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Invisible Warrior (The Protectors Series) Book #11

Page 18

by Teresa Gabelman

  “I thought you did that already.” Sid stopped, his face angry.

  “No, we did a protection spell over the compound, which has worked,” Kira added. She nodded to Mira. “And it’s an excellent idea. Between myself, Mira, and Wyrick, whoever is behind this cannot penetrate—”

  “How in the fuck can you say it worked?” Jax sneered, which Ronan took offense to and stepped between Kira and Jax, who held Caroline.

  “Watch it.” Ronan’s eyes narrowed dangerously.

  Kira stepped around Ronan. “Nothing happened at the compound now, did it?”

  “They waited until we were out from the protection. They could have done this a long time ago but couldn’t because of the spell over the compound. But if each individual is protected, then they will be safe and nothing like today can happen again.”

  “And that’s a guarantee?” Sid asked, watching them closely.

  “Nothing in—”

  “Magic is a guarantee… bullshit!” Sid snorted at Wyrick’s words.

  Mira’s shoulders slumped as she looked up at Steve. “Then we have to leave because no one here is safe.”


  Steve heard Mira’s words, but he was too busy glaring at Sid. “Why are you such a fucking asshole?”

  “Excuse me?” Sid took a step toward Steve.

  Steve also took a step. “You heard me. They’re offering to make your mate safe.”

  “A little fucking late for that.” Sid’s voice had turned deadly.

  “Sid!” Lana stepped in front him, grabbing his arm. “Whatever we need to do, we’ll do. I do not want to go through that ever again.”

  “Same here,” Caroline said, her eyes closed as she rested against Jax’s chest. “Magic doesn’t scare me, but what happened in there does. If you have a way to protect me and my sister, I’m in, but not until I get this wrist taken care of.”

  Steve glanced toward Sid, who was still staring at him or glaring at him, depending on which way you looked at it.

  “You’re getting a little big for your britches.” Sid pointed directly at him before turning and leading Lana toward their car.

  Steve didn’t know how to take that, so he just breathed a sigh of relief that Sid walked away and he was still standing. Damn, he didn’t know what was happening to himself, but he was kinda turning out to be a badass. He liked it. It may kill him, but he liked it. Maybe he could change his name to Steve “The Badass” Invisible Warrior. Now that had a ring to—”


  “What?” Steve jumped at Sloan yelling his name.

  “Wipe that goofy fucking grin off your face and do what I told you to do.” Sloan sighed, then stared at Steve with an annoyed glare.

  Shit. Steve tried, he really, really tried to think what Sloan had told him to do and nothing… not a damn thing came to mind. “And that would be?” So, okay, he had a long way to go with the badass when it came to Sloan Murphy.

  “Tell Blaze to wrap it up and for everyone to meet at the compound,” Ronan said when Sloan just glared at Steve.

  “Got it!” Steve nodded, then looked down at Mira. “I’ll be right back.”

  Steve glanced around, making sure no one was near, but then he saw Sloan sneer and figured he better get his ass moving.

  “I think we can keep her safe the two seconds it’s going to take you to do what I asked you to fucking do.” Sloan’s words came out between clenched teeth.

  Steve nodded, then took off with his badass self knowing he was lucky to still be alive. First Jared, then Sid, and now Sloan. Fuck, this badass shit was dangerous work.

  Chapter 28

  Steve grabbed a bottle and headed toward Mira’s room. Little Drew Boo was hungry and demanding to be fed. He promised himself that after all this shit was over, he would take Mira out for a nice dinner, maybe some dancing or a movie. Just like a real date. Something he’d never really had. Walking into the room, he stopped. Mira was singing softly to Drew, who was staring up at her momma with wide eyes. He wished he had his phone ready to take a picture of that moment, but Mira turned, ruining the perfect mother/daughter moment.

  “What?” Mira smiled at him.

  “I was just wishing I had my phone ready to take a picture.” Steve grinned, handing her the bottle. “That was definitely a perfect picture.”

  “You say the sweetest things.” Mira kissed his cheek.

  “Wish everyone thought that.” Steve snorted, then tweaked Drew’s nose gently, gaining a big toothless grin. “Seems I’m always getting myself in trouble with my mouth.”

