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Neil, Louisa - She's in Charge (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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by Louisa Neil

  Rae knew she had to make an appearance at the cookout. Other than with her Asian tourist group, she hadn’t been highly visible during the past week. Citing work that piled up while she was away, it was just an excuse to put some distance between her and Alan Lexton. If left to follow a natural path, Rae was afraid where it would lead. Her one steadfast rule was that she never got involved with the guests or staff. That being her policy, and the fact that she spent little time away from the island, her personal life had gone lacking for quite a while. It wasn’t until she had sat next to Alan on the flight in from Jacksonville that she felt a stirring from the past. Feelings she had long buried after her trip to see Eric were surfacing. Not quite the same, but similar.

  Eric had been her first true love in all senses of the word. If things had been different, she knew she would probably still be living in Chicago, with a few kids and a part-time job at the accounting firm. It was what they had planned. They hadn’t planned on her mother taking ill. Looking back, she knew her decisions were the right ones. Even though she was alone, she was more alive and in touch with herself than ever before. She’d finally come into her own, as her mother would say. Now that she had a better sense of her true personality and needs, she wanted to share them with someone.

  Maybe someday, but not today. She should be satisfied just coming from her weekend escape with Eric. Instead, now she was just horny. Keeping her distance from Alan was key to not getting involved. That didn’t mean she couldn’t fantasize about him and how he might touch her or how he might fuck her. She shook her head, trying to get rid of the pictures forming in her mind. Rae knew the quiet spots on the island where they could fuck in the woods and not be caught, but she wouldn’t take Alan to any of them.

  Greeting the guests in turn, she had a few words with each of them, personalizing her conversation. It was part of her job, to make everyone feel at home. Tonight, her problem was making Alan Lexton feel at home without letting him feel what she was thinking. Accepting a plate from a staff member as she passed, she drew a deep breath and settled at an empty place next to Alan.

  “May I join you?” she asked, trying not to stare too deeply into the dark pools of brown that he looked back at her from. Rae couldn’t help but wonder what secrets they hid. Shaking it off, she sat in the wooden chair beside him, balancing a can of ginger ale on the armrest.

  “Of course,” he told her, straightening in his seat.

  “How’s your time going? Any problems?” Alan watched her pick at the food on her plate, pushing it around more than eating it.

  “I haven’t had a real vacation in almost fifteen years. I’m not sure how it’s supposed to be going,” he told her, a slight laugh telling her much more than he was willing to verbally.

  “Fifteen years? You haven’t even begun to unwind, then,” she added with a laugh. He beamed as if she had presented him with a prize, a private laugh, just for him. “What’s kept you so busy all that time, Mr. Lexton?” She took small bites of the food, concentrating on the plate a little too hard, afraid to look to him.

  “I was building a business,” he told her in a flat tone.

  “And now?” Rae thought she saw a shiver run through him, but couldn’t be sure in the dim light.

  “Now I have to figure out what to do with the rest of my life.” She gave him a confused look, forcing him to continue. “I sold the company.”


  “Yeah, thanks.”

  “Well, what will you do? Start another, or just take the profits and lie on a beach somewhere, reading all the books you promised yourself you’d get to one day?”

  “I don’t have a clue.” He laughed, but it wasn’t a cynical laugh. It sounded more resigned. Rae decided it was just a fact he had to deal with.

  “If I’m not being too nosey, why did you sell if you didn’t want to?” She looked at him thoughtfully, wondering what she would do if someday she didn’t have the island to care for.

  “Some days I’d tell you it was the right thing to do, others I’d tell you I must have been crazy.” Again, the small resigned laugh. As if to bolster his own mood, he went on. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll figure out something. I suppose I just need some time to get used to not going to the office each day.”

  “Or some days, never making it home, sleeping on the couch for a few hours before getting back to it?”

  “Something like that. You know the syndrome?” With a nod of her head, she told him yes.

  “I’m a CPA. Tax time starts in January and goes through the end of May when all the extensions are handled. I know the routine, always a clean suit in the closet, just in case.”

  “Why did you give it up?” Standing, she walked several paces to discard the half-empty plate she had been holding. Coming back to him, she looked at him in the firelight, again wondering what it would be like to have him hold her, touch her, and kiss her until she couldn’t remember her own name.

  “I decided to come home,” Rae told him quietly. “I’ve never been sorry.” With that, someone called her name, and she waved in their direction. “Enjoy the rest of your stay, Mr. Lex…Alan. I hope you figure it all out.”

  With that, she left him in the semidarkness, an outsider watching from the fringes once again. Knowing it was a role he had chosen, he accepted another beer from the passing waiter, staring at the campfire, willing it to show him the direction he needed to go.

  Standing on the cabin balcony later that night, Alan wondered why he had told her so much about him. He hadn’t revealed that much to anyone since he met Laura. What was it about Rae Woolard that had him answering before his mind could think? Yes, she was attractive, in a woodsy sort of way. Thinking about the suit she wore when he first saw her, he knew she would be at home in any boardroom, so why did she come back? She claimed not to be sorry with her choice. Alan wondered when he would stop rethinking his. It would help if he stopped picturing himself buried in her body, fucking her until exhaustion overtook them. His fingertips itched to fondle her breasts. She’d fill his hand, he knew, and then some. Flexing his hands as if he held them just then made him want her even more.

