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Bend: A Dark Mafia Romance

Page 5

by B. B. Hamel

  Chapter 10


  Listening to her get off was one of the fucking hottest things I’d ever experienced. I stood there hanging on every new noise, every hint of her panting, listening to her fucking herself with her fingers, and planned on only listening. But when I heard her moan my name, I couldn’t help myself. I took my cock out and started stroking myself to the sounds of her getting off.

  She reached her peak, her moans getting louder and faster, just as I got close. I came hard to the sound of her orgasm ending, grunting my pleasure.

  I couldn’t believe how fucking sexy she was. Just the sound of her moaning set me on fucking fire, and that was not normal for me. I’d been with plenty of women before, but for some reason this one drove me absolutely fucking insane.

  And of course she was my prisoner. Of course I was supposed to break her and turn her into a sex slave. Of course I was supposed to hurt her and give her away in the end to be used up and thrown aside.

  I couldn’t do it. I knew I wasn’t going to do it. But I was going to need some help if I was going to pull this off.

  I cleaned up in the bathroom then went to bed, trying to figure out what I was going to do about this fucking incredible girl.

  The next morning I showered, made Jodie breakfast, and then left it in her cell. I didn’t give her a fork this time and no coffee, because I couldn’t stick around to watch her. She had to eat off a paper plate with her fingers, but it could be worse. I felt a little guilty, though, and promised myself that I’d make her a better lunch or at least a better dinner.

  I was out on the road by eight. Traffic was light as I headed up toward Old City, the historic part of Philadelphia. There were still original cobblestone streets around there, and you couldn’t spit without hitting some historic house from the nation’s founding.

  I didn’t care about that shit, though. I did all the fucking tours when I was a little kid, way back before my life turned to shit. I could still remember my mother trying to get me to care about the Liberty Bell as a seven-year-old but obviously that was never going to happen. I just wanted to play football with my friends back then, I had no interest in some old iron bell with a stupid crack in it,

  This morning I wasn’t there for a tour, though. There was a particular coffee shop I needed to visit where a particular guy went for a scone and an espresso every single morning.

  As I parked and walked around the corner, I spotted the shop. Pagano was sitting near the window, something a lot of made men won’t do, but Pagano didn’t seem to give a fuck anymore.

  He was old and going soft in the middle like a lot of the Italian guys that grew up on pasta and violence. Pagano used to be the boss of Gennaro’s territory, but when he had a series of heart attacks several years ago, he stepped down to allow the younger generation to take over. Ever since then, Pagano wasn’t much involved in the business anymore, and he was something of an advisor to guys that needed help.

  He was the man that brought me into the family way back when. I could still remember looking up to Pagano and his boys, and I wanted so badly to become like them. He took me under his wing when I was still a teenager. He taught me how to survive on the street, how to succeed in the business, and how to be a ruthless motherfucker. Pagano was my mentor and I owed a lot to him.

  I entered the shop and he looked up, a smile crossing his face. “Well,” he said. “If it isn’t young Dante.”

  “Just Dante these days.”

  He smiles. “Sit, join me.”

  I sat down across from him. “I came to see you,” I said.

  “I figured. What else would get a fucking idiot like you out of the south and into this bougie neighborhood?”

  “Nothing. I still don’t get why you come here.”

  “It’s the history, kid. You’ll understand one day when you’re old as dirt like me.”

  He sipped his espresso and I got a good look at him. I hadn’t seen him in a couple months since I was busy with the job, but he looked like he had aged. Frankly, he looked like fucking shit.

  “What can I do for you, kid?” he asked.

  “It’s a sensitive issue. You know.”

  “It always is in our line of work.” He chuckled. “Go ahead, kid. Spit it out.”

  I frowned, looking down at my hands. I didn’t know how to say this without sounding like a total fucking traitor. Pagano had taught me the value of loyalty and honor, and I knew that he felt turning your back on the Familia was the worst thing you could do.

