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Page 18

by Katie McCoy

  “Huh,” Sawyer observed. “I guess the fish are around. Maybe they were just allergic to your bullshit excuses.”

  “I told you what happened,” I argued, but Sawyer shook his head.

  “So what?” he asked. “You told us that you fucked up. And dude, you really did.”

  I slumped forward. “I know.”

  “But it happened,” Sawyer continued. “You made a mistake.”

  “A big mistake,” Chase added. “Huge.”

  “I get it,” I snapped at him.

  “Enormous,” he tried once more, shutting up when I glared at him.

  “What are you going to do about it?” Sawyer demanded.

  I didn’t have an answer.

  “She deserves better,” I told them.

  They snorted. “Try again.”

  What was I going to do about it?

  I loved Alex.

  And I was being a coward. Was I willing to lose her because I couldn’t get my shit together? Because I was too scared to admit that I was wrong, because I was too scared to admit that my father still controlled my life in ways I wasn’t comfortable with?


  The answer came to me clearly and without any hesitation.

  “Take me back to the shore,” I ordered Sawyer, who was in charge of the boat.

  He looked at me, his hand sitting lazily on the engine.

  “Why?” he asked.

  “Because I need to go find Alex and need to go find her right fucking now,” I told him.

  A smile broke out across his face.

  “Finally,” he said. “We were hoping you’d get your head out of your ass sooner rather than later.”

  “Before you ruined the rest of this trip!” Chase agreed.

  The boat’s engine roared to life and we were soon speeding back to the shore. We still had a good thirty-minute hike back to the campsite where the car was, but the moment my feet hit dry land, I was off and running.

  The running didn’t last, but I kept up a steady pace, with the guys keeping up behind me. None of us talked. I was a man on a mission and nothing was going to slow me down.

  But when we got to the campsite, I saw the one thing that could completely stop me in my tracks.


  She was here. At the campsite.

  I blinked, unsure if I was hallucinating due to heat stroke or too much beer on the lake. But no, it was here. She was here. She was really here.

  And she looked incredible.

  With her hair in soft waves across her shoulders, everything about her felt like home. Like everything I had ever imagined a home could be. She looked warm and welcoming in her plaid shirt and snug jeans and clearly brand-new hiking boots.

  It was pretty clear that she had never gone hiking or camping or done anything as outdoorsy as this. And yet she was here. She had come to find me.

  I heard the guys come to a halt behind me.

  “Alex!” they both greeted her, pushing past me to hug her. “About fucking time.”

  Alex looked at me over Sawyer’s shoulder and gave me a small, tentative wave.

  I was dirty and tired and probably smelled a lot like worms, but the minute Sawyer released her, I was taking long strides towards her.

  “Hi,” she said when I reached her.

  “I’m sorry,” I blurted out, wanting so badly to touch her. Wanting so badly to kiss her. To show her how sorry I was. But it needed to be said first. “I was an asshole, and I never should have said those things to you.”

  “I’m sorry too,” she told me. “I should have listened to you when you warned me about your father.”

  “I should have explained,” I argued, but she shook her head.

  “You did,” she countered. “And I should have paid attention and trusted you.”

  “There’s no excuse for what I said,” I wanted her to know. “You know I don’t think that about you. You’ve worked hard for everything you have.”

  She gave me a small smile. “That’s a relief,” she said. “Because I would have had to kick your ass.”

  I paused. I wanted to touch her more than I wanted to breathe, but I didn’t know if it was too soon. If she wanted me back that way.

  Fuck it.

  I reached for her, and I kissed her the way I’d been fantasizing about during these long, lonely nights without her. Her mouth was hot on mine, and I drank her up. I had missed her scent. I had missed her taste. I had missed her.

  “I’m so sorry,” I murmured against her lips. “So, so sorry.”

  “Don’t do it again,” she whispered back. “I missed you so much.”

  “I missed you too,” I told her, feeling the sadness and bitterness lift away.

