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Revelation of Blood (Skye Morrison Vampire Series, #5)

Page 12

by J. L. McCoy

  “Are you okay?” he asked gently.

  I nodded my head and swallowed thickly. Something my mother had said stuck out in my mind and I mentioned it to my father. “Mom said that you came by the house one night when I was three.”

  “Yes, I did.”


  “Well, I wanted to see you both,” he explained like it was a silly question. “I’d regained who I was and was ready to start a life with you both as a husband and father.” He sighed and stared at the wall in front of us as he continued, a haunted look in his eye. “You answered the door and told me that dinner was ready. You came outside and took me by the hand, inviting me to dinner, but I couldn’t move. I was so shocked to see you and even more shocked that you were so beautiful and sweet. You were the most beautiful child I had ever seen and you looked just like me with your red hair and big eyes.”

  “I don’t remember you,” I whispered sadly.

  “You were young, Skye,” he said, reaching over to pat my hand. “Anyway, your mother saw me and screamed. She ran to the door and jerked you away from me. I told her I’d come back like I promised I would and she said that you both didn’t need a monster like me in your lives and that you would never know who I was. I was angry and hurt at first. I didn’t understand why she would want to keep you from me. Every child needs a father. I could see that her yelling was upsetting you, so I told her I would go for the night but asked if I could know your name. She said hell would freeze over first and slammed the door in my face. I pretended to leave but then hid in the shadows on the side of the house, listening intently…hoping she would utter your name. I needed to know my daughter’s name at least. I didn’t have to wait long. When she called the airline to book your flight to Houston that night, she gave them your full name.”

  “Why didn’t you come looking for us?” I asked, shaking my head. “Why didn’t you try harder?”

  Lucian sighed and looked over at me. “I’d never seen your mother so angry and disgusted. When she looked at me…it broke my heart. I figured that I’d give her some time and try again a few months later, but when I went to Houston to visit her, I found out she was seeing someone and couldn’t bear to talk to her then. It hurt…seeing her with another man. The woman I was madly in love with had moved on. Some small part of me thought it was for the best. I figured a human father would be the best option for you. I only had your best interests in mind, Skye.”

  “Mom dated but she never truly let herself get close to another man. I certainly was never allowed to see the men she dated; she never brought them home. I think even though she was angry at you, deep down she still loved you. I don’t think she ever got over you, Lucian.”

  “And I never got over her,” he whispered sadly.

  We were quiet for a bit, each lost to our own thoughts. It was a surprisingly comfortable silence but my father broke it first.

  “So tell me about your life,” he smiled over at me. “I want to know everything I missed.”

  I smiled and began telling him everything I could remember about growing up in Houston. We talked about high school and college and eventually the conversation drifted to how I’d ended up becoming a vampire.

  “I’d been having nightmares,” I explained. “Amun was coming to me every night. At first I just dreamed about being chained in that basement but eventually he showed his face.”

  “That must have been terrifying for you,” he said gently, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

  “It really was,” I sighed. “I was glad when we finally captured him. He had this kind of sick obsession with me for some reason.”

  “He sounds quite insane,” my father said, rubbing his bottom lip thoughtfully. “How exactly were you able to defeat him?”

  I studied my father for a moment before I shook my head. “It doesn’t matter,” I frowned. I don’t know why but I didn’t feel one hundred percent comfortable telling him about the Sword of Saint Patrick and my greatest weakness. I figured the fewer people that knew, the better it was for me.

  “So, I know that Day Walkers are born with powers of some sort…what is yours?”

  “I was given the ability to teleport,” I explained and shook my head, “but I’ve only been able to do it once. I haven’t exactly figured it out yet.”

  “That must feel terrible not being able to access your power,” he said sympathetically.

  “Eh…it hasn’t really affected me yet. Having a part of Amun inside of me allows me to absorb another Day Walker’s powers through the consumption of their blood.”

  “So you just drink their blood and you automatically have their powers?” he asked, astounded.


  “How long does it last?” he questioned, fascinated.

