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Knowledge Protects

Page 11

by D. S. Williams

  “I feel fine,” I muttered mutinously, “and I want you to make love to me. I want you to touch me, the way I know you want to.” To prove my point, I snaked my hand up over his chest, rubbing a thumb across one hard nipple and Conal groaned.

  He didn't speak again, instead drawing me closer and kissing me repeatedly, his lips grazing across my cheek when he whispered. “You're absolutely certain?”

  Breathlessly, I wrenched his t-shirt from the waistband of his jeans and brushed my fingers up across rock hard muscle until I reached the nipple I'd been playing with through the fabric. Circling it lazily with a fingertip, I gazed up at him. “Positive.”

  Conal pushed the detritus of our meal into a pile and shoved it all to one side, before he drew me into his lap, kissing me deeply. He drew a path from my lips, down over my throat, his lips brushing across the sensitive skin at my collarbone.

  I returned his kiss feverishly, tugging at his t-shirt until Conal helped by ripping it off himself, leaving his chest and abdomen exposed to my gaze. He drew me back into his arms and kissed me repeatedly, laying me on the blanket before he laid down beside me, his eyes filled with fire. “I love you, Charlotte,” he whispered.

  “I love you, too,” I whispered back.

  With exquisite tenderness, Conal and I began a slow and thorough examination of one another's bodies, our movements unhurried as we explored. Conal was extraordinarily patient, his touch gentle.

  “Charlotte, relax.” Conal murmured against my ear when his hand slipped down towards the button on my jeans and I cringed. He stopped moving instantly. “You only have to say the word, and I'll stop. I won't do anything to hurt you, or frighten you. I swear to Christ I won't.”

  “I don't want you to stop,” I said quietly. “I want you, Conal.”

  With a growl, he dropped his mouth over mine, kissing me deeply and as his fingers roamed across my skin, the warmth of his touch seared my skin, my heart… and my soul.

  Chapter 15: Trust

  Darkness had fallen over the landscape by the time we walked back towards the encampment, Conal's arm draped around my back, the picnic basket in his other hand.

  I groaned, the heat of a blush suffusing my cheeks.

  “What's up?” Conal questioned, dropping a kiss on the top of my head.

  “I forgot all about Nissa and the others.”

  I couldn't see Conal's face, but I heard the smile in his voice. “Relax, Sugar. Once I met up with you, they went back to the camp. Nobody's any the wiser.”

  “I bet Ripley is,” I muttered.

  “I'm sure he tuned out as soon as he figured out what we were doing up there,” Conal suggested. “Just like the spirits said they would.”

  The blush grew. “I was so caught up in the moment, I didn't even shut them away.”

  Conal chuckled. “Charlotte, don't worry about it.” He stopped walking and leaned down to kiss my lips. “We both got caught up in a pretty special moment. The spirits can watch out for themselves.”

  With a sigh, I decided I might as well agree with him. What had happened was over and it was too late to worry about it now. And I didn't want to. What I'd shared with Conal up on the mountain had been glorious – an event I would never forget.

  We walked into camp and Conal dropped his arm from my waist, interlinking his fingers with mine. “Let's take this picnic basket to Nonny and then head back to my tent.”

  “There you are!” Epi announced when we entered the mess, his eyes bright with enthusiasm. “Jerome told me you'd been released this morning, but I haven't had an opportunity to see you all day.” Behind Epi, I spied Gabrielle and she offered me a warm smile just before she stepped forward to hug me.

  “You've got twigs in your hair,” she whispered in my ear.

  I was positive she knew what Conal and I had been doing and my cheeks heated again, as I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to dislodge the evidence.

  “What's up?” Conal questioned.

  “Come and sit down, we'd like to talk to you,” Epi announced.

  Conal deposited the basket with Nonny and I caught her delighted grin when she checked the contents. Conal came back to the table with two coffee mugs balanced in one hand, and a plate of brownies in the other. “Nonny's so impressed by how much you ate; she thinks you might be hungry again.” He pushed the plate towards me. “White chocolate brownies.”

