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Oh, My Roared: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 12)

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by Milly Taiden

  As he chewed his first bite of meat, an incredible feeling rolled through him, making him moan. The three at the table stared at him. The only thing he could do was say the steak was the best he’d ever had, even though slightly burnt. He suppressed a couple other urges to groan, somewhat, and excused himself for the restroom. By himself, he jerked-off to relieve the pressure. After that, the girlfriend’s dad never grilled steaks again.

  When he and Marcus were at home that night, they shared stories and realized what had happened. They never told anyone, not because they were embarrassed, but because they knew something special was between them. Plus, it was no one else’s business anyway.

  They worked on blocking, both sending and receiving, to cut back on potentially disastrous public exhibitions. Now, it came second nature to keep everything inside him, inside. He’d learned to control his emotions in all situations. And being a firefighter and first responder challenged that daily.

  But that also inhibited him when it came to showing emotions to females he had interest in. All his relationships ended with the same claim: he couldn’t open up to her, wouldn’t share his feelings with her. And they were right.

  He laid the paper bill on the table and scrounged around the kitchen for food. He’d forgotten it was Wednesday night and that Marcus would be with the fam. When he wasn’t working nightshift, he was there, too, considered as one of the siblings.

  When one of the new guys hired on, Theo made a deal with him so the guy could go home at night to see his kids and wife. It wasn’t like Theo had anyone at home waiting for him. No skin off his back. Good thing was it kept him from getting down being alone at night. Alone except for Marcus, but he didn’t count. Neither had any desire for sex with the other. Sharing a woman was fine, but they weren’t sexually interested in each other.

  But sex with a female would be great. A feline shifter would hit the spot even better. That way his lion got something out of the connection. His other half took that opportunity to inform him that, at this point, it’d been so long, he’d take just about anything breathing. He’d prefer their mate, but wouldn’t be picky.

  Yeah, yeah. He got it. They’d just have to wait. Hopefully, the email he sent earlier to a matchmaker would turn out fruitful. They’d see.

  Bowl of cereal in hand, he sat on a barstool in front of his laptop. He logged on to check out his email. One looked particularly interesting. He double clicked on it. It was from a GerriWilder@GetMeAMate.


  Thank you for reaching out to me.

  I am having an informal get-together at Ruth’s Chris Steak House. Please join me for cocktails and steak hors d’oeuvres at 6 p.m. tomorrow night.



  Francesca brushed her hands down the front of her skirt, flattening the non-existent wrinkles. She spun away from the restaurant’s front door and stepped away. Her hands rubbed over each other. Good god. What was wrong with her? It wasn’t like she had to marry or mate some stranger she met here. It was just a meet and greet kinda thing.

  In the time she’d paced the sidewalk to the entrance, several men and women, each alone, each a shifter, had entered. She wasn’t the only one there. Her tigress was about ready to call her a pussy and push her inside. The animal wasn’t a pansy in a group of unknown people. Right, Francesca thought, it was more like the tigress caught a whiff of cooking meat when the door opened.

  Didn’t matter, she had to get inside.

  Fine, she’d go in. Francesca sucked in a deep breath, lifted her chin and boobs, and strutted through the door. The huge drop in lighting took her human eyes a minute to get used to, but her tigress saw perfectly in its ideal environment.

  Francesca saw the bar and hurried across the floor toward an empty stool. “Vodka, on the rocks, please,” she said. Her animal grimaced. Really? Yes, really. She downed the clear liquid and realized she’d yet not taken another breath since entering. Shit, she needed to chill out.

  A heavenly aroma floated to her noise. She closed her eyes and let it roll through her.

  “Excuse me.” An even heavenlier voice spoke in her ear. Deep, rumbly, scrumptious. She turned on her stool to see a gorgeous dark blond surfer boy meeting her eyes. Holy fuck was he stunning. Under his white T-shirt, she noted powerful shoulders and thick biceps that led to rounded forearms. Who would’ve thought forearms were sexy?

