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Growing Hope (The New Era Saga Book 2)

Page 18

by KT Webb

  Nora and Whitley decided they should play sardines. They had to explain the game to Kerr and Keira before they started. Kerr had never heard of this version of hide and seek; only one person hides, while the others search for them. As each player finds the hidden person, they join them in their hiding spot until they are squished into a small space like sardines in a can. The first few rounds were over quickly as they tried to make it easier for Keira. Of course, the little girl insisted that she was not a baby and did not need to be treated like a baby.

  Unfortunately for Kerr, Nora hid first in the next round. Of course she had an unfair advantage with her abilities. The recent disappearance of Whitley indicated that the two were hiding together. Kerr wandered the hallways of the second level, checking in each room. He heard a giggle coming from downstairs and assumed that Keira had found her mother and Whitley.

  “If you’re all together, you might as well come out,” Kerr called as he made his way down the stairs.

  No one answered him, so he continued in to the sitting room. He found Keira sitting in the window seat playing with some dolls.

  “Hey, sweet pea. Did you give up?” he asked.

  “No, I’m just taking a break. My dolls were lonely,” she said with a smile.

  “Well, I’m going to keep looking for those two. We can’t let them beat us just because mommy can hide in plain sight,” Kerr whispered conspiratorially.

  Keira giggled and put her dolls down to join her dad. Kerr took her small hand in his and pretended to sneak around doors and furniture. Keira laughed harder as he pulled her along behind him while exaggerating his movements.

  The pair made their way through the dining room and into the kitchen. They stopped briefly as Kerr grabbed a cookie for himself and Keira. He continued to sneak along the hallway toward the library, pausing every few steps to take an exaggerated bite from his cookie. Keira giggled at him the entire time. Kerr knew sneaking around was pointless, as Nora and Whitley could be standing in the middle of the hallway for all he knew, but he was enjoying Keira’s laughter.

  As they made their way into the library, Kerr felt a difference in the air. It was thick with energy. He took another step into the room and looked around cautiously. This was not an energy he recognized; it wasn’t negative, it was just different. He took another cautious step into the library and looked around.

  “Nora? Whitley?” he called quietly.

  Neither answered his call. He stuffed the last of his cookie in his mouth and took Keira’s hand. She squeezed it tentatively to let him know that she felt his apprehension.

  “Daddy, what is that?” Keira asked, pointing toward the bookshelf.

  Kerr’s eyes followed her arm to her pointing finger and saw a faint glow coming from a spot on the bookshelf.

  “Nora! Whitley!” Kerr called out.

  The tone of his voice must have told them the game was over because they appeared on either side of him. He glanced at Nora and Whitley and gestured toward the bookshelf.

  “What the . . . ” Whitley began, but was cut off when the light intensified.

  Books came flying from the shelf as the glow continued to increase. Kerr took another step forward as Whitley pulled Keira behind her. Nora must have decided it was time to call Dorian. But as she pulled out her phone, it began to ring.

  “Hello?” Nora paused. “What?”

  Kerr turned to look at his wife. Her tone had changed from interested to devastated in the span of two words. Nora was shaking her head and had a hand over her mouth.

  “What is it?” Whitley asked, placing a hand on Nora’s shoulder.

  Kerr turned his attention back to the bookshelf. He took the final few steps and reached for the source of the glow. He grabbed a book that was vibrating. When his hand emerged, he held the book of prophecies.

  “When can you come home?” Nora asked the person on the phone. “Alright, I’ll come get you soon.”

  Once she hung up, she went to her favorite chair and sank down slowly. She appeared to be in a daze. Kerr was torn between the glowing book in his hand and the distraught look on his wife’s face. They locked eyes for a moment.

  “Avarice is awake,” Nora said.

  “The book is glowing,” Kerr said.

  “If this is a game of ‘would you rather,’ do I get to weigh in?” Whitley asked.

  Nora pulled her phone out again and called Dorian. “You need to pack up. I’m coming to get you. Something’s happened.”