  “I’m not too sure. During my test with The Faithful I drank from two vampires. One had the power of empathy and the other had the power of telekinesis. I’m still able to tap into both of those abilities three weeks later. Amun mentioned that whenever he drank a Day Walker’s blood, he absorbed their powers and it lasted a few weeks, but he never said exactly how long. I’m just waiting for the day they’re not there anymore. My Empath ability seems to be dulling I think. I’m not bombarded with emotions when I’m around people anymore. I have to actually want to read someone before I can feel them.”

  “You are an amazing being, my daughter,” he smiled proudly at me. I shrugged a shoulder noncommittally. It wasn’t like I’d personally done something to be seen as great; this was just the way I was reborn, I guess.

  There was a knock at the door followed by the sound of it opening a few seconds later. Atticus Frost appeared followed by two humans; a man and a woman.

  “I hope the reunion is going well,” he inclined his head. “I do not mean to disturb you but I figured you might be hungry. You’ve been in here for hours and I don’t want to seem like an ungracious host.”

  “Thank you, master,” Lucian stood and bowed his head. “You are too kind.”

  “Drink and then when you are finished with your visit, please show our guest to the guest quarters, Lucian.”

  “I’m not free to leave?” I asked, suddenly worried. I didn’t want to resort to violence to get out of here, but I would if I had to. I didn’t abide being held against my will; not now that I was a kick-ass vampire and could actually do something about it.

  “Oh course you are, my dear Miss Morrison,” he said with a smile, holding his hands palm up out in front of him. “It is daylight and I just figured you would like a good night’s sleep before you give me the answer to my proposition.”

  It was nice getting to know my father, but I didn’t think it would sway my decision. Archer was my life and my future…why would I want to leave the man I loved? Besides, I had family back in Austin; Trey, Aoife, Hunter, Quinn, and Lochlan…not to mention Hagan, Nikki and Pádraig. My whole life was there. Five hours of talking with my father wasn’t going to change that…would it?

  “I’d like a little more time with you, Skye,” my father said a bit sadly. “I’m not ready to say goodbye yet.”

  I chewed at my bottom lip thoughtfully, indecision playing at my brow. I really wanted to get back home to Archer. He must be so worried, I thought anxiously. The look on my father’s face ultimately swayed my decision. “Okay. I’ll stay the day.”

  “Excellent,” Atticus smiled brightly and clapped his hands together once.

  “But,” I spoke up quickly, “I’ll be leaving at nightfall, whether I’ve made a decision about joining you or not. I’ve got friends who are probably very worried about me and I don’t want to make them worry any longer than is absolutely necessary.”

  Atticus did not look particularly pleased at my announcement but ultimately nodded his head. “Very well, Miss Morrison. Enjoy your meal and I shall see you both when the sun goes down. Au revoir.”

  The leader of the Dark Ones left and my father and I turned to the human feeders. “Hello,” I smiled politely.

sp; The young, handsome blond haired man nodded his head and walked toward me as the woman did the same for my father. Because I was in a formal evening gown, I had the man kneel before me as I leaned down to run my nose up the side of his neck. “Mmm,” I moaned appreciatively, “pineapple.”

  My father chuckled from his seat on the couch. “I told you it was my favorite.”

  I called forth my fangs and tilted the man’s head as I bit deeply into the thick, pulsing vein in his neck. Hot, pineapple infused blood poured into my mouth and I sighed in absolute ecstasy. My donor’s blood was sweet, rich, tart, and overwhelmingly satisfying and I lost myself to his taste and my surprisingly needful hunger.

  I hadn’t eaten all day and allowed myself to drink more than I normally did. Pulling my fangs out proved to be harder than I was prepared for. Archer had pretty much always been by my side when I fed and I wished he was here now. Stop or you’ll kill him, I thought to myself and withdrew my fangs on a frustrated growl.

  “Father,” I breathed, standing up as I held my breath and closed my eyes. “Get him out of here please.”