  “Well, this is all very touching,” Sawyer said gruffly, causing both of us to pull away from each other.

  I had completely forgotten that we had an audience.

  “What Sawyer is trying to say is that we should give the two of you some privacy.” Chase patted Sawyer on the arm. “Like, maybe we’ll go set up camp a mile or so away. Give you some time to talk.”

  “And other things,” Sawyer added, not being subtle about it at all.

  I saw Alex’s cheeks get red, and I couldn’t help laughing.

  “Get out of here,” I ordered them, putting my arm around Alex. I wasn’t going to argue against privacy, especially because now that she was back in my arms, I was thinking of doing exactly what Sawyer had been insinuating.

  They left the campsite, hooting and being obnoxious as they did.

  Fucking friends. I was damn lucky to have them. Damn lucky that they had forced me to confront my bad attitude and even worse coping mechanisms. If it weren’t for them, I might still be pouting on the lake. I might not have realized that I needed to go to Alex.

  Only to discover that she had come to me.

  I looked down at her, my attention completely focused on her beautiful face.

  “I missed you,” I told her, even though it had already been said. “I was on my way to go win you back, you know.”

  “Really?” Alex grinned. “Glad you came to your senses.”

  The sun was setting, and the moment could not have been more perfect—her warmth and softness snuggled up against me. I wanted to kiss her and kiss her and kiss her.

  “I realized something,” she told me, pulling back a little so she could look up at me.

  I lost myself in her eyes for a moment.

  “What did you realize?” I asked, once I had found myself again.

  She smiled. “I realized that my life isn’t nearly as good if you aren’t in it.”

  I felt my heart swell. “I feel the same way,” I told her. “And I know that your career is your priority, and I completely support that. After all the shit I said, I don’t want you to doubt that—I want you to know that I will do everything I can to help you succeed.”

  “I just need you by my side,” she told me, reaching up on her tip toes to give me a soft kiss. “Nothing else. Just your support.”

  “Well, you’ve got it,” I promised her. “I’m your guy.”

  Her smile grew. “I like the way that sounds,” she said, her grin flickering for a moment.

  “What is it?” I asked, cupping her chin.

  She looked away, but just for a second.

  “After my dad left, I never really thought I’d be able to trust men. Or put that trust in relationships or love.” She took a deep breath. “And I thought I’d be fine. I thought I’d have my work and my friends and I’d be fine. But then I met you, and you changed everything.”

  “You changed everything for me too,” I told her.

  Because I had never known a woman like her. She was special. Extraordinary. And I wanted her. Craved her.

  “It’s not easy for me to open up,” Alex admitted, chewing on her bottom lip.

  “Me neither,” I confessed. “All this stuff about my dad, well, it’s made me realize that even when I walk away from him, I still allow him to influe
nce me. And that needs to stop.”

  Alex nodded. “I know things are complicated, but I do think that he loves you. In his way. But I promise I’ll stay out of it from now on.”

  “Thank you,” I told her. “And maybe he does care. He just has really controlling, fucked up ways of showing it.”

  “Yes, yes he does,” she agreed.

  I released the breath I hadn’t realized I had been holding. It was a lot to confess and get off my chest, but I felt better immediately. Being open and honest with Alex was what was going to make this work.

  “I love you,” I told her, just needing her to hear it again and again and again.

  She grinned, and this time, her smile was dazzling. “I love you too,” she told me.

  The sun was almost gone at that point, and it was starting to get a little cold. I felt her shiver in my arms from the dropping temperature, and I pulled her close. Of course, having her fit as perfectly as she did against my body made me think of other ways that we fit together. My cock responded immediately.

  Alex lifted an eyebrow. “Is that a fishing rod in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”

  “Trust me,” I murmured, leaning down to brush a kiss across her lips. “I am very, very happy to see you. And I’d love to show you exactly how happy I am.”

  She glanced around. “I suppose we do have the campsite to ourselves.” She gave me a wicked wink. “Want to show me the inside of your tent?”

