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Josephine Baker

Page 64

by Jean-Claude Baker

  Cicero, Marcel-Roger

  Circle Star Theatre

  Civil War, U.S.

  Clair, René

  Clark, Herbert

  Clark, Mark

  Clement, Jean

  Clorindy, or the Origin of the Cakewalk

  Club Alabam’

  Club Bamville

  Club Basha

  Club des Champs-Élysées

  Clyde, Tony



  Cochran, Charles B.

  Cocteau, Jean


  Colin, Paul

  Collard, Jacques

  Colonial Theater

  Comédie Français

  Comte, Henri

  Comte Verde


  Connie’s Inn

  Constant, Jacques


  Cook, Anna Belle

  Cook, Gerald

  Cook, Mercer

  Cook, Will Marion


  Cooper, Josephine

  Cooper, Ralph

  Copeau, Jacques


  Coquatrix, Bruno

  Coquatrix, Paulette

  Cordova, Fred de

  Cosby, Bill

  Cotton Club

  Couvelaire, Alexandre

  Couvelaire, René

  Covan, Willie

  Covarrubias, Miguel

  Coward, Noël

  Crapouillot, Le

  Crawford, John

  Creole, La

  Critica (Buenos Aires)

  Crook, Caroline McDonald

  Crook, Charles

  Crouching Woman (Maillol)


  Cumbo, Clarissa

  Cumbo, Marion

  Cunard, Nancy

  Curtis, Hycie

  Curtis, Ralph

  Cyrano de Bergerac (Rostand)

  Czlovoydi, Andrew


  Daddy Long Legs

  Daily Mail (London)

  Dance Magazine

  Daniel, Freddy

  “Danse de Sauvage, La”:

  impact of JB in

  reviews of

  “Dans Mon Village”

  Darrieux, Danielle

  Dauzonne, Jean-Claude

  Daven, André

  Davis, Belle

  Davis, Charlie

  Davis, George

  Davis, Sammy, Jr.

  Daziniere, Marie-Louise

  Debans, Camille

  de Boissieu, Elisabeth

  de Boissieu, General

  de Boissoudy, Guy

  Debot, Georges


  de Forrest, Maud

  de Gaulle, Charles

  JB and

  Dekobra, Maurice

  Dellair, Don

  Demanson, André

  de Maré, Rolf


  Depression, Great

  Derval, Paul

  JB and

  “Deserted Female, The”

  Dessès, Jean

  Deutsches Theatre

  Diaghilev, Sergei

  Dien Bien Phu, battle of

  Dietrich, Marlene


  Dinks, Mama

  Dior, Christian

  “Dixie Moon”

  Dixon, Florence

  Domergue, Jean Gabriel

  Dongen, Kees van

  “Donnez-Moi la Main”

  Dop, Pierre

  Dope Fiend’s Dream, The


  Dos Passos, John

  Douglas, Louis

  La Revue Nègre and

  Douglas, Marion

  Douglas, Marion Cook

  Douglas Theatre

  Doumergue, Gaston

  Drap d’Or

  Du Bois, W.E.B.

  Ducos, Jacky

  Dudley, Dorothy

  Dudley, Emilius Clark

  Dufrenne, Oscar

  Duke, Vernon

  Dumas school

  Dunand, Jean

  Dunbar Theatre

  Dunham, Katherine

  Dvořák, Antonin


  Echaudemaison, Olivier

  École des Beaux-Arts, L’

  Edison, Harry “Sweets”

  Egger, Catherine

  Eisenhower, Dwight D.

  Elbrecht, O. H.

  El Glaoui, Thami

  Elizabeth II, Queen of England

  Elizabeth Sanders Home

  Ellington, Duke

  Ellington, Ruth

  El Patio

  Epstein, Brian


  Europe, James Reese

  Everglades Club

  Exposition Coloniale Internationale

  Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes L’

  Fabulous Josephine Baker, The

  Farouk, King of Egypt

  Farrah Diba, Empress of Iran

  Father Divine

  Fausse Alerte

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

  Féeries et Folies

  Felix, Blanche

  Felix, Maria

  Felix (barber)

  Female Hospital

  female impersonators

  Fétiveau, Dr.