  Kerr looked back at the book in his hand. No one had mentioned the book of prophecies since Elpis bound the Maladies. Kerr had no idea what was going on, but the Maladies had started waking up and that wasn’t good.

  “I need to go get everyone,” Nora said numbly.

  Nora disappeared, leaving Kerr and Whitley standing in the library with a curious Keira.

  “Daddy, why is that book glowing?” Keira asked.

  Kerr shrugged and turned the book over in his hands. He examined the cover long enough to notice the glow was emanating from the symbols etched into the front that represented each of the Evolved. Suddenly, the book grew hot—hotter than his hands would allow him to touch. He dropped the book in surprise, hissing at the burning sensation it left on his hand.

  “Kerr? What’s going on?” Whitley asked, stepping forward to get a better look.

  “It burned me,” Kerr replied simply, shaking his hand in the air.

  “Daddy! The book is opening!” Keira shouted from her spot by the door.

  Kerr turned his attention back to the book as the pages fluttered open. In a flurry of movement, the book stopped. Kerr leaned forward to read what was written on the page. He heard an intake of breath from Whitley as she read what was written on the page before them.

  The New Era approaches.

  Chapter Forty-Eight:


  They saw Avarice while relaxing at Cocoa Beach. Hadley leaned over to Thatcher and commented on the high-maintenance chick with the blow-up mattress on the beach.

  Thatcher laughed as they watched her meticulously set up her beach equipment. She blew up the air mattress with a battery-operated pump, then laid her towel out on the mattress. She pulled a pop-up awning out of a carrying case and shook it once, allowing it to open fully.

  The woman wore a large sun hat with oversized black sunglasses. Her perfectly-tanned skin was a strong contrast to her swimsuit with white and navy blue stripes. Her long blond hair was pulled into a perfect low ponytail at the base of her head; her hair looked like it had been freshly trimmed.

  “That seems like a lot of work to enjoy a day at the beach,” Hadley said quietly.

  Thatcher nodded in amusement. The woman took off her hat and sunglasses and turned to head into the water. Hadley’s sharp intake and strong grip on Thatcher’s forearm told him she’d seen something she didn’t like. He glanced at his wife and discovered she was staring openmouthed at the woman in the striped swimsuit. He swiveled his head back to look at the woman again and realized why Hadley was so terrified.

  The hair, the perfect tan, and the perfect white teeth as she smiled into the sun—this was Avarice.

  “We need to go. Now. She doesn’t know we’ve seen her,” Hadley said with intensity.

  Thatcher nodded and quickly helped pack up their lawn chairs and towels. They made their way to their hotel while Hadley called Nora.

  Now, they sat waiting for Nora to arrive after having packed all their clothes and called the front desk for an early check out.

  “I thought Dorian said we had plenty of time,” Hadley said, breaking the silence between them.

  “I thought so too,” Thatcher said as he took Hadley into his arms.

  They were standing in each other’s arms when Nora cleared her throat.

  “Sorry to interrupt. I figured I’d get you guys first. I haven’t told Dorian and Romulus yet. I thought it best that you tell them,” Nora said. “Also, the book of prophecies is glowing.”

  Thatcher wr
inkled his brow in concern. What did this all mean? Elpis told the Old Immortals that they had many years before anything would happen. What changed? He and Hadley had barely started their life together.

  “You guys ready?” Nora asked.

  They grabbed their bags and nodded. Nora put a hand on both of their arms and Thatcher felt the familiar tug in his belly button.

  “Welcome back,” Whitley said softly.

  Thatcher and Hadley looked around to find Whitley, Keira, and Kerr sitting on the couch, staring at them. He glanced to the coffee table and found the book of prophecies lying open.

  “It opened a few minutes ago,” Kerr told them.

  Thatcher leaned forward and read the words scrawled across the page. His heart dropped when he realized what this meant. The sudden appearance of Avarice set a series of events into motion that would bring about the New Era.

  “What now?” Thatcher asked.

  “Now, we gather the Virtues,” Nora said.

