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Shattered (Mists of the Fae Book 9)

Page 17

by Jaime Marks

  It was perhaps their fault in a sense. Things happened so quickly in their lives, the connections they formed were so intense and complete, they took for granted it would be enough to ease any pain and tension. In truth, the young of their lines had not grown as Fae all these years. They had existed as humans, living by the rules and mores placed upon them by human or sometimes Shade societies. They had all endured various forms of trauma and needed time to adjust in their own right. All of the young amazed him with how far they had come, how much they had grown in the short time since they came to them, but there were still signs that they were at times overwhelmed.

  The Queen more than any was accustomed to her isolation. She had lived alone, completely, for so long that she did not know how to properly rely on others as a family. It did not matter what knowledge she now possessed, old habits were difficult to break and they were expecting a lot from the girl.

  She was the last of her line. Even if her Father lived he had yet to be returned and the Kingdoms expected to see great strength and power from her as a result. They expected her to rule with grace and poise. In truth, Stephynia exhibited all the qualities of a just and fair Queen who would rule the Fae with strength by her very nature, but that did not mean that accepting that position would not be a difficult transition for her.

  He sighed, hoping the girl was safe. Once she was returned they could address the consistent strain she was under. If she was truly feeling overwhelmed, it was their place to help her adjust. He felt as if they took her strength for granted in many ways. It was time that they opened their eyes and admitted that the girl was struggling. Even the Cerulyions had needed the combined strengths and wisdom of the whole of their lines on occasion. Young Stephynia was no different.

  Chapter 18

  Ravyshyn felt her the moment she reentered the realm. A sly grin spread across his lips. If she was here, he could reach her. So much for her Bonding Rituals. If she was here knowing he was in the realm the odds of her Bonding in a few hours was low, especially since he’d do everything in his power to prevent it.

  “What is it Ravyshyn? You seem rather pleased,” Vilyn commented.

  “Steph is back in the Realm of Balance. Maybe she’s not Bonding tonight after all,” he quipped. “If she’s here, I should be able to use our bond to call her to me”

  Vilyn stopped and grunted, “That may not be a good thing, but it is beneficial that we know she is here. Lazurys has decreed none shall challenge Byryn or Kyle until they are returned to Darkness, but Pravyous has order us to obtain Felycia and Byryn’s son. The Bonding was the distraction we needed to retrieve the child without issue.”

  His eyes peeled wide. “The almighty Byryn had a son with his sister.” He laughed, “Mr. holier than thou himself?”

  Vilyn smirked, “I see you know my brother then?”

  “We may have crossed paths a few times. He took exception to the attention I paid his current mate.” He shrugged. “He might’ve kicked my ass a time or two.”

  Vilyn nodded. “He’s always been strong. That’s why Father made him Commander and why we do not want his son corrupted. Besides, Pravyous wants Felycia returned as a tool to hold over Byryn. Possessing the child will accomplish both and aide in bringing my brother home. It’s why we were sent, but some of our brothers defected upon entering the realm. I’m inclined to leave them until Byryn, Kyle, and their mates are recalled to Lazurys. They will manage their betrayal.”

  “The key to Byryn is Star. That girl has a Darkness I would love to savor. She tortured me and it was exquisite,” he smiled wickedly.

  His sire chuckled, “I hear she fared well between Byryn and Lord Lazurys on their mated bed.”

  “They’ve been touched by the Dark Lord?” Rav gaped in shock. If the Lord Lazurys had strengthened them, their power had to be insane. It was already pretty intense before.

  “Yes, Kyle as well. It is only a matter of time before he reclaims them and turns the tide of this battle,” he explained. “I suggest you find some manner to put whatever issues you have with my brother behind you. You are of us now and he will be returned to us. I will follow Byryn in his Darkness.”

  This wasn’t good. He had no idea what Byryn would do now that he was of his line. He might be a dick, but he was fiercely loyal. It wasn’t as if they were blood, though. That bastard wanted him dead. If he really did return to Darkness to reclaim the Brood, John might seriously be fucked.

  Vilyn suddenly froze and halted him with a hand to his chest. “Mine Grandsire is near,” he whispered.