  Figaro, Le

  Fitch, Noel Riley

  Fitzgerald, Ella

  Flanner, Janet

  Flannery, Laura

  Fleishmann’s Yeast Hour, The

  Flesh, The


  JB as star of

  Folie du Jour, La

  Fonteyn, Margot

  Foote, Bea

  Forces of Power (Taub)

  “Forgotten Husbands of Famous Women”

  Forrest Theatre


  liberation of see also Paris

  France Dimanche


  Franey, Pierre


  French Resistance

  French Revolution

  Funck-Brentano, Dr.

  Gabin, Jean

  Gabor, Zsa Zsa

  Gaines, Leslie

  Galeries Lafayette

  Garafola, Lynn

  Garner, Errol

  Gates, Henry Louis, Jr.

  Gaumont Palace Theatre

  Gazetteer and Guide

  Gee, Lottie

  Gerbeau, Roland


  racial attitudes in

  between wars

  Gerny’s Cabaret

  Gershwin, George

  Gershwin, Ira

  Gianviti, Dominique

  Gibson, John T.

  Gilman, Sander

  Giraud, Henri

  Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry

  “Give Me Your Hand”

  Gleason, Jackie

  Gold Rush, The

  Good Frenchman, The (Behr)

  Goodwin, Henry

  Gordon, Taylor

  Goulue, La

  Governor General Guyedon

  Grace, Princess of Monaco

  Grande Terrasse Café

  Grant, David

  Grappelli, Stephane

  Gray, Barry

  Green, Cora

  Green Dragon

  Green Pastures, The

  Greenwood, Charlotte

  Gregory, Dick

  Griffin, Bessie

  Guignery, Blanche

  Guignery, Georges

  Guilbert, Yvette

  Guillermin, Pierre

  Guitry, Sacha

  Gustav-Adolf, Prince (Sweden)

  Guy, Michel

  Gyarmathy, Michel

  Haag, Romy

  Haas, Dolly

  Haille Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia


  Haley, Alex

  Hall, Adelaide

  Hammond, Perry

  Handy, W. C.

  Harbach, Bill


  JB in

fe and commerce in

  Southern black migration to

  Striver’s Row in

  Hart, Larry

  Harvey, Beredester

  Hassan II, King of Morocco

  Haus Vaterland

  Hayes, Roland

  Hayman, Joe

  Hays, Arthur Garfield

  Hayworth, Rita

  Hébert, Jacques-François

  Hedidech, Mohamed

  Hefner, Hugh

  “Hello, Dolly”

  Hemingway, Ernest

  Henderson, Sally

  Herz, Shirley

  Heston, Charlton

  Hilda, Bernard


  Hill Sisters



  Hirschfeld, Al

  Hitler, Adolf

  Hochschule für Musik

  Hoffa, Jimmy

  Holder, Geoffrey

  Holl, Heinz

  Hollywood Reporter

  Holy Rollers

  Honey Boy

  Hoover, J. Edgar

  Hope, Bob

  Hopkins, Claude

  on JB

  JB’s affair with

  Hopkins, Mabel

  Home, Lena

  Horsey, Chick

  Hot Chocolates on Broadway

  Hôtel Fournet

  Hotel Nacional

  Hotel Pickwick

  Hôtel Scribe

  House of Lords, British

  Howell Funeral Parlor

  Hudgins, Johnny

  Hudgins, Mildred

  Hudson, Caroline “Carrie” McDonald Martin (mother)

  character and personality of

  illness and death of

  JB’s relationship with

  love affairs of

  Hudson, Tony

  Hughes, Langston

  Hughes, Revella

  Hultin, Tor

  Humphrey, Hubert

  Hunan-Yale Medical College

  Hunter, Alberta

  Hurford-Janes, Harry

  Hurford-Janes, Peggy

  Idiot’s Delight (Sherwood)

