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Shifters in Seattle: Box Set Books 1 - 5

Page 3

by Thorne, Truli

  I've got coffee in the 152 Market space, but still need chocolate, so could offer you half price rent.

  What do you say?

  152 Market


  “I might have finally found a new space,” Amy told Steph and Cleo that night over margaritas.

  Amy took a big sip of her drink. It was icy and delicious, especially after her long day. She scrolled through the browser on her phone to show them the Craig's List ad for 152 Market.

  “Oh, and by the way? Shifters are a thing. They're actually real,” Amy said.

  “Totally. I thought you knew that,” Steph said.

  Steph and Cleo were native to Seattle and always assumed Amy knew more about Washington State than she actually did. They still teased her for carrying an umbrella and not knowing how to find her way to the ferry.

  “Shifters? Really? You thought I knew about beasts that magically turn into men?”

  “And women!” Steph said. “Don't be sexist.”

  “It's not magic. It's biology,” Cleo added. She seemed more interested in her drink than Amy's revelation. “Doll? Question. Do you think you could invent a chocolate margarita? No citrus. Something salty, like a margarita, but sweet like your chocolate syrup. I'm thinking of a salted chocolate. It would have to kick you in the ass, too, of course. That goes without saying.”

  “Of course she could invent a chocolate margarita,” Steph said, handing Amy back her phone. “Amy’s got mad skills.”

  The three women had been best friends and roommates since Amy's first day in Seattle, when she'd answered an apartment ad on Craig's List, and they quickly became so close that they often referred to themselves as sisters, even though they looked nothing alike. Amy was blond, with shoulder-length hair and blue eyes; Steph was Latina, with caramel skin and dark eyes; and Cleo was brunette with green eyes. Cleo and Steph were twenty-eight, just a few years older than Amy.

  Despite boyfriends coming and going over the years, all three women were still single, which Cleo said was because they were too gorgeous for mortal men and Steph said was because they were more woman than most men could handle.

  Amy scrolled through her photos. “See, this is the rental. I took pics through the windows. See the exposed brick? There's got to be a view of the waterfront from in here. And—look! Steph, your hospital is right across the street. You could pop over for lunch!”

  “It looks beautiful. But I thought you couldn't afford it?” Steph said.

  “Let her dream. Maybe I'll win the lottery this weekend and buy the whole damn building for her,” Cleo said.

  “The landlord says we might be able to come to an understanding.”

  “Does it involve you standing around in your underwear?” Cleo asked. “Has he gotten a view of your sweet ass?”

  “No. It's not that. Apparently wolf shifters don't like the smell of chocolate.” She told them everything.

  “No wolf shifters for me, then,” Steph said. “The only thing better than a hot man, is a hot man who brings me chocolate.”

  “I'll drink to that,” Amy said, raising her glass for a toast. Cleo and Steph clinked glasses with her.

  Amy felt better now, in their favorite hangout, Maxine's Bar and Grill, which was packed with people enjoying after-work drinks. It was a cheery bar, with large red leather booths and a huge mirrored wall. Max kept the lights low and the pop music pumping, but never too loud, which was a good thing because the bar was just downstairs from their apartment.

  “So you think I should take the space?” Amy asked.

  “No, doll. We did not say that,” Cleo said.

  “I don't like the idea of you keeping away the wolves,” Steph said. “That sounds like a lot of responsibility, like you're on security detail or something.”

  “They should be paying you!” Cleo said. “You wouldn’t have to pay any rent, right?”

  “I've never seen wolf or bear shifters,” Amy said. “Have you?”

  “Never. Although I'd love to meet a wolf shifter. Yum!” Cleo said, grinning a naughty smile. “I bet he'd be hot!”

  “What about a bear?” Steph said, “A huge, cuddly beast of a man?”

  Amy leaned back in her chair, with a dreamy look on her face. “If only,” she sighed.

  “Amazeballs,” Cleo said. “I'd give anything to date a shifter.”

