottom, pulling me up against him. Oh, yeah. That’s what I wanted. My breath was coming in short, harsh gasps as I fumbled with the buttons and finally got his shirt open.

  “We need to stop.”

  “What? Why?” I didn’t want to stop. I wanted the logical conclusion to this. And I wanted it right now.

  “I don’t have any protection.”

  “You need protection?” From what? What was I going to do to him that he needed protection from?

  “A condom. I don’t have any with me.”

  “I have one.” I took his hand and pulled him across the loft to my bathroom. I opened a drawer. No condom. What the hell had I done with it? I opened the next drawer and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw the packet.

  “Thank God.” Max pulled me into the bedroom. We stopped at the foot of the bed and he pulled me up against his almost naked chest. I was a little distracted from his kiss when I felt him unzipping my dress. In my haze of passion, I’d forgotten this would involve him seeing my naked body.

  No man had ever seen me naked but Craig. Even the only other man I’d been to bed with hadn’t really seen me naked because we’d done it with the lights off. My body is in reasonably good condition, but at forty-two nothing was as firm as it had been. Lust whipped through me when Max started nibbling on my neck. It would be all right. After all, I had the pretty bra and panties on.

  I felt the dress drop off my shoulders and fall to my feet. The snap on his pants came apart under my fingers. I pulled the zipper down and pushed his pants off his hips. Max shrugged his shirt off, then pushed off his loafers and stepped out of his pants. We stood there in our underwear and looked at each other. He was hard and ready, pushing against his blue silk briefs.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said.

  “So are you.”

  “Where’s the condom?”

  What the hell had I done with the condom? I looked around frantically and finally found it on the floor next to his pants. I picked it up with shaking hands and held it out to him.


  I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat on a stool at the counter. Max had left at some point during the night without waking me. I felt a little weird about that. Why had he left? Did it mean something? Did he not want to sleep with me? I mean, really sleep as opposed to what we’d done before I’d fallen asleep. Maybe I snored. Craig had never mentioned it, but there were a lot of things Craig had never mentioned.

  I was staring at the phone when it rang and I jumped, sloshing coffee onto the counter and my robe. Was it Max? Should I answer it? Did I want to talk to him? The front door opened on the third ring. Two more rings and it would go to voice mail.

  “Mom, answer the phone. It might be for me.” Sheridan dumped her backpack on the floor and ran for the phone.

  “It’s for you.” She held her hand over the mouthpiece. “Some guy named Benjamin Steinhart. How many men are you dating?” She handed the phone to me.

  “This is Skye Donovan.”

  “Benjamin Steinhart. Max tells me you’d make a good photographer’s assistant. I don’t really believe him, but I’m willing to give you an interview.”

  He rattled off an address and I wrote it down, too stunned to say anything.

  “Be here at three on Monday. We’ll talk.”

  I hung up the phone when I realized I was hearing a dial tone.

  “Who was that?”

  “A photographer,” I said. “A friend of Max’s. He’s looking for an assistant.”

  “You? Mom, that would be great. You’ve always loved photography.”

  “I know. I probably won’t get the job. I mean, I’m sure he’s looking for someone with experience. Still, it’s a chance.”

  “Don’t be negative. All an assistant does is whatever the boss tells them to. And you know lots about photography.” She gave me a one-armed hug. “He’d be lucky to have you.”

  “Thanks. How was your evening?”

  “Okay. How was yours? Did you get lucky?”

  I knew Sheridan was joking, but it was cutting too close to the truth to be comfortable.

  “What movie did you see?”

  “Casablanca. Those old movies are so great.”

  “That one’s a classic,” I agreed.

  “I cried at the end when she had to choose between Rick and her husband.”

  “We’ve all cried at that part.”

  “How could you make a choice like that? The man you love or the man who’s going to do a lot of good for the world? I think I’d be too selfish to make the right choice.”

  “Most of us would be. That’s what makes the story so poignant.”

  “I guess.”

  The phone rang and since I was still holding it I got to answer it before Sheridan grabbed for it.

  “Hi, Skye, it’s Max. How are you?”

  “I’m fine.” I glanced nervously at Sheridan. Why did I feel so guilty?

  “I’m taking a shower before I go shopping,” Sheridan called as she headed for her room. I waved and turned my attention back to the phone.

  “When did you leave?”

  “Oh, about six, I think.” Max paused but I didn’t know what to say. “I didn’t know if you might feel strange waking up with me there, so I thought I’d leave.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  “I called Ben. He said he’d give you a call.”

  “He already did. I have an interview with him tomorrow. He didn’t seem very positive.”

  “That’s Ben. He can be a gruff son of a bitch. I probably shouldn’t have told you about him.”