  God, this woman. She made me want to drop to my knees and worship every inch of her. And now, there was no reason I couldn’t.

  “Why don’t I show you my extra-large sleeping bag?” I gave her a leer and she laughed.

  “Please do.”

  I grabbed her hand and practically dragged her towards my tent. Her hands were on me before I could finish zipping up the tent. Even though I knew the guys had given us a wide berth, I still didn’t need an audience of woodland creatures while I was aiming for some privacy with the woman I loved.

  My camping setup was simple. Basic. But I wasn’t such a hardcore camper that I didn’t enjoy a sleeping bag with an air mattress set up underneath. I could tell that Alex appreciated that as she flopped down on the bed, her plaid shirt unbuttoned to her navel.

  It was then that I realized she wasn’t wearing a bra. I nearly swallowed my tongue.

  I dropped to my knees on the ground in front of her, my hands on her knees.

  “Alex?” I asked as she pulled off my shirt, my hands slipping up her legs to the snap of her jeans.

  “Mmmhmm?” She gave me an innocent look.

  “Are you wearing any panties?” I wanted to know.

  She wiggled her eyebrows at me. “There’s only one way to find out.”

  I was more than eager to do just that. Wrapping my hand around the back of her neck, I pulled her lips to mine, kissing her hard. We had been apart for less than two weeks, but it felt like I hadn’t touched her, hadn’t kissed her, hadn’t been with her, in ages. I was desperate for her touch—starving for her taste.

  She responded eagerly, her hands in my hair as her tongue swept into my mouth. I angled her head so I could deepen the kiss even more, my entire body on fire, burning up for her. I kissed her, thrusting my tongue against hers, but I needed more.

  Sliding my hands down, I made quick work of the last few buttons on her plaid shirt, but taking the sides of the shirt and ripping it open. Alex practically purred as I did this, wrapping her legs around me and pulling me closer. I parted her shirt, my fingers finally touching her smooth-as-silk skin.

  “You’re so soft,” I murmured against her lips. Because she was. She was soft everywhere that I was hard. And I was very, very hard.

  I was still on my knees in front of her, but the air mattress and sleeping bag were so low to the ground that our bodies were nicely lined up. Urging her back, I covered my body with hers, my bare chest pressed against hers, my cock nudging against her center.

  She moaned as I leaned against her, rocking into her. Around my hips, her legs tightened, pulling me flush against her. I quickly got rid of her shirt and slid my fingers down her stomach, heading for the zipper on her jeans. It was time to find out what she was wearing under that snug denim.

  I dragged the zipper down, the sound echoing in the silence of the camp, and Alex lifted her hips to help me remove her jeans. It was dark, but I could tell immediately that she hadn’t been lying. She was completely bare underneath her clothes. Not just a lack of underwear, but the arrow that had been waxed onto her body previously was now gone as well.

  “Holy. Shit,” I managed to choke out, dragging my fingers against her smooth, wet entrance.

  “That feels good,” she moaned, her legs falling open.

  “It really fucking does,” I told her, in complete agreement.

  Unable to help myself, I slipped my hands under her bare ass and lifted her hips up to my mouth. I slid my tongue along her seam, tasting the sweetness there. Alex’s hands found a handhold in my hair and held on tight as I licked her. Tasted her. Teased her.

  She tasted like pure heaven, and I took my time savoring her, drawing my tongue along her and teasing her clit. She was panting as I thrust my tongue deep inside of her, my hands holding her knees open, giving me full access to perfection.

  While I licked and sucked and nibbled, one hand began sliding up the inside of her thigh, desperate to join in the fun. While she squirmed and moaned above me, I added a finger to the mix, sliding it deep inside of her. Then, when I sensed that she was on the edge, I added another one.

  I felt her explode beneath my hands. Her hips arched off the air mattress as she came, her body shaking as cries of pleasure fell from her lips. I didn’t stop licking and caressing her until she returned to earth, her hands dropping limply from my hair as she struggled to catch her breath.