  “Well, I like your mouth.” She gave him a saucy smile.

  “Oh, you do…? Then to hell with everyone else.” Steve leaned down, giving her a quick peck on the lips. “After all this is said and done, I’m going to take you out to dinner, wine and dine you, maybe some dancing and a movie.”

  “That’s a little hard to do with a baby,” Mira replied with a sigh. “But that sounds so wonderful.”

  “We have babysitters everywhere, and if not, we’ll take her with us.” Steve shrugged with a laugh. “If the wait is too long at the restaurant, we can just have Drew do one of her stinky poos. We’ll get seated right away as people will be running for their lives.”

  Mira laughed in agreement, but then stopped. Sadness crept into her eyes. “This may never be over, Steve.” Mira pulled the nipple out of Drew’s mouth with a wet pop, then put her on her shoulder to burp. “I’ve been dealing with this all my life. Always on the run, hiding, changing my identity.”

  “We’re going to get him,” Steve promised as he touched her cheek. He then cupped the back of Drew’s little head. “Nothing is going to happen to either of you, I swear it.”

  “Just know that if you don’t want this, us… I will understand.” Mira shook her head, stopping him before he could speak. “I mean it, Steve. You were pulled into this without knowing the extent of everything. The curse, a crazed warlock set on revenge, a baby….” Her voice trailed off, but her eyes stayed on him.

  “I’m not going anywhere.” Steve took her chin in his hand as he stared directed into her eyes. “Do you hear me? I don’t run. I don’t want to run. I’ll do everything I can to make sure you’re both safe and taken care of. You’re both my life now, a life I welcome.”

  They remained quiet, just absorbing the moment of what was said. A loud wet burp filled the silence.

  “Holy crap, Drew Boo.” Steve peeked around to look at her. “That was one heck of a burp and sure made me proud. Here, let me take her and finish. Go shower or whatever you girls do. Relax for a minute.”

  “Are you sure?” Mira handed Drew over to Steve, then gave him the bottle.

  “Oh, yeah.” Steve walked over and sat on the bed, staring down at Drew. “We’ve got some serious burping to do.”

  “I love you.” Mira’s voice had him raising his head.

  In all his life Steve had never heard those words from a living soul, or a dead one for that matter. He stood, walked toward her, and tugged her against him, careful not to crush Drew.

  “Say it again.” Steve’s lips were close to hers.

  “I love you.” Her voice was strong but whispered against his lips.

  “No one has ever said those words to me.” Steve kissed her gently. “And I’ll never take them for granted. I love you, Mira Grail, for now, and always.”

  Mira reached up, her fingers touching his cheek. Steve looked to see her fingertip covered with the blood from the tear he didn’t know he’d shed. He wasn’t embarrassed; it was a testament of what her words meant to him.

  “I’m sorry.” Mira’s eyes flooded with tears. “Everyone deserves to hear those words.”

  “I’ve just been waiting for you.” Steve kissed her again then frowned when she began to cry in earnest. “Hey, don’t cry for me. Other than my early years, my life has been amazing, and now I’ve met you and Drew, my life is full.”

  Mira wiped her eyes and nodded. “Okay.” She sniffed. “I�
�m taking you up on the shower offer. I won’t take long.”

  “Relax, don’t hurry.” Steve grinned down at Drew. “She’ll keep me in line. Won’t you?”

  As soon as the bathroom door closed, Steve looked up and stared at the door. Tears he’d held back fell free. He even had to cover his mouth to keep a sob from escaping. He didn’t care if he cried every now and then, but blubbering like a fucking idiot like he was doing now was a bit much.

  “Whew, Drew.” Steve cleared his throat and wiped his tears. “I need to get a grip before we both float away. What the hell is your momma doing to me, huh?”

  Drew started fussing, so he grabbed the bottle, which she took eagerly. The room was silent other than the distant sound of the shower and the sucking of milk. Steve began to hum, gaining Drew’s attention. He leaned close and sang a made-up song in a low, badly off-key tone.

  “Not bad, huh?” Steve grinned, then was shocked when Drew smacked him upside the cheek with her milky hand. “Hey, now. That wasn’t cool. Just say I suck. You don’t have to get violent.”