  Cymeryn and Marcus appeared a few yards out. An odd form of Darkness rolled over them and none of them moved. Cymeryn turned in their direction, but didn’t move to confront them.

  “I know you are here boys. My essence echoes through your veins as it did your Father’s. Make this easier on yourselves and surrender.”

  Vilyn slowly drew his sword and pulled a dagger from his waist, silently handing it to Ravyshyn. He held his hand up for them to hold. Jarceryn was a few paces from them and took a step back as Cymeryn stepped forward. He looked back to Vilyn and Ravyshyn a moment and turned back to Cymeryn.

  “Jarceryn, I can feel you. I know you were loyal to Byryn. He will still accept you. You need only reveal yourself to me,” the King prodded.

  The Shade took another step back.

  “Enough. Marcus, reveal them. I know they are here.”

  A brutal sheer Light flowed over them, breaking their shroud and knocking them to the ground. Ravyshyn’s rage surged and he forced himself to his feet. He wouldn’t allow them to imprison him again. He gripped Vilyn’s sword from the ground and rushed forward, but Kyle misted in his path meeting him blade for blade.

  “John,” he sneered. “I suggest you hold. I won’t hesitate to kill you, not after the shit you pulled.”

  “Is that anyway to treat your mentor? You traitorous bastard,” Ravyshyn growled holding against him. “I put my ass on the line for you. I saved your life! And this is how you repay me? Setting me up? Leaving me to fucking die!”

  As the Light dissipated Vilyn slowly moved beside him, using his essence to pull him back from Kyle and protect him at the same time. “Stand down, Ravyshyn.” He bowed a moment. “Forgive him, Lord Kyle. We will not stand against you. He is newly awakened and only just learning of the decrees.”

  Kyle’s eyes narrow. “There’s nowhere to go. If you won’t fight, you will surrender. The realm is sealed.”

  Vilyn smirked as Scratryn moved closer to them. “How little you have learned of our new era. We have ways to get around your traps, Lord Kyle.”

  Byryn formed with his arms crossed, looking arrogant as ever. “You will surrender for the crimes you’ve committed since entering this realm, Vilyn, or you will fight me. And you,” he pointed to Ravyshyn, “will taste my blade regardless.”

  “How is she?” He smirked. “I can feel her. You can’t keep her from me forever.”

  Byryn smiled but his voice was laced with venom, “I won’t have to once the Bonding Ritual’s complete. Scratryn, Jarceryn, don’t follow these two to your destruction. I know you Jarceryn, this isn’t like you. Wyce is here. I know he wants a chance to talk to you.”

  Ravyshyn saw him shift slightly. “Jarceryn…” He warned.

  “It does not matter. He can choose what he wants, but Pravyous will collect him regardless.” Vilyn smirked, “Then he will pay the price if he is so foolish.”

  He ignored the rest of them and met Kyle’s eyes. He hated the rage and distance he felt between them now. He could see the connection between him and Byryn and he knew. It didn’t matter what happened from here on out, he’d lost him.

  It cut him in a way he couldn’t really explain. It was like some part of him was fighting against the anger, like he needed Kyle at his side, but the Darkness surging in him was quickly swallowing his humanity and it numbed the pain. He let go, allowing it to wash over him.

  It was a weakness he couldn’t afford. Showing such th
ings as an unawakened was risky, as a Shade? It would get him killed. He submerged himself in the rage and drowned himself in hate. It would serve him better than some fucked up sense of misplaced loyalty. Like Kyle said, he wouldn’t hesitate to kill him now. He should feel the same…if only he did.

  Byryn held Jarceryn’s gaze. He knew he felt trapped, but he couldn’t force this. He had to make this choice on his own.

  The Shade stared at his hand a minute and stepped towards them, separating himself. “Byryn, if I told you I knew what I was doing, but I needed you to do something absolutely crazy could you trust me?”

  “Depending,” he answered hesitantly.

  “Flood me with Light. Pin me down,” he demanded with a look of determination.

  Vilyn went to step forward, but Kyle positioned himself between them. “Don’t move.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes! Do it now!” He pleaded urgently.

