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Choosing America's Next Superstar

Page 8

by Jeff Erno

  As he began to doze off, he tried to not think about the guy in bed beside him, but when Corey sidled up to him, spooning behind him, his heart began to race. Corey wrapped his arm around Jimmy’s torso and then leaned in, whispering in his ear, “Thank you, Jimmy Sawyer. You’re a really good kisser.”

  And they slept.

  Chapter Five

  THE more of Jimmy that Corey saw, the more he liked him. When Jimmy had sung to him the night before, it hadn’t felt like Jimmy was just practicing for the competition. Corey felt that Jimmy was singing directly to him, and his heart had swelled. The rich, sensual tone of Jimmy’s deep voice had moved him, and it felt like his heart had literally melted.

  Jimmy must have felt it too. As Corey sang to him, Jimmy responded to his emotion. He responded in a way that was beyond anything Corey could have hoped for. That sweet, tender kiss had swept Corey right off his feet. Later, lying in bed with him, Corey had inhaled Jimmy’s clean, masculine scent. He was so sexy. So incredibly manly, with his broad shoulders and hard muscles. Jimmy had a body that wasn’t bulked up by weightlifting and steroids, but that was still tight and toned. Everything about him was straight out of Corey’s wet dreams.

  The way Jimmy walked, confidently with a firm, masculine stride, was enough alone to make Corey’s heart skip a beat. Add to that the deep baritone voice, the dark-brown eyes, the sexy smile—Jimmy was sex on legs.

  It didn’t matter to Corey that Jimmy was nothing like the other gay guys he’d met. Clearly he knew nothing about fashion. He wasn’t gossipy. Didn’t swish and sashay and tell snarky, campy jokes. Jimmy was the kind of guy who probably had never said an unkind word about anyone. It was like he looked for the good in others, assumed they were trustworthy.

  Perhaps that was naïve. Maybe Jimmy really was a hick who’d just fallen off the turnip truck, but Corey viewed him differently. Jimmy trusted other people because he himself was trustworthy. He was kind to other people because he was genuinely a good person, not because he was trying to manipulate others for his own personal gain. The way Jimmy had responded to Tristan was a case in point. Corey’s gut reaction was just to get rid of the kid. He was annoying and immature, but Jimmy had treated him with such patience and understanding. He’d even gotten up and covered the boy with a blanket and had sacrificed his own bed.

  Not that Corey was complaining. He hadn’t minded in the least sharing his bed with Jimmy. It was a little embarrassing when he awakened the next morning hard as a rock. He hoped Jimmy had not noticed his arousal. Corey climbed out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom. After his shower, he discovered the two other guys were awake.

  “Sorry I fell asleep,” Tristan said. “I didn’t mean to take Jimmy’s bed. Jimmy, why didn’t you wake me up? I could’ve gone back to my room.”

  Jimmy laughed and shrugged. “You were out like a light. Thought I should just let you sleep.”

  “Well, I better go back to my room now. I need to grab a shower before breakfast.”

  “Good luck today, kid,” Jimmy said with a wink.

  “Thanks, you too.” He then turned to Corey. “And you too, Corey. Thanks again.”

  “Come back after your shower. We’ll all go to breakfast together.”

  “Really?” Tristan said. “Okay, cool. See you in a few.”

  When Corey and Jimmy were at last alone in their room, the awkward silence was deafening. Corey was at a loss for words. He knew he should say something about what had happened, but he didn’t know what. It wasn’t a problem for long, because Jimmy hopped into the shower before Corey actually marshaled the courage to speak.

  When Jimmy stepped out of the bathroom, Corey at last mustered the courage to open his mouth. “So I guess that answers my question?”

  “Your question?” Jimmy repeated. He was rubbing his head vigorously with a towel.

  “When I asked if you were gay.”

  The grin on Jimmy’s face was priceless. Sort of a half smile, or smirk, and his hair was mussed… and he was wearing just a towel. Corey wanted to drop to his knees right then and there.

  “I guess it wasn’t such a good idea,” Jimmy said.

  “What wasn’t?”

  “What I did….”