  Steve took the bottle, then rested Drew against his shoulder as he patted her back. He walked around the room, trying to get her to burp. She farted against his hand instead.

  “Wrong end, Drew Boo.” Steve scrunched his nose waiting for the smell, but it never came. “Thank God that wasn’t a shart. I think you wait for me to do that. I’m going to nickname you stinker. So when guys start coming around, which won’t be until you’re in your late thirties, I’ll call you stinker so hopefully they’ll run for the hills. If you still have stinky-ass farts then, like you do now, then no worries in the guy department. They’ll be running for it, which will be fine with me.”

  Walking around and patting her back, he continued to talk.

  “Guys are bad news. There will be interviews, possible ass kickings, and most definitely background checks on any asshole who comes knocking on the door. If me or your mother disapprove, he’ll be sent packing, probably with my boot up his butt.” Steve stopped then cranked his neck to look at her. “You listening?”

  When she made a gurgling noise, Steve nodded then continued, “Good, because this is serious business. It won’t be long before they come sniffing around a pretty girl like yourself. Oh, and no Warriors. We are badasses, but it’s too dangerous. You need a nice guy, maybe a dentist or a librarian, who’s going to treat you right. I don’t like killing, but one wrong step and they’re toast.”

  Steve gave another pat on her back, and she let out a wet burp, but Steve knew without looking air was not the only thing that came out of her mouth. Hot wetness ran down his back. Before he could pull her away from his shoulder, she farted again, filling her diaper with the stinkiest shit to date.

  “Really?” Steve sighed, then carefully pulled her away from him and held her out, making sure to support her neck as he stared into her toothless grin. “Why, Drew Boo? Why always me?”

  Drew kicked her feet, and Steve had a feeling he was going to need help with this one. She had puke down her front, and he didn’t even want to know what she had in her diaper, but the smell let him know it wasn’t gonna be pretty, not that any shit was pretty. Baby shit was in a category all its own. Turning with her still outstretched, he saw Mira leaning against the wall with a large smile on her face.

  “Help!” Steve looked around Drew at her.

  Mira laughed as she headed toward them, then stopped to wave her hand in front of her face. “Holy wow, child.” Mira made a beeline to where the diapers were and grabbed one, a towel, wipes, and a clean outfit.

  After Mira laid the towel out, Steve gently laid Drew down. “Do all babies do this?”

  “What, poop?” Mira teased. “Yes, Steve, all babies poop.” Mira made quick work stripping Drew down to her diaper.

  “I know they poop, funny girl.” Steve cringed when Mira opened the diaper. “But do they all do that?” Steve actually gagged.

  “You can go, Steve.” Mira chuckled. “I’ve got this.”

  “No, we’re in this together.” He grabbed a wipe. “Wipe or butt picker upper?”

  “Butt picker upper.” Mira grinned when Steve cursed. “Hey, you gave me first choice.”

  “A mistake I won’t be making again.” Steve snorted, then turned his head, took a deep breath and held it. He did a swipe, then backed away and let out his breath. “How about we just put her in the shower and hose her down.”

  “Give me those.” Mira took the wipes as Steve gently took Drew’s little ankles. “You use way too many anyway.”

  “No, she poops too much so I have to use way too many.” Steve blamed Drew.

  Mira chuckled but became quiet as they finished up. Once finished, they cleaned up and then took turns washing their hands. Steve lay on the floor next to Drew, watching her. Mira lay on the other side.

  “So, a Warrior isn’t good enough for her?” Mira cocked her eyebrow at him. “Why is that? I mean, should I beware and maybe go for a librarian or dentist?”

  Steve’s eyes narrowed. “Fuck no you should not.”

  “And don’t you think thirties is a little old for a girl to start dating?” Mira cocked her eyebrow at him again.

  “Absolutely not. I think that’s a perfect age for us to start interviewing potential assholes, or ah, suitors for Drew,” Steve replied seriously. “Why, what age do you think she should start dating?”

  “At least sixteen.” Mira rested her head on her arm, looking over at him.

  “Sixteen!” Steve snorted. “Over my dead body.”

