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Over You

Page 22

by Christine Kersey

  “It’s me, Jess,” Kyle said in her ear.

  She sagged against him, never so happy to hear his voice, and he moved his hand from her mouth. Turning to face him, she quickly looked him over. “Are you okay? I heard a gunshot.”

  “I’m okay.”

  “Where is he?”

  “The police have him. I was able to come up from behind him and take him down. His gun went off, but I was able to keep him there until the police got here.”

  Several officers burst into the room, guns drawn. Jessica and Kyle both looked up in surprise.

  “Is there anyone else here?” one of the officers asked.

  “No,” Jessica said. “I’m the one who called. It was just Douglas. At least that I know of.”

  “We’ll take a look around to be sure. Are either one of you hurt?”

  “She needs to go the hospital,” Kyle said. “She’s been shot. She also fell down the stairs and hurt her back.”

  A few minutes later Jessica found herself in the ambulance. Kyle had told her he would meet her at the hospital.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  In the ambulance, overcome with exhaustion and finally feeling safe, Jessica fell asleep. When she woke, she found herself in a hospital bed.

  The doctor came in a short time later. “Hello, Jessica. I’m Doctor Nielson. How are you feeling?”

  “Sore all over.”

  “Your back is severely bruised and you’ll be sore for a while. But the bullet just grazed your leg, so that should heal nicely.”

  Relieved to hear that, she smiled. “Thank you.”

  “You have a visitor outside. Are you feeling up to that?”

  “Who is it?”

  “I believe he said his name is Kyle.”

  Thrilled to hear he was nearby, Jessica said, “Yes, send him in.”

  A moment later the doctor left, and then Kyle came in. “You’re awake,” he said as he approached her bedside, a smile on his face. “How are you feeling?”

  “Pretty sore.” Pleased that he had stayed at the hospital, she figured he would leave once he knew she was okay.

  “I’ll bet. That fall down the stairs looked pretty painful.” He grimaced as he spoke. “And I’ll bet that bullet wound doesn’t feel too good, either.”

  She tried to sit up, but her injuries prevented her from doing it easily. Kyle immediately helped, positioning her against several pillows.

  “Thanks.” She smiled, grateful to have him there. She was quiet for a moment before speaking. “I remember you catching me and keeping me from falling all the way down.” She paused as tears filled her eyes. “And then after he shot me, you carried me out of the house.” She paused again, gathering her thoughts. “I was so worried that he was going to kill us.”

  “He would have if we hadn’t gotten away.”

  “Where is he now?”

  “In jail. Charged with attempted murder.”

  “That’s good.”

  “Why was he trying to kill you anyway? Does it have something to do with those letters you told me about?”

  “Yes. He knew I found out that he killed his parents.”

  “Killed his parents? The last thing you told me was that William was his real father. You never said anything about murder.”

  Jessica told him what she had discovered that day.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I almost did, but I was afraid you wouldn’t believe me.”

  His jaw clenched. “I’m so sorry I doubted what you told me.”

  “I’m just glad you got there when you did. But how did you know to come?”

  “I didn’t know.”

  Confused, Jessica shook her head. “I don’t understand. Why did you come over then?”

  “I just had a bad feeling. You had told me that stuff about Douglas, and then at the last minute he hired me to do some work. But the thing that made me come back was when I tried to call him and his phone went right to voice mail. He always answers his phone. Everything together just seemed strange and I wanted to check to make sure you were okay.”

  Touched that he’d been thinking of her, the knowledge that he would soon be out of her life depressed her and she felt melancholy settle over her like a heavy blanket.

  Kyle paused. “I tried to tell you to stay away from him.”

  Overwhelmed by all that had happened, in addition to her sadness at having Kyle no longer part of her life, fat tears welled up in her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. “I’m sorry, okay?” she sobbed. “I know I was stupid. And it almost got both of us killed.”

  Kyle got up from his chair and sat on the bed next to her, then wrapped his arms around her. “It’s okay,” he murmured. “It’s not your fault.”

  The feel of his arms around her was like heaven, and Jessica pressed her face into his chest, reveling in his closeness. She felt so secure there and wanted to stay there forever. After a few minutes she was able to get her tears under control and Kyle released her. Though she didn’t want him to let go, she couldn’t do anything about it and she sat back against the pillows. He stayed sitting on the edge of her bed and gazed at her.

  He reached out and wiped away a tear that was hovering on her eyelash. Briefly closing her eyes, she opened them to see him watching her. “I really am sorry that I put you in danger,” she said.

  He kept his eyes locked on hers and whispered, “I can’t believe I almost lost you.”

  Jessica blinked, not sure if she’d heard him right. “What?”

  He reached toward her and stroked her cheek. “When I saw you teetering on the top of the stairs with Douglas’s gun pressed against your head, I thought that was it. I was certain he was going to kill you one way or the other.”

  Mesmerized by the intensity in his eyes, Jessica didn’t respond.

