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Oh, My Roared: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 12)

Page 8

by Milly Taiden

  For the first time since her family broke with losing her mom, she felt completely at peace, completely loved, completely turned-on.

  She wasn't sure what to think. This wasn't her thing. Two guys? But then Marcus cupped her face and kissed her and she lost the mental fight with that train of thought. Before she knew it, Theo was kissing her neck, flicking his tongue back and forth.

  She moaned, kissing Marcus back, sucking his tongue and matching his desire with her own. One of Theo’s hands pushed at the waistband of her pants.

  He slipped his hand inside and between her legs, straight to her pussy. She lifted one leg over his, giving him the space needed to play with her sex. He pressed closer to her back, his rock hard erection thrusting into the curve of her ass.

  Marcus continued kissing her, his hand went under her top and up to her tits. She was a big girl and the approving grunt he gave made her that much wetter. She gripped his shoulder while pushing her ass back into Theo. This was insane. She didn't do this.

  Two men at one time touching her and doing these things was not her. But it felt so right. It felt so good. So goddamned perfect.

  Theo rubbed his fingers over her clit in slow circles that drove her crazy. Marcus pulled away from her lips and shoved her top up, pushing her breasts out of her bra and sucking a nipple into his mouth.

  "Oh, god," she gasped.

  Theo licked the curve of her neck, whispering by her ear, "I can't wait to fuck you. My cock, your lips, it's going to be fucking beautiful."

  She gulped. Marcus sucked on her nipple hard at the same time Theo increased the speed of his flicking of her clit. They worked in simultaneous movements. Theo rocking his erection into her and rubbing her clit. Marcus nibbling her breasts and growling with each lick. He went back and forth between the two, making her crazy.

  Tension curled at her core so fast and hard, it left her breathless. The two men working as a team to draw out her pleasure had an unexpected effect. She loved it. Her body reveled in their touch. Goose bumps broke out over her skin as she went closer to the edge. Another harsh moan struggled up her throat.

  Theo grunted behind her, his erection pressing so tight at her ass she swore he was going to rip through both their clothing. Marcus sucked harder, biting and licking the valley of her breasts before moving to her other tit.

  She inhaled a rough breath, digging her claws into Marcus's arm and losing her mind when Theo increased his speed on her clit. She was soaking wet and his fingers were gliding between her folds.

  The two of them combined their moves again. Marcus bit down on her nipple and Theo tapped hard at her clit. The dual bits of pain sent her soaring. Fire coursed her veins and a loud scream tore from her throat.

  Her pussy grasped at the fingers Theo shoved into her. The scent of both men's pheromones made her purr in contentment. She wanted more. Now. Both of them inside her. Nothing else would do.

  The sound of the door bell chiming pulled her out of her sexual daze. She blinked and saw Marcus lift his head from her chest. His bright glowing eyes focused on her. He was breathing hard and having a damn hard time holding on to his human skin.

  "I'll get that," he said in a deep, rough voice. She glanced down and couldn't miss the massive erection poking at his pants. Christ. What the fuck was she thinking?

  Theo pulled his hand out of her pants and bit around her shoulder. The move sent shivers down her spine. That's what she wanted. More of that. But he didn't bite hard enough to mate. Just enough to make her wet all over again.

  "We better go," Theo grumbled.

  She pressed into him one more time before pulling away. Her tigress wasn't happy. She'd been delighted at two very strong men giving her their full attention. Making her the sole focus of their desire. Her tigress argued this was perfect. Both men should be hers because she wanted them both. But Francesca wasn't the ménage type. As it was, this was the craziest thing she'd ever done.

  Damn pizza delivery.


  The threesome: lion, tiger, and bear, oh my! sat around the coffee table eating pizza. The two guys each had a large pizza to themselves while Francesca took a piece from each. Those two had to work just to support their food intake.

  “So,” Francesca said, “you two have been practically brothers since childhood.”

  “More than that, it seems.” Theo shared a look with Marcus that she didn’t understand the meaning behind. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know. Not with her body still humming from both men touching her.

