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Oh, My Roared: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 12)

Page 6

by Milly Taiden

“Sounds difficult. Where does the fun part come in?” she asked.

  “That comes after finding the evidence that will put the criminal away for years. Some of these guys steal from employees’ retirement funds. They ensure their own future with yachts and fancy cars while the people have to work up to the day they die because the money they saved is gone. I work for ones who can’t speak up for themselves because of a legitimate fear like losing their job.”

  Francesca turned to look at him, like really look at him. “You actually care for others, don’t you? You’ve devoted your life to helping those being taken advantage of. I’m impressed, Marcus. Guys like you are few and far between.”

  He felt his face heat to the temperature of the sun. “Enough about me,” he said. “Tell me about you.”

  “Me?” Why did his interest in her surprise her? She was the sexiest, most beautiful women he’d ever met. “I’m quite boring full-time. I sit in the office all day doing office stuff.”

  “Thursday at the meet and greet you mentioned you worked at your pride’s place of business,” he said. “You take care of them?”

  “Yeah, that’s the office requirement. Folks are in and out all day. Some just to say hello. But since Dad’s been sick, we get fewer of the older ones coming in.”

  “Does your brother work there, too?” he asked.

  “It’s a family thing. When Mom was alive, we all worked there; Shane and me after school. Now he comes in whenever and I send him out to run errands. Deposit checks, pull out petty cash, purchase supplies. Things like that.” She smirked. “And he’s friends with our tax professional, so he’s there a lot, too, it seems.”

  “Oh, yes,” she said, “I got your…” she paused, seemingly thinking about something, “delivery at the office yesterday. Thank you so much.”

  “You’re very welcome. I hope you like flowers.”

  Her smile melted him. “Well, I’m allergic to pollen, so I stick with plants.”

  He pulled away from her but placed a hand on her shoulder. “I am so sorry. I had no idea you were allergic.”

  “No problem,” she said. “Of course you didn’t know. But I have to say the office was stunning all decorated and smelled great. When I wasn’t sneezing.” Her smile softened her words that he took as teasing. “Are you working on a forensics case now?”

  “I am. I don’t want to bore you with the details, but this case will send someone to prison for a long time.”

  She gasped. “No, please. Bore me with the details. Is it a huge banking scandal or something?”

  She was so cute when excited. “Nah, nothing that grandiose. A wealthy corporation head is stealing money from the company in large amounts. The guy must be an idiot. The business’s 1120s and backup data aren’t even close to reconciling.

  “What’s so bad about this guy is that he’s linked to a scam artist who’s on the FBI’s wanted list. The scammer targets others like a crooked televangelist. Hollowman is his name; he tells people what they want to hear, makes false promises, and demands money from them. More and more until the unsuspecting person is in bankruptcy. The man has been doing this for years.”

  “He’s not been caught?” she asked.

  “No. He’s very slick. He can spot easy prey in a heartbeat. Take almost any situation and turn it to his advantage. He craves money and power over people. He’s sadistic. Then somehow he knows when to get out, which is usually right before we get to him. I’ve actually worked several cases that involved him. We’ll get him eventually. The good guy always wins in the end.”

  “Wow,” Francesca said. “It’s hard to comprehend how the scammer gets into others’ heads and almost brainwashes them. I saw a show on the History Channel about a fake preacher who finagled an entire town of its money. It was heartbreaking.”

  He ran a fingertip along the top of her hand. He said, “It’s good to know you care about others, too. I deal with the ugly side of humanity most of the time. It’s nice to have someone like you around to remind me not everyone is out for themselves.”

  Her cheeks blushed. So pretty. She shrugged. “That’s how I was raised—to love others and give the benefit of the doubt.”

  “As beautiful inside and out. I’m one lucky guy.” He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it.


  Theo hummed to himself as he searched a bathroom drawer for a band to hold his hair back. He didn’t want it blocking his sight to his mate. It’s been so long since he’d seen her, his lion almost busted out to go in search of her scent. She was a tiger and he knew of only one tiger group that would be close enough to come to that party last Thursday night.

