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Black Obsidian

Page 19

by Victoria Quinn


  She didn’t get my joke, so I let it pass. “You’re a hard-ass, sweetheart.”

  “Am not. I just think everyone should reach their potential. And that player didn’t.”

  “I could picture you as a coach. All your players would hate you.”

  “They wouldn’t hate me if they won the finals.”

  I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and leaned in close to her. “Have you ever considered leaving charity work for professional sports?”

  “God, no. I know where I belong. I make a difference now, but I would never make a difference with these idiots.”

  I chuckled for the hundredth time that night. She was one of the few people who could make me laugh. Her sassiness was cute, and her attitude was somehow sexy. I liked it when she was confrontational. I wanted to fight with her, and I hoped she would bring the heat when we did. When I told her she was moving in with me, she resisted me at every step, but I couldn’t take advantage of that at the time. But when she was my sub, I would.

  I knew it was just a matter of time before it happened. She slapped me and enjoyed it. I could see the same fire and darkness in her eyes that I carried everywhere I went. It was in there—deep inside. And once she trusted me implicitly, I would pitch the idea to her. Or I would just give her a test drive.

  That blow job was an incredible experience, but I wanted her to have a more intense encounter. I wanted to tie her up to my bed, blindfold her, and put her at my mercy. I wanted to take her out of her comfort zone and push her so hard she broke—because she trusted me.

  She’d told me things she never told anyone else, and I did the same. It was only a matter of time before the real fun started. We were just days away from the four-week mark, and when that day arrived, I wouldn’t hold back. But I would have to stop myself from tying her up and not letting her go. In that case, she might think I was a little crazy.

  “Do you have any plans on Friday?”

  “Nope. I’m pretty boring.” She looked at me, her bruised eye covered with makeup. “Why?”

  “I thought we could have dinner.”

  “Yeah, that sounds nice.”

  “And then we can come back here and celebrate.”

  Her eyes didn’t change as she stared at me, and I knew exactly why.

  “We’ll open some wine and light some candles…” I pressed my lips to her ear and kissed her gently, letting my tongue glide along the shell before releasing a hot breath.

  She took a quiet breath, her nipples hardening in her shirt.

  “And then you’ll be mine.” My arms tightened around her because I wanted Friday to be now. I wanted to thrust deep inside her and deposit my cum somewhere besides her throat and her tits. I was eager for it, and I knew she was too. No woman sucked dick like that unless they wanted more of it—in different places.

  “Maybe we should skip the dinner…”

  I could feel the heat from her pussy without touching her. Her chest rose and fell with even breaths, and I knew her excitement was getting to her. She wanted to feel me buried deep inside her, stretching her until her pussy was completely molded around my length. She didn’t want a romantic date.

  She just wanted to fuck.

  And that was fine by me. “No dinner. Just sex.”


  I cupped her face and pressed a small kiss to her lips, restraining myself from doing anything more. If I laid her back against the cushions, I would lose control and fuck her right then and there.

  A quiet moan escaped her lips like she was thinking the same thing. She tucked her hair behind her ear, her eyes lidded with drunken horniness. “I’m gonna go to bed…”

  “Yeah, me too.” If I stayed with her any longer, I would jump the gun.

  And she wanted to jump the gun too.

  “Goodnight.” She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me instead of giving me a kiss. I knew she did it to control herself, but the affection somehow felt better. I loved feeling her small arms envelop my body. She hugged me like a teddy bear, her tits pressed against me, her nipples hard.

  The desire left my body as I held her, understanding just how small she really was. With skin softer than silk and eyes brighter than the stars, she wasn’t just some woman I was about to sleep with. In a strange way, she was something more. I felt like I was hugging a friend.

  My closest friend.



  The following two days were torture.

  They passed like quicksand, shifting inside the hourglass but never making any true progress. The seconds passed, but I always thought it was more than it truly was. When I glanced at the clock, only five minutes had gone by, but it felt like five hours.