  But this situation had to be different. This sex slave thing wasn’t honorable, not at all, and there was a lot of disagreement in the Familia about it.

  “Have you ever gone against orders?” I asked him.

  He smile, raising an eyebrow. “You going rogue, kid?”

  “Not exactly,” I said.

  “I might have bent the spirit of the order from time to time. Hell, I might have ignored some back in my younger days.”

  “What about serious orders?”

  “Aren’t they all serious?” He laughed, sipping his espresso. “I don’t know, kid. Nothing that would have cost me my life. Maybe a bad beatdown or two if I got caught.”

  “Gennaro gave me this task. It’s an unpleasant one, something that I’m against on principle.”

  “You have principles?”

  “Only because you fucking taught me to.”

  “What does he want from you?”

  I leaned toward him. “Sex slaves.”

  “What?” he asked. “Sorry, I can’t hear.”

  “Don’t make me say it again.” I glanced around the busy coffee shop.

  Pagano grinned. “Just fucking with you, kid. What, does Gennaro want you to sell yourself, fuck some old ladies?”

  “No,” I said. “There’s a girl we took from the Irish. Gennaro wants me to break her, make her pliable. But I find the whole thing disgusting.”

  “I see,” he said, nodding. “The shit you people have to put up with these days is staggering. Back then, I just had to worry about which knee I was going to break on the next asshole.”

  “Wasn’t it usually both?”

  “Yeah, but I started out with good intentions.”

  I smiled, but still felt uneasy. I was admitting to something serious here, and Pagano was taking it like it was just some stupid joke. Even just saying this shit could get me killed, especially with how the mob is these days. They don’t like any suggestion of disloyalty, and they don’t take any chances at all.

  “So you like the girl then, do you?” Pagano asked.

  “I don’t know. Maybe.”

  “Look kid, there’s one simple truth you have to remember: you signed on for this shit. You gave up your autonomy in exchange for wealth and strength. But you don’t get to choose who lives, who dies, where you go, what you do. You just do what the Familia tells you to do and that’s it.”

  “But this is just Gennaro. This isn’t coming from the top.”

  “He’s your boss. That’s all that matters.”

  “But at what cost?”

  Pagano sat back, contemplating my question while drinking his espresso. His deep brown eyes were liquid and knowing, and I trusted his opinion above all else. I didn’t think he would take this conversation to Gennaro, or at least I had to hope he wouldn’t. Pagano knew that doing so would likely result in my death, and I couldn’t imagine that was something he wanted.

  “The Familia is all that matters,” he said finally. “If this is the direction the Familia is moving then you’d better get on board. Otherwise, they’ll leave you behind. In a shallow grave.”

  I nodded, not surprised that was his final advice, but still disappointed. Pagano was an honorable man and I had hoped he would steer me right.

  “But,” Pagano said suddenly. “If you’re sure this is the wrong thing to do, well, who can really stop you, kid? You’re one of the best there is.”

  I stared at him, surprised at that last bit. He seemed to be
saying that I should listen to the Familia, but if I don’t, I’d better get away with it. He almost seemed to be giving me permission.

  I stood up then and nodded at him. “Thanks, Pagano.”

  “Any time, kid. And don’t worry. This stays between us.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  “I just hope she’s worth it. Love is a beautiful thing, kid, but the Familia took you in and raised you. Don’t forget that, no matter how distasteful you find Gennaro.”

  “I don’t do anything lightly.”

  “I know you don’t, kid. Good luck.”


  I quickly left the shop. As I stepped into the street, I had the intense and powerful feeling that I’d never see Pagano again. I didn’t know why, but it just seemed so obvious that was our last conversation.

  It was a good one if it was the last. More than ever, I knew that I couldn’t let Gennaro turn Jodie into some sex slave zombie. I knew I couldn’t let that happen. Even if it was throwing away my life in the Familia, and we had to go on the run or whatever the fuck we’d have to do, I’d make it all happen.

