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Growing Hope (The New Era Saga Book 2)

Page 15

by KT Webb

“The Evolved cannot return until they’ve spoken with the Creator. They will be with him soon,” Lucien said quietly.

  “Why do I feel like you’re not telling me something? What do you know that you’re not saying?” Whitley demanded.

  Marcellus began to speak, but Lucien gave him a stern look, stopping him from saying what was on the tip of his tongue. Whitley had heard enough. She wasn’t going to be the go-between for the Old Immortals if they were going to keep things from her.

  “Alright, I see how it is. Well, I’m done. If you’re not going to help me when you obviously can, why should I help you?” Whitley asked with her arms crossed over her chest.

  The Old Immortals exchanged a look, before Rance nodded at both Marcellus and Lucien. Whitley hoped that was a good sign and decided to press them further.

  “Seriously, I’ll leave and I won’t even feel bad about it.” Whitley baited them.

  “While we know you are bluffing, we agree that you need to know what is happening. You have been a faithful and useful agent of the Creator. We owe you this much,” Lucien told her.

  He stepped forward and touched the tips of his index fingers to her temples. Whitley felt a searing pain explode through her skull. She tried to pull away, but seemed to be cemented in place.

  When she opened her eyes, she was surrounded by fire in the remnants of a brick building. She felt the wind rush around her and saw lightening flash overhead. The ground began to rumble. She turned around to see Thatcher standing amongst the ruined building.

  “Thatcher!” Whitley said as she rushed forward.

  He didn’t respond. He didn’t even see her. Whitley realized that she was not really there, she was just a witness. Thatcher smiled slightly as the thunder boomed around him.

  “That’s my girl,” he said with a grin.

  Whitley looked for Hadley amongst the rubble. She saw her sister standing near the edge of the fire.

  Whitley caught some movement out of the corner of her eye and whipped around quickly to see eight figures lope through the fire unscathed. The Maladies. Whitley began to shout a warning, before remembering that no one would hear her. She saw a small figure standing before the Maladies, ready to face them. There, with her hands on her hips, was Keira.

  The light flashed again. The pain was excruciating, and she found herself face to face with Lucien once again.

  “What was that?” Whitley said as she staggered backward.

  “The reason Keira cannot go somewhere safe,” Marcellus replied.

  “You expect a little girl to fight those monsters?” Whitley almost shrieked the question.

  “It’s not what we expect, it’s what has to happen,” Rance told her.

  Whitley whipped her head back and forth, looking at all three of the Old Immortals standing before her. They were serious.

  “So what about the people in Benton? Will you at least tell the Evolved that they need to return home?” Whitley asked desperately.

  The Old Immortals exchanged a look and shrugged.

  “They are meeting with the Creator as we speak. He is preparing them for what is to come. They cannot leave yet,” Lucien told her almost apologetically.

  With that, Whitley was standing in the foyer of her home again. Her family looked at her expectantly, but all she could do was shrug her shoulders and hang her head. She spent the next few minutes explaining what had happened.

  “It makes sense that she would have to face them,” Dorian said. “They can’t kill her.”

  Whitley stared blankly at Dorian for a moment before looking at her mother. “What if they take her the way they took you? What if they torture her? She’s just a child!”

  Tahlia looked at her with fear in her eyes. It was clear she had no response to her daughter’s concerns. Whitley almost saw the memories passing through her mother’s mind as she thought about what had happened to her in that abandoned outbuilding.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight:


  She came out of the bedroom to find everyone else waiting for her. When Thatcher saw her, he smiled widely and tossed her a blueberry muffin. She caught it and peeled the paper off.

  “Make sure you eat enough. There’s scrambled eggs and toast too,” Malcolm told her.

  Hadley nodded, her mouth full of blueberry deliciousness. She sat down next to Thatcher and scooped a helping of scrambled eggs onto her plate.

  “I wish there were pancakes,” Keira said sadly.

  “You do, huh?” Malcolm asked her with a wink.

  A plate stacked high with pancakes materialized before them. Hadley watched Keira’s eyes light up with excitement as Nora put a few on her daughter’s plate and cut them up.

  “This is cool. Are you my uncle too, Malcolm?” Keira said through a mouthful of pancakes.

  Malcolm smiled widely at her. “You bet!”

  Thatcher and Kerr helped themselves to some more food. Once everyone had eaten their fill, the meal before them disappeared. They sat in silence for a few moments before anyone moved.

  “The Creator is waiting for you,” Malcolm told them.

  Hadley took Thatcher’s hand and squeezed. They stood together, followed by Kerr, Nora, and Keira. Thatcher clasped Malcolm’s hand and pulled him in for a hug.

  “It was good to see you,” Thatcher told him.

  “You too, man,” Malcolm replied.

  “Thank you for everything,” Hadley said.

  “Anything for you guys. I mean that,” Malcolm told them.

  Once they said their goodbyes, the Evolved took a step through a door that led to another staircase. They began their climb, and found themselves in the Great Hall in what seemed like seconds.