  “If I Were White”

  “If You Hadn’t Gone Away”

  “I Kiss Your Hand, Madame”

  Île de France

  Illinois Central Railroad

  Imitation of Life

  Impellitteri, Vincent

  In Bamville (The Chocolate Dandies)

  Indianapolis Recorder

  “I Want to Yodel”

  Jackson, Bee

  Jackson, Mahalia

  Jagger, Mick

  “J’ai Deux Amours”


  James, Dolores


  Jardin des Acacias, Le


  in Paris

  Jazzoway Dandies

  Jazz Singer, The

  Jenkins, Eugene

  Jésus La Caille

  Joachim, Joseph

  Joan of Arc

  Jocya, Jocelyne

  Johann Strauss Theater

  Johnson, Freddy

  Johnson, Ida

  Johnson, James P.

  Johnson, Marilyn

  Johnson, Percy

  John Tiller Girls

  Joie de Paris, La

  Jolson, Al

  Joly, Jean-Marc

  Jones, Bill

  Jones, Broadway

  Jones, Doll

  Jones, Dyer

  Jones, Ed

  Jones, Florence

  Jones, Henry “Gang”

  Jones, Lydia

  on JB

  Jones, Mr.

  Jonny Spielt Auf

  Joplin, Scott

  Jordan, Jack

  Josephine (Baker and Bouillon)

  Josephine Baker and Her Company

  Josephine Baker As Seen by the French Press (Abatino)

  Josephine Baker’s Impérial

  Josephine Baker’s Magazine

  Josephine Baker World Cultural Society

  Josephson, Barney

  Journal, Le

  Justice Department, U.S.

  Kaiser, Mrs.

  Kay, Stanley

  Kaye, Danny

  Kelly, Grace, see Grace, Princess of Monaco

  Kennedy, Jacqueline

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kennedy, Robert F.

  Kentucky Club

  Kessler, Alice and Ellen

  Kessler, Count Harry

  Khan, Aga

  Khan, Ali

  Khruschchev, Nikita

  Kieffer, Charles

  King, Martin Luther, Jr.

  Kissel, Howard

  Kitt, Eartha

  Klein family

  Kleist Casino

  Klurfeld, Herman

  Kobayashi, Ichizo

  Korean conflict

  Korman, Murray

  Ku Klux Klan

  Lackie, Ethel

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, the Legendary Josephine Baker”

  Lafayette Theatre

  Laine, Frankie

  Lancaster, Burt

  Landshoff, Miss

  Lara, Augustin

  Larbi, Kenza

  Larbi, Moulay

  Laurence, Paula

  Lavallade, Carmen de

  Lawrence, Gertrude

  Leclerc, Philippe

  Le Corbusier

  Lee, Canada

  Lee, Mona

  Lefevre, René

  Léger, Fernand

  Leigh, Vivien

  le Lievre, Lucien

  Le Luron, Thierry

  Leopold III, King of Belgium

  Leplée, Louis

  Le Roux, Yves

  Leshing, Phillip

  Leslie, Earl

  Leslie, Lew

  Levasseur, André

  Levinson, André

  Lewis, Mamie

  Lewis, Sammie


  Ligue Internationale Contre le Racisme et l’Antisémitisme (LICA)

  Lillie, Beatrice

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Lincoln Theater

  Lion, Georges

  Lion, Jean (3rd husband)

  Liszt, Franz

  Little Pickaninnies, The

  Lockman, Ethel “the Duchess”

  Lombard, Pepe


  Loos, Adolf

  Loren, Sophia

  Lost Generation

  Lottier, Agathe

  Louis, Joe

  Louisiana Purchase Exposition of 1904


  Lovejoy, Alex

  Love Parade, The

  “Love Will Find a Way”

  Lucille, Mrs.


