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Once Upon a Misty Bluegrass Hill

Page 11

by Rebecca Bernadette Mance

  Jolene would have laughed if she wasn't so mad at Patrick. "He is hot alright. I wish he was burning in hell!"

  Helen laughed and adjusted her glasses. Helen's father was the owner and CEO of Brooder's Farm Equipment, the largest in the United States.

  "He was quite handsome, especially tall for an Irishman," Natasha said, as she lay across her bed flipping through a La-La-Chic Magazine. "Not that I have a care because I have Neil waiting for me to finish this bloody school so we can get married."

  Jolene tucked the last of her underwear in the drawer of her assigned dresser. Helen leaned over to look in the drawer. "We need to get you some prettier underwear."

  Jolene slammed the drawer filled with white cotton panties closed. "He ain't the least bit handsome and he is a big pain in my ass."

  Natasha looked up sharply. "Oh my."

  Helen sputtered then giggled. "Who is he anyway? He isn't your father, couldn't be. Uncle maybe? Brother?"

  Jolene plopped down on the large metal chest/storage locker at the foot of her bed where she had placed her shoes moments before. Not that she brought a whole lot of shoes, just a few athletic shoes and of course her more fancy boots that Patrick had given her. "We are not related. It is just too complicated to explain."

  Natasha set the magazine aside and eyed Jolene closely. "Oh, so that is the way of it. No wonder the sparks were flying."

  Jolene laughed bitterly and pushed her ponytail off of her shoulder. "There is no 'way of it', if you mean he is my boyfriend. I live with him but not like that kind of way. He took me in because my Aunt Paula was awful and he had bought my parents' farm…oh I don't want to talk about it…or him."

  Helen leaned toward her with narrowed eyes. "But you got a crush on him, a big crush, come on admit it, plain for anyone to see anyway. I have a crush on an older guy too. He goes to Ron Paul rallies…that is how I met him…oh…he is so wonderful…we stay in touch through Friendface so my dad doesn't know."

  Jolene jumped off of the trunk locker. "No, I ain't got no crush on him! I don't love Patrick McCabe. I hate him."

  For reasons Jolene could not fathom, giant aching sobs emerged from deep inside her heart.

  Helen jumped from the bed and came to wrap her arm around Jolene. Natasha joined her a few seconds later with a gentle patting of Jolene's back. "Now you poor dear, there is no point in denying it to us or yourself. There was fire in this room when you two were here together. But don't worry, you are not the first girl to fall in love and have it completely ignored."

  "Yah, you should have seen me with Daniel the first time we met at the big Ron Paul rally in Cincinnati. It was like rubbing two pieces of flint together. He would hardly give me the time of day and I thought he was the sexiest guy I had ever seen."

  Jolene smiled through watery eyes. "I guess I never really looked at it like that. I look at him and he makes me feel all funny inside and my legs feel like jello. Then sometimes he makes me so mad 'cause he tries to tell me what to do all the time. Like after the Derby when he didn't let me ride Storm in the next two races….now I am just so mad at him." She let out a quivering sigh. "Then he made me come here!"

  Natasha shook her head. "Sounds like a big crush to me. That is how I felt about Neil the beginning I mean. Now we are just so in love."

  Helen laughed. "Well you have come to the right place, because me and Natasha have experience in these matters. We'll just help each other get through our time here and teach you a thing or two about how to get a man. It will be a project to help us pass the time."

  Natasha went to sit down on her own bed, thoughtful. "I think you might need a little polish if you want to attract your Patrick, though his own speech leaves much open for criticism."

  Jolene began pacing. "He cannot help his funny talk, he is Irish."

  "I gathered that." Natasha smiled. "But we won't hold that against him."

  Helen stepped away from Jolene and went to sit on her own bed. "Natasha really! As if Jolene needs that baggage as well…baggage that is yours alone."

  Natasha giggled. "I was only teasing. Neil's mother is Irish too. And I love her like my own mother."

  Jolene warmed to the topic. "Patrick is an Earl…I think that is like a prince in Ireland.