  First though, I needed to make Jodie mine. I needed to make her submit. Otherwise, I didn’t know how I could help her.

  Chapter 11


  My days were all the same. But my nights were starting to come alive.

  I passed my time imagining what I could do to escape and thinking about Dante. I obsessed endlessly over every little thing he said to me, every little gesture he made, every single tiny motion he made. I had nothing else to do, even if I wanted to.

  While he was gone, I did work at the window some more. I could see that the boards were loosening, however minute, as I slowly worked them. Maybe it would take me days, or weeks, or months to finally get a single nail out, since they were driven so deeply and into such a tough material, but it was possible. With a single nail, I could really do something.

  Like drive it into Dante’s neck.

  It was strange. I went from moments where I imagined shoving a rusty nail into his jugular to thinking about how I touched myself to fantasies of him. One moment he represented everything that I hated, all the men that took me and destroyed my family, and the next second he was just the gorgeous man that I wanted so badly.

  It was a very, very strange feeling. Since I was locked up in a boring room with blank white walls, I could easily obsess and get lost in my own head, which wasn’t helping at all.

  At night though, things changed. Night was when he came.

  I was sleeping again, or at least I must have been. One second I was fantasizing about being with my family again, watching football, listening to my uncles joke, eating my mother’s cooking, and the next I was jolted awake by the sound of the door opening. He stepped into the room and looked down at me, a slight smile on his face in the dark moonlight-covered room.

  “Were you sleeping?” he asked.

  I nodded. “I think so.”

  “Were you dreaming?”

  “No. Maybe. I’m not sure.”

  “You were dreaming about me, weren’t you?”

  “No,” I said. “I was dreaming bout my family.”

  He smiled slightly. “I understand that. I used to dream about having a real family.”

  “You’re nothing like me.”

  “No, I’m not.” He crouched down in front of me again. “I’m stronger.”

  “You’re bigger. You’re not stronger.”

  “I am stronger, whether you want to admit it or not. I could take you, Jodie, take you whenever I wanted to. If I wanted you right now, I could easily reach out and take you.”

  “But you won’t.”

  “No, I won’t.”

  “Because you said you’d never hurt me.”

  “That’s right.”

  “But you keep me locked in this room. That’s hurting me, isn’t it?”

  “No,” he said. “I keep you locked in this room because I’m ordered to do that.

  “What about helping me survive?”

  “We’ll get to that.”

  I was so frustrated by his non-answers. “What does that mean?”

  “It means first you need to submit to me.”

  “Fine. I submit. Now can you get me out of here?”

  He smiled. “That’s not what I mean.”

  “What do you mean, then?”

  “Last night you started to submit.”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  “Not while I was in here. After I left.”

  I blushed, suddenly embarrassed. I didn’t realize that he would have heard me, but of course he did, the walls were thin. I heard him moving around in the other room, of course he heard me moaning. He heard me moaning his name while I touched myself.

  I shouldn’t have cared. After all, this was my jailer, some mafia asshole that helped kill my family. I cared though, even despite everything I cared that this guy heard me.

  “It was the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard,” he said softly, leaning toward me. “You just couldn’t help yourself, could you?”

  “No,” I said, surprising myself. “I couldn’t stop myself.”

  “I know. You’re dripping wet right now, aren’t you?”

  I nodded once. Internally I was at war with myself, one half of me wanting to give in to this gorgeous stranger and the other half wanting me to scream and fight. That left me motionless and in his spell, totally pulled toward him and inexorably moving closer and closer.

  “Show me what you did last night,” he said softly.


  “Show me,” he said again, his gaze never leaving me. He was wearing gym shorts again and no shirt, and my eyes roamed down along his body. I felt the soaking warmth between my legs again, and I knew that I could easily reach down toward my pussy and feel how dripping wet I was.

  “Show me,” he repeated. “Show me what you did after I left. Show me what you did to make you moan my name. Show me.”