  "So, tell us about you," Marcus said. "You're clearly looking for a mate if you went to Gerri. Are you looking to get married? Have a bazillion babies and settle down?"

  She raised her brows. Her heart slowed a little. "I would like a mate, but I don't know about marriage and kids. I have never really been around children so I'm not sure how I feel about them."

  "Babe," Theo said with a grin, "You'll love kids. They're adorable and bring out the parent instinct in everyone."

  Marcus snorted. "Speak for yourself."

  Francesca blinked. "Don't you want kids?"

  Marcus shrugged. "Yeah. I definitely do, but not a bazillion of them. I think starting with one is a good idea. Though, I know for sure two is a must." He pressed his lips into a thin line. "I wouldn't want my kid to grow up alone. That really sucks."

  She nodded. "Yeah, but you'd also not want your child to have a solo crazy sibling he or she might not talk to."

  Theo rubbed his jaw and picked up another slice of pizza. "This tells me she wants three kids. That's a great number."

  Francesca laughed nervously. "Whoa there, Romeo. I don't know about that. I just said I don't know how I feel about kids. For all I know, I won't want any."

  Both men stared at her in shock. Crap. What now?

  Theo waved a hand dismissively. "Not gonna happen. I can sense your tigress is going to want a bunch of cubs herself. You just need to spend time with them." He winked. "Then you'll be all over me, begging me to give you a dozen babies."

  Marcus elbowed him. "Hey! Maybe she'll be all over me asking me to make her pregnant for the next ten years."

  She chewed her slice of pizza slowly. "This is a good time to ask, what happens if I don't want children?" She glanced from Marcus to Theo. "Will you not want me anymore?"

  "Never!" both men said in unison.

  Theo pulled his chair closer to her, as did Marcus. Both men were now squishing her from both sides.

  "Listen to me, Francesca," Theo said, wiping his hand and picking up hers. "You could decide you will never want children and I will still want you. My animal and I are one hundred percent sure you're our mate." He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it, his eyes never straying from hers. "I want you. Only you. Nothing will change that."

  Marcus picked up her other hand, ignoring the napkin she held and brought it to his chest. "Children would be a bonus." He met her gaze with his own unwavering one. "But they are only a small part of what we would be. You mean more to me than you will ever know. And as much as I may want children, I want you more. More than anyone. More than anything."

  "And that's settled," Theo grinned and handed her another slice. "Kids are not a deal breaker for either of us."

  Lord. For a second there she thought they were both trying to sell her on a relationship between the three of them. She had mental problems. That would sexy. No, no, no. That would be wrong. Not what she wanted. Right? Maybe.

  “Are you busy Wednesday night?” Marcus asked.

  Besides her nightly TV dramas, she never had anything going on. “I could be free. Why?”

  “The family gets together every Wednesday to eat and socialize for a couple hours. Would you like to go? I’d love for you to meet the family,” Marcus said.

  Meeting the family already. To make matters worse, it was the same family for both men. How awkward was that? Would she cause a civil war within the family, picking sides on which man she should choose? But then again, no matter w
hich guy she picked, she’d be with the same family. Why not just get it over with?

  “Sure,” she said. “I’d love to meet your family.”

  Theo sat, chewing on pizza, not looking thrilled. “Marcus, don’t you have some super important case you’re working on? Shouldn’t you get back to it?”

  Marcus glared at him, but said nothing.

  “Don’t let man or my mate get in your way,” Theo said. “In fact, Francesca, would you like to go to the firehouse with me and meet some of my other family?”

  She nearly choked on her pizza. Her? Go to a place where the men would be freaking hotter than shit? “Sure, that’d be great. We can let Marcus get back to work then.”

  “Yea, great.” Marcus looked to shoot daggers at his roommate.

  Oh god. How was she going to get through this?

  Instead of the motorcycle, Theo drove his truck to the station. After Sunday’s show, she became a fan of big-ass trucks and riding motorcycles. So sitting in his decked-out Ford 350 diesel pickup truck felt almost boring. He had a lift kit high enough that her head met the door halfway.