  Alan knew from her riding clothes she had toned legs with strong thighs, and he pictured them wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer to her body. He decided he’d take her from behind, pussy first, then her ass. Would she ask him to spank her butt cheeks? If she didn’t, was he allowed to do it on his own and see what her reaction would be?

  Alan sighed and wondered if she shaved her pussy or if it would be covered in a mass of blonde curls. He moved into the cabin and dropped onto the sofa. He glanced around the room, making sure all the curtains and shades were drawn tight. He unzipped his pants, and his hard cock bobbed in the cool air. He felt the temperature difference on his tip where a drop of pre-cum had already formed. Closing his eyes, he pictured her straddling his legs, her pussy milking his cock instead of his hand doing it. He came on his belly, relaxed and sated. Finally, he was tired and a bit embarrassed. He headed to the bedroom, washed up and turned on the television. Alan was surprised to find his cock getting hard a second time. More relaxed this time, he masturbated to the idea of spanking Rae and watching her expressions as his hand contacted with her ass. He came a second time on his belly and fell asleep quickly.

  Chapter Three

  Tossing aside the book she so badly wanted time to read, Rae turned off the light beside her chair, before wandering the room restlessly. She hadn’t paced like this in years. What’s wrong with me? she wondered, knowing it was Alan Lexton being just across the compound. He was very specific not to mention any personal ties, and she wondered if he had any. Exasperated with herself, she grabbed her jacket, whistled for Thor, and headed down the side stairs. Wandering the shore in the moonlight, the old white dog let out a low growl, deep from within his throat. At his age, he’d given up most watchdog duties. Tonight was different. The dog was on alert, and so was she.

  “What is it, boy?” Rae as
ked, watching the dog strain against her words. If she gave him the signal, he would take off after it. Better to keep him here than let him go chasing after an opossum or rabbit. Reaching for his collar, she bent to rub his ears, and they both heard the crunching leaves under someone else’s foot. From the other end of the path, Alan approached and paused when he saw them in the distance. He raised one hand in a wave of acknowledgement. Rae knew he watched as she spoke to the dog beside her. The massive retriever sat at her side, his tail thumping against the sand. As Alan got closer, it became apparent she was holding the dog’s collar.

  “Problem, Mr. Lexton?” Her words were strained, her voice tight. Watching him approach, she noticed he had lost his city look. In just a week, his hair had grown slightly, and while he was still shaving regularly, she saw he was very much at home in his worn jeans and battered sneakers.

  “Couldn’t sleep. I’m sorry if I frightened you.” He kept his distance. Rae decided he was probably afraid if he got too close, she would let the dog loose.

  “Just taking Thor for a walk,” she told him.

  “Pretty night.”

  “Yes.” She felt sixteen, apprehensive to talk to him, afraid not to. “Do you live on the lake back home in Chicago?”

  “I used to live on the east side, but my wife…ex-wife got that house. Now I have a condo overlooking from the west side.”

  “Oh, the condo syndrome. I know it well.” She favored him with another of her throaty laughs, this one accompanied with a smile. “Eleventh floor,” she told him. “No place to walk at night, nowhere to wander.”

  “That’s exactly it. No backyard to go to. Watching the stars from a ninth floor balcony smaller than an elevator cab just isn’t the same.” Alan watched as Rae lowered her head, speaking to the dog in a foreign language. As she released his collar, the dog laid down beside her, resting his head on large front paws.

  “How long did you live there?” It seemed a logical question for her to continue the conversation with.

  “Let’s see, including four years at Illinois State, altogether over twenty. Believe it or not, I liked the cold and snow, love to watch the weather changes roll in across the lake.”

  “And you don’t miss it?” Alan shook his head and then dropped to the sand, sitting beside the dog. “May I?” he asked, looking at the dog. Again she spoke to Thor then told Alan to go ahead. She chose to sit on the other side, Thor an effective barrier between them.

  “You trained him with Japanese? I thought most trainers used German?”

  “Korean. I didn’t want outsiders to be able to command him.” She paused and then went on. “Or at least the majority of them. Besides, I had a minor in Asian languages. Figured I’d put it to some use eventually.” He relaxed back, seeming to get her sense of humor. Putting his hand palm-up before the dog, he let him sniff his hand before attempting to pet him. When both Alan and Thor were satisfied that the interview was over, Alan reached to scratch behind his ear. Immediately, the large beast rolled onto his back, presenting his belly for a rub.

  “You do have a way with animals, Alan.” Rae laughed at her well-trained guard dog. “You, you’re a traitor,” she told the dog, who looked back at her, unfazed by her words. For a long time, they sat together, watching the waves lap against the shoreline, while the moon slowly moved westward.

  “I should get back. I hope you can get some sleep. Good night, Alan.” She stood slowly and murmured a one-word command to Thor, who gracefully rose to her side.

  “Wait. One question, please? Why the stuffy business suit for the flight?” Rae had no idea what he was going to ask. Her traveling attire wasn’t one of her thoughts.