  Natasha fell back on her bed laughing. "An earl is not a prince!"

  Helen went over and swatted Natasha. "Don't pick Nat, she doesn't know." Then she turned to Jolene. "An Earl is a royal, well, in a way, but it is a much lesser title than a prince. I am curious, however, what is his title exactly."

  "Earl of Meath."

  Natasha sat up her big gold eyes bulging. "Earl of Meath you say! Well, that is pretty interesting. I have heard he is a real hot looker. His home is in southeast Ireland in the shadow of the Little Sugar Loaf Mountain in a place called Killruddery House. I read something in the London Times about him going to the US and getting involved with horses. He was on my father's prospect list but in the end love found me so father never made the introductions."

  Jolene jogged her memory for details Patrick had shared with her. "He went to some fancy school in London called Harrow then he came back to Dublin to a school he calls Trinity. He then went on to get a PhD but I can't remember where he said he got that. My head was still spinning when thinking of all that schooling."

  Helen plopped down next to Natasha. "I remember about him! He runs a big company in Lexington that makes organic feed for animals."

  "And beer!" Natasha whispered dramatically.

  Jolene smiled. "Yup, that's him."

  Helen and Natasha stared at her. "How did you end up living with him? I mean, you aren't having sex with him or anything are you?"

  Jolene scowled. "Well, just a little kissing and touching that did feel awfully good. But he got upset after that, real upset. So, even if I ever thought of getting into bed with him he would not be interested in me, that part is not hard to figure out. He's got women smelling around him everywhere he goes. He has fancy parties sometimes, but he doesn't make me go 'cause I don't want to." Jolene stood up and started to pace again. "Of course, now he is going to make me start going to those fancy parties when I get back."

  Helen shook her head. "But you like him a whole lot."

  Natasha sighed. "A whole lot."

  Jolene wanted to scream. Instead she stopped in front of her new roommates. "Maybe I do get all funny inside when I see him and I really liked his kissing and touching but look at what he did to me!"

  Natasha pulled her down to sit between her and Helen. "He looked at you with shining eyes Jolene."

  Helen wriggled her eyebrows. "Maybe he just wants you to go to finishing school because if he is the Earl of Meath, he has to make sure you can talk right and have a proper education."

  "There is nothing wrong with my talking."

  Natasha tilted her head and smiled. "I am sorry to tell you my new friend that your speech is horrible."

  Jolene gave a lopsided smile. "That is what Patrick says."

  Helen slapped her knee. "See! I know I am right. I mean, no man takes in a woman unless he wants something."

  Jolene looked at her hands deciding just how much to reveal. "He just felt sorry for me and he knew that I could take care of Storm."

  Natasha looked skeptical. "Right. Well, if you like the guy you can work really hard here so that you can show him that you can talk right and maybe he might consider you as a possible wife."

  "I don't really want a husband."

  Helen laughed. "Not ever?"

  "Well maybe someday I guess. Patrick did kiss me at home before we left and at the airport. You know it was a real smooch kiss. And there was that touching bit that felt so heavenly."

  Natasha leaned forward. "Really? What was it like?"

  "I saw stars behind my eyes and my legs were all tingly…my tummy had hundreds of butterflies. I really can't explain it at all...getting all know where."

  Helen wriggled her gold brows comically. "Sounds like he is a goo
d kisser."

  "And a good toucher." Natasha nodded firmly. "So, to that I say, and why not marry the Earl of Meath with those pretty purple eyes? He has some British in him by the way."

  Jolene felt her heart flutter. Patrick did have the most beautiful eyes. "They look like morning glories. And his kiss was so amazing. I'll say that much. I'll never forget how it felt as long as I live."

  Helen laughed. "You are in love girl!"

  Natasha took Jolene's hand. "Now all we have to do is get Patrick McCabe, the Earl of Meath, to fall in love with you." She giggled. "Oh this is going to be sooo fun."

  Jolene quelled the hope that sparked in her chest. "Patrick is so fine and so handsome. He ain't never going to love a girl like me."