  “Oh my God,” she managed, lifting her head off of the sleeping bag, her eyes searching for mine. When she found them, she gave me a wicked grin. “We’re not done yet.” She crooked her finger at me. “Come here.”

  I began to climb up her body, but just as I covered her and her hand was reaching for my zipper, I realized that I had not prepared for this moment. I paused her hand.

  “I don’t have a condom,” I told her regretfully.

  Her smile didn’t waver.

  “Check my jeans,” she ordered.

  There were enough condoms to keep us going for several nights. Or one very long night. Before I could do anything with them, however, Alex had snatched the foil packets from my hand.

  “Allow me,” she told me, helping me out of my jeans.

  Once we were both naked, she took me in her hand, the soft touch of her palm, almost enough to make me come right there. She stroked me once, twice, and was about to continue when I stilled her hand.

  “You keep that up, I’m not going to last very long,” I warned her. “And I want to be inside of you.”

  “I want that too,” she murmured, and with that same soft, hot hand, covered me in latex.

  Then she guided me to where she was wet and ready for me.

  I entered her in one smooth thrust.

  “Fuck,” I groaned, my brain short-circuiting from the sheer pleasure of it all. She fit me so well, tight and wet and soft and hot.

  I wanted to move, but I also didn’t. I wanted to savor this moment, savor being inside of her. Savor the perfection of it all.

  But Alex wasn’t content to let me do that. Her hands slid down my back, grabbing at my ass. She wrapped her legs around my waist as she pulled me even deeper.

  “Fuck me,” she ordered.

  I couldn’t deny her that order. I began to move, trying at first to keep the pace slow and languid. To enjoy her, to enjoy this moment, just the two of us in this tent, in the woods, all alone in this perfect moment.

  But I couldn’t keep that pace for long. Alex was rolling her hips against me, her hot breath in my ear coming in heavy pants as she urged me to move faster. To fuck he
r harder. Her voice, that sexy husky tone, drove me crazy, and I all but lost control.

  I thrust into her, over and over again, going deeper each time, nearly driving her off the air mattress. For a moment I worried that I was going to fuck her so hard that the whole thing would pop beneath us.

  Then Alex let out a cry of pure pleasure and I felt her contract around me. She drew me in, deep, as she came, her entire body tightening around me. I thrusted once more and then found my own release.

  I liked camping, but I loved camping with Alex. Because nothing in the world beat waking up with her in my arms. There was nothing better than having her open her beautiful eyes, as sleepy as they were, and having that lush mouth smile at me.

  “Good morning,” I told her, bending my head to kiss her.

  “Morning,” she murmured, her voice as sleepy as her eyes.

  I was about to wake her up with the help of a certain body part of mine—a body part that woke very quickly as soon as she started wiggling her naked body against it—when I heard a commotion in the campsite outside the tent.

  “I think we have company,” I told Alex, who nodded.

  We quickly got dressed and emerged from the tent to find Sawyer and Chase making coffee over the fire they had built in the center of the camp.

  “Morning.” Sawyer lifted his mug to us. “Coffee?”

  “Yes, please,” Alex said eagerly.

  Chase was still drinking from his cup, and by the look on his face, I could tell he was about five minutes away from being fully awake.

  “I assume the two of you made up,” Sawyer commented, dryly, his eyes taking in the fact that Alex was wearing my shirt and might have even had a visible love bite on her neck.

  “You assume correctly,” I told him, taking a seat next to Alex and putting my arm around her. She leaned into me.

  Everything was perfect.

  I heard my phone ring in the tent, but I ignored it. Whatever it was, it could wait until we were on the road.

  But it wouldn’t stop ringing.

  “Just pick up your phone,” Chase demanded, the very picture of someone who was not a morning person.

  I went into the tent to find that it was Hayley who was calling. And calling. And calling.

  I picked up, hoping that it was one of her stupid non-emergency emergencies.


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