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Feels So Right, It Must Be Wrong 2

Page 3

by Charmanie Saquea

  Khyree watched the two and was getting heated by the second. The only reason he hadn't said anything yet was because Symir had asked him not to say anything to Knowledge while on this trip. "What's wrong with Asia?"

  "She's just a little sick. Nothing major, I hope," Symir answered.

  ~ ~ ~

  Ten hours later, they landed in Rome. Vinny, who just so happened to be Symir's connect, was visiting his home country and had everything laid out for them when they got there. He had two Rolls Royce Phantoms waiting form them when they arrived.

  "This is beautiful," Nika gushed as they were driving.

  "It is, huh?" Symir agreed. Those two were in one car along with Khyree, while Asia, Knowledge, and Cole were in the other car.

  Asia was still feeling a little sick so she couldn't even enjoy the scenery. She had her head in Knowledge's lap as she slept. He ran his fingers through her hair has his other hand rested on her stomach. He hated that she sick. He was hoping it was only a bug or something and she would be back to herself in the morning.

  They pulled up to Vinny's estate and Cole was like a kid in the candy shop. He had never been outside of the state of Florida, let alone out of the country. Ever since he had been down with Symir he had experienced some things he never thought he would.

  "Asia, wake up. We're here," Knowledge said.

  Asia lifted up and looked at her surroundings. This was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. "Wow," she said in awe.

  "This shit is bad, huh?" Cole said in admiration.

  "Hell yea," she said as they got out the car. Asia's house was big, but it ain't have shit on this. The mansion looked like it was sitting on fifty football fields of land. If her body wasn't so weak right now, she would have taken off running.

  Three men dressed like butlers came out and removed all the bags from the cars. "We have very strict orders from Mr. Vinito to make sure your stay here is as pleasant as possible," one of the butlers said in a strong Italian accent.

  "Thank you. Can you show my sister to her room now because she isn't feeling too well and she needs to lay down," Symir said.

  "Right this way, ma'am." He smiled.

  Asia followed behind him as they walked into the lavish house. The ceiling was so high up that she almost fell back just trying to look at it. The floors were so clean that she could see her own reflection in them. He led her up the circular stairway to a long hallway with about ten rooms. Hers was at the end of the hall.

  He opened the door for her and Asia gasped. The room was beyond beautiful. It had a floor to ceiling window, its own personal living room, a big sleigh bed and adjoining bathroom. She walked over to the bed and laid down. It was so soft, it felt like it was made of nothing but feathers. She hurried to get undressed before climbing under the covers.

  As soon as her head hit the pillow, there was a knock at the door. "Come in, Knowledge," she said, knowing it wasn't anyone but him.

  He walked in with a smile. "You didn't waste no time did you?" he said as he walked over to the bed and laid on her.

  Asia laughed while trying to roll him off of her. "Move, before I throw up on you. My baby don't want all that weight on her."

  "Shit," he cussed. "You're right," he said as he rolled off her and kicked his shoes off. He took off his shirt and put it on a chair that was sitting in the room and put his pants with it. He walked back over to the bed and crawled under the covers with Asia. "You feel better?"

  "A little. I just feel weak now."

  He scooted down so he was laying on her chest and ran his hand over her stomach while she ran her fingers through his short hair. "See, this is how it's supposed to be," he said.

  "What?" she asked.

  "This, us. This is how we're supposed to be. We should be laying with each other like this every night."

  "How, when you already have a fiancé at home? You should be doing this with her, not me."

  He looked up at her with serious eyes. "What if I don't wanna do this with her? I can't lie and say that I don't still have love for her, but I'm not in love with her anymore. I know you want us to be together just like I do, so I been thinking about moving out of the house. I know that will make you happy."

  Asia sat up and looked at him sideways. "Are you serious right now?"

  "What I do?" He shrugged.

  "Look, Knowledge, I don't want you doing something just because you feel like that's what I want. I want you to do it because that's what you want. I want you to do it because you feel in your heart that it's the right thing to do."

