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Lesbian Shorts

Page 5

by Carla Blake

  Ella lay beside her. Above them the sunlight continued to stream through the trees, laying warm ribbons across their legs and body as they snuggled in close. In the distance a bird sang, rejoicing in the Spring afternoon and something small scurried through the undergrowth. But neither Ella or Anya paid any attention to the minuet of the forest. Instead they held each other, their bodies close together. Ella’s firm breasts pressing against Anya’s whilst Anya ran her hands along the length of Ella’s back, feeling the warmth of her skin radiating through the sheer fabric of her blouse.

  Ella sighed into her ear. “ Can I ask you something?” She said.

  “Of course.” Anya replied. “What is it?”

  “I know we’ve only just met and everything, but I would really love to make love to you. I know it’s sudden and we’ve only just kissed, but..”

  “But what?” Anya asked, silencing her with a finger across her lips. “ To hell with all that. Life is too short and I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of playing games and wasting my time on people who promise you something and give you nothing. I like you and you like me, so as far as I’m concerned, there’s nothing stopping us.”

  Again Ella raised her eyebrows. “ Well that wasn’t quite the romantic answer I was expecting,” she giggled, “ but it’ll do. Been messed around a lot have you?”

  “Like you wouldn’t believe! Now are you going to snog my face off or do I have to beg?”

  Ella snogged her face off, their lips crushing together whilst their hands got busy with buttons and lace and the unclasping of a single bra.

  The forest air brushing across their naked skin made them gasp and they reached for each other, shivering together and giggling like a couple of schoolgirls as they clasped each other tightly and tried not to make it too obvious that they were busy inspecting each other’s bodies. Ella, though was a little bolder and breaking away from a kiss that had had Anya’s tongue dancing with her own, lay herself flat out on the blanket, raised her arms above her head and invited Anya to take a good look.

  “ Do it.” She smiled. “ I know you want to and once we’ve got over our shyness, we can really enjoy what we’re doing.”

  So Anya looked, and propping herself up on an elbow, she gazed longingly at Ella.

  She was lovely. Her blonde hair lay spread around her head in a golden halo and as Anya looked down on her, she closed her eyes and allowed a faint smile to play across her lips. A simple, gold chain without a pendant circled her throat and her hand reached down to play with it as Anya feasted her eyes on her firm, pert breasts, the nipples stiffened by the breeze and imagined taking them in her mouth to see how much harder she could make them. Her stomach was smooth and flat and between her legs, her fluff was dark and neatly trimmed. The sight of her made Anya’s breath quicken and with trembling hands, she reached out and ran a hand slowly down her thigh, wanting nothing more than to take her. Fully and deeply, leaving her panting and gasping and begging for more.

  Ella opened her eyes. “ My turn.” She said and swapping places with Anya, told her she was beautiful.

  Anya lay still, her own eyes closed to the soft light filtering through her eyelids and acutely aware of the breeze across her skin and of a blade of grass softly tickling her left ear. She was also very aware of Ella’s presence above her, and in a brief moment of panic she wondered if she had remembered to shave her legs before reminding herself she had. She still felt oddly vulnerable though and after a little while began to imagine she could actually feel Ella’s eyes roaming up and down her body as she lay, exposed and wanting and very, very naked, beneath the dappled shade of the Oak.

  Then a mouth closed over her nipple and with a gasp, Anya snapped open her eyes to see Ella’s head was now at her breast, her lips wrapped around her nipple as she licked and sucked and her hand eased its way up Anya’s side to cup the other side.

  “Turn over.” Ella urged and helped Anya roll over to lay on her stomach. Asking if she was comfortable as Anya’s breasts were squashed against the blanket and her pussy pressed into the uneven ground beneath.

  “I’m fine.” She smiled, “ but what are you doing?” She asked, turning her head so she could see Ella.

  “Enjoying myself.” Ella replied. “ Or would you rather lie on your back again?”

  Anya shook her head. “ No. I’m fine. It’s okay.”