  My afternoon at work was uneventful. I had a few meetings, lots of paperwork, and a few events pinned to my schedule. Despite all the action, my mind kept drifting back to that heathen who was about to share my bed.

  I couldn’t wait to be inside her.

  When she first told me I had to wait four weeks, I almost walked away. Guys like me didn’t wait for action. It usually came to us. But I wanted this woman in a way I didn’t want anyone else, so I toughed it out.

  And I was glad I did.

  I’d never felt this kind of excitement in my entire life. The anticipation, the buildup, was giving me chills. The fact that this woman had the power to make me wait and still keep my attention was beyond my understanding. Whatever she had, it obsessed me. I was sharing my house with her, and it didn’t even bother me. Isabella had never even come to my house, and I was with her for a year.

  Rome changed everything.

  When I came home from work, the tension was thick between us. I wanted to pin her to the couch and pound into her hard, feeling my balls slap against her ass while I claimed her as mine. When we were near the kitchen table, I wanted to do the same thing, and then eat my dinner off her as well.

  She was stiff around me, going out of her way not to touch me. She kept five feet between us at all times. The house felt like a greenhouse, hot and humid. We were both burning, anxious to fuck like the animals we were.

  Whenever I brushed her shoulder, she quickly moved away from me like she’d been zapped. Her breathing picked up, and her cheeks flushed. Her lips were slightly parted like her mouth needed my kiss.

  The only thing holding me back was my promise. I gave her my word, and I always kept my word. It was the only thing that gave me any kind of value. If I couldn’t trust myself, then my woman couldn’t trust me. And if she didn’t trust me…she would never see my playroom.

  I knew our first time together would be vanilla. I knew all the fucks we had after that would be vanilla too. But once the initial rush was over and she was innately comfortable around me, I would whip out the handcuffs and take them for a spin.

  And I’d finally make her the submissive she was meant to be.

  The moment I laid eyes on her, it was destined to happen. She didn’t have a choice. All this time, I’d been searching for the partner my body craved. I’d been biding my time and waiting for the perfect partner. While I didn’t believe in forever, I believed in monogamy.

  I knew I would never allow another man to touch her.


  On the last night before the big day, we sat on opposite sides of the couch. She sipped her wine and watched the game with the blanket pulled over her thighs. She didn’t wear makeup, her clothes were unnaturally baggy, and her hair was in a messy bun.

  I knew what she was doing.

  She was trying to be as unattractive as possible.

  But it was backfiring. I loved seeing her natural beauty. The bruises had faded away, and now her left eye sparkled just like the right one. Her hair was off the back of her neck so I could see just how slender her throat was. My hand could completely wrap around it, my fingers touching my palm. Her clothes hid her curves from view, but that didn’t change anything. I remembered exactly what was under there.
r />   Her brawl with the low-life thief terrified me because I feared for her safety, but her resilience and strength was such a turn-on—and for a very obvious reason. If she could handle that, she could handle anything I did to her. She would be nearly impossible to break. It would be the greatest challenge of my life. The longer I didn’t break her, the more I would want her. Since she wouldn’t, I would want her all my life.

  She finished her wine then placed the empty glass on the table. “I’m going to bed.”

  I wanted to go with her, but I’d waited this long, so I could wait a little longer. “Alright.”

  She looked at me like she might kiss me goodnight but thought better of it. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Sweet dreams, sweetheart.”

  Like she was trying to get away from me as quickly as possible, she darted out of the room and disappeared up the stairs.

  I stayed on the couch with the TV playing on the wall. My cock was hard in my jeans and impatient to get free. I hadn’t gotten any action for the past day, and I was eager for a release, but I wanted the real thing.

  I wanted Rome.

  So I kept my hands to myself and went to bed.

  The day finally arrived, and my cock was permanently hard. It knew what was coming and it was only a matter of time before I slid inside her slick, wet pussy. Her legs would wrap around my waist, and she would beg me to fuck her as hard as I could.

  And I’d oblige.