  “Then he pointed it at me,” he continued. “And you pushed him backwards, and for a second I thought everything might be okay. But then you lost your balance and fell down the stairs anyway. I stopped your fall as best I could, but when Douglas started shooting, all I could see was an image of you . . .” He paused. “Shot and bleeding.” He paused again. “And then when the bullet hit you, I didn’t know what to think.”

  “You used yourself as a shield. To protect me,” Jessica said, remembering.

  Kyle smiled. “I didn’t know what else to do.”

  “I can’t believe you were willing to do that for me.” Jessica gazed at him, loving him even more for his willingness to die for her.

  His eyes studied hers and he leaned slightly closer.

  Jessica felt her breath catch as she willed him to kiss her.

  He stopped and looked at her. “You should probably call Alex.”

  Jessica blinked as if a bucket of cold water had been thrown on her.

  Kyle stood. “I should probably get going anyway.” He took a step away from her bed. “I’m glad you’re okay.” Then he walked toward the door.

  “Wait,” Jessica said, not wanting him to leave.

  Kyle turned to face her, a questioning look on his face.

  Jessica desperately wanted to explain to him that she wasn’t going to marry Alex after all. That she was in love with him. But as she looked at him standing there, and remembered how he was willing to sacrifice his own life for her, she just couldn’t do it. She couldn’t insert herself between him and Melanie. It wasn’t fair for her to think that she was the only one who could make him happy. He had Melanie and his daughter, and Jessica knew she needed to be willing to make a sacrifice too. She needed to set her feelings aside and allow Kyle to be happy. “Thanks. For everything.”

  He nodded, then turned and left the room.

  Jessica watched him leave, then turned her head into her pillow and sobbed.

  Chapter Thirty

  A while later, when the phone next to her bed rang, Jessica wiped the tears from her cheeks and answered.

  “Jessica, is that you?” Ellen asked.

  She smiled, happy to hear
from her aunt. “Yes, it’s me.”

  “I’ve been hearing all kinds of crazy things. What’s going on? Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. I promise.”

  “What happened?”

  Jessica told her aunt all that had happened since she’d seen her that morning, breaking down several times as she recounted the terror she’d felt.

  “Oh my. I can’t believe it,” Ellen said. “Are you really okay?”

  “Yes. I’ll be sore for a while, but I promise I’m okay.”

  They visited a while longer, then said their good-byes. Jessica thought about Kyle and what he had done for her and felt immense sadness that they would never be together. Closing her eyes, she remembered the happy times they had spent together and was finally able to fall asleep.

  The next morning the doctor told her she was well enough to go home. She considered calling Kyle and asking him to give her a ride, but didn’t want to impose on him anymore than she already had, and ended up calling a cab. Once home, the cab driver helped her into the house. As she closed the door behind him she stood in the entry and looked around, feeling very alone.

  She hobbled into the kitchen and saw a large sheet of plywood covering the French doors, reminding her of the terror and chaos she had experienced the day before. As she remembered in distressing detail all that had happened, she found herself shaking, and moved into the sunroom to sit on one of the overstuffed chairs.

  Hudson appeared next to the chair, apparently having heard her come home. Jessica patted her lap and he jumped onto it and rubbed against her. “I’m so glad to see you, big guy,” she said, nuzzling against him. He purred in response and she found his warmth and softness calming. “No one’s fed you, I’ll bet. You must be famished.”

  She set him on the floor, then made her way into the kitchen where she scooped a can of food into his bowl and gave him fresh water. “There you go.” He ate as if he’d been starving and she smiled, glad she was there to take care of him.

  As she stood there, she realized she was wearing the same clothes she’d been in the day before and wanted to change into something fresh. She slowly walked to the base of the stairs. Once there, she stared upward, feeling an irrational fear of going up, like she might have trouble coming back down again.

  “I can do this,” she muttered, grabbing onto the railing and pulling herself forward. Taking one step at a time, she moved upward. Something on the wall caught her eye. Uttering a small cry, she stopped and stared, her heart pounding. Reaching out to the wall, she felt the bullet hole with her finger. Her heart pounded as she recalled the horror of being shot by a mad man—a man intent on killing her.

  She breathed deeply for a moment, then continued up to her bedroom. When she crossed the threshold of her room she sighed, relieved to have made it. After changing into comfortable sweats and her favorite t-shirt, she walked out of her room and toward the top of the stairs.

  As she stood on the brink of the staircase, ready to take her first step down, she had a sudden flashback to the day before and could feel Douglas’s strong grip on her upper arm and the cold metal of the gun pressed against her temple. Overwhelming fear pushed her backward and she found herself pressed against the wall.

  Someone knocked on the front door. Jessica’s heart pounded as she recalled the last time someone had come to the door. It had been the day before and it had been Douglas Harrington. The person knocked again and Jessica slid along the wall, moving toward the nearest door, which led to her aunt’s bedroom.

  She heard the sound of the front door opening and realized she had neglected to lock it. Terror engulfed her and she stumbled into her aunt’s room, closing the door behind her and twisting the lock. She fell to the floor and cowered against the door.

  “Jessica?” she heard a male voice calling. “Where are you?”