  McAlmon, Robert

  McDonald, Elvira (grandmother)

  McDonald, Richard (grandfather)

  McGee, Willie


  Maillol, Aristide

  Malaury, Elois

  Malaury, Georges

  Malaury, Georgette

  Malaury, Henriette

  Malaury, Yvette

  Malraux, André


  Manet, Édouard


  Mantle, Burns

  March on Washington

  Marchive, Marie-Luise Yvonne

  Marie-Antoinette, Queen of France

  Marouani, Daniel

  Mars, Colette


  Marshall, Bert

  Marshall, Booth

  on JB

  Marshall, Thurgood

  Marshall, William

  Martin, Alain

  Martin, Arthur “Weatherbird” (stepfather)

  Martin, Arthur

  Martin, Bobby

  Martin, Clifford

  Martin, Janie

  Martin, Marie-Louise Daziniere

  Martin, Patrick

  Martin, Richard, Jr.

  Martin, Richard Alexander “Brothercat” (half-brother)

  on JB

  at Les Milandes

p; Martin, Vertel

  Martin, Wilhelmina “Willie Mae” (half-sister)

  Martin (De Oro), Guylaine

  Martin (De Oro), Nais

  Mary Magdalene

  Mary’s Congolene hair straightener

  Mason, Mr.

  Mason, Mrs.


  Mathews, Roger

  Mathis, Johnny

  Matisse, Henri

  Mauriac, François

  Maurois, André

  Maxwell, Gavin

  Mayer, Al

  Medenica, Rajko

  Meeres, Paul

  Méhu, Jo

  Mein Kampf (Hitler)

  Meir, Golda

  Mémoires de Josephine Baker, Les (Baker and Sauvage)

  Memphis, Tenn.

  Mendez Arceo, Bishop Sergio

  Menebhi, Abderahman

  Menebhi-Lemghari, Aziz

  Menebhi, Fadila

  Menebhi, Hagdousch

  Menebhi, Mohamed

  Menier, Claude

  Menier, Jean

  Menjou, Adolphe

  Mercadier, Marthe

  Mercier, Eli

  “Merci pour Les Milandes”

  “Me Revoila Paris”

  Merle Rose, Le

  Merlin, Jean

  Merlin, Odette

  Merlin Theater

  Merode, Cleo de

  Meyer, Pierre

  Michael, Wanda


  Milandes, Les

  farming at

  financial problems of

  reconstruction and decoration of

  sale of

  tourism at

  Milhaud, Darius

  Miller, Flournoy

  Miller, Irving C.

  Miller and Lyles

  Mills, Florence

  Minnelli, Liza

  Minnelli, Vincente


  “Miss Otis Regrets”


  Mitchell, Abbie

  Mitchell, Bobby

  Mitchell, Julian

  Modell-Rinehold, Shirley

  Mohammed V, Sultan of French Morocco

  Moiret, Al


  Molyneux, Edward

  Mom Charleston’s boardinghouse


  “Mon Coeur Est un Oiseau des Îles”

  Monroe, Marilyn

  Mon Sang dans Tes Veines (Abatino)

  Monte Carlo

  Montevecchi, Liliane

  Montmartre Cabaret

  Moon, Henry Lee

  Morand, Paul

  Moreau, Jeanne

  Moreno, Eddie

  Morgan, Helen

  Morgan, Michèle

  Morlay, Gaby


  Morris, Helen Williams

  Morris, Lloyd

  Moulin, Jean

  Moulin Rouge

  Mountbatten, Lord Louis

  Mr. Cochran’s Young Ladies

  Mr. Dad

  Murat, Princess

  Murphy, Robert

  Museum Guimet

  Music Hall des Champs-Élysées

  Mussolini, Benito

  “My Sweet Lord”

  “My Way”

  Nast, Condé

  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

  National Casino

  National Conservatory of Music

  National Observer

  National Urban League

  Nederlander, Jimmy

  Negro Drawings (Covarrubias)

  Nelson Theatre

  Neue Kunsthandlung

  New Orleans, La.

  New Orleans Item

  New Regent

  Newton, Edmund

  New York, N.Y.

  New York Daily News

  New Yorker

  New York Journal-American

  New York Mirror

  New York Post

  New York Times


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