  She saw his smirk at her checking him out and felt heat build in her cheeks. This was why she didn’t want to come in. She knew she’d embarrass herself, and she did it within the first few minutes of arrival. Great. If the guy didn’t smell so damn good, her tigress would’ve walked off and found a cushy place to sleep.

  His smile turned genuine with her rosy cheeks. “I apologize, ma’am. I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  Startled? Yeah, that’s what happened. He startled her. His eyes remained on hers. Then she realized he was waiting for her to say something. But what? Her mouth opened then closed. She smiled for lack of anything else coming to mind.

  “I wondered,” he said, “how the vodka is tonight. It’s my drink of choice, as long as it’s smooth.”

  Vodka? What vodka? The one you just inhaled.

  Francesca sat straighter. “I apologize,” she finally said. “I just arrived and hadn’t gotten my bearings yet.” She held her hand out. “I’m Francesca Virgata.”

  His large hand encompassed hers, work-calloused fingers rubbing her skin, sending goose bumps up her arms. “I’m Theo Liannus.” Her cat told her he was a lion. Yeah, buddy. Big, bad lion dick swinging in the air would be good. Pumping in her would be better.

  Theo sniffed deeply and coughed out a choke.

  Francesca crossed her leg over another and bowed her head, trying to control her tigress’s reaction to the lion. “Nice to meet you, Theo. My tigress is also thrilled, if you hadn’t noticed.”

  His brows bent. “Noticed?” His throat cleared. “No, I didn’t smell a thing.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh at his obvious lie to save her, yet another, embarrassing moment. His surfer boy hair slid forward, covering one of his dark eyes. His smile warmed her heart. He was gorgeous everywhere. From the waist up, anyway.

  “Back to my question,” he said.

  “Oh,” she shook her head, “of course. The vodka is very good. I might even have another.”

  “Let me.” Theo lifted two fingers at the bartender, who nodded. A second later another glass with ice sat next to hers. That was a thoughtful gesture from him, but it was an open bar, so… He lifted his tumbler. “To new friends.”

  Francesca smiled and raised her glass. “Yes, to new friends.” She sipped her drink then set it in front of her. She gave a silent sigh. She was so bad at making conversation or small talk. She’d spent a majority of her free time working in the office growing up, and now the art form was lost on her. If they weren’t talking timesheets, expenses, or scheduling, she didn’t have a clue what to say.

  To her surprise, Theo settled on the stool next to her. “So, Francesca, what do you do for a living?”

  His amazing scent encompassed her. If she could just sit here and breathe him in, she’d die happy. “I work in the office of my pride’s prime. He’s my dad, actually.”

  “Really? I wouldn’t have pegged you as an alpha female.”

  Of course, he wouldn’t. She could barely speak more than three words at a time. She’d blushed twice in two minutes and was having a second drink in as many minutes. He probably thought she was a lush and would be easy.

  He jerked in his chair. “No! That’s not what I meant.” He wiped a hand over his face. “Let me rephrase.” He sighed. “I meant you don’t seem like a stuck-up bitch who thinks others should bow at her feet.”

  She laughed at his explanation. “You got me there. I definitely don’t think others should bow to me or anyone. Unless you’re the Pope or something.” He laughed with her. “What do you do, Theo?”

  “I’m a firefighter. My house i
s #22. I live on the west side not far from there.”

  “Wow.” Francesca was honestly impressed. Firefighting was a dangerous job. He could die any day. How would she feel dating someone who could be gone in a heartbeat? Her eyes lifted, meeting his. Breath caught in her throat.

  She saw a fire of his own there. Then a twinkle of gold. Was that his lion? Was it interested in her and her tiger? Her heart sped out of control. He leaned closer, licking his lips. Did he want to kiss her already? Was she okay with that? Hell yes! Her shot of vodka must’ve kicked in.

  Then a loud beeping sound turned all heads at the bar toward them. Theo sat back and pushed a button on his watch. “Sorry ‘bout that. I need to head to the fire house for my shift.” Her heart fell. She finally found someone who interested her tiger and herself. He tossed back the rest of his drink.