  “Kyle,” she whispered, uncoiling herself and pushing into a kneeling position. She could hear him calling for her on the first floor, his voice fading as he went into the kitchen. Then she heard him coming up the stairs, his voice becoming louder. She stood and unlocked the door, then pulled it open just as he reached the landing.

  “There you are,” he said. He looked at her for a moment and his voice filled with concern. “What’s wrong?”

  She was so relieved it was Kyle and not some murdering maniac bent on killing her, she couldn’t prevent a few tears from escaping as she stood there. “I thought it was Douglas coming back to finish me off.”

  Kyle was by her side instantly, his strong arms wrapped around her. “I’m sorry. I should have called you first.”

  “It’s not your fault,” she said as she relished his nearness.

  He pulled away. “I came by so I could replace that broken kitchen door.”


  “Where’s Alex? I didn’t see his car out front.”

  “He’s not here.”

  “Where is he?”

  Jessica hesitated before answering. “He couldn’t make it.” Kyle scowled at this bit of news and she knew he didn’t approve. That made her feel good somehow, and she wondered why she didn’t just tell him the truth. Because I don’t want him to know that I don’t have anyone, she thought. I don’t want his pity.

  “How did you get home from the hospital?”

  “I took a cab.”

  His voice softened. “Jess, you should have called me.”

  “I’m sorry. I just thought it would be easier if I took a cab.”

  “You don’t have to apologize. I should have made sure you had a way home.”

  “That’s very thoughtful of you, but it’s okay.”

  Kyle smiled. “Well, I guess I should get started on that door so I can get it done today.”


  He turned and started for the stairs. Jessica stayed where she was.

  “Are you coming?” he asked.

  She took a few painful steps toward the stairs, but stopped when she reached them. Though she could feel Kyle’s eyes on her, she couldn’t force herself to take the first step.

  “Jessica?” he asked gently.

  She pulled her gaze away from the wooden steps and looked at him.

  “Do you need some help?”

  Embarrassed by her weakness, heat flooded her face.

  “It’s okay,” he said. “I don’t mind. And I’ll bet it won’t take long for you to do it on your own.”

  “I feel like such a baby,” she said, trying to make light of her fear.

  “I can’t blame you for your hesitation. It was less than twenty-four hours ago that you took a nasty fall down those things.”

  He was being so sweet to her. Why did he have to be so nice? It just made it harder to come to terms with the fact that he would never be hers.

  He put his right arm around her waist and held on to the railing with his left.

  Jessica savored the feel of his strong arm around her, and leaned into him a bit as they descended the staircase.

  “You did it,” he said when they reached the bottom.

  “I’ve done it hundreds of times before. I don’t know why it feels so different now.”

  “Give yourself some time.”

  She nodded, hoping he was right. He left her in the entry as he went out to his truck to get the replacement door and other supplies. As he worked, Jessica sat in the sunroom and tried to read a book, but her mind kept wandering to Kyle. She fantasized about them being together and pretended this was their house and he was fixing it up for her.


  Pulled out of her fantasy, she looked at Kyle, who stood in the kitchen, looking better than he had in her mind.

  “What do you think?” he asked, sweeping his arm toward the newly installed French door.

  She couldn’t see it very well from where she sat, so she slowly walked into the kitchen to take a look. “It turned out great.”

  He beamed, obviously pleased with himself.

  “How much do I owe you?” she asked. />
  “Nothing. I am the one who broke it.”

  “Yeah, but it was my fault that you had to. If it wasn’t for me finding those letters and getting nosy, Douglas never would have come after me.”

  “Don’t blame yourself for being curious. You didn’t know he was a murderer.”

  Jessica knew he was right. Everything that happened wasn’t her fault. “But I want to at least pay for the materials.”

  “No.” He shook his head.

  “Fine.” Jessica would just put something extra in the payment her aunt was going to make for the other work he’d done.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I need to clean up the mess I made.”

  Jessica nodded and went back to her chair in the sunroom. A short time later he had finished cleaning up and came back into the sunroom.

  “Well, I guess my work here is done,” he said. “Are you going to be okay by yourself?”

  “Of course,” Jessica said, trying to sound brave. “I’ve lived by myself for years.”

  “I know.”

  “I’ll be fine.” She hoped it was true.

  “Okay.” He stood there a moment. “Take care, Jess.”

  She gazed into his sea-green eyes and had to stop herself from asking him to stay. Not only did she need to learn to be on her own again, it would be torture to have him around any longer when she knew he was with Melanie. “Bye, Kyle. Thanks for everything.”

  He nodded, then turned and walked toward the front door. “Make sure to lock this,” he said over his shoulder.

  “I will.” When she heard him close the door, she made her way to the door and locked the deadbolt, then went to the window and watched him drive away.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  She went back into the sunroom and settled into her chair, then picked up her book and continued reading. Pretty soon her eyes became heavy and she found herself drifting off to sleep. When she woke, it was dark outside and someone was knocking on the front door.

  Grateful she had locked it, she crept to the door and peered out the peephole, then smiled as she unlocked the deadbolt and opened the door. “Kyle. I didn’t expect to see you tonight.”


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