  Chapter 14

  Upon arrival in America, the Scotch-Irish at first usually referred to themselves simply as Irish, without the qualifier Scotch. It was not until a century later, following the surge in Irish immigration after the Great Irish Famine of the 1840s, that the descendants of the earlier arrivals began to commonly call themselves Scotch-Irish to distinguish them from the newer, largely destitute and predominantly Roman Catholic immigrants. The two groups had little interaction in America, as the Scotch-Irish had become settled years earlier primarily in the Appalachian region, while the new wave of Irish American families settled primarily in northern and midwestern port cities such as Boston, New York, or Chicago. However, many Irish migrated to the interior in the 19th century to work on large-scale infrastructure projects such as canals and railroads. Famous Scotch-Irish Americans include Andrew Jackson, Elvis Presley, Ulysses S. Grant, John McCain, George S. Patton and John Wayne.

  May - Three years later...

  "I have missed you so much Little Red."

  Jolene folded herself into Patrick's outstretched arms, her heart tapping like civil war drums. She pulled his familiar scent into her nose and savored the light, spicy sent of him and some mind blowing cologne that combined in an intoxicating aroma that weakened her legs. "Oh Patrick, I have missed you so much too!"

  She held him too long, tears forming in her eyes. He gently set her away, his eyes turning to blue smoke. "Now there, what yer doing? Let us get on home so we can hear all about school."

  Jolene laughed with bubbling joy. "Like you don't know how I have been, you call me every week. How is Storm?"

  It was already warm even though summer was still a month away. She was home just in time for the Derby. Patrick didn't have a horse running this year but they would go.

  "Well, at least yer aren't mad at me anymore."

  "I like school. I am learning so many amazing things. I just wish it was closer so I could visit more often."

  "Yer were just home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Bea and Lacy are still riled up after making all those gingerbread men with you."

  "I cannot wait to see them. I have a plan for us to pick the blackberries in the tree line behind the big pasture in back."

  Jolene had worked so hard in her classes these last years and time had flown by. She was almost finished and if all continued to go well she would graduate with honors. She religiously read La-La-Chick Magazine with Natasha for her beauty tips and how to win over a man. She even started painting her fingernails and putting on just a dab of mascara and lip gloss that they had bought at the makeup counter.

  Words like "ain't" were no longer part of her personal dictionary.

  Natasha and Helen had fortified her with flirting techniques for visits home. It was time to see if they were right that Patrick did care about her in that kind of way.

  Each summer since she started school Patrick had sent her with Natasha and Helen to Europe for three months. The summer after their first year they went to Natasha's home where they rode the train all over the United Kingdom. They did not, however, go to Ireland. Patrick wanted to take her to meet his family someday and he wanted to show her Ireland.

  The summer before her junior year the girls traveled to Italy and spent half the time with Natasha's mother and half the time with Helen's father as chaperones. All the while Jolene had just wanted to go home to see Patrick, Big Storm and Bernie. Patrick would hear none of it. She spent her holidays at home just a few weeks here and a few weeks there. Never enough time and it was too cold to do much riding when she was there for the holidays because it had been a cold winter.

  Patrick looked her over intently when they got into the SUV. "What's that stuff on your eyes? And all over your lips?"

  In the face of her efforts, his words stung. "Patrick! It is mascara and lip gloss."

  He laughed as he turned the engine key. "Makes you look like a grown up woman."

  He swung his arm across the back of the seat and brushed her shoulder sending delicious hot shivers through her.

  Jolene batted her eyes playfully and pulled down the visor so she could see herself in the mirror. "Does it really make me look grown up?"

  "Too grown up by half."

  "Good, then you can treat me like a grown up this time."

  "Yer will still be Little Red."

  "No! Patrick no! I don't want you to think of me like Little Red or even Red anymore. And please do not call me that in front of people….it is weird. How are your parents by the way and when are you taking me to Ireland to meet them? Remember you promised the year I graduate you would take me."

  "I saw them last summer when you were in Italy and then again just after Christmas."

  "I can't wait to meet them."