  “My meeting ran long, the celebration longer. I was supposed to head back Friday night. It was easier to go straight to the airport than get a hotel for just a few hours.”

  “Business, then. I thought you ran the island?”

  “I do. I still keep a few clients. The precious few who don’t bust my balls, and who follow my directions. Most of my work can be done over the computer, so my clients aren’t the hand-holding kind. I go back a few times a year to keep things going.”

  “Eric?” He watched her stiffen at the name. “You were just across the aisle from me on the first flight. I wasn’t trying to listen.” Rae wondered if he blushed when he told her that, the darkness hiding his discomfort.

  Rae tried not to openly panic. Had he overheard their sexual references? If he had, would he bring it up in conversation? Could she deflect the question completely? Her stomach jolted when she glanced to his eyes. He’d heard—so where did that leave her? She’d known to keep a distance from him right from the start. Now it was a priority in a different direction. Rae knew better than to let strangers know anything about her private sexual desires and pleasures.

  On one hand, he could be baiting her for a quick lay with a bit of kink. On the other, she wondered if she might not teach him a new side to sex and fulfillment. Letting out a breath, she took the defensive and shifted back to work. She’d not tell him that Eric was a client in more ways than just accounting.

  “Yes, Eric.” She wondered what else she had said during the call, mentally tracing back the conversation. “And if he buys the property we were discussing, I don’t want to know about it.” Again she favored him with a laugh. “Any more fashion questions?” He only shook his head no.

  “You have a pretty smile, though you don’t use it often.” On those words, Rae stiffened, and her eyes narrowed. “Good night.” As she turned, the dog followed beside her.

  How stupid could he be, asking her why she wore the suit on the plane? It was none of his business. Staying beside the water, he figured it best to just let her be. He had a week left to his stay and Chicago was his home. Rae made it quite clear that this island was her home.

  Walking back to his cabin, Alan realized he was just another transient who was passing through her space. A tourist, one of many she had to be polite to. Maybe tomorrow he’d borrow one of the vehicles and drive into Brunswick. He’d never been there. Spending the day away from the island might be just what he needed.

  Obviously, from her hesitation, she knew he’d overheard her sexual references. She’d made a point of leading the conversation directly back to business. He decided it was too bad it was too dark to see if she’d blushed during that part of their conversation.

  That night in bed, he jerked himself off to the idea of her lying over his legs, her butt cheeks red from his hand. It was the most intense orgasm he’d had in a long time. It wasn’t just a release. He’d felt all the tension leave his body. He didn’t bother to get up and wash his cum from his belly. Instead, he drifted off to sleep.

  Lounging beside the pickup, Alan made quite an impression on Rae as she approached. She was beyond exasperated and totally annoyed with Charlie. How dare he tell Alan Lexton her schedule and suggest they ride together. What was he up to? Drawing several deep breaths, she glided toward the back of the truck, depositing an empty cooler effortlessly into the back. She gave him her polite business smile, one that was usually unreadable. Sliding behind the wheel, she nodded to him as he reached for the handle.


  “Good morning. I hear you’re up for a little sightseeing?” She watched as he folded the length of his legs into the cab beside her. Placing her large leather carryall beside her on the bench seat was an effective barrier. It clearly defined their personal space, she decided.

  “Never been to Brunswick or Savannah, seemed like an idea. Is it a problem for me to ride along? Charlie seemed to think it was fine.” He paused for a few seconds and realized she was staring at him.

  “No problem, it will give us a chance for a long talk.” Starting the engine and reversing out of the parking spot, Rae told herself it was the perfect opportunity to use her speech about policies with staff and guests. They just didn’t mix. “The radio buttons are preset. Choose what you like.”

  “Quiet’s fine for me.” With that,
he turned forward, locking his arms across his chest. Rae held back a laugh, watching him try to use his nonexistent, passenger-side brake. His right hand dropped to his side, and she instinctively knew he was grasping the seat beside him.

  “Do I make you nervous, Alan?” Rae did laugh aloud at the look he gave her back. It took only a few seconds for him to laugh with her.

  “Maybe just a little,” he mumbled. “I’m used to being the one in charge, I mean the one driving.”

  “Relax, and enjoy the sites. However, I would like to talk while we drive. Charlie, he’s a great man, was a wonderful father, but sometimes he gets things in his mind that just aren’t there.” Glancing to see if he was following along, she continued. “It’s just that I have a strict policy about the staff and guests mixing. I’m very serious about it with the rest of the employees, and I can’t in good conscience…” Her words drifted away as she stole a glance of him. Half turned in his seat, he was shaking his head, smiling at her.

  “Along the lines of, do as I say, not as I do?”

  “Yes, that’s about it. I hope you understand. I’ve found it better to be up front about this than to let feelings get hurt.”

  “I get the message, though I’m not sure if the question was ever asked.”

  “It doesn’t matter, really. Charlie decided for both of us.” She glanced to him. “Please understand, Alan, you seem like a nice person. But Charlie has a bad habit of pushing situations to make them fit his needs. I learned a long time ago not to play his game. You deserve to know the game you’ve become a pawn in by association.”


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