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Ultimate Erotica Collection (12 Hot Erotica Stories)

Page 10

by Jennifer Key

  “Ahhhhh.!!!Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!” she screamed. Biting down she bore her teeth as she felt her whole body slam back down against the bed. Gyrating back and forth she cooed with the aftershocks of her body trying to cope with the immense sensations. With a deep breath she let out a final shudder and pushed his head back. She couldn't take any more, with trembling legs she pulled his head back up to her mouth.

  “Oh my God thank you.” she uttered lightly into his ear. Darren's smile slowly echoed through the room he began reaching down for his belt. Her hand reached back down grabbing a large handful. Tugging the covers over her shoulder, she announced “Make sure you lock the door on your way out.” Scared and full of shock he sat there on all fours trying to figure out if he had heard her correctly.

  “The door. Make sure you lock it.” Lianna said indignantly. With a sigh of happiness, she whispered “You did good, but it is time to go. ” Lianna patted Darren on the cheek and laid her head back down. A confused and angry Darren stood up, with a few stomps and the sound of a locking door he left. Lianna with an overwhelming sense of pride and aching cheeks from smiling fell asleep.

  “Hey I'm Heather.” an overly chipper blonde said smiling at Lianna. Forcing her cheeks to smile back Lianna already knew she hated this girl.

  “Mr. Randall said you would be training with me today.”, with a slight nod Heather motioned Lianna to follow her over to the soda fountain. Lianna watched as Heather pulled out 2 plastic cups and began filling them.

  “This is for table 4 . Mr. and Mrs. Shumate, they come here about every Thursday. Now you take their drinks out to them while I check on their food.” Lianna's steps were shaky as she passed by an aisle of empty tables and chairs. The walls were littered with local high school sports teams and mementos from days past including old license plates. The older man held out his cup shakily as she poured more tea into it.

  “Is there anything else I can get for you two?” Mrs. Shumate made a throaty no sound as she shook her head, while Mr. Shumate's eyes poured over her bent over hip and seemed to lack response, finally with a mumble he said that everything was fine. Lianna walked back towards Heather with a confident look. She continued the night giving people their food and cleaning off tables. While filling another pitcher of tea, Heather quietly snuck up behind her. Placing her hand on Lianna's hip, and the other lightly holding her shoulder. She leaned over and whispered., “your share.” Heather's hand slipped over her side and into her front pocket. The crinkling sound of a few folded ones almost drowned out the sounds of twenty different conversations. While she knew the papers should have caught more attention than the warmth of Heather's hand as it slid back out , it seemed to take a lot longer than it should. The way her fingers seemed follow her hip, gave way to a slight uncontrollable shudder. The way her nails seemed to lightly drag across her soft skin, made her side tingle. With a small wink Heather dipped back away from her and leaned over to check on another table.

  Lianna couldn't stop staring as Heather's perfectly rounded curves stretched the back side of her lightly glittered black pants called for her to watch. The perfect curvature held her attention, as the drink fountain began to flow over her hand. Quickly bringing her senses back to order the ice-cold soda ran over her knuckles and between her fingers. While the moment had died she couldn't stop the tingling feeling with every step as her bra rubbed across her nipples. The way her own pants seemed to grab at her own bottom. She could barely stop thinking about the sensation as she followed Heather back to the kitchen area. The way her thong gently rubbed across her clit as she watched each hip of Heather's behind slowly rise and fall with each step. Her left hand dug back into her thigh trying to shake herself from the trance. The moment was suddenly paused as Randall grab each of them from behind by the shoulder.

  “Girls!” He loudly whispered. His grip tightened down as he spoke. “You see over there at table 7?” His hand lifted off Heather and pulled Lianna closer to the point that their skin grazed. His finger poked out between their heads towards a table. While her eyes followed his finger, they also traced Heather's cheeks, towards her lips then over towards a distant table. The warmth of Heather's arm was pushed away by the chill bumps she couldn't explain. The lone finger he pointed aimed towards a lone man, dressed in dark gray suit, white shirt with deep blue pin stripes and a crimson red tie. His full but graying beard gave way to a fading hairline. Every moment of his existence was a proclamation of confidence.