  Marcus interceded, pinning him to the ground with a sheer flow of Light. A disgusting Darkness permeated through Scratryn and Vilyn. Vil pulled John against his chest as Marcus moved to pin them as well, but it was too late.

  “We will see you soon, my lords,” Vilyn offered as they were ripped from the realm in Darkness.

  Jarceryn cried out in pain, but insisted they keep him pinned. “I…I don’t…know if…he will take…me…if you…release me.”

  Cymeryn stepped forward. “Then allow me to Redeem you and we will see if we can break his hold.”

  His brother nodded as he writhed on the ground. “Please…Grandsire…I beg you…free me…from this hell…or kill…me.”

  Byryn cursed. He wasn’t the first of his brothers to say they’d rather die than return to the Brood since Michael’s transformation. He could only imagine what he was doing to them to make them seek death over life at his hands, considering what things had been like under Trevyn.

  He stood with, Kyle watching as they worked through Jarceryn’s Redemption. “We can’t allow Steph to return to the Realm of Light. I sensed Malym and Obitryn while I was there and with John loose it won’t be safe for her.”

  Kyle sighed. “I was hoping we could end this here but unfortunately Vilyn interceded. He wouldn’t let John fight me, ordered him to stand down. Shit, your brother called me lord, Byryn. He asked my forgiveness. What the hell is going on? Do you think it’s all a head game? Are they trying to distract us?”

  “I don’t know,” he sighed in frustration. There was definitely something at work that they were missing, but he just couldn’t see what there was to gain from all this. “Given our current circumstances I’m damned well going to find out. There’s no way in hell she can go to him now, not that I would’ve allowed it before.”

  His baby girl carrying his young had upped the ante. If he thought the idea of her in Lazurys’ hands again had infuriated him before, it damned near made him ballistic now. More than that it terrified him. Staryana had always been the key to his soul, and he’d do anything to protect her, but he knew his baby girl was strong. She had fight in her and he knew her limits now so much better than he ever had. If need be she would have been able to endure and fight until he reached her, but now? If Lazurys got his hands on Staryana while she carried their young the bastard wouldn’t need to seduce or torture him, he’d be forced to give him anything he asked. It could never happen.

  “Obviously,” Kyle agreed following both his thoughts and the conversation. “We need to figure out what’s going on and soon. I think Wytheryn knows something. He said something odd earlier. Something about binding himself to you regardless of where that leads them.”

  Byryn shrugged. “I’ll ask him about it.” He contemplated it a moment. “The closeness I show him, how affectionate I am towards him when we’re alone. Does it bother you?”

  “No, gemyn. I understand he needs that from you and I know the difference. In some ways you treat him more like a son. It’s part of the confusion for him, but what he needs.” Kyle sighed. “I don’t think he’ll accept the Claiming. He’s not going to want to bind himself to Grifyn or Kato because he doesn’t really know them. We may be able to convince him to accept Cymeryn, but…” He shook his head. “I’m not sure what the solution is, but if it’s not one of the two of us I’m not sure he’ll allow it. He’s already struggling with the concept that the ritual binds him to both of us.”

  “I know. I considered that, but it’s a bit weird for us to Claim him as a son. He’s only a little more than a year younger than me. I think if we gave it time and cultivated a relationship with one of the others he might be able to accept it, but you had said the Claiming needs to occur to sever the tie to Alayne.” Otherwise Byryn wouldn’t even be considering it yet. Wytheryn needed time to adjust and he didn’t want to thrust all this on him at once.

  “Let me think on it a bit. See what I can come up with. I’m not sure waiting is an option. If Alayne knows that he gave himself to another and decides to move against him, he still holds enough control that he could seriously hurt him, maybe even kill him. Star and I might be able to come up with something between us if I pull some of the Scholars Scrolls from the Realm of Light. I might have to ask my Uncle because what I need might not be in the public files...although…there might also be something I’ve read in Alayne’s library.” His eyes bounced back and forth as he considered it, almost as if he was rereading the information in his mind.