  “Uh, Francesca,” he started, “would you like to go to a show with me Sunday afternoon? I have great tickets and would really like to see you again.”

  She smiled. “I’d love to go with you.” She pulled her phone out. “What’s your number? I’ll call you.” She added his info and saved it.

  Theo scooped up her hand. “It was fantastic meeting you, Francesca. I hate leaving such a beautiful creature as you, but I have cats and children to save.” He winked. His antics made her laugh. “Until later, milady.” He kissed the back of her hand and then walked out the door.


  Marcus straightened his tie and hurried inside the steak house. He’d gotten so involved in his current project, he lost track of time. If it wasn’t for his bladder reminding him he needed to take a break, he might have missed the entire event.

  Theo left the apartment a while ago, going to some event he was rather secretive about. Which was somewhat normal for Theo. Ever since that one time in high school when Marcus went to his girlfriend’s house when her parents were away and had sex, Theo kept his love life to himself. Not that his roommate had much of a life. Had about as much as he had, which was non-existent. That was why he emailed Gerri Wilder, hoping her services would help him find someone to share his life with. And get his family off his back about a mate.

  Stepping inside, the low light had him stopping for a second. Several people in the small restaurant mingled or sat at the bar talking to others of the opposite sex. If he was correct, it looked like the entire restaurant was reserved for their party. Wow. That was a pretty penny.

  “Marcus, Marcus Ursav.” He looked around for the female calling his name. A tall woman in a business suit and high-heeled shoes waved at him. How did she walk in those things? Very gracefully. It seemed like she floated over the floor on her way to him. “Marcus, I’m Gerri Wilder.” She held her hand out. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Ah, yes. He recognized her from her photo on her website. He took her hand. “The pleasure is mine, Ms. Wilder.”

  “Please,” she replied, “call me Gerri. I insist.” She turned to face the crowd. “Thank you for coming. I was worried you wouldn’t be able to make it when I saw Theo alone.”

  He was surprised the woman knew he and Theo were friends. But she might’ve talked with his roommate and learned from him. Yet, she knew who he was and he’d not sent a picture with his email.

  “I must say,” Gerri said, “I’m flattered that such a highly successful professional as yourself would ask for my help. You have quite a prolific online presence with the accounting sites.”

  Granted, he’d given interviews for online magazines, contributed to a few blogs, and had articles here and there on certain cases he worked. But prolific? Maybe he should check that out. He’d never googled his own name before. Probably a good idea.

  “Really,” he replied, “I’m flattered that someone of your reputation would have time for such a sorry case of mateless-ness as I.”

  Gerri joined with him in a chuckle and wrapped her arm around his, guiding him forward. “Nonsense, Marcus. I find great satisfaction in helping those who help others. What comes around, goes around, wouldn’t you agree?”

  He felt she had an underlying meaning, but didn’t know what it was. “Yes, it’s nice to think those who do good, or evil, get that returned to them in spades.”

  She smiled. “I’m glad you agree. Oh, look.” She aimed him toward the side of the bar. “Here’s someone I’d like you to meet.”

  Sitting on a stool was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. His bear lifted its head and took a whiff. Yeah, baby, this night was looking up. And to think the bear thought about hibernating the next few months until his human’s current bad guys were caught.

  “Francesca,” Gerri said.

  The gorgeous woman on the stool looked at his escort, then him, and smiled. He and his bear turned into putty. How he got the next twenty feet to the stunning lady, he didn’t remember.

  “Ms. Wilder,” she said. Her voice was as calming as waves washing on the beach. “I recognize you from your website. You’re even prettier in person.”

  Gerri’s hand lay on her chest. “Thank you, dear. You are too kind.” The women chitchatted a bit more, but it became a buzz in his mind as he tried unsuccessfully not to stare. Then he heard his name. “Marcus, this is Francesca Virgata.”

  His hand floated forward. He hoped his bear was in control because he sure wasn’t. When his hand touched hers, electricity zapped him. His bear jumped into a victory dance. This was her, the one.