  “Good.” Ella said and stroked her back, massaging her shoulders and spine and the smooth rump of her behind. Her fingers were cool and firm on her skin and they expertly eased out the knots of tension Anya hadn’t even known were there.

  Sighing with pleasure, Anya rested her head on her folded arms and let her get on with it. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt so calm and at peace. It didn’t matter that she was totally naked with a virtual stranger and in a forest where anyone might happen along. It was just a beautiful and serene moment, made all the more so by Ella’s roaming hands and gentle kisses occasionally dropped on the small of her back.

  “Ready for more?” Ella whispered and moving her hands towards Anya’s thighs, gently eased them apart. The movement put additional pressure on Anya’s pussy and moaning, she wriggled her hips as a familiar throbbing trembled inside of her exacerbated by Ella’s hand slipping between her legs to firmly cradle her mound.

  A finger then probed her slit and carefully moving up and down the silky soft channel, caressed and coaxed until Anya, squirming beneath her and telling her how lovely it was, produced enough moisture for Ella to slip inside and fuck her. Slowly and deeply, her finger pushing in as far as it would go, the angle of entry making it even more intense for Anya who squirmed still more and asked if Ella would like her to get up on all fours.

  “That would be lovely.” Ella replied. “I can really get at you then. Want another finger?”

  “Oh, yes.” Anya sighed and getting onto her hands and knees waited for Ella to knit her fingers together before returning them to her hole, where she twisted them from side to side and turned Anya’s cunt juices to cream. She fucked her hard, knowing Anya was wet enough to take it and she played with her pussy, her other hand giving Anya’s clit just enough stimulation to have Anya gasping and moaning and practically begging to come. But then, just as Anya was right on the edge, Ella stopped rubbing her pussy and told her to turn over, to lie on her back, to let her get at those sweet tits that were just begging to be sucked. Anya was over in an instant and with her fingers still buried inside her, Ella bent to suck her nipples. Licking and biting, her fingers still working furiously inside Anya’s cunt, whilst Anya, her arms now locked around Ella’s back, begged her to play with her clit.

  It was not difficult to find. By now Anya was extremely turned on and thanks to Ella’s early efforts, her clit was standing proud and throbbing, ready to be stroked by an eager Ella who carefully extracting her fingers, then rubbed at Anya’s clit with sticky fingers and told her how beautiful and sexy she was.

  Anya reply was to tell her she was coming and gripping Ella tight enough to push the air from her lungs, she begged her to bring her off. In reply, Ella rubbed her harder, pushing her fingers into Anya’s clit and smearing juices all across her slit as she worked hard to bring to orgasm.

  “Yes!” Anya cried, “Oh, fuck yes!” And then she came, hot and pulsating. Liquid gushing from her cunt. Her body thrashing and tightening as waves of pleasure surged through her again and again and she heaved and moaned, until finally, unable to ride the torrent any longer she collapsed against the blanket, her body covered in a fine sheen of sweat.

  Ella licked her fingers. “I take it that was alright then?” She smiled, running her finger between Anya’s breast and savouring the salty tang. “How long has it been?”

  “Months.’ Anya gasped, “couldn’t you tell?”

  “I could tell how sweet you were. How sensual. You fuck beautifully and I want
more. Can I have you again?”

  “Of course you can if you’re willing to wait a bit? I think you might have blown my mind as well as my body and besides, shouldn’t I be returning the favour?”

  It took a few minutes. Anya’s legs didn’t seem to want to work and when she finally managed to close them, the ache in her groin was a delicious agony. Blissfully, she pulled Ella to her and kissed her mouth. “ Thank you.” She said. “ For the picnic, the wine and for this. I bet you had this planned all along, didn’t you? You wicked woman?”

  “Well, not all of it.” Ella replied, looking suitably abashed. “ I thought, if I was lucky, I might get a cuddle or even a kiss, but not this. I’m just as surprised as you.”

  “And you don’t regret it?”

  “Do you?”


  “Well there you go then. There’s nothing to regret as far as I’m concerned. I’ve just made love to a gorgeous woman. What’s to regret?”