  Just thinking back to her smell, her eyes, her to-die-for body, made him as hard as the granite of his bathroom counter. Damn, maybe he should take care of that before he left to get her. Didn’t want that popping up at an inopportune time—like every time he looked at her.

  He’d texted her earlier to dress casual. No dress or heels. This would be a relaxed, fun day. He would dress up for her, though. A clean T-shirt and jeans with no big holes showing off his men’s bikini undies.

  Red with black tiger stripes today. Then again, maybe she’d like to see that he thought about her when choosing his underwear for the day. Was that too pervy on a first date?

  He slammed the drawer closed, disgusted that he couldn’t find a clip. Maybe he could borrow one of hers. Then he’d keep it and be able to smell her all night while he worked and slept and have great sex dreams. Maybe that was a bit too pervy, too. Then again, they were all adults, right?

  Most of us, his lion said.

  Theo slipped the tickets and his phone in one back jean pocket and his wallet in the other, then strolled into the kitchen for a bite before he left. His roomie sat reading the Sunday paper with a cup of coffee at his side.

  “So,” Marcus said, “you’re really taking her to this thing? Aren’t you worried she’ll think you’re crazy?”

  “Dude,” Theo replied, “this is a hundred times more exciting than anything Shakespeare wrote. ‘Romeo, Romeo, where the hell art thou?’” He pulled a bag of granola from the cabinet. “Are you sure she stayed awake for the whole thing?”

  “Oh, I’m sure she was awake for the whole play. I never took my eyes from her.” Marcus eyed him for his reaction. Bastard. He wasn’t about to give the dick any satisfaction. Then he remembered about giving his own dick satisfaction before leaving. He’d skip that. He should leave soon.

  “Whatever. We’re letting her decide, right?” he said.

  Marcus agreed. “That we are. Have a great time. Make sure she calls me if she needs rescued.”

  Theo snorted. “Yeah, you’re funny, Mr. Sit On My Ass All Day.”

  “You’re just jealous because I use my brain to work and you have to hoof it.”

  “Again, I say, whatever. I’m much more fun than you are. You can’t deny it,” Theo said.

  “But Francesca isn’t the wild and crazy dork you are,” he countered.

  “We’ll see, won’t we.” Theo smiled, waved goodbye with his middle finger and walked out the door after grabbing two helmets.

  Outside her cute little home, Theo stared at her gorgeous body in tight jeans, form fitting top, and slip-on flats. Damn, she was smokin’. She was also staring with her mouth open.

  “So,” he said, “guess you’ve never ridden on a motorcycle before?”

  Her head rotated side to side and her eyes roamed from one end of the bike to the other. “I don’t think I’ll fit.”

  His face broke into a grin, keeping back the nasty thoughts racing through his mind. Oh yeah, baby. It’ll fit just right, nice and tight. He put down the kickstand and grab the helmet he brought for her. Strolling up to her on the porch, he felt her eyes burn a line up and down his body. He knew he had an effect on women, didn’t know what it was about him, but he never cared until now.

  This was the only woman he’d ever want again. The only woman who mattered in his life. He would do whate
ver it took to make her happy with everything about him. He wanted her to choose him. His lion and he knew she was their mate. They would be devastated if she walked away.

  He slid the helmet on her head and flipped up the visor. “Safety first, my love. I always want you safely by my side.” Her eyes and nostrils flared a second before returning to normal. He took her hand and guided her to the bike. Then he noticed how short she was. How did he not notice that before? Her size didn’t matter. Just his.

  “Okay,” he said, “here’s what we’re goin’ to do.” He turned to her. “I’m going to squat and you get on my back.”

  “What?” With the helmet on, it came out more like, “Wa?”

  “You know, like piggyback riding.” He crouched. She backed away.

  “Oh, no way. I’ll break you. Look at me,” she said.

  He looked over his shoulder at her. “Gladly, baby.” His eyes roamed over every luscious curve. Her face blushed red. “Now get over here and put your arms around my neck so I can lift you onto the bike with me.” Hurry up before I come from staring and fantasizing.