  Admittedly, I was hungry, and I snatched one of the brownies from the plate, savoring the delicious chewiness. Swallowing it down, I turned to Epi. “What do you want to talk about?”

  Epi turned his attention to Gabrielle, a bright grin on his lips. Their enthusiasm for whatever news they had was obvious. Gabrielle reached into the pocket of her trousers and passed me a small box. “This is for you.”

  Inside the box, a pendant hung from a delicate leather strap, laying on the black velvet insert. The pendant appeared to have been created from a gem of some description, sparkling beneath the mess lights. Cut with facets like a diamond, it was the pure white of freshly fallen snowflakes, but as I watched, the surface sparkles with a multitude of other colors. “What is it?”

  “Gabrielle and the other witches created it,” Epi announced smugly, watching Gabrielle place the pendant around my neck. “A thoroughly brilliant plan, I might add. It is an enchanted gemstone, which will thwart Archangelo's attempts to locate you through the nightmares.”

  “How's that gonna work?” Conal questioned.

  “We have placed safeguards within the gem, powerful magic which will protect the wearer,” Gabrielle explained. “It will block Archangelo from seeing you when he takes the sleep potion. He will remain in darkness, as though he doesn't dream at all.”

  “Seriously?” The concept seemed unbelievable.

  Gabrielle nodded and took the chair beside me. “You must wear it constantly, never remove it. Archangelo will be able to see nothing while you are protected by the stone.” She patted my arm. “It will keep everyone safer, but it will also safeguard you against being attacked in your nightmares, as Archangelo did before your abduction.”

  “Will Charlotte still be able to see him?” Conal asked.

  Gabrielle nodded. “Although it would be lovely if Charlotte didn't need to endure the nightmares, it's important that she's kept updated regarding the Drâghici and Aethelwine's actions.”

  “I agree,” I said, fingering the pendant. “I have to know what they're doing, but if they can't see me…” I glanced up into Conal's dark eyes and saw my relief reflected in his.

  “…that asshole can't locate you, attack you when we're not expecting it,” Conal finished. He rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. “Thanks, Gabby. It's a brilliant idea.”

  “You're certain it'll work?” I questioned. While the idea seemed amazing, I didn't want to discover that the witches' magic had failed during a nightmare.

  “Absolutely. We have all joined together and poured our combined powers into creating it. I'm positive it will work.” Gabrielle rubbed her index finger over the pendant. “The only thing I'm worried about, is Archangelo's reaction when he discovers he can no longer see you.”

  “I don't care,” I announced. “It means you're all safer because he doesn't know what we're doing.” I wrapped Gabrielle in a grateful hug. “Thank you.”

  “You're welcome.” Leaning back in her seat, Gabrielle's focus shifted to the empty space above my head. “Your aura is looking a little better, there's a tiny bit of happiness creeping in among the grief and anger.”

  Conal and I exchanged a glance, and desire flared in his eyes. “I guess that's progress.”

  She smiled wistfully. “It's wonderful to have the real Charlotte back, we missed you terribly.”

  “It's nice to be back.”

  Epi crossed his arms, leaning against them on the table. “We will do our best to return your baby to you, Charlotte.”

  I shook my head sadly. “I'm not really sure what we can do. I don't think it's a good idea to have p
eople sneaking in and out of the Realm. Lucas assures me he's alive, but we have no way of knowing where he's being held…” my voice tapered off when an idea occurred to me. “Gabrielle, you told me once you could see my connection to Conal and the baby – that there were connecting strands between him and my family and friends – through our auras. Can you still see that link?”

  Gabrielle shook her head. “I'm sorry, Charlotte, I haven't been able to see the baby's aura interlinking with yours, not since you returned.”

  “I know he's alive,” I stated stubbornly.

  Gabrielle nodded. “I have no doubt you're correct. But my ability relies on proximity to the people involved. Auras are not a never-ending ribbon through time and space.”

  “How close would you need to be, before you could see the connection?” Conal questioned. He leaned forward in his chair, clearly understanding where my questions were leading.