  It was beautiful and flooded with light. Pillars lined the exterior walls and a large marble table dominated the center of the room. Large marble chairs with lush purple upholstery surrounded the table. The hall was silent, but not in an empty or lonely way. The silence felt comfortable and warm. They paused at the entry, unsure of where to go.

  “Come, sit,” a voice said.

  They looked at each other for only a moment, before taking their seats around the table. Hadley felt the cold marble of the table and the warm comfort of the chair. She had been surprised at how easy it was to pull the marble chair away from the table. Even Keira had no trouble moving hers.

  As soon as they were all seated, they were bathed in a bright light, and the Creator appeared at the head of the table.

  Hadley didn’t know what she had expected him to look like, but she wasn’t disappointed. His eyes were a kind and warm deep brown. His silver hair fell down over his shoulders in wavy wisps. He smiled widely at those gathered around his table.

  “Welcome,” he said with a smile.

  Hadley could tell the rest of the Evolved were just as speechless as she now found herself to be. The only one who didn’t appear to be in awe of their host was Keira. The little girl jumped off her chair and ran to the Creator with open arms. He chuckled and scooped her up with ease.

  “Hello, little one! It’s good to see you,” the Creator said with a hearty laugh.

  “Hi. It’s good to meet you,” Keira told him.

  The Creator set her down and patted her head lovingly. She skipped back to her seat at the table and climbed back into her chair.

  “So, I hear you want some answers,” the Creator said, looking at Thatcher.

  Hadley was about to interject, but Thatcher held up a hand to stop her.

  “Yes. In the last five years, we’ve put up with a lot of stuff. We’ve lost people we care about, we got some of them back, and we’ve literally killed the devil. We’ve been chasing down the evil crap Absalom left in the world, and now we have to face his minions.” Thatcher paused before continuing, “They got to me. I tried to kill my friends and family. I actually killed Hadley, and we can’t even beat them.”

  Hadley reached over and took Thatcher’s hand, then squeezed. She wanted to reassure him that he wasn’t alone in this and
that the answers were right in front of them. She had to believe that the Creator would give them guidance.

  “Who says you can’t beat them?” the Creator asked.

  “Well, we haven’t scared them so far. All they have to do is touch one of us. They tortured my mother,” Hadley exclaimed.

  “No, you’re right, the four of you don’t scare them. But that doesn’t mean they can’t be beaten,” the Creator replied.

  “With all due respect, what is that supposed mean?” Kerr asked.

  “Why do you think I put the spirit of hope into the sphere with the Maladies?” the Creator asked. “I knew that the only thing that would give mankind the ability to carry on despite the presence of such evil in the world would be to give them hope.”

  Hadley looked over at Nora and Kerr, waiting for them to catch on. Hadley was slowly realizing exactly what the Creator was telling them; the only thing that could stop the Maladies was hope. Hadley didn’t have to wait for them to catch up because Keira spoke first.

  “It’s me. I have to stop them,” Keira said with a confidence that belied her age.

  “What? No,” Nora said, her voice rising in terror.

  “I know she is your daughter, but she is also carrying a part of me within her. The spirit of hope came from within me. That spirit manifested itself in Tahlia all those years ago, and now Keira carries it within her,” the Creator told them.

  “Did Tahlia have a life before the sphere broke?” Kerr asked suddenly.

  “She did, but it wasn’t much of a life. She was a good woman who made poor decisions. I’ll let her tell you the rest of the story. She now knows who she was. The fact that the spirit of hope chose her is a perfect example of how there are no lost causes and every life can be worth more,” the Creator shared.

  “And Keira? Why was she chosen to be the vessel?” Nora asked.

  “Because she is a child that came to your family in a time of great terror and desperation. You weren’t ready for her, but her existence gave you all a reason to believe in the future,” he told her.

  Hadley sat quietly. Everything the Creator said made sense, though she couldn’t help but wonder what poor decisions her mother had made before she was chosen to be the vessel. Another thought occurred to her. She had so many questions about Whitley’s return.

  “Sorry to change the subject, but what about Whitley? Why did she get to come back? I thought we had to be one person in order for us to fulfill our prophecy,” Hadley said with uncertainty.

  “Ah, there are some things that must be left to play out, and I’m afraid that is one of them. I cannot tell you why she was able to return or what the future holds for her. I can tell you that your sister was brought back to you because prophecies are fickle. The prophecy was more about your abilities than it was about your physical body. After all, your mother did give birth to two children.” The Creator smiled at her.

  Hadley wasn’t sure what to think about the cryptic answer she received. She had to believe that Whitley had returned for a reason, and now she knew that one day they would find out what that reason was.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine:


  Nora had been listening patiently and trying not to freak out about her daughter joining the impending battle. Keira was sitting in her chair, listening intently to everything the Creator had to say. The connection her daughter felt with him was instantaneous.

  “So if the Evolved can’t beat them, how is Keira supposed to fight them? She’s only four,” Nora interjected.

  “Ah, there’s the question I was waiting for. Yes, your daughter is just a child, but she holds an ancient spirit within her that will guide her through the battle,” the Creator told them.

  “So she’s going to beat them, and then what?” Thatcher asked.

  “Oh, she isn’t going to beat them. She can’t.” The Creator gave them all a look of concern. “You know they can’t leave your world until the New Era, right?”