  I left for work much earlier than I normally would to avoid seeing her. As hard up as I was, I didn’t think I could keep my promise any longer. Technically, I wouldn’t be breaking it. But I didn’t want to fuck her then go to work right after. I wanted to have her all night and the rest of the weekend.

  I had flowers delivered, and I set them on the entryway table. Before she walked out to head to work, she would see them. They were deep red roses in a crystal vase. There were two dozen of them. Plump and full of life, they reminded me of her. So innocent and pure, but so sexual at the same time.

  I left a note.

  Tonight, you’re finally mine.

  I was the first one to arrive at the house.

  I went into the bedroom but didn’t strip off my suit like I normally would. By now, I would normally be in the shower, washing myself down and scrubbing my hair. Then I would get out and throw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

  But today, I kept the suit on.

  I sat at the edge of the bed and rested my elbows on my knees. The door was wide-open, and I listened for the sound of the front door opening on the first level. The curtains were closed over the windows because I didn’t want anyone to sneak a glance at her, to see that perfectly pale skin surrounding her pink tits.

  The bedside lamps were on for atmosphere, casting a dim glow throughout the bedroom. I could hear the heating system kick on and off as it tried to keep the equilibrium within the house. None of her things were in this bedroom, but I felt like I shared it with her anyway.

  After twenty minutes of waiting, my cock hard from thinking about what I would do with her, the front door finally opened. I could hear the heavy door close behind her. It was hardly noticeable, but I’d been living there for so long that I recognized every single sound of the place.

  A minute passed before her heels sounded up the stairs. She took her time, steeling her nerves before she arrived. She knew exactly where I was because her heels continued to clap against the hardwood floor, even when she passed her bedroom.

  I’d never relied on my sense of hearing so much. Like I was going into battle, I prepared for the event about to take place. My heart was beating fast, and my lungs ached to breathe deeper. My body wanted to spring into action and work up a sweat. My hands twitched to grab her, to snatch her by the hips and push her beneath me. My hips wanted to thrust hard against her, the head of my cock reaching her cervix because I impaled her with every inch of my cock. She didn’t know what a real fuck was before she met me. Now she would know how it felt to be with a real man—six feet and three inches of all man.

  She rounded the corner and stopped in the doorway, seeing me sitting at the edge of the bed. A black pencil skirt hugged her hips, and black stilettos were on her feet. No matter how much cash was in her back account, she dressed like a classy woman, priding herself on her elegance. Her hair had been curled that morning, and now they’d come loose. They were wavy, but that made it easier for my fingers to slide through. She wore a navy blue top with a gold necklace around her throat. Her makeup was heavier than usual, and just like I suspected, her cheeks were flushed pink.

  She stared at me with a mix of lust and hesitation, her arms resting by her sides. The pulse in her neck thudded wildly, adrenaline spiking directly into her heart. She was nervous, but she was excited above everything else.

  I rose to my feet without breaking her gaze. I finally looked down and stared at every inch of her perfection, treasuring the moment. I’d wanted to be inside her since the moment I spotted her in that bar. Every guy that night wanted the same thing.

  But I got to have her.

  I’d wined her and dined her. I treated her like a lady and gave her the respect she desired. When she wanted to talk, I listened. When she wanted to cuddle, I obliged. But now it was my turn to have what I wanted.

  My eyes drilled into her skin, and I felt the dominant side of me fight for control. I wanted to command her to do exactly as I asked. I wanted to demand she drop to her knees and suck me off until I was soaking wet from her saliva. I’d never struggled with my true self so much in my life.

  I had to stay under control.

  I walked across the room until I was face-to-face with her. I could feel the heat searing from her body as it burned for mine. Her eyes immediately lit up like stars in the deepening sky, twinkling with excitement. Her cheeks were pinker than they’d ever been before because her pussy wanted my cock so badly. Her breathing was uneven, out of whack and all over the place. My proximity made her nervous, but she enjoyed that feeling. “Thank you for the flowers.”

