Sarah Smile (Halos & Horns

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Sarah Smile (Halos & Horns Page 16

by Lori Leger

  “Thank God you’re all safe! You should have come straight here instead of trying to make it to Dad’s, Sarah. That stretch of road is so close to the bayou.”

  Sarah spoke through chattering teeth. “I kn—know b—better n—now.”

  “Hot shower…now!” She pointed to the hallway leading to the master suite. “I’ll find you some dry clothes.”

  “B—but the t—tw—ins n—eed their s—su—upper.”

  Tanner placed his hands on her shoulders and urged her toward the hallway. “The girls will be fine, Sarah. Go tend to yourself.”

  Tiffany herded her into the bedroom, but before the door shut, Sarah turned back to Tanner and smiled. She mouthed the words ‘thank you’ and disappeared.

  He stepped out of the guest bath clean, dry and dressed in clothes borrowed from Red. He was in the process of adjusting himself when a soft click from his left drew his attention. He turned in time to see Sarah, standing at the nursery door, wearing a soft yellow sundress. From the look on her face, he figured she’d seen his last adjustment. “Sorry, I’ll wear a pair of McAllister’s jeans, but I won’t subject my boys to another man’s boxer briefs. Not much for going commando.”

  She nodded, her eyes sparkling with laughter. “I understand.”

  “You okay?” He took two steps closer then rested one shoulder against the wall.

  She pushed her freshly blow-dried hair back from her face and nodded. “Much. Still kind of in shock, I guess. Also still trying to figure out how you managed to find us when you did.”

  “That’s a long story that can wait for another day.”

  “That may be, but what I have to say to you can’t wait.” She pointed to the empty guestroom. “Can we go in there and talk?”

  He followed her inside, somewhat surprised when she closed and locked the door behind them.

  She faced him, fidgeting with her hands before taking a deep breath. “I know you may find this difficult to believe, but I was going to call you as soon as I got home tonight.”

  He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. “After all this time? Why tonight?”

  “I wanted to apologize for misjudging you. Someone saw you leaving Red’s with Charley one night. You know, Charley from the diner by the hospital?”

  Tanner straightened, ready to defend himself. “I only brought her to her car. Her shoe heel snapped off, and she twisted her ankle.”

  She raised her hand to stop him. “I know. I spoke to her today, and she told me everything. It seems she knew about me.”

  He dropped his arms. “I may have mentioned you. So, you’re telling me you’ve been putting me through hell, not answering my texts, or returning my calls or emails because you believed some trash talk about me.”

  “Pretty much sums it up.”

  He took a step closer. “Sounds like you’ve got some heavy apologizing to do. So, when do you plan to start all this making up for lost time?”

  She stepped into him. “I thought I’d start right now if it’s all right with you.”

  He scratched at his chin. “I don’t know. I’d hate to give you the impression that I’m easy.”

  She frowned. “Well, I hadn’t planned to apologize by throwing myself at you. Then you’d think I was easy.”

  “Uh uh, I promise I would never think that.”

  Her laughter filled the room as he pulled her close for a kiss, the first since that night in front of Red’s club. This kiss was soft and prolonged, a huge change from their first; that one was hurried, desperate, filled with longing because they had both known he had to leave. This kiss left him aching, hard as a rock, and wanting more. He pulled away, not wanting her to think he only wanted her body. She followed, her actions as well as her words, quelling his fear.

  “Please don’t pull away from me.” Her hands slipped around his waist to press herself against him.

  He sucked in his breath, struggling for control. “I was trying to be a gentleman.”

  Her lips pursed in a pretty little pout. “But I want you.”

  Tanner chuckled as he relaxed, letting her feel the strength of his need for her. “Hell, Sarah, I was afraid to scare you off.”

  Dark lashes fluttered against her flushed cheeks. “I don’t scare easily.”

  “That’s nice to know, but I bet I’ve got something that’ll scare you.”

  She sat on the foot of the bed, pulled him down beside her. “Don’t disappoint me, Tanner.”

  He brushed her hair back, cupping her face in his hands. “I love you, Sarah.” He waited for some kind of shock on her part, or regret on his own, and got neither. “I want you in my life. I want to be a father to your girls, a husband to you. I want us to be a family. I love you.”