  Gabrielle shrugged delicately. “To be honest, I've never tested it.”

  “But it may be possible?” Epi said. “Given that we could get you close enough – you believe you could pick up the link?”

  Gabrielle screwed up her nose, thinking carefully before she responded. “It is possible.”

  I grinned. “We need to go to the Realm and find him.”

  Conal placed a warning hand on my shoulder. “Whoa, Sugar. There's no way on God's good earth that I'm letting you go back into the Realm.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “I have to get my baby.”

  “You are not going back to the Realm, and that's final,” Conal growled.

  “Conal, he's my baby,” I retorted, “and if I have to go to the Realm to get him, that's what I'm going to do!”

  “Might I suggest we step back for a moment and consider this using more logic, less emotion,” Epi suggested calmly, switching his gaze from Conal's hard expression to my own.

  Conal exhaled slowly. “You're right, old man. If,” he eyed me determinedly, “we're going to consider this idea, we need to think it through carefully before we put it into motion.”

  “I need to get my baby back,” I repeated.

  The harsh lines in Conal's face softened, his eyes filling with compassion. “I give you my word, Sugar, we'll get him back if it's humanly possible.” He turned his attention to Epi. “What do you think, old man?”

  Epi scratched at the tip of his nose, studying me over the top of his glasses. “I believe Charlotte is correct, we must retrieve her baby from the Drâghici. Common sense dictates the baby will be heavily guarded. Perhaps our first step should be to have Charlotte speak to Nememiah and ask for his assistance.”

  Three pairs of eyes turned to me in unison and I rolled my own. “All right. I'll talk to Nememiah. But I'm not expecting any help.”

  Epi got to his feet. “I'll arrange for the council to meet first thing in the morning to discuss our next move.” He hurried away from the mess and I returned my attention to Gabrielle and Conal.

  “You seem apprehensive about contacting Nememiah,” Gabrielle suggested.

  I shrugged, picking at my fingernails. “Nememiah never makes anything easy. There are no simple solutions, and he'll tell me I need to forget about my baby and continue fighting the war. I can't do that.”

  “You don't want to consider what Lucas suggested?” I met Gabrielle's eyes with undisguised surprise and she shrugged. “Ripley told us about the proposal Lucas had made this afternoon,” she explained.

  I huffed out an annoyed breath. “Ripley needs to start minding his own business,” I erupted bitterly.

  “He's only doing what I requested,” Conal stated. “You've been so closed up since we got you back. It was my orders that he keep an eye on you, keep us informed about what you're thinking.”

  A wellspring of anger flared instantly, leaving me struggling to control my reactions. “You told him to spy on me?”

  Conal watched me calmly. “Charlotte, you haven't exactly been normal since you got back. It's fully understandable, given what you've been through, but I have to consider the safety of three thousand people who are relying on us for protection.” He inhaled deeply, the only visible sign of tension in his cheek muscle, which was clenched tightly. “I didn't know how much influence the Drâghici might still retain over you.” He scratched at the side of his jaw. “We had to be certain this wasn't a part of their plan – to have you infiltrate our group.”

  Rendered speechless by the absurd comments, I glared at him in open hostility for nearly a minute. “You didn't trust me?” I finally spat.

  “He didn't say that,” Gabrielle interjected smoothly. “You have to understand how things have been since you were kidnapped. We've been pounded by the Drâghici relentlessly. To have you come back so unexpectedly, apparently with no memory… we had to be confident you really were our Charlotte.”

  “Who the hell else would I be?” I retorted. My voice was so frosty; I was surprised I didn't spit ice crystals across the table.

  “A spy for Archangelo,” Conal said.

  I threw the remnants of the brownie I'd been clutching onto the plate and stood up, incandescent with rage. “A spy? You honestly thought this— everything about me— was a trick?”

  Conal maintained a carefully neutral mask over his expression, but emotions flickered in his dark eyes. “I had to be certain, Sugar. You know that.”

  “I see,” I hissed. “Was part of the test to have sex with me, see if I reacted as if I was enjoying it?” Were you going to be able to tell if I was the real Charlotte, by screwing me?”

