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The Rules In Paradise (Playing By The Rules)

Page 4

by Woods, Lindsey

  “Don’t apologize.” I knew my face was flushed. I stole a glance at him and his expression was now back to unreadable.

  “What is it about you, that makes me want to know more? There is just something about you that makes me want to lose my mind. It is borderline infuriating.” He was looking out into the distance as he spoke.

  “I infuriate you?” I asked, only half serious.

  “You infuriate me because I don’t know what to do with you. I don’t know what you’re thinking. You are not predictable.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “I believe you’re wrong Cole. I am extremely predictable, and quite boring.”

  “I assure you, I am not wrong. It doesn’t happen very often, and this is not a situation where it has occurred.” He dismissed the conversation as he started down the hill toward Adrian and Jason.

  “Is hiking one of the passions you speak of?” I asked after him.

  “It is nature that makes me love hiking. I like to be surrounded by things larger than I am. It puts things in perspective for me. To understand that in the grand scheme of things I am extremely small, it’s humbling.”

  “I didn’t realize you knew the meaning of humble.”

  I could not see his face as I walked behind him, but I hoped he had taken it in good nature.

  “Arrogance is only a bad thing if you have done nothing to be arrogant about. Don’t forget that. I have accomplished many things in a short time and I do not apologize for that. I don’t assume you apologize for your success in your schooling?”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “You worked hard then, you deserved it?”

  “Yes, I believe so.” I answered.

  “As did I. I’m proud of my accomplishments.” His tone was serious. Clearly he did not understand I was joking about him not being humble.

  “I didn’t mean anything by it, I thought you’d be amused.”

  “I am quite amused by you period. You need not explain to me you were joking. I believe I have gone head to head with you and your wit and kept pace at this point.”

  I shrugged as he continued downward. What the hell was his problem?

  “Fight or flight?” I called out as he increased his pace slightly. He stopped in his tracks and turned to face me. He lifted his sunglasses and rested them on the top of his head.


  “Which one is it?” I asked.

  “What is this game all about?”

  “Just answer.”

  “If I refuse?”

  “Then I assume that I’ve won the game.” He laughed and shook his head.

  “You’ve won the game you’ve created which has rules only you understand, pure genius. Flight.”

  “I could have guessed.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Did I strike a nerve Mr. Cooper?” I gave him a challenging look.

  “You pick.”

  “Fight.” I said without hesitation.

  “I do believe you’re challenging me.”

  “How so?”

  He put his sunglasses back on his face and started walking.

  “You think you’re sneaky. That I don’t understand that you are keeping some kind of tally, or that these words tell you something deep about me. I understand that you are collecting some sort of information, challenging me to get them right or wrong, I don’t know. I’m however going to play by my own rules. Why was that your choice?”

  “Because flight is for the weak.”

  “You say that with such conviction Olivia.”

  “You don’t disagree.”

  “I have learned not to disagree with you unless I want to explain myself and right now I am content keeping something to myself.”

  “You have to explain why, that’s the rules,” I was walking faster to keep up now, carefully maneuvering around obstacles like tree roots and rocks.

  “Those are your rules and I think I’m quite done playing by your rules.”

  I sighed loudly. He was infuriatingly confusing. He was correct in one thing though, we had matched wits and neither of us was in the lead. We finally stopped walking. We stood on a large plateau that overlooked the bright blue waters and the light colored sand of the beach. Cole unzipped his backpack and pulled out two bottles of water, handing me one.

  I stood beside him and admired the view. The water was sparkling with the midday sun and there were people starting to line the beach. The breeze was strong and felt great against my warm skin. I took large sips of water, enjoying the feeling of the coldness.

  “It’s safer for the one who is running.”

  I quickly realized what he was talking about though I didn’t speak. I was hoping he would continue.

  “If you are flying in one direction and you have the self control not to look back then it’s safer for you. If you fight, you might not walk out as the victor.”

  “Have you ever not won?”

  “Not yet, it is not something I look forward to either.”

  He screwed the cap back on his water and put it back in the bag. I handed him mine and he did the same with it.

  “Shall we continue?” He asked.

  “Lead the way,” I replied as we continued down the hill.

  Chapter 5

  We walked further down the hill, walking just above the beach. I could smell a mixture of salt water and greenery. There were huge palms next to mosses and the rest of the foliage was brightly colored all colors from the rainbow. We walked for what seemed like forever until we were deep in a thick part of the jungle.

  “Is this where you murder me and hide my body?” I asked.

  “If that were my plan it would have happened hours ago.” His voice didn’t give any hint of amusement.

  I decided to walk in silence as he didn’t seem particularly interested in joking. I was beginning to get tired and dreaded the long walk back to the car when we were finally finished. We stopped in the middle of a small clearing. The trees Were standing tall and their huge, shiny, green leaves blocked much of the light of the midday sun. Cole set down his backpack on a rock and began taking his hiking boots off.

  “Um, I was totally just kidding about the murder thing. Seriously, forget about it.”