  Knowledge had a new found respect for Asia. Not one time had she ever talked down on or bad about Chelsea. She never was trying to throw the fact that she was carrying his child in his face as a way to make him want to be with her. She was being very mature and patient about the situation.

  "Why do you always do that?" he asked.

  "Do what?"

  "It's like you want me to be with her. Every time I bring us up, you bring her up," he said.

  "Because I want you to think this thing through very clearly. She was there way before you even knew who I was and not only are her feelings involved, but you also have to think about your daughter. So please, do me a favor and don't make any sudden moves without thinking it through," Asia said.

  Knowledge just laid back down and pulled Asia close to him. He had already made up in his mind what he was going to do. He and Chelsea didn't have to be together for them to raise Serenity together. There was nothing wrong with them being parents without being together.


  Symir was lying in bed with Anika just thinking about how beautiful she was. He was watching her sleep, amazed at how the drug use didn't mess up her beauty. He ran his fingers through her hair while placing butterfly kisses on her face.

  "What a wonderful way to be woke up," Nika said softly.

  "I had another way in mind, but I went the easier route." He smiled.

  "I bet." She smiled as she stretched.

  "So what do you wanna do today? It's our last day alone before Ma comes with the kids," Symir said.

  "Hmmm..." Nika said as she straddled him. "I have an idea." She smiled.

  Symir was about to say something but was cut short by his cell phone ringing. He looked over and noticed it was Mickey calling. "What's up, Mick?"

  "Man, we have a problem. Last night, two houses were cleaned out," Mickey said.

  Symir sat up at the news. "What you mean? Everything was wiped out?" he asked.

  "I mean completely. I been trying to call Cordae, but somebody said he was with y'all."

  "Nah Mick, that nigga ain't with me. He said he had some other shit to take care of so he couldn't come," Symir said as he rubbed his head.

  "Something don't seem right to me because he was the one who was supposed to be picking the shit up because you know we don't leave nothing there, but he went MIA last night. Now I'm not trying to say ya boy a snake or nothing, but something just don't seem right to me," Mickey explained.

  Symir would be lying if he said he didn't think the same thing. "I feel you on this one, Mick. Just see what you can find out and hit me back ASAP." Symir said before hanging up the phone. Shit like this stressed him out. For a while now, he had been getting a funny vibe from Cordae, but he never spoke on it. He was starting to think his sister was right about Cordae being a bitch.

  "I'll be right back," he said to Nika as he left the room.

  He went down the hall to the room that Knowledge was supposed to be sleeping in, but he wasn't there. "I don't know why I went to that room knowing that nigga wasn't in there," he said out loud to himself.

  His next stop was to his sister’s room where he knew he would find him. He knocked on the door and Asia told him to come in. Asia was laying on the bed and Knowledge was getting dressed. "Yo, you heard from ya boy?" he asked Knowledge.



  Knowledge shook his head. "Not recently. He been on some other shit. Why, was

  "Mickey said we took two losses last night because that nigga didn't go clean house like he was supposed to. He told somebody that he was coming on this trip with us, which you obviously see ain't true. Mick said he think Cordae on some snake shit and right about now, I agree with him," Symir said.

  Asia jumped off the bed. "See, I told you! I been knew that nigga was bitch made, you should have let me out a bullet in him a long time ago. I knew he was on some other shit when he told me Knowledge..." She stopped, realizing she was about to say too much.

  "Knowledge what?" Both Symir and Knowledge asked at the same time.

  "Dammit," Asia cussed. "He came the house the day before I found out I was pregnant and told me that Knowledge had a fiancé and she was pregnant."

  Knowledge was pissed. "Oh, word?" he asked. "Why you ain't tell me?"

  “Because I didn't want to believe it at first, but he clearly wasn't lying.”

  Symir just shook his head and backed out of the room. He was not about to stay around for the argument he knew was about to happen. As he walked away, he dialed Cordae’s number. Just as he thought it would, the phone went straight to voicemail.