  He really needed to chill out. They needed to impress her first. If they came across as stupid, their chances were nil. Don’t say anything dumb.

  “Hi, Francesca. You’re more beautiful than I could’ve ever imagined.” That wasn’t what his animal had in mind for a first line.

  The woman’s eyes widened and her checks blushed, making her that much more perfect.

  Gerri looked over her shoulder. “Oh, look. There’s someone I need to talk to. You kids have a great time.” She leaned into Marcus. “You’ve got this.” She walked away and was quickly out of his mind.

  Marcus snapped out of his haze, realizing he was “alone” with this woman—Francesca. He needed to fix his creepy image before she walked away, too.

  “Francesca, I apologize for sounding like a freak. I was caught off guard when Gerri…when she…” His bear groaned and dropped its muzzle into its paws. Might as well head off to hibernate now and miss the humiliation coming.

  The lovely Francesca laughed. Maybe he’d stick around a bit longer.

  “When Gerri introduced you, is that what you’re trying to say?” she responded.

  His face flushed hot. “That’s it. I’m not good at this meeting others kinda thing.” At least he was honest. The wonderful laugh came again.

  “No worries. I’m horrible at it, too.” She motioned at the stool next to her. “Would you like to sit?”

  “Yeah, that’d be great.” He hopped up on the seat and signaled the barkeep. “I’ll have a water…” he turned to her, “what are you drinking?” He glanced at the clear liquid in her glass.

  “Water.” She smiled. Nice, he thought. They were compatible with drinks. His bear snorted. Right, you and seven billion other humans on the planet who drink water.

  “Have you been here long?” he asked, hoping to get a conversation going.

  “I arrived shortly after the party started.” She leaned closer to him. “Actually, I got here well before time, but had to work my nerve up to come in, which took a bit.” She was so adorable.

  “If I hadn’t been running late, I would’ve done the same thing. Fortunately, with rushing in, I didn’t have to stop and think what I was really doing. That helped.” She laughed with him.

  “Did you work late?” she asked.

  “I did. I started a new project today and got too wrapped up in it. Lost track of time,” he admitted.

  “That’s great you like what you do so much that time slips by. I’m mostly the opposite. I love talking with the people who come into the office, but the work itself, the same things over and
over, gets monotonous.”

  “What kind of office is it? Lawyer, doctor’s?” he asked.

  “My dad’s the prime for a tiger pride nearby and my brother and I help him keep everything running smoothly.”

  His smile widened. “I knew you were an alpha female. I could tell by the quiet authority you hold yourself with.” She looked a bit taken aback. His smile faded. “I don’t mean anything negative by that. It’s stunning—you’re stunning to watch.”

  Her rosy cheeks returned. “It’s not that. Someone recently told me they would’ve never thought I was an alpha.”

  He scooped up her hand and brought it to his lips. “That person must be a moron then. You glow self-assurance.” He kissed her hand. She smelled so good. Like fresh baked bread. Strange, but that was what he scented.

  She laughed a little louder than before. “Maybe he was. Who knows?” Her eyes settled on his. A twinkle flashed in her pupils. Was that her tiger, coming out to take a peek? His bear showed further interest in her. Yup, time to mate.

  Whoa! Marcus wanted to kick his bear at the moment. He and Francesca continued talking and laughing and ordering more water from the bartender. He knew she liked him by the way her eyes sparkled for him. At least he hoped that’s what she was feeling. When he looked up, he noted a lot of couples had formed. The next time he looked up, almost everyone was gone.

  Gerri set two fresh glasses of water before them. “Last call for the hard stuff.” She smiled from behind the bar.

  Francesca looked around, alarmed. “Are we the last ones here?”

  “No worries, dear,” Gerri said. “Just setup a date for this weekend and Marcus will walk you to your car.” She winked at them both. “Have a good evening.” She walked away, leaving Marcus ready to have a cow. He wanted to ask her out, but was scared shitless of her rejecting him. Wouldn’t be anything new. Just get it over with.


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