  He didn’t speak, just continued to take off his other boot and socks. He took out his keys, cell phone and wallet from his shorts pockets. Next were his sunglasses and finally his shirt. I wanted nothing more than to look away, but it was very similar to a car crash. As if he wasn’t attractive enough clothed, seeing his muscles flex as he gently folded and placed his shirt on top of the other stuff he had discarded. He still did not look my way as he walked a few feet forward and began to seemingly sink into the earth. I stepped closer and noticed he had sunk into a small pool of water. He finally looked up with a mischievous look in his eye.

  “Famous Mexican hot springs. It is the cure for tired muscles and sore feet.” He sunk further down until the water was just about at chin level.

  “You knew these were here?”

  “Of course, I’ve visited here many times. I am extremely familiar with this part of the hiking trail.”

  “So I should assume Jason is as equally as adept at navigating the jungle?”

  “Yes, he knows where he is. I’m sure he and your friend are doing just fine. Are you going to continue to gawk or are you going to come join me? I have no ill intentions, I promise.”

  I surveyed the situation for a moment and decided why not? I was in Mexico, I was spending the day with an extremely attractive man and I was hiking by hot springs. Adrian and I had planned to meet Charlotte at the pool when we returned so I had come prepared for that and now be able to wear my bathing suit in. I placed my clothes gingerly on top of Cole’s and walked toward the spring. I was slightly nervous to think about sinking into the earth. Cole stood and offered me his hand as I stepped down slowly. The water was very warm as it enclosed my body. I sat across from Cole and enjoyed how the warmness soothed my muscles.

  I felt awkward around him. Here we were sitting in what was essentially a natural hot tub and had a kiss lingering over our heads. I began to get lost in my own thoughts. His mood had soured since that kiss. It soured to the point of my feeling nervous around him. I didn’t know if that was an internal thing for him or it was a reflection on my kissing ability. I was deep in thought over the few moments that kiss lasted until Cole broke my thought.

  “What exactly are you over-analyzing over there?”

  “Nothing, I was just thinking.”

  “Like I said, my intentions are innocent. I apologize for letting my guard down back there.”

  I wasn’t really sure how to take that. He seemed to regret it, which made me feel a way that I couldn’t quite explain. I couldn’t account for his mood change. Perhaps I was over-analyzing.

  “Your lack of words is making me quite uncomfortable Olivia.”

  I shrugged. “I’m sorry. Like I said, I am just thinking.”

  “Again, I apologize if I have changed the dynamic of our relationship.”

  “I don’t believe you’ve changed it, I’m just confused I guess.”

  “About what?”

  “That whole thing up there,” I motioned toward the hill we had come from, “and that you regret it.”

  His laugh surprised me. “This is not about regret.”

  “You sure seem upset about the whole thing.”

  “Is that what you’re thinking about? Thinking that I regret that I made a mistake? I’m sorry to disappoint you, but it was a mistake, however I don’t regret it.”

  “Because that makes so much sense.” I couldn’t help the frustration that crept into my voice.

  “I’m glad we’re agreed.” He leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

  “You’re infuriating,” I said.

  “Ditto.” I went from annoyed to infuriated in seconds. “I can literally feel you seething. Stop grinding your teeth.” I relaxed the tension in my neck and jaw.

  “Why won’t you talk about this?” I finally spit out.

  He opened his eyes and steadied his gaze right at me.

  “Because Olivia I am not a woman, I do not need to talk these things to death. I apologized for sending you a signal that was mixed. I do not regret that, but it is an event that will not be happening again. That’s all. So please, stop analyzing everything and relax.” I took a deep breath and tried to pull myself together.

  “I’m sorry.” I said begrudgingly.

  “Don’t be, let’s just move on. Tell me why you are not attached.”

  “I don’t think I have an answer for that. I simply have not had anyone particularly interested in me, or vice verse.”

  “I understand the latter part, but I find it hard to believe there are no interested suitors.”

  “Well believe it, what about you?”

  “I do not have a girlfriend.”

  “Well I can’t imagine why.” His eyes lit up and he broke into a small grin.

  “I believe I sense a hint of sarcasm there. Play nice.” He smiled brightly at me before relaxing his head back.

  We talked for a little while longer before deciding to head back. We both redressed and headed back out toward the path. I felt surprisingly refreshed as we started hiking again.

  “Rain or shine?” I laughed when I heard Cole give a dramatized groan.

  “Shine.” He answered with a smile to show he was only joking. He nodded in my direction as if to prompt me.

  “Rain. I like to read, curled up under a blanket on a cold, rainy day. It’s comforting.”

  “Shine, so I can be out enjoying the world.”

  “Where in the world have you been?”

  “I’ve been many places. I’ve traveled all over the United States and Europe. I’ve traveled to India and Australia. The list is quite lengthy.”

  “Have you always had the means to do these things?”

  “Money? No. Desire? Yes. I knew that I was made for more than just a 9 to 5 office job. I had to find a way to be able to live the lifestyle I desired. Luckily Jason had some background in design and hospitality and I brought the business sense. Though Jason is quite the businessman himself. We have since created a way for us to maintain a life and career that makes us both happy.”