  “Andrew Jordan, You two better do anything he asks and make him happy.”, Randall gruffly said. Hooking her arm through Lianna's, Heather strode towards the table with a small booklet for her notes.

  “Oh hi Mr. Jordan!” she exclaimed. With a slight fling Heather threw Lianna down to sit beside Mr. Jordan. She took the seat in the bench across from him and leaned over. Heather's cleavage seemed to absorb any other distraction from the room as is sank below the table top.

  “Oh you know it is just Andy for you sweetheart.”, he modestly spoke as his hand slapped down on Lianna's knee. Leaning her cheek over to her left hand, Heather poised her pen on the writing pad.

  “Anything for you sugar. So what are we having tonight?”

  “Well everything looks good tonight, what can I have?” Andrew's hand felt immensely hot as he still held it on Lianna's knee. She just sat completely still as Heather replied.

  “For you? Anything on the menu.”

  Turning his head back to Lianna, Brandon lowly asked “What's your name?” Nervously she stared back into his silvered blue eyes,

  “Lianna.” was all she could stutter out. He felt a power emanating from the man, a confidence she couldn't understand, as if he already owned the world and no one knew it. Lianna pushed her hands down to her mid thighs, with a dragging slide they drew over her legs. As her fingers cupped over her knees she breathed in deeply keeping her eyes locked back into his.

  “I want this.” her subconscious whispered. Raising her head and taking a note from Heather she lifted her arm onto the table and propped her cheek against her lifted hand.

  “You look like a scotch man, Single?” Mr. Jordan's eyebrow raised a bit. In a sultry voice she continued “Single Malt?”

  “Yes...” He seemed to barely get the word out. Dragging her hips out first, Lianna made sure to dip her chest down, planting her elbows onto the table and closing her arms closer together, she pressed her breasts together forming a long line of cleavage that took his complete attention.

  “You got it captain” she said as turned back away. Puckering his lips and blowing out a heavy breath Andrew watched her hip dips from left to right as she walked back the bar. Making sure her walk had the perfect bob from left to right, Lianna took made sure to make Mr. Jordan notice her as she brought his 5th drink to his table. Sliding the tab under his glass her fingers roamed back towards the nape of his neck.

  Her hand laid gently there as she spoke, “Closing time, I thought I'd bring you one for the road.” Her fingers toyed around with his hair as he lifted the paper and focused down on the bill slip. With his other hand he lifted the glass and sipped sluggishly, and looked back at her with tired eyes.

  Leaning into him her lips lightly grazed over his ear as she whispered “Listen, you shouldn't drive, let me take you back home.” She could feel the fine hairs on his ear become bristles as she spoke. With a vigorous nod he placed his warm hand over hers, planted his keys into her palm and whispered back a tired thanks.

  “Don't worry I'll take care of you.” she hummed as she ended the sentence with a hot breath over his ear. Andy's hand slowly clenched his hand over hers consumed by the shudder that worked its way down his body.

  Lianna slammed the shifter into park and quickly removed the keys from the ignition. Making sure to take every movement so that her hips were exactly at his eye level, she articulated the steps. Fumbling with his keys, Andy found the right one and with a single motion unlocked the door and with a sweep of his arm made gesture for her to follow through first. Wit
h a smile she continued forward past the door into his home. She smelled the warm air pouring out from the vents above. Inside a dark veneered floor lead to a white cabinet kitchen adorned with pewter handles. After slipping on his shoes he sauntered into the kitchen grabbing two thick bottomed glasses. Gentle clanks were the only sounds through the house as the large ice cubes tapped down into the glasses. Staring around she took in the simply, but single manned home. The walls were sparsely decorated with an occasional mirror or painting against a neutral earth toned wall. She turned around to see him lifting up a glass towards her held the other towards his chest.