  She let out a big sigh and walked up to him and tentatively leaned against him. He barely held back the groan/growl from her breasts pressed onto his back. Her arms wrapped around his neck and her sweet smell surrounded him. Fuck. He wanted to roll her to the ground and drive into her waiting heat. Shit, he hoped she didn’t smell how desperate he was to have her. He could potentially make a very big ass of himself—to Marcus’s delight, no doubt.

  His hands then slid down the back of her thighs to the back of her knees. He felt a shudder go through her. Well, damn. Something popped up on him already. He should’ve taken care of that at home. Not much he could do about it now.

  With powerful legs, he stretched to stand, pulling her body against his. The heat from her pussy on his back almost took him to the ground. Fuck. He smelled her want—as strong as his. Was it tacky to ask your mate to mate before the first date even started?

  No. He would not do that. He would court her like she deserved. At least once. Not sure about waiting the second time, though.

  At that moment, he realized that if he tried to straddle his bike seat with the hard-on he had, he’d have a new hole in his jeans where he’d rather not have one. Now what? He’d have to do what he normally did in this situation, walk it off.

  He bounced her higher onto his back, getting a squeal from her, and headed around the backside of her home.

  “What are you doing?” she hollered. “The motorcycle’s that way.”

  “I know, babe. I just need to take care of an inflamed muscle before we get going,” he responded, hopefully cryptically.

  “What? I can’t hear you very well with this helmet smashing my ears. Did you strain your back or ankle? See, I told you I was too heavy,” she returned.

  “I’ll show you heavy,” he said. With another bounce up his back, he bolted for the woods. Her full torso rubbed against his back, from lush tits to wet pussy. Oh fuck, she was wet now. Not helping his dick relax any.

  Her laughter sang in his ears. His spirits burst with happiness after not seeing her for so long. This was the first time he’d really been happy since losing his family as a child. He would do whatever it took to keep her safe and by his side.

  Coming around the side of thick brush, Theo came to an abrupt stop, seeing a guy about his age balls deep in a female bent forward against a tree. Fortunately, Francesca was sitting too low on his back to see over his shoulder and the helmet blocked the little sound. The guy met his eyes with a flash of gold. The man’s animal glaring? His nose told him tiger, alpha. Francesca’s brother? Doing some chick in the woods?

  Francesca bounced on his back. “Why did you stop? I can’t see around you.”

  The man’s eyes narrowed. He must’ve heard his sister’s voice. The female the alpha had his dick in mumbled. The brother reached forward and slapped her face. Talk about awkward. Theo quickly stepped backward to the other side of the brush and made a quick jog back to the cottage and bike.

  “Sorry, babe. The muscle finally relaxed,” like completely after that visual, “time to get back to the bike. We got a show to go crazy at.”

  “What kind of show?” she asked.

  He grinned even though she couldn’t see it. “Just you wait, darlin’. You’re gonna love it.”


  Her hands clamped over her ears, Francesca stood in the first row of the arena and screamed as loud as her throat would let her, yet those next to her still couldn’t hear her. The monster truck U Ain’t Lion soared over the row of smashed cars and bounced to a victory at the far end. She threw her hands into the air and jumped up and down and hugged Theo screaming beside her.

  When the trucks punched the gas pedal to race toward the ramp, she’d never heard anything so loud in her life. Decibels reached 110. Brains oozed out ears at around 125 decibels. Damn, she loved this. She yelled and whistled as the truck made its lap around the ring before exiting.

  Theo turned to her and yelled right in her ear, but it was just a muddle of sound. She shrugged and he grabbed her hand, leading her to the side where there was an entrance onto the arena floor.

  The guard stopped them, but Theo kept his eyes on the truck. When it got to where they stood, the driver saw Theo and waved him in. The guard opened the gate and Theo dragged her out the entrance to where the trucks were staged until their turn to jump.