  I heard my father pull away from his donor. “Why do you fight so hard against what is only natural for you?” he asked, sounding genuinely perplexed.

  “We are not barbarians,” I quoted Atticus as I tried again. “Please escort him out. I’m afraid my bloodlust will get the better of me if you don’t.”

  Lucian sighed and I heard him stand. A second later my donor groaned as my father picked him up and led him to the door. I braved a quick breath in and the delectable pineapple and tart blood smell began to fade the further he was taken away from me; for that I was grateful.

  “Submitting to your nature, your desires, is not a crime, Skye,” my father said as he took my hand and led me back to the couch. “We are bloodthirsty beings. Nothing is wrong with drinking your fill every now and again. It sure beats going around hungry all the time. Aren’t you sick of never feeling full?”

  “Yes,” I admitted hesitantly as I met his eyes. “I get so hungry sometimes and the little blood I’m allowed only takes the edge off.”

  “Then why not bask in the enjoyment of your meal? Take your fill?”

  “Because the donors could die,” I whispered, not understanding.

  “Everyone dies, Skye,” he shrugged his shoulders. “Humans begin dying the moment they are born.”

  “But when and how a human dies is up to God, isn’t it? Who are we to choose their fate?”

  “God allows us to exist,” my father explained patiently as he took my hand. “Do you not ever wonder why? Could it be that maybe we are meant as a form of population control? I’m not sure, but why would he give us this extreme hunger if he did not want us to drink our fill?”

  I thought about what he was saying and it made me wonder. “Have you ever killed anyone while feeding before?” I asked timidly. I didn’t want to offend him with my question but I was genuinely curious.

  “Yes,” he nodded his head. “To be able to control one’s bloodlust so soon after rebirth, like you are practically able to do, is unheard of. Newborns kill, Skye…it’s only natural.”

  “How did you feel…you know…after you killed them?” I asked in a whisper, fascinated. This wasn’t something I could talk about with Archer or the rest of my family. I was too scared to broach the subject with them for fear of being looked down upon. Truth was, the fear of being disowned by my only family was always in the back of my mind when I fed. What if I did accidentally end a life? Would Archer condemn me?

  “How did I feel? I felt full,” my father chuckled lightly as he patted my hand. “To be honest, I try not to think about it. It’s not like I could take it back. Why torture myself needlessly? The deed was done.” He studied me for a moment and then took a deep breath. “I can see how hard you fight against what you are. I see the torture in your eyes when you deny yourself. Are your actions that harshly judged by the Day Walkers?”

  “Not exactly,” I shook my head, struggling for the right words to explain.

  “If you chose to join us, to be a part of our family…my family, we would never judge you or look down upon you for doing what is only in your DNA to do, Skye. You would be free to be who you are; to embrace your needs and fully flourish into the magnificent being you were born to be.”

  “Do you believe in God, Lucian?” I asked, genuinely curious. Was he living his life the way he was because he was without fear of a higher power judging him? Did he think he would not have to atone for the deaths he caused when he crossed over?

  “Of course I believe in God, sweetheart,” my father replied, genuinely surprised at my question. “I was raised Catholic and was even an altar boy as a child. Becoming a vampire doesn’t completely erase the person you were. My beliefs remain intact.”

  I took a deep breath and considered all that Lucian had said to me. I didn’t know if I agreed with all of it, but one thing was certain…it was nice to open up to someone and talk about anything without the fear of being looked down upon. Oh sure, I could talk to Archer about pretty much anything too, but for some reason, talking with my father made me feel a bit more at ease. He wasn’t perfect and Archer definitely was in my eyes.

  “You know,” I sighed as I smiled a small smile up at my father, “I’ve really enjoyed this…talking to you tonight. This may sound a little crazy, but I feel like this missing piece in my heart has finally been filled.”

  “I feel the same way,” he smiled warmly as he leaned over and drew me into his arms. “This is all I’ve ever wanted, Skye; to have my daughter in my arms where she always belonged. I’m just going to be sad when you leave at sundown. I don’t want to let you go.”