  “Do you treat every one else so nice?” she inquired as she took the glass from his open hand.

  “Just you.” he lied. Planting her self down on the seat next to him, she lightly brushed his knee with hers.

  “So what do you do?” she asked to lead him on. Legs strapped around his waist she delicately pried open each button slowly giving a slight kiss to his chest on the way down. Andrew's hands drifted through her hair and grasped upon the light and silky waves as she moved slowly down. Tugging the waistline of his pants together she unsnapped them. Taking both hands upon his hips she drug them down. Her nails slightly dragged across the outsides of his thighs. Her lips pressed down against his leg as she tugged them off his ankles. Rubbing her delicate soft hands up his thigh they met together in the middle. With her left hand she gripped the bottom and felt it throb heavily. Her right hand slid up towards the tips feeling the soft smooth skin pulse in her hand. He jerked slightly as her tongue began its slow trip upwards. Stopping at the head she circled her tongue around the tip, her tongue picked up the slight tastes of him.

  Andrew kept trying to catch his breath as her lips slowly kissed down onto the tip. Slowly sliding them down they enveloped everything. Relaxing her throat she pressed it further down, while his hands began to grapple handfuls of her hair. Her tongue slid back and forth across the tip, she loped the sensation of her tongue dragging across the bottom of his head. He began to pulse in her mouth and grow larger, she knew what he was a about to do. Grabbing hard with her hand she held it in. The other hand began stroking downwards pushing it back in, she smiled as he shuddered. Stepping back she made sure he watched as she took one hand and slid her underwear half the way down one hip, and then the other. Down across one knee to the other the laced black fabric fell down to her ankles. Stepping forward and out from them she approached the bed. She reached down to grab the tip again, slowly her bore her hips down. The shaft gently drove between her legs,the heat from it climbed up her body. Each pulse of his heart throbbed between her lips and clit. She still held the tip, making sure she couldn't do anything while she took her hips and moved them over, back and forth feeling each and every bit of the length. Never letting him go inside her. Through seized teeth he breathed clutching the sheets, his fingers gripping down deep into the sheets she finally placed the head inside her. Grinding her hips back forwards again she laid closer to him to whisper in his ear.

  “Do you want me?” in a higher voiced she said.

  Begging he breathed, “Please?” She took the head again and let it slide inside of her, each second her hips enveloped him. He took his hands away from the sheets and latched them down onto the tops of her hips. they tried to push her down faster but she made him take in every moment slowly. His fingers dug in deep as her hips finally settled down onto his. And just as they had settled she made him endure the tension as she lifted up again. Her lips gradually pulling back against his shaft as they raised.

  At the top of her motion she whispered back, “ How much?” Her hips waited slowly dripping down, she made a slight clench to tighten around the head. She could feel it pulsing back aching to feel her around it again. Her hair brushed across his chest in the moment of silence, and hers too.

  Drawing her lips even tighter, he spouted, “Anything!” she sank her hips back down gain taking her hand, she brushed it across his forehead.

  Resting a the top and leaning in again to whisper, “Anything?” Her hips bounced up and down, rhythmically spanking his thighs. He opened up his mouth to ask for mercy but she wouldn't stop. Lianna's nipples slid back and forth against his chest, getting harder as she felt him swell in side her. Her insides tightened up even more. Reaching a hand down she began to rub herself hoping he could hold out for a little longer. She could feel it raging inside her as she ground her hips down harder, feeling him deep inside her. Rubbing harder and faster, she rocked harder. Suddenly the feeling of him swelling over took her senses. A hot pulsing came inside her, he kept shuddering and gasped for breath. It poured over her insides as every part of her body seemed to vibrate.

  Calling out wildly she screamed, “YES!” over and over. Trembling she fell over to his side. Between panting breaths he said “Come work for me.”