  “You mean kissing me? That wasn’t a good idea?”

  “Yeah. Against the rules ’n all.”

  “There is nothing in the rules about kissing,” Corey insisted. “Just sex.”

  “And I don’t even know I can trust you. I mean, after what happened….”

  “I swear, Jimmy, you can trust me. And I’m not about to go broadcasting we’re gay. I’m not here to come out of the closet to the whole world. I came to sing and to win a competition.”

  “I like you,” Jimmy said. “You’re cute and sexy and funny. You’re really talented too, and I liked that you put up with Tristan last night. Most people would’ve just tried to get rid of him.”

  “I wanted to. I thought at first he was hitting on you.”

  Jimmy burst out laughing. “Dude, be serious.”

  “I am. I don’t know how you can’t see that he’s majorly crushing on you.”

  “Well, I kinda have that effect on guys, ya know.” Jimmy’s voice was dripping with sarcasm.

  “You really do.”

  “Tristan is scared. Alone in the big city, he’s homesick. If it were my kid brother in that situation, I’d be thankful if someone befriended him and looked out for him. That’s all I’m doing.”

  “So why’d you kiss me? After your speech yesterday… you know, when you said this wasn’t the time or place.”

  “’Cause I’m a darn fool,” Jimmy said. “’Cause there was this sexy, gorgeous guy standing right in front of me, and I… I just didn’t think. I just did it.”

  “And then we slept together.” Corey laughed.

  Still grinning, Jimmy shook his head. “I gotta get ready.”

  Corey crossed the room and grabbed hold of Jimmy’s face with both hands. He pressed his lips firmly against Jimmy’s, this time not a gentle little peck. Jimmy chased his kiss, pulling Corey into him. Their mouths opened, and their tongues met, as Jimmy guided Corey backward toward the bed. The next thing Corey knew, he was flat on his back with Jimmy atop him, and they were kissing passionately.

  Suddenly Jimmy pulled away.

  “I’m sorry,” he sputtered. “I’ve gotta get ready.” He jumped up and grabbed the clothes he’d laid out on his bed, then rushed back into the bathroom, where he slammed the door behind him.

  “We’ll talk more later,” Corey whispered.

  THE auditorium where they began the competition was next to the hotel. The doors did not open until the celebrity judges arrived in their limousines, which meant that all four hundred contestants were waiting outside. The camera crews were also there, filming conversations and conducting interviews.

  Jimmy carried his guitar case on his back as he followed Corey and Tristan into the crowd. When they spotted the fluorescent green Mohawk, they knew they’d found their friends. Jeremy had his arm around Teri, and Sam stood by, an unenthusiastic look on her face.

  “You okay?” Corey asked her.

  “Uh, could you ask me that again, a little quieter?”

  “Sam got a little carried away celebrating last night,” Teri explained.

  Sam’s voice was hoarse, and Jimmy couldn’t believe she’d do something like that right before the competition. “Sam, are you gonna be able to sing?”

  “Oh, I’ll sing,” she said. “I just need a little more water. Hopefully I don’t have to perform early this morning.”

  A few people around the edge of the crowd began to cheer, indicating they’d spotted the judges. One of the crew members stepped up and motioned for the crowd to separate, parting them like the Red Sea to create a path for the judges to enter the building. He then called someone on his cell phone, and seconds later the doors to the auditorium opened.

  Reuben was the first to get out of his limo. Wearing sunglasses and a st
one-faced expression, he walked briskly toward the door. He stopped for a moment when he got to Jimmy and his friends. “Good luck,” he said soberly, and then he continued inside.

  “Who was he talking to?” Corey asked.

  “I dunno. All of us, I guess,” Jimmy responded.

  As soon as the judge was inside the building, the doors were pulled shut.

  “I guess none of us get to go in until all the judges are here,” Tristan said.

  “Photo ops,” Jeremy explained. “They’ll take footage of each judge arriving and then splice them together, make it look the Oscars. The judges arriving in limos and walking down the red carpet.”