  Thatcher nodded as she disappeared. He and Hadley collapsed into a chair together and waited for the others to arrive.

  Chapter Forty-Nine:


  “Dorian, we need to go,” Nora said as soon as she arrived.

  Dorian and Romulus were finishing packing up their fishing gear. Thankfully, they had taken the tent down already and only needed to pack up their chairs and poles.

  “What’s happened, Nora? Is everyone alright?” Romulus asked, his voice thick with concern.

  “Everyone is alright. But you need to come back to the house. I’ve already brought Hadley and Thatcher back from their honeymoon,” Nora said. “Is there anything you two would like to tell us regarding the book of prophecies?”

  She was met with silence as the two exchanged a look of alarm.

  “Why do you ask?” Dorian finally said.

  “That’s not an answer,” Nora said as she helped them pick up the last of their gear.

  Dorian sighed and closed his eyes for a moment in exasperation. “I know. We’ll talk about it when we get home.”

  “Yeah, well, Avarice is awake and the book is glowing, so you better be ready to fill in the blanks,” Nora shot back.

  That simple comment stopped the two Old Immortals in their tracks. They both stared at Nora for a moment, before sharing a concerned look.

  “We need to go now,” Dorian said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

  Romulus did the same, and Nora transported them without another word. They arrived in the library in moments.

  “I’ve got to get Tahlia and Eric,” Nora told them.

  Nora transported back with a guilty-looking Tahlia and a confused but determined Eric. Nora strode over to stand with Kerr and the other Evolved.

  “Alright, spill it,” Nora said with her arms crossed.

  “There are more prophecies,” Dorian said.

  Nora couldn’t believe what she was hearing. How could the Old Immortals have kept this secret from them? She waited for them to explain more, but there was nothing else.

  “What are they about?” Hadley asked in the silence.

  “We don’t know,” Tahlia told them.

  “Elpis told us there would be more prophecies, but we were told we wouldn’t know what they were until it was time,” Romulus told them.

  “Why?” Kerr asked.

  “Because the Creator felt it would hold you all back from living your lives. We were supposed to have many years before this day came. I assumed you’d all have families of your own by the time we had to face the final battle,” Dorian told them.

  The book still lay open on the table. The simple sentence told them that they didn’t have the years they’d anticipated. The New Era approaches. What did that mean? He didn’t have to wait long for more information as more words scrawled across the page on their own.

  The enemy will awaken and reunite; hope will evaporate, leaving the world in a frozen state.

  Death will sweep through the world, leaving devastation and doubt. The reactions of mankind will determine their fate.

  Help will be found in the most surprising of places, strengthening the Evolved for the final battle.

  Only then will the Creator return to reclaim his creation.

  Nora looked at the others as she finished reading the prophecies aloud for them to hear. Silence permeated the library as they shared concerned looks. Were the other Maladies waking up in their hospital beds as they talked in the library?

  “Well, we know the enemy has started to wake. That explains why the prophecies have now been revealed,” Dorian said, breaking the silence.

  “But the reason she put them all in different places was to keep them from seeing each other, right?” Whitley asked.

  “Yes. For now, they don’t remember who they are. But if they see each other, it’s all over. They’ll band together to pull the rest from their amnesia,” Kerr replied.

  “For all we know, Avarice wouldn’t have known who you were if she saw you. But we don’t want to risk jogging her memory by seeing any of us,” Dorian said.

  Nora looked around the room. The last six months had been so easy. They’d gotten used to living a normal life—no impending battles or bad guys threatening them. Now as her eyes settled on her daughter, she realized that her life would soon be in grave danger.

  “We need to monitor them. We need to reactivate our scouts. It’s time for a little recon. We can’t just sit around wondering if or when the next Malady will awaken,” Nora said firmly.

  Murmurs of agreement came from around the room. Nora smiled at Keira as the little girl nodded her head at her mother. She knew Keira didn’t entirely understand what was happening, but she knew enough to understand the seriousness of the situation. Nora’s heart hurt as she looked at her little girl and thought about what the future held for her. The Maladies couldn’t kill her, but the idea of them torturing her as they had Tahlia called to her most primal instincts to protect her young.

