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Patrick Leigh Fermor: An Adventure

Page 47

by Artemis Cooper

  9. PLF, A Time of Gifts, p.281.

  10. PLF, Green Diary TS, p.26.

  11. PLF, Between the Woods and the Water, pp. 22–3.

  12. Ibid., p.30.

  13. PLF, ‘A Youthful Journey’, p.23.

  14. PLF, Between the Woods and the Water, p.58.

  15. Ibid., p.44.

  16. PLF to AC.

  17. PLF, Between the Woods and the Water, p.75.

  18. Ibid., p.77.

  19. Dervla Murphy, To Transylvania and Beyond (John Murray, 1992), p.iii.

  20. PLF, ‘Travels in a Land before Darkness Fell’, Weekend Telegraph, 12 May 1990.

  21. Ibid.

  22. PLF, Between the Woods and the Water, p.111.

  23. Ibid., p.95.

  24. PLF, ‘A Youthful Journey’, p.222.

  25. Daphne Fielding to DC.

  26. PLF, ‘A Youthful Journey’, pp. 54–5.

  27. PLF to JGM, undated, from Katounia, c. November 1963 (JMC).

  28. PLF, Between the Woods and the Water, p.130.

  29. Rudolf Fischer to AC, February 2012.

  30. Ibid.

  31. Xenia Csernovits to PLF, undated, ?June 2000; Xenia arraigned for murder: conversation with Miklós Vajda; Rudolf Fischer to AC, 1 March 2007.

  32. PLF, ‘A Youthful Journey’, p.63; Between the Woods and the Water, p.197.

  Chapter 5: Bulgaria to Mount Athos

  1. PLF, ‘A Youthful Journey’, p.71.

  2. PLF, Green Diary TS, p.31.

  3. Ibid., pp. 33–4.

  4. Ibid., p.35.

  5. PLF, Bulgarian notebook, 1988.

  6. PLF, Green Diary TS, p.41.

  7. PLF, ‘Roger Hinks: A Portrait Memoir’: see The Gymnasium of the Mind: The Journals of Roger Hinks 1933–1963, ed. John Goldsmith (Michael Russell, 1984).

  8. Conversation with Sir Steven Runciman, May 2000.

  9. PLF, ‘A Youthful Journey’, p.97.

  10. PLF, Notebook 1962, Rome.

  11. PLF, Green Diary TS, 22 September, p.49.

  12. PLF, 1963 notebook, Katounia.

  13. PLF, Green Diary TS, p.50.

  14. PLF, ‘A Youthful Journey’, p.127; quotation from ‘Nous n’irons plus au bois’, by Théodore de Banville.

  15. PLF, Green Diary TS, pp. 51–2.

  16. Ibid., p.54.

  17. Ibid., p.56.

  18. Ibid., pp. 20–22.

  19. Ibid., p.57.

  20. Ibid., p.60.

  21. PLF, ‘A Youthful Journey’, p.162.

  22. Ibid., p.186.

  23. PLF, Green Diary TS, p.69.

  24. Ibid., p.73.

  25. PLF to AC.

  26. PLF, Green Diary TS, p.77.

  27. Ibid., p.85.

  28. Ibid., p.88.

  29. Ibid., p.91.

  30. Ben Downing, ‘A Visit with Patrick Leigh Fermor’, Paris Review, No. 65 (Spring 2003), p.192.

  31. PLF, Green Diary TS, p.92.

  32. Ibid., p.96.

  33. Ibid., p.97.

  34. Ben Downing, op. cit., p.193.

  35. PLF, Green Diary TS, p.104.

  36. Ibid., p.45.

  37. PLF to AC.

  38. PLF, Green Diary TS, pp. 109–10.

  39. Ibid., p.123.

  40. Ibid., p.124.

  41. Ibid., p.127.

  42. Ibid., p.135.

  43. Ibid., p.137.

  44. Ibid., pp. 137–8.

  45. Ibid., p.140.

  46. Ibid., p.141.

  47. Ibid., p.172.

  48. Ibid., p.174.

  49. PLF, ‘First Journey in Greece’, p.5.

  50. PLF, Green Diary TS, p.182.

  51. Ibid., pp. 180–81.

  52. Ibid., p.183.

  53. Ibid., p.189.

  54. Ibid., p.222. ‘Fellers’ appears in the diary, although PLF did say that Father Belisarios had used a stronger word at the time.