  Jimmy looked down, and sure enough, the runner leading to the front of the door was bright red. It was another fifteen minutes until the next judge arrived—Krystal. Tyler and Raymond followed closely behind. After all the judges were inside, the doors were opened for the contestants. As they entered, each of them was handed a program schedule.

  “Wow,” Corey said excitedly, “they have assigned everyone a time.”

  “It’s tentative,” Jeremy said. “They’re not likely to stick to it exactly, but at least it gives you an idea when you will be performing.”

  “I’m only the fifth name on this list!” Corey said.

  “Dude, you’re lucky,” Teri said. “You’ll have it over with quick.”

  “But… if I don’t make it through….”

  “You’ll make it,” Jimmy assured him. “At least the three of us are all on the Day One page.” He was referring to himself, Corey, and Tristan.

  “Oh, thank God,” Sam said. “I’m not scheduled till tomorrow. Can I go back to bed now?”

  “No!” the other four said in unison.

  “My mama always said, ‘If you’re gonna dance, you gotta pay the piper.’”

  They all laughed. “No offense to your mama, but that piper can kiss my ass,” Sam groaned.

  Teri and Sam were scheduled on the second day, and Jeremy was day three.

  “I might get moved up to day two if they make it through the round quicker than expected. They try to get them done a day early if possible. Corey, you’re gonna be in the first group. They’ll call like the first ten people backstage and get you set up. The judges will do like two or three groups and then take a break.”

  “Oh my God, I’m so nervous,” Corey said.

  Jimmy reached up and rested his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “You’re gonna do great. Just sing like you did last night, and you’ll be fine.”

  It was another twenty minutes before everyone was in the auditorium. Many of the contestants were still milling about and socializing when Margaret Billings stepped on the stage and addressed the crowd. “Everyone please take your seats,” she said authoritatively. “I trust that everyone received a program schedule. We’ll begin by having the first ten contestants come backstage. When we get to the fifth contestant on the list, the next group of ten will begin prepping. Be respectful of your fellow contestants. There is no talking or rehearsing allowed in the auditorium during performances. Each contestant will be given their results immediately following their performance. Those who do not make it through to the next round will have twenty-four hours to check out of the hotel. Those who do make it through are encouraged to remain in the auditorium and be supportive of the remaining contestants. Good luck to everyone. Without further ado, let’s begin with the first ten performers.”

  Jimmy reached down and grabbed Corey’s hand, squeezing it. “Good luck, man.”

  “Thanks,” he said, and then he headed down the aisle toward the front of the auditorium.

  “You like him, don’t you,” Tristan whispered into Jimmy’s ear.

  Jimmy turned to the shorter boy, smiling. “Sure, don’t you?”

  “Yeah… but not like that.” The kid must’ve seen Jimmy holding Corey’s hand. Jimmy didn’t know exactly what to say. “It’s cool,” Tristan said, “I won’t say anything to anyone.”

  “Thanks,” Jimmy said, winking at him.

  Ten minutes later, the first contestant was on stage. It was a girl named Brianna, and she was extremely nervous. Sadly, she botched her song, beginning in the wrong key and then forgetting some of the lyrics.

  “That was painful,” Reuben chastised her. “I’ve heard lounge singers that weren’t half as bad.”

  The entire crowd groaned at his remarks, and Jimmy empathized with the poor girl. She must be mortified. Krystal was much nicer. “Sweetie, I’m sorry. You were just so nervous, but that’s a part of entertainment. You have to be able to rise above your emotions.”

  Needless to say, she was voted off by unanimous decision.

  The next two contestants fared much better, both making it through. Contestant four did okay, but he was a little pitchy. He didn’t make it. At last it was time for Corey.

  “Corey Dunham,” Raymond said, as Corey stepped to center stage. “What’ll you be singing today?”

  “‘Flying Without Wings’,” Corey said confidently, and then he began to sing.

  As he reached the climax of the song, he moved closer to the edge of the stage, stretching his arms wide and belting out the powerful lyrics. The crowd began to applaud as he hit his high note, and soon everyone was on their feet, giving him a standing ovation.

  Even the judges stood, well, three of them, anyway. “Beautiful!” Krystal exclaimed. “Corey, that was absolutely amazing.”