  “Call me when you get this, you know who this is,” Symir said before hanging up.

  He came on this vacation to have a good time so he was going to leave the bullshit where it was at. He had better things to worry about but he knew one thing, Cordae better not be on no bullshit or it was going to be some serious problems.

  ~ ~ ~

  Cordae had been on some other shit since Symir had left. For the life of him, he couldn't understand why he would want to marry a damn dope fiend. In his mind, once a person got addicted to that shit, they would always be addicted to it.

  Cordae was executing a plan that would make Symir’s empire his. Truth be told, it was rightfully his anyways. One day when he was out to Symir’s house, he was looking through the drawers in his office for some papers that Symir wanted. He came across some very valuable information that had struck a couple of nerves.

  This information gave him all the ammunition he needed to take over the throne. He knew all of Symir’s moves and plays, so in his eyes, it would be a piece of cake to take over. He pressed the button to hear the message that was left on his voicemail and smirked when he realized it was Symir.

  “I'll call you back when I feel like it,” Cordae said out loud to himself.

  “So what you gon do?” Linx asked as he sat in Cordae’s passenger seat.

  “First, I'm going to call my bitch ass brother and put him up on game. If his head is in the right place, then this plan will be even better. I just need for him to stop fucking with Asia,” explained Cordae.

  “If he didn't stop fucking with her when you gave his bitch that letter, I doubt he’ll stop fucking with her now,” Linx said.

  Cordae looked over at Linx like he wanted to slap the shit out of him. Sometimes he hated that fact that they were related. “Yo, shut the fuck up! That bitch is basically the enemy now, so he has no fucking choice. The only thing yo ass needs to be worried about is that fucking wired jaw Symir gave yo ass.”

  “That shit wasn't cool. You stood there and let that nigga do this shit,” Linx said with an attitude.

  “You deserved the shit. I don't know how many times I gotta tell you that you don't beat on females. Now get yo ass out my car,” Cordae spat as he hit the unlock button.


  Crystal, Nita and the kids had arrived safely in Rome. Tonight was the night that Symir would be asking Anika to marry him, but now it was time to have fun. Asia was happy for her brother. She knew there wasn't another female on this green earth that could take Anika’s place. When Anika had gotten strung out, Symir didn't even look at another woman, let alone entertain one.

  Tired of sitting in her room all day and dealing with her worrisome baby daddies, Asia went to look for Cole so that they could kick it. Cole had taken on the role as the little brother she never had and they always had fun and good laughs together.

  She walked down to the other end of the hall and knocked on his door. Cole came to the door shirtless and Asia chuckled. “Boy, put that bird’s chest away.”

  “Why you always hating, Asia?” Cole smiled.

  “I'm just messing with you. I'm bored so I came to see what you were up to. Plus, I'm tired of dealing with Khyree and Knowledge.” Asia rolled her eyes.

  “I bet,” Cole laughed. “But I'm just chilling and drawing.”

  Asia got excited at the mention of him drawing. Cole was talented to say the least. His artistic abilities are beautiful.

  “What you drawing?” Asia asked as she sat on his bed Indian style.

  “It's a surprise, but I'll show you a sneak peek,” he said as he showed her his current masterpiece.

  Asia looked at it and gasped. It was a drawing of her that she had no idea he was working on. “Little brother, you are the shit!” Asia exclaimed. “This beautiful.”

  “Thanks. I'm glad you like it.” Cole blushed.

  “One thing though. My head is not that big,” Asia pointed out.

  “Actually, I shrunk it so you wouldn't feel so bad. It's really bigger than this.”

  Asia took a pillow and threw it at his head. “Stop playing me.”

  “You better be glad you're pregnant,” laughed Cole.

  “Or what?” Asia challenged.

  “Or else I would have beat yo ass!”

  “Whatever boy, you need to get dressed so we can go down to the pool. We are way too young to be cooped up in some damn rooms. We are in Rome, you know,” Asia said as she laid back on his bed.