  Chapter 6: Balasha

  1. PLF to AC.

  2. Email to AC from John Stathatos, July 2011.

  3. PLF to JGM, 29 August 1988 (JMC).

  4. PLF, Roumeli, p.49.

  5. Ibid., p.30.

  6. Ibid., pp. 51, 53.

  7. Ibid., p.49 footnote.

  8. Email from John Stathatos to AC, February 2012.

  9. PLF to AC.

  10. BC to PLF, 17 April 1970.

  11. PLF, ‘The Aftermath of Travel’, informal talk given at the Gennadion Library, Athens, 18 March 1997.

  12. PLF to AC.

  13. ‘Biddy’s Băleni’: Mrs Biddy Hubbard’s diary of her time at Băleni, summer 1938.

  14. PLF, ‘Travels in a Land before Darkness Fell’, Weekend Telegraph, 12 May 1990.

  15. Ibid.

  16. PLF to AC.

  17. PLF to AC.

  18. PLF, ‘Travels in a Land before Darkness Fell’.

  19–20. PLF, unpublished fragment, ‘Westwards from the City’, pp. 4–8.

  21. PLF to AC.

  22. Authors take sides on the Spanish Civil War, Left Review pamphlet, November 1937.

  23. BC to PLF, 16 March 1968.

  24–25. PLF to DD, 31 January 1992, In Tearing Haste, p.283; also Frances Osborne, The Bolter (Virago Books, 2008), pp. 230–31.

  26. PLF to AC.

  27. BC to Serge Cantacuzene-Speransky, 1938.

  28. Biddy Hubbard, ‘Biddy’s Băleni’, TS, pp. 11, 8.

  29. BC to Serge Cantacuzene-Speransky, 1938, p.21.

  30. PLF to JGM, 20 February 1993 (JMC).

  31. Roger Hudson to JGM, 23 April 1991 (JMC).

  32. The World Mine Oyster: The Memoirs of Matyla Ghyka KCVO, MC (Heinemann, 1961), introduction by PLF.

  Chapter 7: An Intelligence Officer

  1. BC to PLF, 27 January 1946.

  2. PLF to AC.

  3. PLF’s Service Record, 1939–46, Caterham Military Hospital, 16 December 1939.

  4. PLF to AC.

  5. WSM, MS diary, p.17 (memories of Corporal Hibberd).

  6. Biddy Hubbard, diary, 12 January 1940.

  7. PLF to Adrian Pryce-Jones, 1 February 1940.

  8. The Frank Delaney Show, 27 November 1982.

  9. PLF’s Service Record, 1939–46.

  10. PLF notebook, SO book 129.

  11. PLF, Tribute to Deborah Devonshire on her eightieth birthday, Daily Telegraph, 31 March 2000.

  12, 13, 14, 15. PLF notebook, SO book 129.

  16. PLF, Tribute to Deborah Devonshire on her eightieth birthday, Daily Telegraph, 31 March 2000.

  17. PLF notebook, SO book 129.

  18. PLF to AC.

  19. PLF to AC.

  20. C. M. Woodhouse, Something Ventured (Granada, 1982), pp. 9–10.

  21. PLF notebook, SO book 129.

  22. PLF to AC.

  23. Antony Beevor, Crete: The Battle and the Resistance (London, 1991), p.10.

  24–25. PLF, Remembering George Katsimbalis, New Griffon Series No. 3 (Athens: Gennadius Library, 1998).

  26, 27, 28, 29, 30. PLF to AC.

  31–32. Lt Col. P. L. Smith-Dorrien, ‘Account of the Evacuation of Lt Col. P. L. Smith-Dorrien and Party from Greece, 5 May 1941’ (PLFA).

  33, 34, 35. PLF to AC.

  36. Antony Beevor, op. cit., pp. 207–8.

  37. Ibid., p.243.

  38. Charles Johnston, wartime notebook, undated; quoted Artemis Cooper, Cairo in the War 1939–1945 (Hamish Hamilton, 1989), p.222.