  “Dude, you set the bar! You’re in it to win it!” Raymond shouted.

  Tyler leaned into his microphone, flipping his long hair to the side, “Man, that was incredible,” he said in his raspy voice. “You definitely can sing.”

  Reuben sat there with his arms crossed. “Well,” Krystal said to him, “give us your words of wisdom, oh mighty Reuben.”

  “It was okay,” he said, “though a bit karaoke. Corey, if you want to be taken seriously in this competition, you’re going to have to give a memorable performance. What I saw here today was nothing more than a rehashing of a 1980s boy band.”

  Krystal reached over and slapped Reuben on the shoulder. “Don’t listen to him,” she shouted into her mic. “Corey, you were magnificent!”

  The crowd applauded and cheered.

  “Let’s vote,” Krystal said. “I say yes.”


  “Hell yes!”

  “Very well,” Reuben conceded, “you’re through to the next round.”

  “Thank you! Thank you so much!” Corey exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air before heading offstage.

  “I MADE it through!” Corey shouted into his cell phone.

  On the other end of the line, Megan squealed delightedly. “I knew you’d make it! Now what?”

  “Now it’s on to group competition, which will be Thursday.”

  “You got a group picked out yet?”

  “Sort of. Remember that guy from Kentucky? Jimmy. The one who’s brother was sick?”

  “Uh, yeah, of course I remember.” Corey wondered if it was a tinge of guilt he was hearing in her voice. “What about him?”

  “Well, he’s my roommate, and if he makes it through, we’re gonna be in group together.”

  “Oh my God,” she gasped. “Corey, be careful!”

  “What do ya mean?”

  “After what happened in Detroit, I wouldn’t trust him.”

  Corey couldn’t believe what he was hearing from his best friend. “Jimmy didn’t do anything back in Detroit. If anyone should be leery, it should be him. We were the ones who knifed him in the back… and ya know what? I feel like shit about it. I’m just glad I had a chance to make it up to him.”

  “Hold on a minute,” she said. “You didn’t do anything to that kid, and neither did I. We just did what we had to do to get you an audition.”

  “I don’t know. He got an audition and made it through, and he didn’t have to lie about it.”

  “Let’s not argue, okay? I’m just happy you made it through! All I’m asking i
s that you watch your back.”

  “Thanks,” Corey said, “but I don’t think I’ve got anything to worry about, not with Jimmy. He’s a great guy, and he’d never betray me.”

  “Did you call your mom yet?”

  “I’m doing that next. I just stepped outside to call you. Then I’m going back in to watch some more of the competition.”

  “Okay, baby. Good luck in group, and let me know. I can’t wait to tell everyone you made it through the first round.”

  “Love you.”

  “Love ya too, sugar.”

  Corey ended the call and turned around, nearly crashing into Jimmy, who was suddenly standing behind him. “Oh,” Corey said, “how long have you been standing here?”

  “Long enough,” he said. Jimmy reached out and placed his hand on Corey’s arm. “That was a nice thing you said about me.”

  “Well, it was true.”

  “But you didn’t tell her everything.”

  “You mean about us? About us kissing?”

  Jimmy just smiled.

  “Megan’s got a big mouth. When I’m ready to tell the whole world about something, I just tell her. She doesn’t need to know every detail of my life.”

  “Now you can relax,” Jimmy said. “For a day or two, anyway. It’s my turn to be nervous.”

  “Well, if they liked me, they’re gonna love you,” Corey said.

  And Corey was absolutely right. The judges did love Jimmy, and even Reuben was kind in his remarks. Though Reuben had previously made no bones about the fact that he didn’t particularly like country music, he couldn’t deny that Jimmy’s performance was spectacular.

  It was when Tristan took the stage and began to sing that Corey held his breath. The kid definitely had a fantastic voice, but it was obvious he was extremely nervous. At one point during his performance, he faltered, and Corey feared it would be his demise.

  Raymond immediately voted no. Tyler was undecided, and Krystal voted yes. The deciding vote went to Reuben. “Not the best song choice,” he said, “but you have the stage presence and the voice. I vote yes.”


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