  Virtual Ass

  In high school, Adam was always the "loner" type who really didn't have what most people considered to be "true" or "good" friends. Although he was the top student in class academically, the only people he attracted were those who "needed his help," which mostly consisted of the dumb jock types that all but bullied him into doing their homework.

  Some of the popular girls on campus treated him the same way, yet instead of bullying him they rubbed his face and flirted with him in teasing manners.

  After high school, Adam went to ITT Technical Institute where he further excelled, in computer technology. Through ITT, Adam developed his abilities to create software programs that companies like IBM paid top dollar for.

  Following years of success, Adam found himself living alone in a multi-million dollar mansion with multiple rooms; alone. However, he never had sex with a woman before, not even a kiss, and this finally got to him. Although he's a short guy in his thirties with a "nerdy" look, Adam is well hung with a snake-like cock that hangs nine inches down- when it's limp.

  Now, his sexual frustrations have caught up with him, and the virtual online sexual chat and sex room is ready to launch. Adam sat behind the large desk in his office with the back of his office chair to the stormy conditions outside that pelted his window with rain. A hand-held device shaped like a vagina was connected to his laptop by a USB cable cord. The screen on his laptop revealed a box that showed him there was 1,069 active members logged into Virtual Vaginas.

  Adam clicked around on his website, scrolling through options of women to have virtual sex with. Finally, he found one, a sexy blonde-haired lady in her 40's with a profile picture showing that she had sized D breasts implants that complimented her muscular thighs and plump ass revealed in her full-bodied profile shot.

  She was the one, Adam decided, before getting a small bottle of KY Jelley from the desk drawer below him. Next, Adam squeezed a sizable amount into a hole in the virtual vagina attached to his computer, then opened his bathrobe. Adam's frail thin chest and skinny body frame wasn't much to look at for any woman, but his long dick size made up for it. Adam jumped at the sound of booming thunder and lightning behind him, which caused the window behind him to rattle and his laptop screen to flash several times. Moments later, his screen returned to a steady mode and Adam was ready for his first piece of pussy. The blonde-headed woman he chose was also ready, as an alert flashed up on the screen telling him

  "Linda has chosen to let you fuck her virtual vagina, Darren (his screen name!" However, the profile picture of Adam was of a white body builder with a clean-shaven head in his late 20's. Adam didn't care much about honesty or if married people used his website to "cheat." To him, the only two things that mattered was people being able to pay with credit cards, and Adam finally getting his first piece of ass. Linda was ready and so was Adam, so he picked up his cock then slowly slid it into the virtual vagina that would soon place him deep within Linda's pussy. Once that happened, a virtual life-sized hologram of her naked body would appear front and center in front of him, with her positioned the way he saw things in his mind. Adam's dick started getting hard the further he pu
t his cock into the virtual vagina.

  Seconds later, he heard his "chosen one" start to moan on the screen before she saying "oh, that's it, put that long hard dick in me baby. I want it all." Adam closed his eyes and stood up, knowing that woman would be there ass naked on his desk soon, just as he had planned and fantasized.

  But then, something happened and all of the lights flickered in his room before going out, along with his laptop. Flashes of lightning lit his office up from outside, but the rain had slowed to a calming sprinkle. Suddenly, Adam heard heavy breathing and moaning as he turned from the window and saw a naked woman sitting on his desk in the dark. However, instead of seeing the blonde-headed babe he selected in Virtual Vaginas, he saw a busty black woman in her 30's with thick shining lips and a puffy pussy that held at least three inches of his hard cock.

  "I want all that dick Daddy," she told him before licking her lips.

  "But wait a minute," Adam told her, "you're not the woman I picked," concluded with confusion.

  "Don' matter muthafucka!" she shouted. "Pussy is pussy and dick is dick, so let's get ta' fuckin!" she insisted. Adam thought about it but at the same time, he was easing more of his long hard dick into her, the first piece of pussy he'd ever felt.


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