  Patrick chuckled. "Well, I have someone else I want you to meet."

  "Really? Who? Storm has a new colt on the way."

  "He always has a new colt or filly on the way…I have a person I want you to meet. But it is a surprise that yer have to wait till yer home."

  Jolene watched the passing scenery and got caught up on everything while the back of her mind worked on who Patrick might have for her to meet. He had two sisters and a brother, perhaps one of them had come for a visit.

  Jolene's heart always stopped when she turned down the long driveway to her old home and Patrick's newer home. She always went back to her parent's house to stay when she was here but took meals and spent a great deal of time at Patrick's house. Patrick had hired someone in addition to his mowing team to maintain the roses and flowers that Jolene planted in her mother's rose garden the first spring back after Big Storm had won the Triple Crown.

  She had finally gotten over Patrick not letting her ride in those races. When she outgrew her young girl's notions she had to concede that it was very dangerous and she was not skilled enough to tempt fate more than the one time she had ridden Storm in the Derby.

  The Derby had been enough.

  And at least she had seen the other two races before being hauled off to school.

  But she was back now, nearly finished with school and a full grown woman with manners and lip gloss.

  "How does it look Jolene?"

  Flowers bloomed everywhere and the pastures were lush and green. Horses sprinkled over the vast sea of chartreuse. The daffodils danced along the wood fence line. "It looks so beautiful. Spring always has that sparkle."

  Patrick laughed. "It does at that."

  "I am going to cook for you this summer. I have some new recipes that I got off of the internet."

  They pulled into Patrick's garage. "You want to go home first? I forgot to ask yer."

  Jolene pulled the door open and stepped out. "Oh no, I'll enjoy the walk over later, we have so much to talk about."

  Patrick went to the back of the truck and pulled out her big red hard shell bag and set it near the door.

  Jolene flew through the door that led from the garage to the massive kitchen to find Mata. Behind her Patrick laughed. The sound shivered across her skin. "Wait up for me Jolene."

  Mata was stirring thoughtfully when Jolene opened the door. She looked up and broke into a grin and her arms flew wide for a hug. "Oh I have missed you Jolene…so much changing here."

  Jolene squeezed Ma
ta hard. "Oh I have missed you so much too. I have some new recipes for us to try and just think, I will be home for good come next spring! Patrick is going to take me to Ireland to meet his family."

  Patrick shut the door behind him. "Yer can be certain I am going to take you to meet my family and I have a new friend that will be a coming with us to keep yer company…girl company."

  "What do you mean Patrick? I thought it was just you and me going to Ireland."

  Patrick laughed and his eyes moved past her, through the kitchen alcove to something in the large family room. "Come on in here Leona and meet my Jolene."

  Jolene turned sharply to find a stunning willowy blonde with perfectly cut hair and a husky laugh moving into the kitchen. She closed in on Patrick and he put his arm around her.

  Then Patrick kissed the blonde. "Patrick, you didn't tell me that Jolene was so grown up. She is not a Little Red…she is a grown woman. We need to step up efforts to find her a husband….after all, what will people say about her living here with you?"

  Jolene felt her world melt into a horrible fog.

  She swayed on her feet and Mata moved up next to her and put her arm around her while Jolene's head exploded with terrifying questions that she was certain she didn't want to know an answer to. "Patrick, you should have told Jolene before she got here, she is in a bit of a shock I am afraid, because I have never seen her speechless."

  Patrick hugged the Leona-woman closer to him. "Leona and I are engaged, we plan to go to Ireland the summer you graduate…and you will be coming with us."

  Chapter 15

  The melodies, harmonies and instrumentation of bluegrass music are influenced by traditional European folk music as well as the African-American jazz and blues styles. These influences were carried into the hills of the rural south by the farmers and workers who settled the land, and intermingled to form the country and "mountain" music sound from which bluegrass springs. Bluegrass lyrics reflect the rural life experiences of these musicians.

  "Look! My basket is full!" Lacy raced toward Jolene while blackberries danced out of her basket to be left scattered on the ground.


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