  “Nothing I hope, but have you always fancied other women then?” Anya probed. “ Or did you come out later in life?”

  Ella laughed. “ God, I’m only twenty three! What do you call ‘later in life?’ But no, I’ve always liked girls. Even when all of my mates were dribbling over some spotty movie star with impossibly white teeth, I was secretly lusting after his on-screen wife. How ‘bout you?”

  “Same. I’ve always had crushes on girls, from as far back as I can remember. I remember, when I was about eight, really wanting to please my Brownie Guide leader, although I had no real idea why? She never singled me out for my efforts in any special way. Now though, I realise I had an almighty crush on her, I just didn’t have the knowledge or maturity to appreciate it at the time.”

  Ella smiled. “ That’s so sweet. And I wouldn’t change the way I feel for the world. Men are far too big and scratchy and just..urgh for my liking.”

  “Whereas you.” Anya began, finally getting herself together enough to sit up, “ are just lovely. Are you getting chilly by the way or are you happy to stay like this?”

  “Oh, like this, definitely. I love the feel of the breeze on me. And it’s all so decadent isn’t it, being naked in the woods.”

  “It sure is. Stand up for me?”

  Ella stood and after a moment, Anya joined her. Her legs still felt weak, the space between her legs moist and well used, but it wasn’t unpleasant, and taking Ella by the hand, she turned her until her back was against the Oak tree and pressed her against the bark.

  “That ok?’ She asked. “ Not too uncomfortable?”

  Ella shook her head. “ No, it’s fine. And I’m guessing you’ll soon be taking my mind off it anyway. Won’t you?”

  “Oh, I will. Close your eyes?”

  Ella did as she was asked, flinching slightly when moments later she felt Anya tie something soft across her face and take away her ability to see.

  “You don’t like?” Anya asked immediately, ready to remove it. “ I can take it off if you don’t.”

  Ella shook her head. “ No, it’s fine. What is it?”

  “Your blouse. I rolled it carefully . It won’t crease.”

  Ella laughed. “ Like I care.”

  Anya kissed her. A fleeting kiss that hardly made contact with Ella’s lips but which made Ella strain forward in an attempt to prolong it.

  In return Anya placed a single finger across her mouth. “ Patience.” She smiled, “ and you’re not to move. Don’t want you blundering around the forest naked and unable to see. And I’ll be right here all the time. I’m not going anywhere and I won’t play games. Feel my hand? One of them will be touching you all the time, just so you know I haven’t gone.”

  Anya touched Ella’s neck. Her long fingers circling her throat as she kissed her again and used her other hand to cradle Ella’s bottom. Their tongues met, hungrily and urgently and within seconds the kiss turned passionate, each of them desperate to taste and feel and draw themselves as close together as humanly possible.

  Hands moved and they circled each other’s waists, pulling each other close then closer still, their breasts mashed together, their pussies grinding. The heat rising between them nothing to do with the warmth of the afternoon. They kissed and Anya’s hand moved up to cup the weight of Ella’s breast. She squeezed and thumbed the nipple, feeling it stiffen against her palm before breaking away from Ella’s mouth to drop her head to Ella’s chest and use her tongue to draw wet circles across the swell of her breasts.

  Ella moaned and Anya turned her attention to her nipples, licking and flicking them, feeling them grow harder, then harder still until they resembled tiny stones.

  She carried on, planting kisses across Ella’s stomach and inserting the tip of her tongue into her navel, feeling the muscles beneath begin to twitch in glorious anticipation of what was to come as she grabbed Ella’s backside with both hands and gently massaged the twin globes.

  “Yes.” Ella sighed and thrust her pelvis, desperate for Anya to touch her. Desperate for something to ease the warm, throbbing urgency that was causing her clit to clench and her pussy to juice up.

  “ Soon.” Came Anya’s reply. “ But first I have to leave you for a bit. Not for long. Just want to fetch something. Will you be alright? I’ll be quick.”