  “I know,” I swallowed thickly as I wiped a tear from the corner of my eye.

  “Won’t you please consider joining us?” my father asked, his eyes practically begging me. “We could finally be a family, Skye.”

  I nodded my head as I leaned in to hug him again. “I promise I’ll think it over, Dad. There are a lot of things to consider.”

  “You wouldn’t have to worry about money or housing,” he said a bit excitedly as he leaned back and took both my hands in his. “All that would be taken care of for you. You could have your own room here at the colony or you can have your very own house outside of it. Master Frost is a generous man. He and I would take care of your every need.”

  “That’s really sweet,” I nodded my head and then stifled a yawn.

  “Oh, I see we’ve kept you up too long,” Lucian said with sudden concern. “Let’s get you to the guest quarters, okay?”

  I nodded my head and followed him out the door. The walk to the guest wing took a few minutes as we followed numerous winding, stone hallways. Lucian told me that we were deep underground but was vague on exactly where. The time and money that must have been spent making this sprawling compound boggled my mind.

  Lucian showed me to a quaint, cozy guest room, gave me a tight hug, and bid me goodnight. The guest room was furnished with a queen sized bed, a night stand, a dresser, and a small chair and table. Feeling absolutely exhausted, I kicked off my heels and crawled into bed still wearing my evening gown and went straight to sleep.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I awoke to soft knocking on my door and I bolted upright, momentarily forgetting where I was. “Come in,” I replied thickly, my voice full of sleep.

  A woman opened the door and smiled at me as she entered. “My name is Sarah and I’m here to prepare you for your departure.”

  “Uh, okay,” I mumbled, a bit confused. “What does that entail?

  Sarah held up the bag she had in her hand and came over to pull the bed covers back. “Master Frost and Lucian would like an audience with you before you leave. They arranged a change of clothes for you.”

  I allowed her to help me stand and she immediately went to work unzipping my dress and helping me out of it. I felt a little uncomfortable at first but soon got used to it. Sarah was human and she obviously di
d this a lot. I briefly wondered if she was some other vampire’s lady in waiting or something.

  I watched as she neatly folded the evening gown and put it in a small black duffle bag. From the bag she brought in, she withdrew a short black sweater dress and started pulling it over my head. Once that was done she sat me down in the chair and deftly set about combing my hair and securing it into a chic bun on the crown of my head.

  “There,” she said, as she helped me stand. “Feel better?”

  I’d feel better after a long, hot shower but decided to just smile and nod my head. Stepping into my Louboutins, I followed her back out the door.

  Sarah led me back to the throne room and told me my evening gown would be waiting for me in the helicopter.

  “The helicopter?” I asked her retreating form but did not get an answer.

  The throne room door opened and my father smiled brightly when he saw me. “Skye,” he said, pulling me into a hug, “how did you sleep?”

  “Surprisingly well,” I chuckled, returning it.

  Lucian took my hand and led me further into the room. Atticus was sitting on his throne and his son Corvus was standing by his side.

  “So we meet again,” Corvus grinned like only Corvus could; sexy, mysterious, and promising.

  “So it would seem,” I nodded my head to him. “We’ve really got to stop meeting up like this.”

  Corvus threw his head back and laughed as Atticus stood. “So have you had a chance to contemplate our offer?” he asked with no preamble.

  “I have, sir,” I nodded my head and took a deep breath.

  “And?” he prompted, drawing out the word.

  “And I feel that a decision as big as the one you want me to make needs more than a mere twelve hours of consideration.”

  “That is disappointing,” he said after a long pause, his eyes studying me.

  “That is honest, Mr. Frost,” I stood my ground. “And since I’m being honest, I’ll also tell you that you didn’t have a chance in hell of getting me to join you before I talked to Lucian. Meeting my father has given me enough pause to actually consider your offer. But this decision is one I cannot make lightly. This decision will change my entire life and I have forever to think about, after all. I make you no promises, Mr. Frost, but I will seriously consider what you are offering me here.”


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