  “No. I’m thrilled. Even if I don’t get the job. Although I’d love to work for a photographer.” I couldn’t imagine a better job than working for a professional photographer.

  “Then, I ho
pe it works out. I have to run. I’m seeing some friends this afternoon. Let me know how the interview goes, okay?”

  “Sure.” That was it? Let him know about the interview?



  “I had a really good time last night.”

  “Me, too.”

  “I’ll call you later.”

  “Okay.” I hung up the phone and stared at it for a moment. I wasn’t sure what any of our conversation meant. Was he going to call me? Before my interview on Monday? Should I call him after the interview with Benjamin Steinhart?

  “I knew it! You got laid!”

  I turned to look at Sheridan, still standing in the doorway to her room. “Excuse me?”

  “You got lucky with Max, didn’t you?”

  “Sheridan, I’m not about to discuss my sex life with you.”

  “This is so cool, Mom. Was it good? I’d think Max would be good.”

  “Aren’t you going shopping or something?”

  “If you can bring men home, does that mean I can bring my dates back here, too?”

  “Sheridan!” I glared at her.

  “Okay, okay. We can talk about it later. I gotta take a shower, then I’m meeting Donna at Washington Square.”

  I was prevented from continuing the conversation by the phone ringing again. “Hello?”

  “Skye, Scott here. I wanted to update you on that lead.”

  “You mean Matt Nichols?”

  “I checked him out and you were right; Mr. Melrose took over his company. Nichols had gotten into a lot of financial problems. Melrose tried to buy him out before they were too bad, but Nichols refused, thinking he could save the company by taking out another loan.”

  “So he was angry with Edward?”

  “Nope. Not at all. Edward saved him from having to file bankruptcy by taking over the company along with all the debt. Nichols felt indebted to Edward.”

  “Oh.” One more suspect to cross off the list.

  “You sound disappointed.”

  “No. Not at all.” But I was. I wanted them to find whoever murdered Edward and I wanted them to stop thinking Bobbi Jo had any motive at all.

  “Yeah,” he said. “Anyway, just wanted to let you know about it. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate that.” I said good-bye and hung up.

  As soon as I heard Sheridan get out of her shower, I started mine. I wanted to go over to Bobbi Jo’s and see how she and Lily were doing. I’d only been gone for a few days, but I missed them. I rinsed the conditioner from my hair, pulled on a robe, and wrapped a towel around my head. The sight of my bed with the rumpled sheets made me grin. Usually when I get up, I only have to smooth the sheets on my side and pull the comforter up. The entire bed was a tangle of sheets, pillows, and comforter. And with good reason. After Max got the condom packet open, I’d surprised myself, and probably him, by becoming a bit aggressive and demanding. I’d never done that before and now I couldn’t imagine why not.

  I pulled on shorts, a T-shirt, and sandals, and grabbed my purse. Sheridan had already left to go shopping, so I left her a quick note that I’d be at Bobbi Jo’s.

  Sean was just leaving when I arrived at Bobbi Jo’s. His brows were drawn together in a frown, and he glanced back at the door as it closed behind him. When he saw me, he rearranged his features into a phony smile.

  “Skye. Nice to see you again.”

  “Hi, Sean. How have you been?” Like I really cared how the little weasel was.


  “Thanks again for all the help with the wedding.”

  “Sure. No problem. Glad to be of help.” Sean beeped the remote to his car, got in, and drove away. What the hell was he doing at Bobbi Jo’s on a Sunday morning?

  “Hey. Where are you guys?” I called out as I opened the door.

  “Out here, darlin’.”

  I followed Bobbi Jo’s voice to the patio where she and Lily were sipping orange juice and nibbling on bagels. I hadn’t had breakfast, so I helped myself to a cup of tea in the kitchen, then grabbed a bagel as I sat down.

  “Well, someone has an appetite this morning.” Bobbi Jo grinned. “How was dinner with Max?”

  “Fine. It was fine.”

  Bobbi Jo laughed and Lily smirked at me.


  “Darlin’, it’s written all over your face that you got laid.”

  “Excuse me?” What, did I have a tattoo on my forehead or something? I didn’t know what to say so I frowned.

  “So, how was he?” Bobbi Jo asked.

  “Bobbi Jo!”

  “Oh, never mind her, Skye.” Lily wasn’t quite able to stop smirking at me, though. “So, how is Max?”

  “Yeah, how was he?”

  “Bobbi Jo, that’s not what I meant,” Lily objected.

  “Well, it’s what I meant,” she retorted.

  “What is it? I mean, Sheridan seemed to know as soon as she saw me and now you two. How do you know when someone’s had sex?”

  “It’s a look, darlin’. And you have it.”

  “If it’s of any interest to you, I also have other news.”

