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A Man Like No Other

Page 9

by Aliyah Burke

  The setting sun only added to her beauty. She wore an old tee and a baggy pair of jeans along with some hiking boots.

  “Why are you staring at me?”

  This time, he did smile. “How do you know I was staring?”

  “I can feel your eyes on me, Taber. What’s wrong? Need to drive your truck? I promise I didn’t put a single scratch on it.” Her voice was patronisingly sweet.

  He sat up and ran a finger down her cheek. “Nope, you’re doing just fine. You can drive anytime.”

  Her grin flashed, fast and fierce. “I like driving it. Big and powerful.” She glanced towards him. “Things I like.”

  His cock went from semi to fully aroused in the space of a second. “You tryin’ to get a reaction from me, angel?”

  “Maybe.” She shook her head. “No. I’m sorry. We need to discuss how this is going to go.”

  “I’ve got guns with me. I don’t know. Let’s see the setup before we decide.”

  “What about your director?”

  He lifted a shoulder. “What about him? I’m done fuckin’ around with this guy while he picks off agents at his leisure and skates away free as a bird. Plus, if he has Forrest and Kline, we need to get them out, not worry with the damn procedure.”

  Staring at her face, he waited to see if shock or uncertainty appeared. Neither did. In fact, the corner of her mouth lifted into a terse grin. “You are definitely my kind of man, Taber Kysenzki. I think I love you,” she uttered in a tone which was part laughter, part sincerity. She downshifted smoothly and took them higher in elevation.

  I think I love you. Words he totally took in a way much different than she meant them.

  “What is Thurgood to you?”

  A tic appeared behind her molars and he knew she struggled mightily for control. “He killed my sister.” A heavy sigh. “I told but no one believed me.”

  He frowned. “When did this happen?”

  Another tense moment. “Remember I told you how I got into this? Well, she was the casualty of that gun deal I discovered. But no one would believe a child who’d lost her sister. But the lead agent took an interest in me and gave me his card with the words, ‘Come to me when you’re ready’. I got in touch with him the week before I graduated from high school. James actually showed up and sat in the crowd at the ceremony. He talked to my parents and I left with him to the academy.”

  He thought for a moment. “James McKeon?”

  “One and the same.”

  It explained why McKeon had been so furious and protective of her the day they’d first met. When Taber had helped botch the ATF’s sting and McKeon had seen her cuffed with her face bloodied up. Taber faced forward and stared out the windshield. There was a lot to go over.

  Serefina is my equal on every level. Doesn’t hesitate to do what’s needed to get the job done others aren’t doing. Feisty, arrogant, hardheaded, and true to her beliefs. He mentally reviewed her relationship with McKeon then focused on Forrest. It still bothered him she’d not told him about almost marrying to the man. Were there still some feelings there? And if so, where does that leave me?

  It wasn’t like they’d discussed a future. In fact, she seemed perfectly content having it be a moment-by-moment thing between them. Just enjoying him. Not that he had a problem with the physical aspect of their relationship but he minded it not being more, on a deeper, more permanent basis. This was his woman and he needed to make sure she knew that.

  The lights of the small town on the outskirts of the National Forest flared on as they drove past the city limit sign. He remained quiet and let her choose where they were staying.

  “Fuck!” she uttered.

  “What?” he demanded and jerked his gaze to her profile.

  “That black car up ahead on the left.”

  He looked and frowned. “A fed car.”

  “That’s the third I’ve seen since we entered town.” She eased the large truck into a hotel parking space. “If we weren’t on target before, we are now.”

  Why would there be so many agents here? he wondered.

  Her gaze showcased her confusion as well. She remained silent and got out, slowing to grab her bag from the back seat. As he walked around the front, his own bags in one hand, she tossed him the keys but never altered her speed.

  He stood behind her as she asked for a room. The concierge constantly flicked his eyes between them but made no comment.

  “Thank you.” Serefina spoke softly. Picking up the key card, she strode towards the elevator and got in.

