Vows on Ice (Boys of Winter Book 6)

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Vows on Ice (Boys of Winter Book 6) Page 4

by S. R. Grey

  So, tentatively, I say, “I guess.”

  “Ah, Aubrey…” Brent takes me in his arms again, but this time it’s to kiss me.

  I let him, and we start making out like crazy…until Nolan interrupts us.

  “Hey,” he yells over. Lainey is still in his arms, nuzzling his neck. “Where in the hell are Benny and Eliza?”

  Brent, leaning back, replies, “I don’t know, man. We noticed they were missing, but I have no idea where they wandered off to.”

  Just then, from down the hall where the bedrooms are located, cries of, “Oh, Benny. Yes, yes, yes, right there. Harder, big boy, harder,” ring out.

  “All righty then,” I say. “I think we just found them.”

  I turn to say something to my sister, but she’s already heading off arm in arm with Nolan.

  “Wonder where they’re going?” I remark sarcastically to Brent.

  “Off to Nolan’s bedroom to do what Benny and Eliza are clearly doing?” he replies.

  “Yep,” I sigh. “It would seem so. So what do we do now?”

  Brent raises a brow, a clear invitation.

  “What do you think we should do, Aubrey?” he purrs. “Maybe head down to our own bedroom and have some fun too?”

  Oh my God, I should say no. But I have no resistance when it comes to this man.

  “Hmm, maybe,” I murmur. Then, smiling slyly, I add, “There is one condition, though, Brent.”

  “And what would that be, Aubrey?” he asks.

  “Bring the paddle.”

  Paddle Play

  Kissing my way up Aubrey’s silky soft legs, I promise her, “I am going to make you feel so good, baby. You’ll know then that I love you and only you.”

  It’s true. I am going to prove to her that she’s the only woman who matters to me. Fuck those strippers, landing me in hot water like this. Thank God Aubrey’s letting me make it up to her.

  I have to admit, though, that it’s because of the strippers that there’s so much sexual energy coursing through this house tonight. I feel it now; it’s in the air and in my whole body.

  That’s probably why I tore off Aubrey’s clothes the second we closed our bedroom door.

  She must’ve felt it too, because she made just as short of work out of my apparel.

  I’m glad the energy’s not waning. It’s still powerful, so much so that Aubrey’s freaking trembling.

  Though that may be because my mouth is on her pussy, my lips brushing over her folds, my tongue working her swollen clit.

  When I pull back to take a breath, she begs, “Brent, don’t stop. Don’t tease me like that.”

  “Ah,” I counter, chuckling, “but it’s so much fun to keep you waiting, sweetheart. I love when you ache for me.”

  “I do, Brent, “she sighs. “I’ll always ache for you.”

  She arches her back, inviting me to get back to what I was doing.

  Oh hell, I can’t resist. I give her a touch of my tongue, savoring her sweetness.

  A few seconds later, when I have her right where I want her, I fucking devour her.

  Aubrey loves it. She starts grinding into me, panting and mewling like a kitten.

  Damn, I like her undone like this. I like feeling her lose control.

  Besides playing really fucking good hockey, this is something I do extremely well.

  “Come for me, baby,” I murmur against her soft folds, nudging with my nose where I know she wants my tongue again.

  “Then stop talking,” she cries out, “and make it happen, Brent.”

  “Demanding little thing,” I tease.

  She’s so close, but I need something from her first…

  “I’ll put my tongue right here…” I give her a light brush with the tip. “…if you tell me you’ve forgiven me.”

  “Yes,” she pants. “I know you didn’t touch any of them. I know nothing happened.”

  “It didn’t, baby, I swear. I love you far too much to jeopardize us.”

  “Brent, I know that. So, unh, pleaseeee…”

  I can’t torture her a second longer. I finally give her what she wants, and seconds later, she is coming so hard against my mouth that I almost lose it myself.

  But not yet…

  Kissing my way up her stomach and over her luscious full breasts, I settle my body between her legs.

  “I want you so much right now, baby,” I groan.

  “So take me, Brent.”