  “Is this even street legal?” she asked, being playful.

  With a seriousness she hadn’t expected, he took her hand and kissed it. “Baby, I would never put you into anything I felt wouldn’t be safe. Same for Marcus. His car is five-star rated crash tested. We’ll keep you safe.”

  They pulled into the station’s parking lot already filled with several big trucks. Must be a firefighter thing. Pretty kick-ass, actually.

  After opening her door, Theo lifted her from the seat and slid her down his front side, his flaccid cock still a good size for her to feel. He flashed a wicked smile. Dog. Now she was all hot and bothered. He popped open the metal toolbox across the back of the truck and took out some gear, tossed if over his shoulder and grabbed her hand.

  A few guys were out back of the house and whistled as they walked up. A strapping redhead wearing suspenders leaned against the brick. “Well, looky here. I’m not sure which is prettier, Surfer or his dazzling young lady friend.” The man stuck out his hand. “I’m Red. Nice to meet you, young lady. A word of advice for you.” He pulled her away from Theo. “I’ve known this kid for a long time. I suggest you run as fast and far as you can.”


  Theo huffed and dragged her back to him. “Don’t listen to Red,” Theo said. “He’s just mad his mama got some last night and he didn’t.” The guys broke into laughter.

  “Good one, man.” Red waved him the finger. “Let me tell you what your mama did this morning.” He thrust his hips out. “Me.”

  Theo laughed and shook his head. “Yeah, she did come home saying she met a little prick.”

  Red snapped off a suspender. “I’ll show you little.”

  Francesca was jerked forward through a doorway before the big guy undressed further. Hoots of laughter followed.

  “He called you Surfer. I bet his real name isn’t Red, either, right?” she said.

  “Some of us have a nickname,” he said, flipping his hair. “You can guess how I got mine.” She smiled. She could definitely guess with his California look.

  A booming voice came from around a corner. “Did I hear someone reference a female in our midst?”

  “Chill, Stockholm,” Theo hollered. “She’s not available.”

  “Says who? She ain’t seen me yet. Then she’ll be unavailable.”

  Francesca laughed. She liked this unseen guy already. Then the man lumbered out. He was a freakin’ giant.

  “Francesca, this is Stockholm. He’s a polar bear from Sweden. He’s been here forever.” Theo looked up at the man. “Dude, I don’t even know your real name.”

  The bear chuckled, deep and growly. “Neither does most of the crew.” He shuffled away, pulling a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. She couldn’t believe it. She’d never seen a shifter smoke. With such heightened senses, she wouldn’t have thought it possible for anyone to withstand.

  Going through another door, they came into the main living space for the men. “Hey, Theo,” one of the guys said then did a double take. “Surfer Boy found himself a princess.” In less than a heartbeat, six other curious faces stared at her. Being the center of attention was not her favorite place to be. But these were Theo’s friends and she wanted them to like her. She smiled and waved.

  Theo continued to lead her out of the large, open room. “We’ll be back in a second,” he called out. At a locker, they stopped and he crammed his stuff inside. He took her face in his hands and kissed her, long and deep. He pulled back, panting. “Don’t let any of the guys rile you up. They are all great and honorable men. We’d give our lives for each other. That being said, if any of them touch you when I’m not looking, haul off and kick them in the balls.” He winked.

  They walked out another door to the garage housing the big trucks. “Wow,” she said. “I didn’t realize how big these things really were.” Theo opened little cubby holes and spaces all over the truck to show here where they kept things. She had no idea there was so much hidden away.

  On the far side of the garage, they came to gym equipment and a few guys—sweaty, sexy, hot, with little clothing on guys. Oh my freakin’ god. She looked away when her face erupted into flames. At least she was in the right place for that.

  “Hey, Theo. Who you got there? Much better looking than your ugly mug.” A guy spotting a bench presser hefted the bar onto the stand. He came over, wiping his hands on a towel.