  Of all the things I expected her to say, that wasn’t one of them. I didn’t respond because I didn’t feel like talking. The only thing I wanted to do with my lips was kiss her. My hands couldn’t remain by my sides any longer, and I dug one hand into her hair and pulled her face to mine in a deep embrace.

  Immediately, she took a deep breath like I’d just burned her. Her lips froze like they couldn’t process the scorching burn. They hesitated in overload, my kiss throwing her off guard. But then she kissed me back with the same vigor and excitement. Her hands snaked up my arms until they rested on her favorite spot.

  I already felt myself unhinge. Immediately, I fell into the unbridled lust. My hands glided down her body, savoring the feeling of her hourglass frame. I felt the definition around her ribs and moved down to her waist, feeling the strong curve in her lower back. My fingers glided to her ass, and I squeezed her cheeks hard, claiming her.

  Her hands moved to my chest and undid every single button without stopping our kiss. Her kiss deepened as more buttons came loose. When the last one was finally open, she yanked the shirt off and almost ripped it in her haste.

  My shirt was on the ground, and her hands were against my chest. Her nails dug into me as she felt the intricate muscles of my skin. She dragged her fingertips across the skin, feeling every groove of my physique. Her hands migrated to my chest, and she sank her claws there too.

  I didn’t bother unbuttoning her shirt. Instead, I yanked it off harshly, and the cheap buttons at the front popped off. She didn’t seem to care that I ruined her shirt because she kissed me harder, practically panting into my mouth.

  My hand unclasped her bra then it fell down her arms until it hit the floor.

  I was in love with her tits. She had the nicest rack I’d ever seen. They weren’t enormous, but they were round and perky, proportional to her size and sexy as hell. I palmed one, and my thumb played with her nipple, moving over it so many times that it beg
an to pebble.

  She moaned into my mouth.

  Her reaction to me fueled my fire. She arched her back and pressed her body deeper into mine, practically begging me to take her. I gripped her tits harder and squeezed her nipple while I gave her my tongue.

  Her hands shot out to my waist and undid my belt with lightning speed. She released the button and yanked down the zipper, letting the slacks come loose and fall down my hips. She broke our kiss to move to her knees and pulled them down to my ankles. Her face found my crotch where my cock was outlined in my boxers. She looked up at me, her green eyes locked to mine, before she pressed a kiss to my shaft through the cotton.


  She grabbed my waistband and pulled my boxers off, letting my throbbing cock pop free. It immediately twitched when it knew it was so close to her mouth, right beside that smooth tongue it loved to slide against.

  She cupped my balls and massaged them gently before she closed her mouth over my cock, moving all the way down until her throat couldn’t handle another inch. She held her breath as long as she could before she pulled back and gasped for air. Her fingers continued to massage my balls like she was worshiping them.

  This was better than any fantasy I’d ever had.

  I fisted her hair then yanked her upward, silently commanding her to get to her feet.

  When she was standing in front of me again, I unzipped the back of her skirt and let it fall to the ground. She wore a black lacy thong, a sexy little number I’d never seen before. She must have picked it up on her lunch break, wanting to feel sexy tonight.

  I could have done that for her.

  I gripped the back of her thong and fisted it just the way I did to her hair. I pressed my face to hers but didn’t kiss her, choosing to stare at her lips instead. I loved the feel of her curved cheeks under my fingertips. She had the perkiest ass I’d ever seen, probably from walking ten floors to her apartment every single day. I couldn’t wait to fuck her in the ass, but that would have to wait for another time.

  I pulled the thong over her ass and down her legs. She was naked in front of me, wanting me to take her like I’d wanted since the moment I looked at her. I kissed her neck and her collarbone, nicking the skin with my need to devour her. My hands guided her to the bed, laying her down until her head hit one of my pillows. She was the first woman I’d ever fucked on my bed, and that knowledge was oddly erotic. The echoes of her moans would fill my bedroom forever, and I would live on those memories for even longer.


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