  Nora exchanged a look with the other Evolved. Clearly they didn’t know that, or they wouldn’t have been looking for a way to win a battle against the Maladies.

  “Won’t beating the Maladies bring the New Era about?” Hadley asked in confusion.

  The Creator laughed loudly. Nora was trying desperately not to get irritated with him, but it was getting more difficult the longer it took to tell them what was expected of them and what would happen to her daughter when she faced the Maladies.

  “Why is that funny? Can’t you just tell us what you need us to do?” Nora asked.

  “I apologize. I truly didn’t realize just how little you knew about your mission,” the Creator said, calming his laughter. “I need you to prepare the world for my return.”

  Nora was taken aback by this information. The Creator was going to return to their world? Was he going to walk around with everyone? Was he talking about creating utopia?

  “Yes, Nora. That is essentially what will happen when the New Era begins,” the Creator told her with a grin.

  She didn’t even have time to register that she hadn’t spoken aloud. Nora looked at the being who created everything she had ever known. She thought they were supposed to eradicate evil from the world in order to usher in the New Era.

  “When do you plan to return?” Thatcher asked incredulously.

  “Ah, only time will tell. But now is not the right time. The world is not ready for me yet. Absalom and his lackeys have burned their way into the hearts and minds of my people for too long. I cannot return until they are ready,” the Creator replied with a hint of sadness.

  “So how do I make them stop?” Keira asked quietly.

  “Now that is an excellent question.” The Creator chuckled. “We need to bind them temporarily so they cannot infect anyone and do not remember who they are. We cannot eradicate them from our world yet, but when the binding begins to wear off, it will be time for the final battle.”

  Nora shook her head suddenly, trying desperately to grasp onto what the Creator was telling them. They had to perform a binding on the Maladies? Were they supposed to perform some kind of Wiccan ritual now? She looked at the others around the table and found their faces to be just as confused as hers.

  “Keira will know how to do the binding. In order to bind them, we must restore the balance. With all the evil they have done and Absalom did before them, mankind is beginning to feel the hopelessness they sow. The binding will suspend the Maladies within their own minds,” the Creator told them. “They all have to be present in order for the binding to work. They must all be bound at the same time.”

  “How will we get them all together?” Thatcher asked.

  “Sadly, that won’t be as difficult as you may think. They are currently wreaking havoc on your home. Benton is under siege,” he told them evenly.

  Nora gasped and looked at Hadley in alarm. The girls exchanged a knowing look before either could say anything. They had to get home. Their family was there, defenseless.

  “How long have they been attacking?” Kerr asked.

  “A few days. They have been trying to reach Tahlia. They believe she still holds the spirit of hope within her,” he said sadly.

  “So you’re telling me that my mother has been a sitting duck in a house in the middle of South Dakota just waiting for these disgusting creatures to attack and kill her? My sister, Dorian, Romulus, and my mother are all powerless against the Maladies,” Hadley nearly shouted at the Creator.

  “I understand why you are upset, but you came to speak with me. You needed to learn about your mission. You needed to understand how important it is for Keira to be there,” he replied.

  “Why didn’t you give this information to the Virtues? Why didn’t they even remember their home?” Hadley demanded.

  “Sadly, I had to remove certain memories for fear that Absalom or his minions would find a way to extract that information. I removed the memory from all of the Old Immortals once the prophecies were given. I couldn’t exactly have Absalom return
ing to Eternity with his crew, could I? Think of the innocent souls that are resting here. Think of the monstrous souls that are trapped below the mountain. Just imagine what he could have done,” he said in a strained voice.

  Nora could tell the Creator truly cared for his creations and wanted to stress the importance of their involvement in the coming battle. He was depending on them. It was their job to ensure the safety of the vessel and their job to help her bind the Maladies. As much as they wanted to be there to protect their family and the citizens of Benton, their place was here. If they hadn’t traveled to Eternity, they would have tried to take on the Maladies on their own.

  Although it went against every instinct Nora had, she knew what they needed to do. They needed to dive right into the battle. She needed to allow her daughter to risk her safety in order to save the world.

  Chapter Forty:


  She tried to listen to everything the adults were talking about, but she didn’t understand it all. In her mind, something strange was happening. She could feel the light within her trying to tell her something important, so she listened.

  The light was asking for permission. It knew she wasn’t ready to fight any bad guys. The light wanted to do it for her. The more she listened to what the light was telling her, the more she understood what it wanted. It wanted to take her over, but it wanted her to be okay with it.

  Keira closed her eyes and agreed. She knew she would be able to watch everything happen and would remember it all. But she wouldn’t have to be the one to make the decisions. She was scared and knew that trying to be brave enough to face the Maladies would probably get people killed.

  A strange warmth spread over her body. It felt like drinking hot cocoa on a cold winter day. The heat started in her chest and slowly spread through her body until she was warm all over. After opening her eyes, she glanced at her skin, it seemed to be glowing faintly. She looked at her parents and at the other two Evolved. Everything seemed to slide into focus and became sharper and more vibrant with each passing second.

  “Keira?” Nora’s voice was slightly panicked.


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