  Taber leaned close and whispered in her ear. “Remember our first time in an elevator?”

  She laughed, bringing the attention of the others in there with them. “I do. In fact, I’m wearing your hair tie.”

  He looked at her ponytail and smiled. The fact she’d kept it this long made him ecstatic. “So you stole it,” he commented.

  “You say stole, I say…acquisitioned.”

  A chuckle emerged from him. “What am I going to do with you?”

  Wrists together, she held his gaze and winked. “Tie me up and have your wicked way with me.”

  All the blood in his body gathered at his shaft, enlarging it until it pressed like a wall against his jeans. “I do have handcuffs.”

  He couldn’t tell if the others listened in or not for all his focus was on Serefina and the hunger in her eyes.

  “I have two pair myself.” She winked and grabbed her bag right before the doors slid open.

  A blatant erection in his pants, he stepped off the elevator and followed her down the hall to their room. Unfortunately, he couldn’t do anything about it, for once in the room, his cell phone went off.

  Setting his bags at his feet, he answered.

  “What are you doing in Utah, Kysenzki?” Tobias Feeny.

  “Hello to you, too.” A slight pause. “How do you know I’m in Utah?”

  “You were recognised.” A tingle went up Taber’s spine. “Why are you there?”

  “I’m on vacation.” He walked to the room’s window and peered out.

  “In that town?”

  “I came up from New Mexico. Was in Colorado and we’re planning on hiking in the National Forest. What the hell is going on?”

  “You’re with LeBenoit?”

  “My personal life is my business,” he growled, leaving the window which allowed a lovely view of the forest and headed into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

  “You’ve been cleared, but I think you should take some vacation.” Feeney made the order sound almost like a suggestion.

  He couldn’t agree more. Leaving Serefina at the moment wasn’t a viable option. “Sounds good. I’ll stay on vacation until I get up to my leave I put in for the other day and come back after that.”

  “Good. I really don’t want to know it, Kysenzki, but whatever the reason you’re where you are, be careful.” Tobias hung up.

  Before the sink, he stared at his reflection for a moment, splashed some water on his face, and took a deep breath. Something didn’t feel right. Who was this mysterious someone who’d recognised him? And why would they call his director about it? Apparently, he and Serefina weren’t the only ones keeping an eye on this area, so whatever they were going to do, they needed to do it quickly.

  “We need to talk about this,” he said, swinging the door open.

  He froze at the sight before him. It was a standoff. Serefina stood between him and the door and had two guns drawn, one pointed at each man who stood in the room.

  One man he didn’t know. One he did.

  “Are you just going to stand there, Taber, or do you plan on telling her to put the guns down?”

  He fought off a smile. “Hello, Cort,” he replied and placed himself beside Serefina.

  She never looked at him. Just kept her attention and both guns aimed with unwavering directness at the men.

  “They say they know you,” she muttered. Cort stepped closer and she shook her head. “Not another one or I’ll
put a bullet in you. And what I shoot off won’t grow back.”

  Blue eyes shot flames and Taber nodded, putting a hand on the small of her back. “I know one of them. Put the guns down, angel.” She did. “What are you doing here?” he questioned.

  “What the fuck?” Cort stepped towards him and shook his head. “She just drew down on federal agents.”

  “She’s an agent. Cortland Kysenzki, US Marshall, meet Serefina LeBenoit, ATF.”

  “You could have told us,” Cort snapped.

  Serefina shoved one gun, her SIG, into the back of her pants and shrugged without shame. “You coulda knocked. You didn’t. Instead, you broke in the room. I’m not in the habit of asking those kind of questions, especially not to people carrying multiple guns.”

  Cort skimmed her from head to toe before glancing back at Taber. “Good to see you, Tabby,” he stated.

  “You too, Cort.” He hugged his brother and stepped back to stand by Serefina.

  “This is Agent Morrioe.”