  39. PLF to AC.

  40. PLF, Narkover notebook, 29 January 1942.

  41. Ibid., 6 February 1942.

  42. PLF, personal memoir of Costa Achillopoulos, undated.

  Chapter 8: Crete and General Carta

  For the most acurate chronology of events in occupied Crete, PLF always cited N. A. Kokonas MD, The Cretan Resistance 1941–1945 (Rethymnon, 1992), with prologue by Jack Smith-Hughes and forewords by R. H. Stockbridge and PLF. This is based on Lieutenant Colonel T. J. Dunbabin’s Final Report on SOE Missions in Crete, NA HS5/724. PLF’s personal reports from Crete, between
5 January 1943 and 30 March 1944, are in NA HS5/728. The one on the capture of General Kreipe is NA HS5/418.

  1. Antony Beevor, Crete: The Battle and the Resistance (London, 1991), p.239.

  2. Xan Fielding, Hide and Seek (first published 1954; George Mann, 1973), p.23.

  3. Ibid., p.55.

  4. Ibid., p.75.

  5. N. A. Kokonas, The Cretan Resistance 1941–1945 (Rethymnon, 1992), p.46; Joint Planning Staff paper No. 99, dated 22 June 1942.

  6. PLF, Report I, 5 January 1943, p.9.

  7. Xan Fielding, op. cit., p.87.

  8. George Psychoundakis, The Cretan Runner: His Story of the German Occupation, translation and introduction by PLF (John Murray, 1955; paperback edition, 1988), p.2.

  9. PLF to AC.

  10. PLF, Report I, 5 January 1943, p.23.

  11. Letter from Major General Mark Carleton-Smith to AC, 5 July 2011.

  12. George Psychoundakis, op. cit., p.85, PLF’s note.

  13. PLF, Report I, 5 January 1943, p.25.

  14. PLF to AC.

  15. PLF, Report I, 5 January 1943, pp. 9–10.

  16. Xan Fielding, op. cit., p.127.

  17. Ibid., p.126.

  18. Ibid., p.87.

  19. PLF, Report I, 5 January 1943, p.26.

  20. Xan Fielding, op. cit., p.133.

  21. George Psychoundakis, op. cit., p.103.

  22. For PLF’s description of Oak Apple Day: see his Report I, 5 January 1943, p.27.

  23. Ibid., p.28.

  24. PLF, Report II, 27 April 1943, p.39.

  25. Ibid., p.40.

  26. Ibid., p.41.

  27. PLF, Report III, May–June 1943, pp. 9–10.

  28. Ibid., p.12.

  29. Ibid., p.13.

  30. N. A. Kokonas, op. cit., p.62.

  31. PLF, ‘The Spiriting Away of General Carta’, unpublished and unfinished account, TS, p.2.

  32. PLF, Afterword to the Folio edition of W. S. Moss’s Ill Met by Moonlight (2001), p.198.

  33. PLF, Report V, 3 September 1943, p.3.

  34. PLF, ‘The Spiriting Away of General Carta’, op. cit., p.11.

  35. Ibid., p.14.

  36. Ibid., p.15.

  37. Antony Beevor, op. cit., p.290.

  38. PLF, Afterword to the Folio edition of W. S. Moss’s Ill Met by Moonlight (2001), p.200.

  39. Ibid.

  40. Ibid., p.202.

  Chapter 9: Setting the Trap

  This chapter and the one that follows relies on William Stanley Moss’s Ill Met by Moonlight (Folio edition, 2001), William Stanley Moss’s complete MS diary, and PLF’s own account of the Kreipe Operation, written in 1966–7. Entitled ‘Abducting a General’, it has not yet been published in full. (How it came to be written is described in Chapter 19.)

  1. Mark Mazower, Inside Hitler’s Greece (Yale, 2001), p.108.

  2. John S. Koliopoulos and Thanos M. Veremis, Modern Greece: A History since 1821 (Wiley–Blackwell, 2010), p.112.

  3. C. M. Woodhouse, The Apple of Discord (Hutchinson, 1948), p.150.

  4. Richard Clogg, A Concise History of Modern Greece (Cambridge University Press, 2002), p.146.

  5. PLF, ‘The First Ball at Tara’, unpublished TS, p.3; also WSM, MS diary, p.9.

  6. David Smiley to AC, 2007.

  7. Bickham Sweet-Escott, Baker Street Irregular (London, 1965), pp. 197–8.

  8. A. M. Rendel, Appointment in Crete (London, 1953), pp. 133–4.

  9. PLF, ‘Abducting a General’, p.8.

  10. WSM, MS diary, p.32.

  11. PLF, ‘Abducting a General’, pp. 14–15.

  12. Ibid., p.15.

  13. Ibid.

  14. Ibid., p.25.

  Chapter 10: The Hussar Stunt

  Much work has been done on retracing, as closely as possible, the route taken by General Kreipe and his kidnappers. For this, and a great deal more information on the Kreipe Operation, see

  1–2. PLF, ‘Abducting a General’, p.27.