  They were silent for a long moment as they watched Drew as well as just staring at each other. “I think you need to be a part of the ceremony tonight.” Mira broke the silence.

  Steve nodded. “If you think it’s important, then I will.”

  “Thank you.” Mira smiled at him.

  “Say it again.” Steve gave her a sweet grin.

  “I love you,” she whispered, knowing exactly what he meant.

  “I love you.” Steve reached over Drew and touched Mira’s face. He then glanced down at Drew. “And as for you, twenty-nine and that’s as low as I’ll go.”

  Drew gave out a grunt as if disapproving of his choice. “I think you’re going to have a fight on your hands.” Mira laughed at Steve’s surprised face.

  “Well hell, what’s new?” Steve leaned down and kissed Drew’s forehead. “That’s a fight that will be totally worth it.”

  Chapter 29

  Mira stared into the fire, her nerves on edge. She had never done this in front of anyone before and even though it was to keep others safe, she still worried about being judged. Not that it would stop her—it hadn’t before—yet being judged always seemed to take something from her, especially when it was by people she respected.

  She was a witch, plain and simple. She had no choice. She was born into a coven, learned the craft before she’d learned to talk, and she had never used her craft to hurt anyone. It was against what her coven believed, yet the term witch was still tarnished with the negativity from the Salem hanging days. She had been judged and found guilty of having a gift, a belief in the moon cycles the world had to offer them all. Because she used those cycles, she was deemed evil by many people. It was warlocks like Orjyll who gave true good wiccan a bad name.

  “You okay?” Kira handed her a cape with their symbol embroidered on the back.

  Mira shrugged with a nod. “Yeah, just want to get it done. You know I hate doing this stuff with an audience.”

  “This is a good thing, Mira.” Kira frowned at her. “Never forget that. Our craft is for good, never the bad. We do nothing wrong.”

  With a nod, she glanced over to where Steve held Drew. Wyrick had, with the permission from Sloan, dug out a pit for the fire in the side yard of the compound. Glancing up at the sky, she knew it was close to the witching hour. Despite no full moon lighting the sky, with two witches and one warlock it wouldn’t matter. Mira checked to make sure she had all her stuff ready. She did. Hear
ing voices, she noticed everyone headed outside. She turned away, afraid to see judgment thrown her way.

  “Anything I can do?” Steve asked, his keen eye also on the Warriors and their mates. They grouped together quietly while staring at Mira, Kira, and Wyrick.

  “Take my place,” Mira teased as she also glanced around. “I’m not a bad person because of my craft,” she whispered, then looked away quickly.

  “I know that, Mira.” Steve caught her chin and lifted her face toward him. “And so do they. We’re just a very protective breed of men. Give them a minute to realize what you’re doing will not harm their mates.”

  “As long as you know what I do isn’t evil, then I’m good.” Mira gave him a shaky smile.

  “There isn’t an evil bone in your body.” Steve nodded, then turned when Adam and Angelina walked up to them.

  “Is this safe for her?” Adam frowned, glancing from Steve to Mira.

  “Of course. I would never do anything to put anyone in harm’s way.” Mira looked at Angelina and noticed she seemed a little nervous. “Angelina, I swear on my life that everything happening tonight is only to protect those Orjyll can get to. Humans are the most vulnerable.”

  “It’s ready,” Wyrick announced as he walked over. “Are you?”

  Mira silently nodded. Her eyes fell on little Daniel standing next to Pam and Duncan, his large German shepherd by his side. Her eye rose to Duncan, who was staring at her. She swallowed hard as she gave Steve one last look before following Kira and Wyrick toward the fire. Well, here goes nothing… or with this group, here goes everything.


  Steve watched on, not really knowing what to expect. His eyes roamed the rest of the Warriors, and it seemed as if they felt the same way he did by their frowns of uncertainty.

  “If everyone can form a circle around the fire, with those who are human or were half-breeds on the inside,” Wyrick called out. “What we do is not black magic. It is pure, it is safe, and it is powerful. No harm will come to you or your loved ones. Once you drink from the cup, you will be given a crystal that you are to keep on your body at all times. We don’t care how, but it’s important that it’s on your person, always. If not, you’ve created a crack where anything can get in.”


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