  I stared at him, mouth hanging open, and slowly moved my hand. I didn’t know what the hell I was doing as I slowly moved my fingers down the waistband of my shorts and down between my legs.

  “That’s right,” he said. “Show me what you did, you dirty fucking girl.”

  I found my wet pussy and pressed my fingers deep inside of myself. I tossed my head back, gasping, and then looked at him, my mouth hanging open.

  “Does that feel good?”

  “Yes,” I gasped.

  “Are you dripping wet right now because of me?”


  “Slide your fingers in and out of your pussy. Nice and slow now.”

  I did exactly as he asked, moaning softly. Desire ran through my body mixed with pleasure, and I couldn’t believe this was happening. I couldn’t believe I was touching myself for him, letting him watch, letting him command me. I didn’t know what had come over me, but just looking at him made me wet. I couldn’t resist as soon as he commanded me to show him what I did the night before.

  It was so fucking sexy. I couldn’t deny it to myself even if I wanted to. I was breathing deep and my heart was pounding because I was more excited to touch myself in front of Dante than I ever had been before.

  “Close your eyes,” he said. I obeyed, tipping my head back. “Slide your fingers now faster. Rub your swollen clit in circles. Do you like that?”

  “Yes,” I moaned as I touched myself.

  “Imagine that’s my tongue on your clit, lapping you up, licking every inch. Imagine me eating your pussy like you’ve never been touched before, my fingers inside of you, my tongue on your clit.”

  “Shit,” I gasped, dripping wet. Excitement burned through me as I fucked myself faster.

  “Picture your hips in my hands as I turn you, bend you over, and slowly slide my cock between your legs. Are you begging for it?”

  “Yes,” I moaned. “I’m begging for your cock.”

  “I’ll make you moan and moan my name as I slap your a
ss and slide myself deep inside of you. I’ll fill your pussy up as I fuck you like the dirty fucking slut you are.”

  “Yes,” I moaned. “I need it. I need to be fucked.”

  “That’s right. I’ll pull your hair and make you work your ass back against me, sliding up and down my big cock. Do you want me to destroy your pussy, fuck you rough until you can’t breathe?”

  “I need it,” I moaned, completely losing myself. I was totally in the fantasy as my fingers worked, slicking in and out with moisture.

  “I’ll turn you as you get close, spread your legs wide, and fuck you hard. I’ll tease your nipples, feel your breasts, and make you beg before you can come on my big cock. Do you want to spread your legs wide for me?”

  “Yes,” I moaned. “I need to. I need it.”

  I was so close. I could feel the orgasm hinting at the edges of my body, tensing my muscles, pushing me closer and closer.

  “Open your eyes,” he commanded. “Open them now.”

  I did. He was leaning toward me. He reached out and took my hair in his hand as I looked into his gorgeous blue eyes.

  “Come for me,” he whispered. “Come now, Jodie.”

  “Yes, fuck, Dante,” I moaned. He slowly pressed his thump inside my mouth as I finger-fucked myself faster and faster.

  The orgasm took me over, sending shockwaves rippling through my body. I came hard, harder than I ever had before, as Dante whispered encouragement, dirty, filthy encouragement. I bit down gently on his thumb then released it, moaning his name as he held my hair, pulling it firmly.

  Slowly, the orgasm passed. When I was finished, I collapsed back onto the mattress, breathing fast and deep. Dante stood up, smirking down at me.

  “You’ll submit soon,” he said, and without another word he left the room.

  I was alone again, panting, sweating, fingers slick, pussy dripping, body spent. I was confused, angry, sated, happy, and all of these feelings and emotions swirled around inside of me, conflicting with each other, pressing at my mind.

  I didn’t know what the hell I was doing or what I was thinking. I wanted Dante, wanted him badly. That orgasm was one of the most intense things of my life, and he hadn’t even touched me. He got me off with just his words, and that alone was so incredible.


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