  “Tell,” Bobbi Jo demanded.

  “I have an interview with a photographer.”

  “Doing what?” Lily asked.

  “Photographer’s assistant. Which probably means a lot of grunt work. Oh, that reminds me.” I pulled the envelope out of my bag. “These are some photos I took at Jasmine’s wedding.”

  Lily opened the envelope and I turned to Bobbi Jo. “So, what was Sean doing here on a Sunday?”

  “He brought over some papers from Edward’s office that he thought I might need.”

  “Bobbi Jo, you know he has a crush on you, don’t you?”

  “Sean? Don’t be ridiculous. He’s just feeling at loose ends. Trying to make himself feel needed until Jimmy finds a position for him.”

  “I don’t think that’s it. And I think you need to be careful.”

  “Careful about what?”

  “It reminds me of when that guy was stalking you.”

  Lily passed some of the photos to Bobbi Jo and nodded. “He does seem a bit obsessive.”

  “Really? You think so? I just thought he was being nice.”

  “That’s not it. He looks at you all the time. His eyes follow you around the room, even if he’s talking to someone else. And when he heard that you’re pregnant—well, it wasn’t a normal reaction.” I smeared cream cheese on my bagel and took a bite.

  “Not normal how?”

  “He looked kind of pissed. Almost angry.”

  “That’s ridiculous.”

  “Not really,” Lily said. “I don’t think his attention toward you is entirely innocent, either.”

  “Okay. I’ll be careful. I’ll keep my distance from him. But only because I don’t want to hurt him. He’s just got a crush. It’s not like it was with the stalker. John Templeton wishes he’d ever gotten that close to me.”

  “Maybe you should push Jimmy to find a position for Sean as soon as he can. Give Sean something else to do.” Maybe Jimmy could transfer him to Bulgaria. Not that MMC had an office in Bulgaria.

  “I can’t imagine being stalked. It must have been horrible.” Lily flipped through the rest of the photos and handed them to Bobbi Jo. “Skye, these photos are just incredible. Can I get some prints?”

  “Of course. Just let me know which ones you want.”

  “I want them all. They’re gorgeous.”

  “Well, it certainly wasn’t fun. Being stalked, I mean. The worst part of it was that the cops couldn’t do a damn thing about it.” She looked at another photo and smiled. “I love this one, where Grant is getting ready to walk Jasmine down the aisle. And this one, where Kyle has his hand on David’s shoulder.”

  “Why couldn’t they do anything?” Lily asked.

  “They said it was because he hadn’t actually committed a crime. Like calling me all the time wasn’t anything. You know,
he must have joined the gym I belonged to because he’d call and tell me what I’d been wearing that day.” Bobbi Jo shuddered. “It was awful.”

  “But you knew his name. Couldn’t they just go arrest him for that?”

  “Oh, I didn’t know his name until the very end. He sent me some flowers and the cops were able to get his name from the florist because he used a credit card to pay for them.”

  “What made him stop?” Lily asked.

  “I think that was it, actually. Somehow he found out that the cops knew who he was and he just disappeared. That was the biggest relief until I saw the headlines about him raping that girl in Louisiana.”

  “There’s nothing you could have done to prevent that, Bobbi Jo. And they caught him,” Lily said.

  “Thank gawd for that.” Bobbi Jo patted her belly. “I promise I’ll be careful. I have more than just myself to think of now.”

  “How did the ultrasound go?” I asked. “I’m so sorry I missed it.”

  “That’s okay. You can come to the next one. Everything’s exactly the way it should be. And they’re pretty sure it’s a girl but they can’t really be certain this early.”

  “A girl!” I hugged Bobbi Jo. “That’s great! But I won’t buy anything pink until we’re sure.”

  “You should be wishing for a boy. Boys are a lot easier to raise.”

  “Oh, come on, Lily, are you saying Jasmine was a problem?” I asked.

  “The six months before her first period, and the two years she wore braces were a living hell.”

  “Well, I don’t care if it’s a boy or a girl. I don’t care how much trouble she, or he, is. I’m going to love every minute of it.” Bobbi Jo patted her tummy and grinned. “So, really, Skye, how was Max in bed?”

  The interview wasn’t going well. I’d been at Benjamin Steinhart’s studio for an hour and he’d been working the entire time. Barking orders at the models. Screaming because the lighting wasn’t just right. He’d managed to ask me three questions, but I didn’t think he’d really listened to any of my answers.

  “Here.” He shoved a camera at me. “Go change the film. The darkroom’s over there.”

  I walked in the general direction he’d indicated and found a door leading to a small closet. I flipped the switch and the room glowed red. I made sure the door was closed, wound the film, removed it, and put in a new roll. This man was a maniac. Did I even want to work for him?


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