  “Hey, Griz. This is Francesca. She’s my mate.” Francesca heard that term, but didn’t let it affect her in front of the guys. It kinda ticked her off that Theo assumed he knew who she’d pick. Then again, he was probably showing off for the guys. That didn’t make points in her book. “Or Marcus’s. She hasn’t decided yet.”

  Griz shook her hand, his fingers completely engulfing hers. “Talk about opposite ends of the spectrum. A bean counter or adrenaline junkie? Good luck, Miss Francesca.” He winked at her and smiled. “You know what, Surfer,” Griz said loudly, getting the attention of others in the garage, “I think it’s time for the monthly Shape Up or Ship Out.”

  Theo groaned. “Come on, Griz. Don’t do this to me in front of my girl.”

  Griz pretended to whisper into Theo’s ear. “I’m helping you out, man. Once she sees this, the bean counter will be adios, baby.”

  “Maybe, but what about the other guys here who will be almost naked in front of her?” Theo twirled her against his chest so her nose smashed into his sternum. “She’s only seeing me.”

  Whoa, wait a minute. She jerked back and glared at him. “Are you telling me what I can and can’t do?” A male snickered behind her.

  Theo swallowed hard. “No, baby. Not in the slightest. If you want to look at other men, you…you…” he couldn’t say it, “can.”

  She laughed. “No, sexy,” she said, “I just want to see you in little more than those hot Speedos you had on earlier.” She bit his earlobe.

  His body shuddered. “You’re on, Griz. Bring on all the guys.”


  Francesca stood in a circle of men gathered around the weight bench. She’d met everyone, but remembered only a few names. She couldn’t believe how sexy every one of these men were. It was a female’s dream. But her eyes were fixed on Theo.

  She felt a bump on her hip and another woman edged her way to next to Francesca.

  “Hi, I’m Kelsy. I’m an EMT with the ambulance service. It’s good to see another female face around here. I get tired of looking at all these ugly males.” The guys around them groaned.

  “I’m Francesca. I’m here with Theo.” She nodded toward him among two other Adonises, half naked. “What’s this Shape Up Ship Out thing?” she asked.

  Kelsy rolled her eyes. “It’s when too much testosterone builds up and needs to be released. Though I can’t complain too much. It’s great eye candy.” She turned to the action in the circle’s middle. “They battle to see who can press the most. It�
��s a bit childish, but like I said, eye candy.”

  The men slapped chalk on their hands. The white powder floated in the air, giving a surreal feel with the fading sun’s rays cutting through like lasers. The three guys bounced around on their toes like boxers in a ring. But all Francesca noticed was how the muscles streamlined down each of her man’s legs. Cut from the hardest of stone.

  Kelsy shook her head. “I must say, Red may be a bit of a country bumpkin but damn, he’s got a nice ass. Curved just right for squeezing.”

  Francesca studied Theo. “You got it. Just right for squeezing. Both sides, actually.”

  “One thousand pounds,” Red hollered.

  “Holy shit,” Francesca said. “Isn’t that a lot?”

  Kelsy shrugged. “Humans on ‘roids have done that much before. For shifters, it’s average.”

  Men scurried around, lifting round weights and sliding them onto the end of a silver bar. Red lay on the bench, wrapped his hands around the bar, lifted it, pumped it twice, and set the bar back in the cradle. Cheers went up. Theo and the third man repeated the process.

  Francesca blew him a kiss when he sneaked a look at her.

  “Thirteen hundred,” Red called. While men scattered to find the round weights to add to the ends of the bar, the three men consorted with their designated “trainer” for the competition. The crowd eased back. Chief Hinton made his away to Francesca.

  “It is nice to you, Miss Virgata,” he said.

  “Please, call me Francesca, Chief,” she responded.

  “Thank you, young lady. Are you by chance related to Steve Virgata? Tiger pride, I believe.”

  That was surprising. “He’s my uncle, brother to my mom. You know him?” she questioned?

  “I do. Went to school together. Good family, the Virgatas. How’s Steve doing these days?”

  “He’s great. After a scare with a heart attack, he took up karate to regulate his blood pressure and exercise his human form. He teaches a couple classes a week. I call him sensei more than I do uncle.”


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