  “God, here comes trouble,” Steph said. The women looked over and saw Mitchell enter the bar with another man at his side. Mitchell nodded at Amy and then both men walked over to their table.

  “Don't call the cops, Amy,” Mitchell said, holding up both hands as if surrendering. “Honestly, I was just teasing you. I wasn't going to steal your inventory. Ladies, this is Liam.”

  Mitchell pulled out a chair for Liam and they both sat down. Liam was a large man in his thirties with shaggy blond hair and a scruffy, half-shaved beard.

  “Umm, excuse me, Asshat,” Steph said to Mitchell. “Did someone invite you to sit down?”

  “No, it's okay,” Cleo said, kicking Steph under the table. “Who's your friend, Mitchell?”

  As Cleo flirted with Liam, Steph leaned over to Amy. She hadn't told her friends yet about Mitchell harassing her, but Steph picked up on everything, as usual. “You okay? You deserve so much better. You will get so much better.”

  “I'm just embarrassed. How did I fall for someone who is such an obvious ass?”

  “If you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything. You should be with someone who is truly great. Look around. Who is the best person in the room right now?”

  Amy glanced around the room. She noticed Zach at the bar. When had he gotten here? Her eyes rested on him. He glanced her way and caught her staring. She looked away quickly, flushed.

  Amy stood up suddenly.

  “I'm going to get some air,” Amy told Steph. “Be right back.”

  As she walked through the bar, Amy thought about the life she was building. Her wonderful friends, her apartment, her city. It made her happy. So why did she need to have her own business? Why couldn't she just work at a job like her friends, and be happy with that?

  Amy felt a hand on her arm. She turned. It was Zach.

  “Can I buy you a drink?” She felt the energy pulse around them, enveloping her like a caress.

  “No, thanks.” She frowned. It felt good to see him, but she wasn't ready to bury the hatchet.

  “I feel like I owe you an apology,” he said, gesturing to an open stool next to his. He placed his hand on the small of her back and she let herself be pulled toward the stool. She touched his arm. He was wearing the same black T-shirt, and her hand on his forearm jolted them both.

  “Why did you even buy the mall?” Amy asked, sitting down. Their bodies were inches apart. She could smell the warm scent of his skin, like a sunny forest day. “You're just shutting it down.”

  “No, we're just taking it online. My family owns a lot of businesses, and it's an important strategy to expand on the Web. We're converting the building into video studios and distribution centers.” He gestured to the bartender, who placed a pitcher of beer and a platter of fries and condiments on the bar in front of them. Zach poured Amy a beer. “We didn't mean to hurt you or the other tenants. I'm sorry that we did.”

  That was nice, but it didn't change her situation at all.

  “What are you selling? In the mall?” Amy asked, selecting a crispy fry and dipping it into sweet mustard.

  “Anything. It's a virtual mall,” Zach said, as if it should be obvious.

  “I don't understand.” Amy looked at Zach's full lips and imagined kissing them before remembering that she hated him. She grabbed another fry and took a swig of beer.

  “For instance, you could sell your chocolates to people all around the world instead of just to whoever happens to wander into your store.”

  “I don't have a store anymore. Thanks to you.” She tried to keep her head together, but it was hard to do with Zach sitting so close. He adjusted his legs, and h
is right hip touched her left hip.

  “Right. You don't need a store,” Zach said. “That's the point.”

  “No. I don't have a store. That's the point.”

  “Has your business really been as strong as you'd hoped? Everyone buys online now. I bet you do too.”

  “I buy books online and music, of course.” Amy crossed her arms against her chest.

  “Don't you want to sell your chocolate syrup and candies around the world?”

  “I loved my store.” This was going nowhere.

  Zach tried again. “Can I make it up to you by giving you an online store? You could launch immediately and start selling your inventory. You won't have to give anything away.”