  She kissed him again, pressing herself against him, telling him, without words, how much she wanted him too. He shivered as a wave of need hit him hard. “I’m warning you now. I’ll be like a horny teenager around you.”

  Her laughter, low in her throat, had a seductive lilt to it. “I wouldn’t have it any other way. Besides, I know just what to do with that.”

  His breath caught in his throat as she rubbed his erection through the jeans. “You do?”

  “Uh huh. I plan on loving you so much you’ll be willing to wait for it.”

  “I’d wait for you if that’s what you want. I would, Sarah.” He released a shaky breath, trembling with a fifty/fifty jolt of desire and happiness.

  Sarah pushed him back on the bed and stretched out beside him, her head supported by one hand and elbow. “I know you would,” she whispered, in a voice husky with desire.

  Her free hand slipped under the front of his tee shirt to skim the panes of his abs. She leaned forward to kiss him, the soft scent of floral shampoo teasing him as her hair brushed his face. Her hand slipped down to the waistband of his borrowed jeans. In seconds, she had him unsnapped and unzipped, and totally exposed.

  “But you won’t have to…”

  Chapter 18

  Sarah sat back against the arm of the couch, her knees bent and resting on Tanner’s lap as he leaned comfortably against her. Her daughters’ giggles carried from the other side of the room where Celine and Zoe sat on the floor playing with them.

  Sammi pulled herself up by Zoe’s shoulder and then took three steps toward Celine before falling on her butt.

  Celine’s screech of excitement overrode Sammi’s frustrated cry. “She walked! Did you see that? She walked!”

  “What?” Tanner bolted upright and Sarah followed suit. “She did not!”

  “Yes, she did.” Zoe put her head back and laughed. “Dat beeny baybee took three steps trying to get to her granny.”

  Celine scooped up the child. “Granny is so proud of you, my little pumpkin!”

  Danni, seeing her sister getting extra attention from their surrogate grandmother, scrunched her face and crawled over to them. She pulled up on Celine, her mouth open to plaster sloppy, wet kisses on her face.

  Celine’s laughter rang out in the large room. “Oh, thank you, my love. Those are such good sugars and you know granny loves her sugars.”

  Tanner shook his head. “Unbelievable. I’ve been practically standing on my head to get one of them to take a step for two weeks now and she walks to you?”

  Celine hugged both girls to her, and beamed at her son. Well, Son, I guess you don’t have the touch yet.”

  Sarah took her growling fiancé’s arm and walked with him over to where the twins were drooling all over his mom. “Now you know how I felt when you found their first teeth just after we moved in with Leah and Daniel.”

  “Speaking of those two, how are they? Have they forgiven you yet for moving into your own place?”

  “They’re fine, and yes, but only because I consented to let them babysit the twins when I’m at work. Leah said Daniel moped around the house for an entire week.”

  “Well, it’s no wonder,” Celine gushed. “Now that I see how attached I am to these precious girls I know it
must have broken their hearts to have you move out.”

  She turned to Tanner. “And I didn’t know you found their first teeth.”

  “Yes, I did.” He crouched down about three feet from them and put his hands out. “And I bought them each a new outfit for good luck, didn’t I, baby girls? Now, come on. Walk to me. Walk to Tanner.”

  Both girls squealed at the sight of him and stepped in place, but wouldn’t let go of Celine.

  Eyes gleaming with determination, Tanner got down on his knees. “Come on, Sammi, walk to me. Walk to daddy!”

  The toddler waved her hands and took a step then wobbled as everyone gasped. She balanced herself before reaching out to him, and took three more steps to fall into his arms.

  He held her up in the air. “That’s daddy’s big girl! Now it’s your sister’s turn.” He reached one arm out to Danni. “Come on Danni. Walk to daddy.”

  After another minute of his and Sarah’s coaxing, Danni took five wobbly steps toward them. She stopped in front of the two of them, looked at Sarah, then Tanner, before lunging toward his outstretched arm. He burst into laughter as he got to his feet, his arms full up with smiling, drooling babies. “How do you like that, Mommy?”