  “Is Jason attached?” Cole smiled at me.

  “He is not. Your friend is safe with him. He is actually a really good guy. I look up to him for many reasons.”

  “And you, are you a good guy?”

  “I am much too biased to answer that question.” I couldn’t tell if he was smiling or not as he walked ahead of me.

  We arrived back at the car and Adrian and Jason were already there waiting. Both were smiling and involved in their conversation. We packed up the Jeep and headed back the way we had come this morning. The drive seemed shorter than this morning as we pulled up in front of the hotel. All four of us hopped out and started bringing things into the lobby and Cole returned the car to a parking space. I was unsure what to do. Did I wait for him to come back or did I go about my business? Adrian and Jason were oblivious to anything else, so I stood awkwardly.

  Cole came walking into the hotel and gave a sideways glance at the two in the corner.

  “I’m going to head to the restaurant around the corner if you’d like to accompany me.” He started to walk towards the lobby doors until he abruptly turned and focused his intense gaze on me. “I don’t mean this to take us back a previous conversation but I do hope you’ll come. I am not quite ready to give you up for the day.”

  How could a girl say no to that?

  “I’d love to come. For some reason I can’t imagine you being ok with no for an answer.”

  “See, you already are catching on.”

  We were seated quickly at a table and the hostess left us with menus.

  “I’ll have a whiskey, water, little ice.” He was so matter of fact with everything that it often times took me aback.

  “Jack and Coke, please.” I smiled at the waiter, almost as if I were apologizing for Cole’s abrasiveness and turned my attention to him. “Do you always drink hard liquor.”



  “Beer tastes like piss and nobody running a restaurant ever has any clue about wine. Whiskey is whiskey no matter where you go.” I had to agree with him on the first part.

  “If you are here working, then how do you have the time to go out so much?”

  “Because this trip is a mixture of business and pleasure. Since I have been here I’ve met with no fewer than seven prospective clients. The pleasure part is a celebration of sorts, and now it is entertaining you while we’re both here in paradise.” He smiled at me before reaching into his pocket. “Excuse me, I need to take this just for a moment.” He got up from the table and walked toward the exit as he put his phone to his ear.

  I felt like I was in a tornado. On one hand Cole was incredibly attractive and smart. On the other I was frustrated with what was going on. One moment we were battling for the honor of wits on the boat and today he had kissed me while saying it was a mistake. He was sending me in so many directions my head was spinning. The waiter brought our glasses and I took a large sip of mine. Just let it be. Don’t over-think it, just enjoy the company. That is exactly what I set out to do.

  Cole came back to the table and apologized. I couldn’t quite read his expression, but it bordered on nervous and upset.

  “Is everything ok?” He must have assumed I’d asked for a reason and his face was again a clean slate.

  “All is well, just a minor interruption. So, Olivia I am intensely interested in finding out more about you. Tell me something, anything.” He leaned back in his seat and was focused solely on me. I felt the air become compact around me as his intenseness filled our table and possibly the room.

  “I’m not sure what you want to know.”

  “Everything,” he said matter-of-factly.

  “I’m sorry to disappoint. I p
romise I’m not as interesting as you think.”

  “I disagree. I don’t know why, but I cannot leave you alone. That first evening I told you, bashfully, that I could not stop thinking of you. For the life of me I cannot figure out why.”

  “Wow, you sure have a way with words.” I couldn’t help but feel moderately offended at his words.

  “Perhaps it is because you are so open with your emotions. Your insecurities are abound and I cannot figure out why. Those insecurities are why you get so bent out of shape and contort my words as if I’m trying to offend you.”

  “You can’t figure out why you enjoy my company. I don’t exactly feel like that is a compliment.”

  “I cannot figure out why I enjoy spending so much time with you when that is not my purpose for being in town. Forgive me for being presumptuous but I take it you enjoy my company, otherwise you wouldn’t have indulged me for nearly three days now. Why is that?”

  He had me there. Even if I knew the answer to that I’m not sure I would share it with him. I felt my face begin to get red as he stared at me, waiting for my answer.

  “I don’t know.”

  He shrugged and shifted in his chair. “See, I am not offended.”

  “Have you always been this way?” I asked.

  “Which way is that Olivia?”

  “Always have to have your way?”

  “Yes, absolutely.”

  The waiter interrupted and asked for our order. We were less talkative while we ate and Cole paid the bill and we stood to leave. We took our time walking back from the restaurant.

  “I do sincerely apologize if what I say offends you. I tend to think out loud sometimes. I’m just trying to figure you out.”


  “Because it is what I do. I make a lot of money by figuring people out. However, you have me stumped. I like a challenge.” He smile and in the dim light of dusk it softened his face. “I don’t think you should be as self-conscious as you are. You are smart, and attractive and you’re not easily over taken. I’ve tried, you don’t back down. Those are admirable qualities.”

  I looked over and gave him a small smile. He was so confusing. I never knew where we stood or what to expect. We finally arrived at the condo.


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