  “No, thanks. I have to go, actually,” she said, and hopped off the stool. “I have a lot to do in the morning.” Amy had no interest in going online. That was all she needed. Internet trolls hating her, making fun of her body.

  “Wait a minute!” Zach pulled her back. “You can't just walk away. We need to talk.”

  “Why? Who cares? I'm just some former tenant.”

  “You're not just a tenant. You never will be! You don't understand what's happened.”

  “So tell me,” she said. This had been such a long day. “I'm right here.”

  He sighed with frustration, and as if he had only one way to make her understand, he dipped his head down and kissed her, his lips lightly brushing hers, pressing in gently. The connection was so intense and so immediate, she pulled back as if slapped.

  “Hey,” she said softly.

  “I'm sorry,” Zach said, brushing her hair off her face. “I don't want to scare you.”

  Amy felt magnetized to Zach. She wanted him. It was that immediate.

  She had to know what had just happened. Amy lifted her chin and kissed Zach.

  It was the same brilliant spark of heat and connection. He opened his lips to receive her. She wrapped her arms around his waist and softened into him, and he kissed her back with greater urgency.

  Amy lost herself, kissing deeper, swimming in his arms, in his heat. His hands caressed her back, pulling her closer. She moved deeper into the embrace, pressing her hips into him, as he lifted her off the ground.

  She could get lost.

  She was getting lost.


  Wait a minute. She put one hand up and pressed against him, putting some space between their bodies, and with all the effort she possessed, pulled away from his arms.

  “I really need to go,” she said, leaning her forehead against his chest.

  He placed her gently down, holding her arms until she had steadied and she was ready to be released.

  “I want to get to know you, Amy. Spend tomorrow with me.”

  “That amazing kiss. But I can't do this. Not with you.”

  “Come to the studio tomorrow and shoot a video. Let me show you how easy it will be to turn your business around.”

  “My friends are waiting for me,” she said. She glanced over at the table and saw Cleo and Steph gaping at her. She’d tell them a quick goodnight and then head upstairs.

  “Go to your friends, then,” he said. “I'll see you tomorrow at the mall. What time will you be there?”

  “In the morning.”

  She turned to watch him as she walked away, still unsteady on her feet.

  Damn! Could he kiss!

  If that's what a kiss felt like, what would it be like to take things further? Much, much further?

  Too bad she'd never find out.


  From: Cocoa Girl

  Date: Fri, Oct 16 at 9:42 PM

  Subject: New Rental Space

  To: 152 Market <>

  Dear 152 Market,

  I'd wondered why coffee is sold on every corner in Seattle.

  I love it here, but there's so much I don't understand.

  Would it be dangerous for me at 152 Market?


  Cocoa Girl


  From: 152 Market <>

  Date: Fri, Oct 16 at 9:55 PM

  Subject: New Rental Space

  To: Cocoa Girl

  Dear Cocoa Girl,

  It won’t be dangerous for you. I promise.

  If there's anything I can do to help with your business, just let me know. I'm an excellent businessman. Maybe I can help you achieve your goals.

  Why are you having cash flow problems?


  152 Market


  From: Cocoa Girl

  Date: Fri, Oct 16 at 10:00 PM

  Subject: New Rental Space

  To: 152 Market <>

  Dear 152 Market,

  I've been in business for five years. Everyone loves my recipes but my sales have declined anyway. I don't know why.

  My savings account has dwindled to nearly nothing, so when I lost my lease and the mall closed, I had no resources to draw on to rebuild.

  So the only thing I could do was close.

  I know, right? Hopeless.

  Thank you for your help—

  Cocoa Girl


  Woo-hoo! Zach's bear was thrilled. I told you, dude!

  Amy still wouldn't agree to spend time with him, though. Even after that kiss. God, he couldn't wait to get inside her pants, to slide his cock in her pussy, to see her face as she came.

  Mating was going to be incredible!

  At least she didn't seem to hate him anymore. That was progress. He paid the bill and was getting ready to leave when Mitchell pounded his back.