  That’s all I need to hear. I thrust into her, and together we pant and sweat and fuck like animals.

  It’s unbridled and raw, but that’s okay. I’ll make love to her later. We need this roughness right now.

  Aubrey grabs my ass with one hand and yanks my hair with the other.

  I grasp her butt cheeks and fuck her hard.

  But then I have another idea…

  Snatching up the paddle that I brought along like she asked me to, I pull out, flip her over onto her stomach, and smack her once with the flat wooden base.

  “Brent,” Aubrey yelps, surprised.

  Oh shit.

  “Is it too much?” I check.

  “No, no, not at all.” She relaxes. “Try it again. I actually kind of like it.”

  “Ah, that’s my girl.”

  I give her ass another whack with the paddle…then I caress the small pink spot.

  “You’re such a bad girl, Aubrey,” I rasp. “Showing up early and unannounced, jumping on the strippers—”

  “Yes, Brent, I am bad,” she says, squirming beneath me. “You should definitely punish me some more.”

  Shit, she does fucking love this.

  I do too.

  I’m so fucking hard right now that my dick is about to explode, especially when she pushes her ass up in the air and begs me for more.

  I give her another whack, and she moans in pleasure.

  Fuck, I can’t take this much longer. I need to be back inside her.

  I rub my cock over the red spots I’ve left on her bottom, and then I spread her wide.

  “You ready for me?” I ask.

  “Always, Brent, always…”

  “Ahh, yes…” I slide back into her.

  Wow, I thought she was wet before. That was fucking nothing.

  I reach around to toy with her clit and start fucking her again. She shatters, her pussy convulsing so hard around my cock that I end up coming right along with her.

  Hmm, I think the paddle’s definitely going back to Vegas with us.

  Keeping the Boys in Line

  All is forgiven with our guys.

  Well, I think it is. I know I’ve fully forgiven Brent.

  For the rest of the crew, I’m basing that on the fact that everyone ended up in bed with their respective partners last night.

  Now that it’s the next morning, we’re all at breakfast. And no one has yet mentioned the stripper fiasco. Yeah, I’m pretty sure we’ve all moved on.

  I look around. Everyone seems so happy. And they sure are loving their food.

  That’s reassuring since Brent and I dragged our butts out of bed extra early so we could make homemade pancakes for everyone. We had a chance to talk about things we’d not discussed last night as we prepped ingredients. I explained how I only wanted to surprise him by flying in a day early.

  “Well, you sure did that,” he said, chuckling as he whipped the batter. “Nolan and Benny seemed just as shocked to see Lainey and Eliza as I was to see you. Not to mention, those strippers had no idea what they were in for.”

  “Yes, about those strippers…” I raised a brow, flipping my raven locks angrily over my shoulder. “Was that Nolan and Benny’s idea? Or was it yours?”

  “Does it matter?” he asked. “I thought we worked this out last night in bed.”

  He waggled his brows, and I laughed.

  “We did,” I acquiesced.

  And then, because it doesn’t really matter anymore, I let it go.

  So here we are, seated around the big farmhouse table in the din
ing room, enjoying a second helping of flapjacks.

  I look around at everyone once more, smiling at this great group of people I have the honor of calling my friends.

  Some of their antics make me laugh outright, like now…

  Nolan and Lainey are freaking feeding each other—God help us—and Benny and Eliza are discussing what else but donuts.

  I listen to that discussion since I’d rather hear about bakery goods than watch the nauseating display of affection between Lainey and Nolan.

  There Nolan goes, licking syrup off Lainey’s chin.


  Before I gag, or regurgitate my own pancakes—which I ate without assistance from Brent, by the way—I turn my full attention to Eliza and Benny.

  “Yes, I’m sure there’s a store in town that sells those chocolate-frosted donuts you like so much.” I hear Eliza say to Benny.

  “I sure hope so,” he replies dejectedly. “Otherwise, I’m fucked.”

  “Jeez, Benny, donuts aren’t that important.”

  He gasps at Eliza’s offensive-to-him words. “I’ll try and forget you said that, woman.”