  “Charlotte—” Conal began, but a wash of anger blinded me to reason.

  “No! I don't want to hear another word. From either one of you! You clearly don't trust me, and you think this is all some god-damn trick on behalf of the Drâghici and Aethelwine! If you'll both excuse me, I want to be alone.”

  Without a backward glance, I stormed from the mess and out into the darkness.

  Chapter 16: Don't Fight an Angel

  “Charlotte, I will not take you with me.” Lucas's body language spoke volumes as he stared at me, arms crossed over his chest. “It is imperative that you don't return to the Realm. You'll be recognized and captured.”

  “What difference does it make? My own friends think I'm a spy!”

  Lucas didn't bother hiding a glimmer of amusement that flared in his eyes. “Sometimes, my love, you act as you truly are. A twenty-one-year-old girl.”

  “What's that supposed to mean?”

  Lucas crouched beside me in the empty tent I'd commandeered. “It means that you are acting like a spoilt child. What did you expect them to do? Accept your sudden appearance as the prodigal daughter, returning home without question?” He watched me pointedly for a reaction, but I remained mutinously silent. “Charlotte, you return to a group which has fought continuously for seven months without you. They've put up a tremendous fight, but they are tired and frightened. Losing Zaen was the last straw. For you to return almost immediately, after such a catastrophic loss – whilst delighted by your return, you can't blame them for harboring suspicions. Conal is right to take precautions until he's certain you're not here for nefarious purposes. You could be pretending to be normal, but in fact, be reconnoitering the situation here in the camp before you reveal their position to Aethelwine and the Drâghici. By asking Ripley to keep an eye on you, Conal was taking all reasonable precautions to protect his group.”

  I stood up abruptly, stomping back and forth in the small area the tent afforded for pacing. “His group? His group? Since when have they been his group? Strangely enough, I was under the impression I'm the Nememiah's Child. Doesn't that make them my group?”

  Lucas eyed me warily. “Charlotte, you are being ridiculous. Stop pacing and talk to me.”

  “I don't think I want to talk to you, any more than I want to talk to Conal. Or anyone else, for that matter.”

  Lucas sighed heavily. “Charlotte, if the situation were reversed, you would have done the same thing.”

  I paused mid-step and turned to glare at him. “I trust them all, Lucas. They're my friends, my family. I will always trust them.”

  “You trusted Blane,” Lucas retorted. “Look where that got you.”

  His words took the wind out of my sails and I slumped down onto the tent floor, feeling wretched and hating everyone and everything around me. “I can't believe I let that bastard make love to me,” I muttered miserably and immediately cringed, horrified by what I'd just confessed to my former lover.

  There was no hint of anger or regret in Lucas's voice when he crouched beside me. “Conal loves you, Charlotte. Don't ever doubt that.” When he smiled, his eyes filled with compassion. “There was nothing untoward in the choices Conal made tonight. It wasn't a test of your credibility. He made love to you only because he loves you. For no other reason.”

  “I refuse to discuss this.” The heat of an intense blush suffused my cheeks.

  Lucas inhaled deeply and drew himself to his feet, turning away from me. “Charlotte, we're both adults – although one of us is acting more like it than the other, right now. Whether you make love to Conal or not is your business, you have no need to be embarrassed.”

  He turned back to me, his entire body radiating determination. “Conal is completely and utterly in love with you. But the situation in the past seven months has put him, and everyone else, under tremendous strain.” Lucas dropped down into a crouch beside me again, taking one of my hands in his. “They love you, Charlotte. There is nothing they want more than to believe you are the same Charlotte who left them months ago. Despite that desire, there is naturally some doubt regarding your reappearance. How are they to know you are who you really say you are? How can they be certain you aren't under the enemies' influence and here to spy on them? How do they confirm the truth of what you've told them?” He squeezed my fingers, his voice low. “There has been tremendous hardship among these people in your absence. They've fought for survival, for their future, without their leader. They've managed, through pure luck and circumstance, to stay alive until now. Surely, you can understand their need to take some precautions?”


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