  “Dorian, call the scouts. Get them briefed and ready,” Nora instructed.

  Dorian nodded and left the room.

  “Romulus, Kerr, this is going to be much worse than what we’ve faced before. We need to know who will stand with the Creator and who will stand with the Maladies. I’ll leave that to you,” Nora said.

  The two exchanged a look that indicated the weight of the work ahead, but they nodded firmly at Nora.

  “Tahlia, I need you and Eric on high alert. Any spikes in activities related to the Maladies must be reported back to us,” Nora told Tahlia.

  “Whitley, are you still able to communicate with the Council?” Nora asked.

  “I haven’t tried lately. Hold on.” Whitley closed her eyes for just a moment. When they opened, they were sparkling with excitement. She nodded her head.

  “Good. We’ll need their help,” Nora said.

  “Hadley, I need you to stay on top of any extreme changes in the weather. The constant chill in the air may very well be related to the coming battle,” Nora instructed.

  Her next instruction would be the hardest yet. She looked around at her family, smiling slightly when Dorian returned and gave her a thumbs up. She felt her chest tighten as she steeled herself for the onslaught of objections she was about to receive.

  “Thatcher, I have a job for you too. I need you to take Keira somewhere safe,” Nora said.

  Shock and disbelief swept through the room as everyone uttered their objections. Thatcher kept his eyes locked on Nora’s; the determination she saw reflected there told her he would do what needed to be done.

  “What?” Kerr asked.

  “No way!” Tahlia objected.

  Nora held a hand up to stop them. “Keira cannot be captured. She cannot be subjected to the despicable acts the Maladies performed on Tahlia. I will not allow that to happen to my little girl.”

  Silence met her as her words sunk in. Tahlia had tears running down her cheeks as Eric held her and rubbed her back. Kerr and Nora locked eyes and exchan
ged a silent agreement; their daughter would be safe no matter what. There were no further objections.

  “She doesn’t need to go yet. We won’t need to be separated until at least two of the Maladies remember who they are. I don’t think any of them would come after her on their own,” Nora said.

  “Where will I take her?” Thatcher asked.

  “Eternity,” Nora replied.



  “Keira! Are you ready? It’s the first day of school! You don’t want to be late,” Kerr called up the stairs to his daughter.

  Keira came bounding down the stairs in the purple jumper Tahlia hand made for her. Her dark curly hair had been pinned back to keep it from falling into her face. She smiled at her daddy and rushed to the kitchen for breakfast.

  Kerr followed her and pulled out a box of her favorite cereal. He poured her a bowl and added milk, then handed her a spoon as Nora came into view.

  “Hi, sweetheart! Are you excited for your first day as a first grader?” Nora asked as she kissed her daughter on top of the head.

  “Yes! I can’t wait to meet my new teacher,” Keira said through a mouthful of cereal.

  Both parents smiled warmly at their daughter and reminded her not to speak with her mouth full. Once she’d finished her breakfast, Nora and Kerr loaded her into the car and took off for the private school in Newall.

  Dorian and Romulus waved them off from the driveway and went back inside to check in with their scouts. All the Maladies had awoken over the course of the last year and their scouts had been keeping close tabs on them every day. They received daily updates from Tahlia and Eric regarding potential signs of the Maladies returning to their old ways. So far, none of them knew who they really were.

  Romulus and Kerr had spent a lot of time traveling the globe with Nora’s help. The number of people they found that would stand by the Creator continued to grow, but so did the number of people who would support the Maladies. Their ability to read others helped immensely, but so had the relationships they built with religious leaders from every denomination. It was difficult at first, as they told their story over and over to those leaders. Now that their history was known within religious circles, more and more supporters were coming forward. It wasn’t easy to share their history with others, but Kerr learned how to share his visions of the past with true believers. Once he had shown a few people what they had done to protect the world, it created a domino effect.


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