  3. Ibid., p.29.

  4. Ibid., p.30.

  5–6. Ibid., p.32.

  7. Ibid., p.33.

  8. Ibid., p.37.

  9. Ibid.

  10. PLF, A Time of Gifts, pp. 73–4; see also Appendix III.

  11. PLF, ‘Abducting a General’, p.46.

  12. Excerpt from PLF’s translation of Giorgios Phrangoulitakis, Eagles of Mount Ida, p.8 (unpublished TS: PLFA).

  13. PLF, ‘Abducting a General’, pp. 46–7.

  14–15. Ibid., pp. 48–51.

  16. Ibid., p.55.

  17. WSM, Ill Met by Moonlight, op. cit., p.158.

  18. PLF, ‘Abducting a General’, p.82.

  19. WSM, Ill Met by Moonlight, op. cit., p.165.

  20. PLF, ‘Abducting a General’, p.84.

  21. Ibid., p.87.

  22. WSM, Ill Met by Moonlight, op. cit., p.170.

  23. PLF, ‘Abducting a General’, p.95.

  24. WSM, Ill Met by Moonlight, op. cit., p.183.

  25. PLF’s Service Record, Proceedings of a Medical Board of the 15th (Scottish) General Hospital, Cairo, 14 August 1944.

  26. PLF to Iain Moncreiffe, 17 November 1944, quoted in Moncreiffe’s Epilogue to Ill Met by Moonlight, op. cit., p.191.

  27. PLF to Ralph Stockbridge, 27 October 1989.

  28. Final Report on SOE Missions in Crete, by Lt Col. T. J. Dunbabin, NA HS5/724; also N. A. Kokonas, The Cretan Resistance 1941–1945 (Rethymnon, 1992), p.94.

  29. PLF to Ralph Stockbridge, 2 September 1991.

  30. PLF, Report VIII, 31 January 1945, p.6.

  31. PLF to AC.

  Chapter 11: The British Institute, Athens

  1. Alan Pryce-Jones, quoted in John Craxton’s obituary of Joan Leigh Fermor, Independent, 10 June 2003.

  2. William Stanley Moss to PLF, 5 December 1944, from Tara.

  3. JLF to AC.

  4. PLF, ‘Where Eagles Nearly Dared’, Observer, 22 November 1981.

  5–6. PLF’s SOE file: TNA HS9/507/4.

  7. PLF to AC.

  8. PLF to AC.

  9. Maurice Cardiff, Friends Abroad (Radcliffe Press, 1997), p.12.

  10. Sir Steven Runciman to AC, May 2000.

  11. Maurice Cardiff to AC, May 2001.

  12. Sir Steven Runciman to AC.

  13. Remembering George Katsimbalis, New Griffon Series No. 3 (Athens: Gennadius Library, 1998).

  14. C. M. Woodhouse, The Struggle for Greece: 1941–1949 (Hart-Davis, 1976; Hurst & Co., 2002), p.173.

  15. Cyril Connolly, ‘Sir Maurice Bowra: A Memoir’, Sunday Times magazine, 17 December 1971.

  16. Maurice Bowra, Report on the British Council in Greece, undated: NA BW83/1.

  17. Maurice Cardiff, op. cit., pp. 15–16.

  18. Maurice Cardiff to AC, May 2001.

  19. PLF, Mani, p.31.

  20. JLF to BC, 27 November 1968.

  21. PLF to BC, 28 June 1975.

  22–23. PLF, ‘Reflections on a Marine Vulcan’, memoir of Lawrence Durrell, Twentieth Century Literature, Vol. 33, No. 3 (Fall 1987).

  24. Lawrence Durrell to Henry Miller, c. October 1946, The Durrell–Miller Letters: 1935–1980, ed. Ian S. MacNiven (Faber, 1988), pp. 199–200.