  The men shook hands and all Serefina did was nod. He could tell she hadn’t quite figured out what to make of the situation.

  “What are you doing here, Taber?” Cort asked.

  “We’re on vacation.”

  Cort flicked his glance between Serefina and himself. “The two of you? Together?”

  Anger rumbled in his chest. “Yes. Got a problem with that?”

  “Not at all,” his brother replied with a grin. “I can’t wait to tell Mom. Let me catch up with my brother, Morrioe. I’ll see you later.”

  The man nodded and left. All hints of amusement vanished from Cort’s face the moment Morrioe did. The brothers stared at one another before Cort shoved his hands into slacks pockets.

  “I heard about Dodd, Taber. I’m sorry; I know you and she were close.”

  A sideways glance showed no expression on Serefina’s face. He didn’t know what to make of it. Something to deal with later. “We were. How’d you hear about it?”

  Cort licked his lips and Taber knew he was nervous. Serefina sat on the bed and watched in continued silence, her unpolished fingers moving in a petting motion along the gun in her lap. He knew she’d leave if he asked, but he liked her in the room and had no desire to keep anything from her.

  “Cort?” Taber reiterated, wanting to know how his brother had heard.

  “Stuff like that travels.” Cort shrugged but never dropped his gaze.

  “How’d you know I was here?” he asked his older brother, curious as to why he would be here.

  “I know your truck, Tabby. We’re brothers.”

  “Why are you here?” he countered.

  “People said it was most likely a man named Dillard Thurgood who did this?”

  He frowned. “Still doesn’t explain why you’re here, Cort.” Taber didn’t like how Cort continued to dodge the question.

  “They sent me.” Cort ran a hand down his face. “To tell you to leave it alone.”

  Taber’s gaze narrowed where it focused on his eldest sibling. “What do you mean?”

  “Go home, Taber. It doesn’t matter if he did it or not.”

  “The hell it doesn’t!” he bit off. “He killed one agent for sure, possibly two more. What’s your game?” His body tensed and he readied for a battle.

  “Dillard Thurgood is in Marshall custody. You can’t touch him. His sister, a younger sister, is a federal witness. Her only condition was that her brother stays safe and out of jail so he can be near her.”

  White-hot rage filled him and he began to shake. “You’re tellin’ me that fuckin’ excuse of a human being has an endless get out-of-jail-free card because of his sister?”

  Cort’s expression shared his own personal dislike over the situation. “I’m sorry, Taber, you know how it goes. He put out that he thinks there are people who may be after him, which is why the agents are around. He also protests his innocence.”

  Taber shoved down his fury. “That so. Well, lucky for all involved, I’m here on vacation.”

  A blond brow rose. “Taber.”

  He wanted to puke, rant and rave against this atrocity. Instead, he crossed his arms and gave his brother a bland stare. “What?”

  Chapter Eight

  Serefina had no clue how she remained quiet at that announcement. Dillard Thurgood was, for all intents and purposes, untouchable. Any arrest would be wiped away. Ignoring the anger, which unfurled and grew within her, she stared at the other man in the room.

  Cortland Kysenzki was a handsome man. Not quite as broad as Taber but definitely not a wimp. All muscle and masculine grace. His hair was rakishly messy to a certain extent, a bit shorter and lighter in colour than Taber’s, but not as golden. And the eyes, while blue, weren’t as deep of a hue. Still, all in all, he was a hot-ass man.

  She pushed to her feet and shoved her second gun back in the bag before heading to the door. She needed some fresh air. She needed to think. She needed to get away from any witnesses before she blew her cool.

  “Where you goin’, angel?”

  “Out,” she said, well aware her voice more tense than normal. “I’ll be back in a while.”

  He curled a hand around her arm and prompted her to face him. His eyes swirled with anger and concern. For a moment, he just stared at her, silent, before he nodded and leaned in close to brush their lips together.

  “Stay safe.”