  Byryn smiled at how easily Kyle had started referring to Mythos as his uncle. Sometimes it just took the right female to set things straight. Astryn, for all her sweet, shy, naivety, had walked in and shaken up Kyle’s world, reshuffling his priorities and making it easier to accept himself. The same was quickly becoming true of Narysia and Wytheryn.

  He refocused on the woods around them while he let Kyle run through options and scenarios in his mind. A thick fog-like mist rolled around them. It had been this way ever since they sealed the realm. It was like it was slowly dying. He meant to discuss it with the faeries but they couldn’t really do anything about it yet. It really wasn’t safe to reopen the realm until they dealt with Pravyous.

  Kyle nodded. “Good. You need to start preparing yourself for that eventuality.”

  Byryn scrubbed his face. He never really referred to Michael as Pravyous, preferring to remember him for the brother he lost, not the monster he’d become. He hated that they would likely have to face him but, it didn’t really look like there was much choice.

  “I know. It’s just difficult to reconcile the boy I knew with the…thing he is. The stories Revyn and Perydyn told us, about what he’s doing to them in their awakenings, and how he’s forcing their loyalty…I never thought anyone would surpass Trevyn’s Darkness…but Pravyous…” He shook his head again.

  “That’s the problem, Byryn. He’s not the boy he was any more than we are. We’ve become Sacred Borne Fae, and while who we were may influence us to some extent, those boys are gone. The same is true of Pravyous. He isn’t Michael anymore and even if Redemption was possible, he wouldn’t be Michael when all was said and done,” Kyle reasoned.

  They stopped when Cymeryn and Marcus pulled Jarceryn to his feet, fully Redeemed Gray. They’d noticed that Redemption or using their abilities to the full extent distracted the twins, allowing them to talk or communicate freely without fear of sensure. It wasn’t that they didn’t trust his Grandsire and Marcus, but they were starting to realize that the twins didn’t really trust them. It was easier to just avoid the arguments and keep shit to themselves most days.

  Cymeryn studied his brother a moment. “Are you alright?”

  “I believe so,” Jarceryn replied hesitantly, seeming to take stock in himself. “I can still feel his rage but apparently he can’t recall me.”

  Marcus sighed heavily, “I can feel his Darkness reaching you. We may need to figure out some way we can deal with it eventually, but I do not believe it’s an issue for now. In the meantime, I’ll need you to accept a guard while we decide how to handle t

  Jarceryn nodded and turned to Byryn. “Can we speak when you have chance?” He glanced to Kyle. “The three of us.”

  Byryn nodded. “We have some things we need to deal with, but we’ll come by your room…”

  “No,” Cymeryn interceded, staring at the ground a moment. “Marcus and I will debrief Jarceryn before either of you are allowed to speak to him. I am sorry. I trust you both. You are my son and you my grand prodigy and mate of mine bonded daughter. At the same time, there are things that need to be explained, both for your safety and the safety of the Kingdoms. I love you both as if you were mine own blood, and I will not sit idly ignoring the signs of what I see.”

  Byryn went to speak but Kyle clasped his shoulder. “He’s doing what he needs to do to protect all of us. You can’t fault him for that.” He met his eyes as he reached through his mind, “And arguing with him isn’t gonna solve anything, Byryn. If anything, it’ll just make him think he has even more reason to be suspicious.”

  He nodded but it still frustrated him. Between this and Demytria’s earlier statements he was beginning to see their trust was far more limited than he’d originally thought. It pissed him off that it was so easy for them to think the worse of him. He needed to get out of here awhile. He needed his baby girl.

  “I’ll be back. I need to check on Staryana.”

  “I thought she was in the Cape?” Marcus questioned suspiciously.

  He scrubbed his face irritated by the scrutiny. “She is, Marcus, but there’s something we haven’t had a chance to tell you today and I need to see to her.”

  Kyle stepped in front of him. “Hey, gemyn look at me.” He cupped his face. “Go. Spend some time with the girls. Let me handle things for a while. You need a break. I’ll check on Felycia and Bryce, then touch base with Wytheryn, and fill everyone in on what’s up with Steph. You take on too much shit and it’s wearing you down.”

  “I’m sorry.” He shook his head. “I just…”


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