  Snickering, I nudge Brent. “Your teammate really is obsessed with donuts,” I whisper.

  “Ha, you don’t know the half of it,” Brent quietly replies. “Coach caught him with half a dozen Krispy Kremes right before one of the playoff games and almost benched him for the night.”

  “No way,” I gasp. “How’d Benny talk his way out of that one?”

  “He didn’t. Eliza saved his ass.”

  “Hmm, lucky for Benny he dates the coach’s daughter, right?”


  Lainey takes a break from Nolan’s mouth—yes, I looked over and they’ve progressed to kissing—long enough to ask, “What are you two whispering about over there, Aubrey?”

  I shrug and reply, “Oh, nothing.”

  Then I remember I have an errand to run today, so I ask, “Hey, are you still coming with me into town this afternoon to pick up my gown?”

  Ahh, my wedding dress…

  It’s a beautiful couture creation—a strapless, flowy piece of art adorned with intricate lace and pearl beadwork. The girls packed their bridesmaid dresses after our final fittings in Las Vegas, but mine was too bulky. I made arrangements instead to have it shipped to a bridal shop here in town.

  “It’s coming in today?” Lainey asks.

  “Yes, it’s supposed to be at the store by noon.”

  Eliza jumps in, “Ooh, can I come with?”

  “Of course,” I reply, smiling. “I want all my best girls with me.”

  Brent glances over at Nolan and Benny, and says with a sly smirk, “Looks like we’re on our own again today, boys.”

  Benny just nods, but Nolan, always up for urging crap on, says, “Cool. Wonder what kind of trouble we can get into this time.”

  He’s joking, but Lainey nonetheless smacks him on the arm.

  “Heyyy,” he protests.

  “Hey this,” she retorts. “There had better not be any more trouble with you, mister. I haven’t fully forgotten about last night’s antics.”

  Guess not all is completely forgiven. Or maybe my sister is just getting Nolan back in line. When I really think about it, I have to say that they keep each other in check. Whatever they have works.

  Quietly, Nolan murmurs, “Okay, hon. I was just kidding.”

  Lainey seems satisfied with his response, but I’m not so sure I believe him.

  Turning to Brent, I narrow my eyes. “Promise me you’ll all behave today.”

  He raises a brow. “Behave? We’re not dogs, Aubrey.”

  “Ha.” I laugh. “After what I witnessed last night, I’m not so sure about that.”

  “Okay, okay,” he concedes sheepishly. “I deserve that. But I swear to you, despite Nolan’s ramblings”—he rolls his eyes over at his friend, who just shrugs all innocent-like—“there’ll be no more bad behavior.”

  I believe Brent.

  But to play it on the safe side, I encourage Lainey and Eliza to make their men swear to behave as well.

  An hour later, all of us are feeling great as we head off to pick up my dress.

  Hmm, I just hope everything keeps going this smoothly.

  Trouble Always Finds Us

  I made a promise to Aubrey, and I intend to keep it.

  That’s why, when Nolan and Benny ask me what we should do today while the women are at the dress shop, I come up with the only surefire thing I know will keep us out of trouble.

  “Let’s get in a good hard skate.”

  We’re still seated at the dining room table, but the dishes have been cleared and the ladies are gone.

  Now it’s just coffee and the guys.

  Benny takes a sip from his cup of steaming brew and says, “Uh, dude, I know you’re not thinking straight with the big day coming up and all, but you do realize that it’s fucking summer out there, right?”

  I retort, “I’m not talking about skating outdoors, ass. We can skate at my folks’ place.”

  Benny sheepishly replies, “Oops, I forgot there’s a rink at your parents’ house. I guess when I think of Minnesota, my mind just immediately goes to skating out on some frozen pond somewhere.”

  Hmm, it does make sense, in a weird Benny kind of way.

  Shaking my head, I continue, “Okay, so we can skate over there. The rink is in great shape still, and there’s tons of hockey equipment just lying around from me and my dad. We should be set.”

  “That’s right,” Nolan chimes in. “I almost forgot that your father played professional hockey too.”