  Don't touch me! Zach's bear was ready to fight.

  “Zach Harris!” Mitchell said, in a slurred voice, wavering slightly on his feet. “You've got to meet my new friend, Liam. He's almost as big as you are!”

  Liam's eyes narrowed. Zach instantly knew that Liam was a wolf shifter. The scent was unmistakable. Zach saw that Liam knew what he was as well.


  Could this be the same Liam? Was he Diana's fated mate?

  Mitchell stood between the two alpha shifters, oblivious. Tiny. Insignificant. If he had any sense he would have left, then and there. But instead Mitchell puffed out his chest like he was one of them.

  Mitchell was drunk.

  “Just a bunch of hot dudes out for a Friday night,” Mitchell said, collapsing onto an empty bar stool and turning to the bartender to order another drink. He was still wearing his security guard uniform.

  “Liam?” Zach said, shaking his hand. They sniffed each other, but so subtly that only another shifter would have noticed.

  “Pleasure,” Liam said, making it clear with his tone that pleasure was the furthest thing from his mind.

  “What do you know about the attacks on North Seattle Mall?” Zach said so quietly that only shifter ears would hear them.

  “Attacks?” Liam said. He cocked his head to the side as if he had no idea what Zach was talking about. Damn wolves. Never directly answer a question.

  “Maybe your family is having more problems with bath salts?”

  Liam lifted his head to stare into Zach's eyes, challenging him. Liam's eye color changed from dark blue to silver, and Zach knew he was close to shifting into a wolf.

  He felt his bear rise up, ready to strike if necessary.

  But really that was the last thing he wanted to do in the city, especially since Amy was right across the bar. He didn't want her to get hurt. He wouldn't let that happen.

  Zach had to change the subject.

  “I think my aunt Diana told me about you. Diana Harris. Are you the same Liam?”

  “Diana Harris,” Liam said, his entire body relaxed and leaned closer. His eye color returned to blue. “It's been a long time. How the hell is she?”

  “She's doing great. Really well,” Zach said. He had no idea what Diana would want him to say, but he knew she was
proud. She wouldn't want anyone to know that she was lonely.

  “Best person I've ever known. In my life,” Liam said.

  Zach told him about the graffiti at the mall and the attacks at the other properties. Liam listened carefully.

  “I haven't heard anything about property attacks, but I'll let you know if I do,” he said.

  “I appreciate it.”

  “Diana Harris! Damn. I haven't heard anyone say that name in a long time.”

  “She's very special. I'm just leaving now to see her.”

  “By all means,” Liam said. “Don't let me keep you. Tell her...” Liam looked at a loss, like there was so much he wanted to say. “Tell her hello for me, will you?”

  “Of course,” Zach said.

  As Zach left the bar, he wondered if Liam had been telling the truth about the attacks, and as soon as Diana picked him up for the drive to the forest, he told her all about it.

  “I met Liam tonight. Your Liam.” They were driving to their vast property northeast of the city. Diana's SUV moved through the night like a luxury ocean liner through dark waters.

  “No way. Where?” Diana perked up and looked at him anxiously.

  “He's friends with Mitchell. The security guard. They came into the bar together.”

  “Scrawny, stupid Mitchell? Why would they be friends?”

  “Who knows.”

  Diana remained silent for a moment. “What did you think?”

  “He's pretty good looking. Definitely.”

  “He's still hot?”

  “He looked a little rough around the edges. He doesn't look like someone living a comfortable life. I bet he regrets losing you. Just my hunch.”

  “We were so in love,” Diana said. “Just touching him was unbelievable. Like we were two magnets, joined together forever. Once you've touched a fated mate, nothing else will ever satisfy. That heat is unmistakable.”

  “It's like that with Amy. We kissed tonight and...I don't know. I never wanted to stop.”

  “Did she feel it?”

  “She did. But she walked away anyway.”


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