  Cole gave her a funny look. “Is it okay for you to get in the pool?”

  “Sure. I just can't get in a hot tub. I need to show off this beach body while I still have one.”

  Ten minutes later, Asia was floating in the pool with Symare and Sasha. It had only been a few days, but she missed her two babies so much and it was clear that they had missed her too.

  “Did you two have fun on the airplane with granny?” Asia asked her son and niece.

  “Yes, TT, I was way up in the clouds. It was so fun. Me and Mare played games on our iPads and we weren't even scared,” Sasha answered excitedly.

  “Really? Mommy’s big boy didn't cry?”

  “No, mommy!” Symare smiled.

  “Good boy. Mommy’s proud of you. Now give me some kisses.” Symare grabbed Asia’s face before kissing her. She then turned to Sasha who kissed both her cheeks.

  “Hi, Uncle Knowledge!” Sasha yelled.

  “What's up, baby girl? How you doing?”

  “I'm good, just kicking it with my TT.”

  “I see,” Knowledge smiled. “Do you mind if I steal her for a second?”

  “No, it's okay. Me and Mare are going to see what my daddy doing,” Sasha said as the two little ones climbed out go the pool.

  Knowledge sat on the edge of the pool as Asia saw over to him. “What's up?” she asked as she swam to the edge of the pool so that her body was directly between his legs.

  “Did you feed my baby today?” asked Knowledge.

  “I'm not really hungry, but I will in a minute.” Asia shrugged.

  Knowledge pushed Asia back a little as he slid in the pool. He pulled Asia to him by her hips and she wrapped her arms around his neck and legs around his waist.

  “I hate when you do that,” said Asia.

  “Do what?”

  “Make me like you or make me want to kiss your lips.” She smiled.

  “And I hate when you do that,” Knowledge retorted.

  “Do what?”

  “Tease me,” he answered as he inserted a finger inside her.

  “Omari,” she moaned.

  Knowledge truly hated being called by his first name but loved it whenever Asia called him Omari. He placed light kisses on her neck as he treaded water. “See, I don’t know why you be playing like you don’t want me.”

  Asia was about to open her mouth
to speak but stopped dead in her tracks when she heard her name being yelled. “Asia! Get out the pool now!”

  She turned to see Khyree walking towards the pool with a funny look on his face. “What’s wrong?” Asia asked, concerned.

  “Just get out the fucking pool!”

  Without another word, Asia got out of the pool, leaving Knowledge there with an unhappy look on his face. She was wondering what the hell was wrong with Khyree as she walked over to him.

  “What’s wrong, Khy?” she asked.

  He grabbed her by her arm and pulled her close to him. “We need to talk.”

  “Okay, about…“

  Asia’s sentence was cut off when Knowledge walked over to them. “I think you need to get your hands off her,” he said.

  “Whoa, Omari, chill,” Asia said, trying to defuse the situation before it got out of hand.

  “Yea, do like she said and chill. I’m trying to have a conversation with the mother of my child and that doesn’t concern you,” Khyree said through gritted teeth.

  “Khy, calm down.”

  “I’m saying though. Go tell this nigga to go sit the fuck down somewhere and mind his own business.”

  Before Asia knew what was happening, Knowledge had swung on Khyree and a full blown fight between the two had broken out. She moved away from them so she wouldn’t get hit. “Are you two fucking serious right now?” Asia yelled.

  Symir and Cole just so happened to be in the kitchen with Crystal and Anika when they heard Asia yelling. The two men ran out of the house to see what the commotion was all about. “Oh shit!” Symir yelled as he took off running in their direction.

  The two men were going tit for tat and looked as if they were trying to knock each other’s head off. “Aight, y’all, chill the fuck out!” Symir yelled as he grabbed Khyree while Cole held Knowledge back.

  “Now what the fuck happened?” Symir asked as he looked from Khyree to Knowledge.

  “That bitch hit me,” Khyree said as he wiped his bloody lip.


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