  Benny snorts, “How could you have forgotten that? Billy Oliver is the legacy Golden Boy here is always striving to live up to.”

  I shoot Benny the one-finger salute, but the truth is he’s right. My dad won two Stanley Cups back in his day. And I’m still stuck at one.


  I hope to change that stat this upcoming season. Good thing I have a feeling it’s going to be our best yet.

  It better be, damn it! I want another Stanley Cup!

  “Okay,” I say on a sigh, getting back on task. “Enough about my dad. Do you guys want to skate or not?”

  “Sure, I’m in,” Nolan replies.

  “Me too,” Benny concurs.

  “Okay, then.” I stand up. “Let’s do this.”

  An hour later, the three of us are at my parents’ place. Behind their big house—I guess you could call it a mansion—stands the building that houses the indoor rink.

  It really is state-of-the-art in every way, which makes the guys let out low whistles when we walk inside.

  “Damn, Oliver, you had it made growing up,” Nolan marvels.

  Benny shakes his head. “You’re not fucking kidding, dude. I can’t even…”

  Yeah, it was pretty cool being the son of a hockey god.

  Still is, really.

  But it’s even better when I can share the perks with my best friends, like I’m doing today.

  After we gear up in the locker room, we head out onto the ice.

  “Fuck, this is great, isn’t it?” I call out to my teammates, who are trailing behind since my ass is moving. “I fucking love the ice, man.”

  Nolan catches up to me and, turning to skate backward, agrees, “It does feel good. Even though it’s only been a couple of weeks since we were practicing every damn day.”

  Benny glides to us in time to hear that last bit.

  “Ugh,” he groans. “Let’s not talk about those dreadful playoffs.”

  I sigh. This year’s postseason wasn’t good. We lost in the second round.

  But because I’m the captain and it’s up to me to keep morale up, I assure the guys, “Hey, we’ll do better next season.”

  “We better,” Nolan grumbles.

  “For sure,” Benny echoes.

  We’re all fierce competitors. That’s why I know in my heart that the Wolves will make a strong comeback.

  Suddenly f
eeling really fucking pumped, I start skating fast as hell, leaving the guys behind. They call out, but I just laugh and keep moving.

  It’s all good until, at the last second, and before it’s too late to correct my trajectory, I skate over a big fucking divot in the ice.

  “Shiiit!” I lose my footing and go down like a ton of bricks.

  Pain immediately bursts through my ankle, and I begin screaming, “Noooo! God-fucking-dammit, you have got to be kidding me.”

  My teammates are laughing at first, until they skate over and see I’m serious and that I haven’t gotten up.

  “Hey, you okay, man?” Nolan asks grimly.

  “What happened?” Benny asks.

  Pointing down to my twisted foot, I grumble, “I think I may have just broken my fucking ankle.”

  0 For 2

  When we arrive at the dress shop, I hand them the shipping slip for my wedding gown.

  But to my dismay, the elderly sales lady at the counter has no idea what I’m talking about.

  “What does that even mean?” I ask when she says she hasn’t heard of any shipments coming in from Las Vegas. “Where is my dress, then?”

  I’m feeling ill. I just knew something bad would happen. Now I won’t sleep a wink, what with worrying about my missing gown.

  “I gave explicit instructions to have it shipped to this address,” I lament on a sigh.

  The grumpy woman looks at my slip again.

  “Hmm, I don’t know,” she mumbles. “I don’t think it’ll help, but I can check again if you’d like.”

  “Please,” I mutter.

  Huffing, like I’m wasting her time, she begins paging through the box of invoices for a second time.

  Truth is, I don’t hold out much hope. It’s not going to magically appear.

  Sure enough, once she’s finished, she looks up and says, “I’m sorry, but I still don’t see anything here, Ms. Shelburne.”

  “Can you check in the back maybe?” I plead. “The dress may have arrived and someone just forgot to take the paperwork out of the shipping box. It is only a little past noon. It could be back there and not checked in.”

  “Highly unlikely.” She bristles. “As I told you, we received all of our shipments for the day. And I can assure you that if your dress was here at the shop, the documentation would be in with the inv—”


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