  His concern touched her. “I will,” she murmured. She shot Cort a sharp glance. Then dismissing him, she strode out the door and closed it behind her.A polite smile on her face, she rode down in the elevator with a few other people. She could feel the rage close to erupting by the time she moved across the tiled floor of the hotel lobby and stepped outside.

  The cool air washed over her and she paused before striding off up the street. There was no direction in mind; she just wandered. Soon, she found herself moving through the Wasatch-Cache Forest.

  With a deep groan, she sank to the ground at the base of a large aspen. Drawing her knees up, she dropped her head into her hands and sobbed. Why, she wasn’t sure, but there was no stopping it. Powerful, raw sobs tore up from her gut and poured out into the air. Her anger gave way to cries and she allowed it.

  When there was no more within her, she wiped her eyes and leant back against the tree trunk. It wasn’t fair. No matter how she looked at it, how it got explained to her, anything. Bottom line. What this equated to…


  “Ahhhh!” she screamed to the emptiness. Birds stirred and flew away.

  “You okay, angel?”

  Her SIG was palmed and pointing at Taber before it sank in who stood there. Taber leant against another tree, strong arms crossed, as were his ankles. With a sigh, she lowered the weapon and dropped her head back.

  “Hell no, I’m not okay,” she ground out. “This is bullshit.” She took in his attire, black jeans, a tight blue shirt and hiking boots. She wanted him. Just staring at him made her wet with desire. “How’d you find me?”

  “I tracked you.” He said it so casually, like it was something he did every day.

  “I’m not letting this go,” she vowed, unwilling to let Thurgood continue on, no matter what it cost her. After all, could it really cost her anymore than it had?

  Taber moved like lightning and knelt beside her. “Me either.”

  That shocked her. And pleased her. “What about your brother?”

  “He and his partner headed back to Washington.” He sat and stretched out those long legs before him.

  “He’s not staying?”

  “He did what was asked of him. Delivered the message.”

  She plucked at the grass beside her semiautomatic. “Does he know you’re not letting it go?”

  “I’m sure he does. He’s my brother, after all.” Taber looked at her. “He is on our side about this, no matter what it seems like. And he’d like a chance to get to know you, although he did say preferably without guns drawn on him.”

  She smiled a littl
e. “I’m sure he knows you want revenge on the one who killed Agent Dodd, but what if it turns out Thrugood’s not the one who did it? Will you agree with the decision and leave the man alone?”

  “Serefina,” he said on a soft thread.


  Her heart lurched when he settled his palm along her face. “I meant it when I said there was nothing between Shania and myself.”

  “I don’t need an explanation, Taber. We’re not a couple, not exclusive, nor do I need a rundown of your past. We both have them.”

  Those blue eyes narrowed into slits. “We are a couple, sure as hell are exclusive, and I know we both have pasts, but I want you to know. She was a friend. I’m saddened and angered by her death but not because of our one night.”

  She had no desire to talk to him about his past lovers. None at all. But somewhere inside her, she was thrilled he wanted to call them a couple and be exclusive.

  “I don’t want to talk about it.” She tried to move her head away but he gripped her chin and held her immobile.

  “I told you I wanted more than a bar night fuck from you, Serefina LeBenoit. I didn’t lie. I want it all with you.”

  Those long lashes dropped down before lifting and exposing large orbs, which made her heart increase in speed. If only that were true. “We’re here to find Thrugood.”

  “Is this your way of telling me you’re running like hell from me when we’re done?”

  Was it? The thought of not having the arrogantly handsome DEA special agent in her life saddened her.

  “Angel?” The word flowed from him on a rumble of power.

  “I’m not telling you anything.”

  “Then let me tell you. I’m falling for you, Serefina. Head over heels falling. Off a skyscraper falling.”

  She closed her eyes and took a shuddered breath.


  He kissed her quiet. She purred into his mouth and surrendered wholeheartedly. Their time together may be limited but she’d be damned if she didn’t give herself the opportunity to get as much of him as she could.


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