  Sarah stared at him, her sight blurry from tears, wondering if he’d even noticed that he’d suddenly gone from Tanner to ‘Daddy’. “I love it. And I love you.” She moved in close for a group hug.

  Tanner surrendered Sammi to her before pulling Sarah close for a kiss. “I love you too, Babe.”

  Justin Collins’ booming voice accompanied his entrance into the room. “Where’s my girls? I’ve been stuck in that stupid old doctor’s office all afternoon. I wanted to reschedule to another day, but no! Somebody wouldn’t let me.” He glared at his wife before grabbing both babies. He walked around, bouncing them in his arms, speaking in secretive tones. “I think she and Zoe didn’t want me here so they could have you all to themselves. It’s a conspiracy, I tell you.”

  Celine put her hands on her hips. “Of course, Justin. You found us out. We conspired to have you go in for your monthly check-up. Now, what did the stupid old doctor have to say?”

  “The same thing he always says. I’m doing great for an old fart and he wishes he was half as good-looking as me.”

  Celine rolled her eyes and groaned. “Come on, sweetie, what’d he really say?”

  “Oh all right. He gave me a clean bill of health and said I could resume all normal activities.” He leaned over and gave his wife a quick kiss on the lips. “Did you hear that, Dear? All normal activities.”

  Celine pulled her husband close for another kiss and purred. “Now that does sound promising. I hope we haven’t forgotten how.”

  “It’ll come back to us. Just like riding a bike.” A naughty lift of his brow accompanied his next comment. “Or riding something el—”

  “Whoa!” Tanner cleared his throat noisily. “Dear God, please don’t make me listen to the rest of this conversation. Babe, are you up for that trip to the mall now? You know, the girls are outgrowing all of their clothes.”

  Celine giggled like a school-girl and pushed away from her husband. “No, no! We’ll have plenty of time for that after the four of you go back to Lake Coburn. But how about if Justin, Zoe and I take the girls shopping and give you and Sarah the afternoon to yourselves?”

  Tanner turned to Sarah. “That sounds like an offer I don’t want to pass up. What do you think, mom?”

  The thought of being alone with Tanner had her salivating over the possibilities. “I think I’d be very grateful for a little us time. Are you sure y’all can handle this, Celine? You practically have to pack a suitcase to go anywhere with them.”

  “Oh, I think we can handle it for, say, two or three hours?” Celine reached over to pat Sarah’s arm, giving her a conspiratorial smile.

  Sarah’s heart skipped at the thought of that much time with Tanner. “That would be lovely, Celine, and thank you, so much.”

  “Oh, honey. It’s the least we can do. You and these darling girls have brought such joy into our lives. We are so honored for the chance to be a part of yours.”

  Sarah’s eyes welled up with tears, and she gave her future mother-in-law a huge hug.

  This time it was Justin’s throat-clearing harrumph that broke up the touching scene. “Okay, we’d better get moving before somebody else buys up all the good stuff. Pops only wants the prettiest clothes for his two girls.”

  Sarah smiled through more tears as ‘Pops’ attempted to wipe his own eyes without being noticed.

  Ten minutes later, she and Tanner stood at the door, waving to the occupants inside the departing Navigator.

  “Your parents are a trip.”

  “They haven’t always been this way, you know.” Tanner closed the door and locked it, before turning to her, wearing a lecherous grin.

  Sarah settled into his kiss with a long, languid sigh. God, she loved kissing this man. Tanner had a way of making her want him with a single look, the slightest touch. But his kisses … ah, he was the Michelangelo of kissers. One kiss from him had her tingling, practically trembling with need, in mere seconds. She pulled slowly away, letting her hand travel down the length of him to settle on his thick, hard bulge.

  He sucked in his breath and reached out for her. “Mm hmm, you’re in some kind of trouble now, lady.”

  She avoided his grasp, ripped her shirt over her head and threw it at him. “Prove it!”

  He lunged at her and she screeched as she slipped past him, heading to the guest suite. He followed, grabbing her from behind and dropping to the bed with her. The frantic struggle to rid themselves of anything creating a barrier between skin to skin, resulted in a pile of discarded threads and a tangle of bare limbs.