  25. PLF to AC.

  26. PLF to Lawrence Durrell, 18 December 1946 (Special Collections Research Center, Morris Library, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale).

  Chapter 12: The Caribbean

  1. PLF, letter to Jessica Mitford, 29 October 1982, from Kardamyli; for Jessica Mitford’s biography, see Faces of Philip (Heinemann, 1984).

  2. PLF, ‘Travels in a Land Before Darkness Fell’, Weekend Telegraph, 12 May 1990.

  3. BC to PLF, 1 July 1947.

  4. PLF to Alexander Mourouzi, 6–9 December 1948.

  5. JGM, personal memos, 27 August 1947 and 30 September 1947 (JMC).

  6. PLF to Manager of Harrods, 22 November 1988.

  7. House Committee Minutes of the Travellers Club, April 1950.

  8. PLF to AC.
  9–10. PLF, Caribbean notebook.

  11. PLF, The Traveller’s Tree, p.51.

  12. Ibid., p.88.

  13. Ibid., p.174.

  14. PLF, Caribbean notebook.

  15. PLF, The Traveller’s Tree, p.100.

  16. Ibid., p.183.

  17. Ibid., p.294.

  18. Ibid., p.293.

  19. Ibid., p.84.

  20. Ibid., p.152.

  21. PLF, red and blue Caribbean notebook.

  22. Ibid., p.350.

  23. PLF, red and blue Caribbean notebook.

  24, 25, 26, 27, 28. PLF, British Honduras to El Salvador notebook.

  29. PLF, red and blue Caribbean notebook.

  30. PLF to JGM, 4 May 1948, from El Vale, Panama (JMC).

  Chapter 13: Writing The Traveller’s Tree

  1. PLF to JGM, 4 May 1948.

  2. Cyril Connolly to Mollie Connolly (his mother), 11 January 1949, quoted Jeremy Lewis, Cyril Connolly (Random House, 1997), p.417.

  3. ‘Happy Deathbeds’, unpublished novel by Cyril Connolly, Cyril Vernon Connolly Papers, coll. no. 1976.002, Department of Special Collections and University Archives, McFarlin Library, University of Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA.

  4. JR to PLF, undated, from Château de Curemonde.

  5. Jeremy Lewis, op. cit., p.419.

  6. PLF to JR, c. August 1948.

  7. PLF, A Time to Keep Silence (Queen Anne Press, 1953), p.19.

  8. JR to PLF, undated letter to St-Wandrille, October 1948.

  9. PLF to JR, ?October–November 1948, from St-Jean de Solesmes.

  10. PLF, A Time to Keep Silence, p.46.

  11. PLF to JR, ?October–November 1948, from St-Jean de Solesmes.

  12. JR to PLF, undated, addressed to PLF at Solesmes.

  13. PLF, A Time to Keep Silence, p.60.

  14. Ibid., p.70.

  15. Ibid., p.66.

  16. Ibid., pp. 68–9.

  17. PLF to JR, March 1949.

  18. ‘The Wounded Gigolo’ and ‘On the Shores of Terra Fermor’ were not published in the posthumous collection of Bowra’s poems, New Bats in Old Belfries: or some Loose Tiles, ed. Henry Hardy and Jennifer Holmes (Oxford, 2005).

  19. Alan Pryce-Jones, The Bonus of Laughter (Hamish Hamilton, 1987), p.29.

  20. JR to PLF, from Bel Soggiorno, Taormina, Monday.

  21–22. PLF, ‘The Aftermath of Travel’, an informal talk given at the Gennadion Library in Athens, 18 March 1997.

  23. PLF to Ann Fleming, 22 February 1979.

  24–25. JR to PLF, 14 July 1949, from Dumbleton.

  26. Peter Quennell, The Wanton Chase (Collins, 1980), p.64.

  27. JGM, personal memo, 9 September 1949 (JMC).

  28. PLF to Edward Shackleton MP, 28 November 1949.

  29. PLF to JGM, 10 February 1950, c/o Mrs Batt, Britcher Farm, Egerton, Kent (JMC).

  30. Letter to JGM from T. D. Walker of Layton-Bennett, Billingham & Co., Chartered Accountants, 29 March 1950 (JMC).


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