  They headed back to the pit and there in all its glory stood U Ain’t Lion. The front engine compartment was painted like the open mouth of a lion, razor teeth most prominent. The body was a saddle gold color with fur accents added in.

  Two huge eyeballs that glowed encompassed the windshield. And the best part was the massive mane that surrounded the cab and doors of the truck. When the truck raced forward, it blew in the wind. Looked kick-ass from the stands.

  Theo ran up to the lion truck and guy-hugged the driver when he was on the ground. Their mouths moved, but she heard basically nothing. And probably wouldn’t until next week sometime. Her tigress disappeared a long time ago when the first truck blasted through the banner covering the entrance, setting off the fireworks.

  Her date waved her over and put an arm around her and squeezed her to his side. “Francesca, this is my cousin, Simba.”

  The man reached out and shook her hand. “Simba is my stage name. You can call me Bob.” A burst of laughter escaped her at the dichotomy of the two names. “Did y’all like that jump? That was the most air I’d caught in a while.”

  Theo kissed Francesca’s temple. “My lady here is pure luck.”

  “And you’re damn lucky, cuz,” Bob said. “They need to check out the truck before the next run. Come on to the tent. I’ll show you around.”

  Francesca felt in a surreal world. Like that part of Alice in Wonderland where she’s really tiny and everything around her is gigantic in size. She was half the height of the tires on most the trucks. While Bob rushed around doing his things, Theo wrapped himself around her from behind and snuggled her to him. He felt so good, and smelled divine. Totally different from Marcus, but just as good.

  Her mind wandered toward her date with Marcus last night. It was incredible. He was perfect, the food and play were icing on the filet mignon. And his kiss when he dropped her off…her toes curled in her shoes.

  Theo leaned down to her ear, taking a deep breath. “I don’t know what you’re thinking, but I like it.”

  Guilt struck her heart. She tried to suppress it as much as she could so Theo wouldn’t ask her about it. She’d hoped after these first dates with each, she’d know who she wanted more. But she wanted them the same. Choosing one over the other—the idea of losing either—sent her close to an anxiety attack.

  God, she was so confused.

  Theo took her hand. “Let’s walk around and check things out.” The weather was perfect. Sunshine and in the eighties with a light breeze. Days like this her animal wanted to roll onto her back and let it all
hang out while she sunned her belly.

  “What do think so far?” he asked.

  She instantly smiled up at him. “This is great. I’ve never been to one of these before. Now, I’m a fan.”

  He squeezed her to his side. “Yeah, that’s my girl. Let’s get something to eat. You ever had fried Twinkies before?”

  “There is such a thing?” she asked.

  He stopped and turned her to him. “Woman, when was the last time you went to the fair or carnival or any of that?”

  Her heart sank, even though it wasn’t intentional on his part. The last county fair she and her family had attended was just before her mom passed away.

  “Baby, what’s wrong? I didn’t mean to make you upset.” His rough fingers brushed the side of her face, leaving chills in their stead.

  “No, it’s not your fault. It’s just that my last time at the fair was before the cancer took my mom from us. That was a long time ago.”

  He gathered her to his chest in a hug. “Oh, baby. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up sad memories.”

  She sighed, holding back surprising tears. “I’m good. It was a long time ago. Long enough that they didn’t have fried Twinkies.”

  He stepped back to put her at arm’s length. “Well, it’s time you had one. Let’s go.” He grabbed her hand and ran across the pavement toward the vendors’ area of the show. She laughed as he tried to get her to hurry along, but big girls like her didn’t run anywhere. Her body was made for loving, not track and field.

  A short time later, they sat at a picnic table under flashing lights with rock music blaring over speakers high on poles throughout the lot. Between them were an assortment of goodies: fried Twinkies, fried Oreos, a fried Snickers bar, funnel cake with extra powdered sugar, and two hot dogs Cincinnati style. She was going to be sick after this, but loving every bite on the way.

  “You know,” Theo said, “I lost my mom when I was young, too. Along with my dad and brother.”

  Francesca nearly choked on her Oreo. “Oh my god. What happened?”


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