  “Wait!” She pulled back, breathless, perched above him. “Can I just say how happy it made me to hear you call yourself ‘Daddy’? Did you even notice it when you said it?”

  He smiled, lifted her easily, placing her astride him. “Honestly? It felt so natural I didn’t notice it at first. Once I did, I liked the sound of it. I’ve been meaning to ask if you’d mind.”

  “Of course not. I’d wondered if you even wanted them to call you ‘Daddy’. I mean, calling you Tanner would have been perfectly acceptable.”

  He frowned. “Not to me. When I marry you, those girls will be every bit mine as they are yours. I want to adopt them, and I sure as hell will not let any daughter of mine call me anything other than Daddy.” He pulled her close for a kiss. “You’ll just have to take my word for how much of a stretch this is for me, but I love it, and I love you so damn much, it hurts.”

  She leaned forward, letting her hair drape across his sculpted abs. “But, I don’t want you to hurt, Tan.”

  “Then you’d better do something quick because I’ve got a stiff so hard it’s killing me.” He sucked in his breath when she wrapped her hand around it.

  “You mean this? This old thing right here?” She couldn’t keep the laughter from her voice or the smile from her face.

  He spoke through gritted teeth. “Fair warning. Any minute that old thing could go off.”

  She raised herself, slowly and settled onto him, adjusting for the closest, tightest possible fit, sighed when she found it. “Ooooh, that’s beautiful,” she breathed.

  Tanner stared in complete awe at the woman who’d totally transformed him, his life, his entire world. Her hands splayed on his chest, her head thrown back, her bare neck arched gracefully. He reached up, placing his hands on breasts that some men would consider far from perfect. Those breasts had given nourishment to not one, but two beautiful baby girls. To him they were perfection. “Yes, you are.” He took a deep breath. “Marry me, Sarah.”

  She lowered her face to stare down at him with eyes filled with emotion. “I’ve already said yes.”

  He lifted her left hand, holding the engagement ring he’d given her two months earlier. “I’ve done my part. I’m waiting for you to say when.”

p; “When.”

  He shook his head. They’d played this game before. “Not good enough. I want a date.”

  “This weekend. Tomorrow. Tonight. Right now. I don’t care, as long as it’s soon.” She began moving against him, setting up a slow rhythm.

  He kept his eyes on her, rubbing her nipples in slow, circular motions with the pads of his thumbs, arching his hips to meet hers. Determined to set this deal in stone, he lowered one hand to where their bodies met, found the spot he wanted and softly manipulated until he had her writhing on top of him. “Tomorrow?”

  She moaned, obviously distracted. “Hmmmm?”

  This was just the way he wanted her. Too turned on to think. “Tomorrow. Marry me tomorrow, Sarah. We could always have a big wedding later. Jackson and Red both did that.”

  “Mm, I j-just … just want you.”

  Her face flushed suddenly, a sure sign she was close. He knew what he wanted her to say, and he knew exactly when he wanted her to say it. He increased the intensity of his thrusts, all his concentration on her now, wanting her to reach her limit, without a care for his own needs. What he needed was a word, one simple word. He gave her another minute. “That’s it. That’s it, Sarah. You’re so close now.” Her moans turned to soft whimpers, the sound he’d been waiting for. “So what do you say, Sarah?”

  “What?” she gasped.

  Ten more seconds he waited. “Will you marry me?”

  “Yes …” she said, her reply, breathless.


  “Yesss …”

  “Yes, you’ll marry me tomorrow?” His voice broke through the veil of passion as he slid his finger slowly across her button to send her over the top.

  “Oh yes! Yes! Yeeessssss!”

  She bucked. He placed both hands on her hips to keep her seated, thrusting hard for maximum effect. It didn’t take long for him to reach his own threshold. His release, long and drawn out, was accompanied by a low growl of absolute pleasure.

  He’d never taken his eyes off of her, and now, he waited for it, knowing what to expect once she came to her senses.

  “You tricked me.”

  He smiled at the only woman he ever expected to love this deeply. “You bet your beautiful ass I did.”


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