  “ Be very quick!” Ella insisted. “ Please.”

  She heard Anya leave. Heard the crunch of woodland debris beneath her feet, a muffled ‘ouch’ when she trod on something sharp, then a silence she took to mean Anya had made it onto the blanket. A glass clinked. Anya came back.

  “ Okay?”

  Ella nodded.

  “ Touching your leg. Now.”

  Ella felt warm flesh against her thigh. Both thighs. Anya’s hands roaming up and down her legs, making her tremble and shake as she pressed herself against the uneven surface of the Oak and with a thrust of her pelvis, offered Anya her pussy.

  Anya took it. On her knees again, she parted Ella’s legs and dipped her head between her legs, breathing in the aroma of sweet musk and the undeniable scent of feminine lust. Delicately, she eased Ella’s labium apart with her fingers and slipped the tip of her tongue beneath the swollen, pink folds to lap at the glistening juices, then using the flat of her tongue, she licked her fully, gathering as much of her juices as she could whilst above her Ella groaned and buried her fingers in her hair, pulling Anya’s head further into her groin as she felt the first stirrings of an orgasm ripple through her cunt.

  When Anya pulled away, she couldn’t help but voice her disappointment.

  Anya stroked her thigh. “ Patience my love. Now, this might be a little cold.” And pressing the neck of the wine bottle firmly against Ella’s pussy, she gave her a few seconds to get used to the chill before easing it into her cunt. Inch by inch. Allowing Ella to appreciate the last smooth penetration before introducing a little bit more.

  “ Fuck.” Ella sighed, feeling cold smoothness penetrate her hot cunt. “What is that? It’s.. bloody.. marvelous!”

  “ It’s the wine bottle.” Anya informed her. “ Little more?”

  “God, yes please! Fuck me with it. Christ, I feel so full!”

  Anya slid another inch in and then withdrew it almost all the way, loving the way Ella’s cunt tired to hang onto it as she withdrew it right to the edge of her cunt and then plunged it back in again, the green glass coated with a sheen of pussy juices as she repeated the process a second time, feeling and hearing Ella’s appreciation as she slowly but firmly fucked her again and again, the wine bottle going in with no effort at all, over and over until finally Ella’s body succumbed and her orgasm started to shudder through her body.

  “I’m coming.” Ella confirmed. “ Please. Don’t.. stop.”

  “I won’t.” Anya reassured her and fucked her some more, the wine bottle gliding in and out of Ella’s cunt with ease
as she fucked her hard. Fucked her as hard as she dared, the slender neck of the bottle plunging deep inside before Anya pulled it out again. Changing the rhythm every third stroke from long and slow to shorter and quicker, until Ella began to moan and writhe and arch her back, gasping that she was coming, coming.. oh, fuck, she was coming!

  Anya held on, but it was almost impossible. Above her Ella was really going for it, her knees trembling as her orgasm ripped through her pussy and her cunt first gripped then started to reject the wine bottle.

  She let it go, afraid she might hurt Ella if she tried to force it to stay inside her and as Ella crumpled to the ground, her legs no longer able to support her, Anya tossed the wine bottle aside, helped Ella to the ground and then whilst she was still sighing and moaning and riding the last vestiges of her climax, spread her legs and licked her clit.

  Siren Song

  The little boat was probably the best purchase she’d ever made.

  Well, maybe not the best! There was the house to consider and the car and that gorgeous fleece she’d had her eye on for months but, until recently, had managed to persuade herself it was far too much to spend on something she was only going to wear half the year. But it was lovely. Pale blue with a slightly darker blue collar and cuffs and an embroidered shell design on the left breast. She’d lusted after it for ages and finally caved in enough to go out and buy it yesterday, after pushing aside the accursed price tag and telling herself that although it was costly, it would last her for years and she flippin’ needed it now she was living out here in the wilds.

  Or to be more precise, Cornwall.

  How had she ever ended up here?

  Okay, she knew. She’d run away. Left behind a soggy, poky flat in Bromley with leaky taps and appalling wall paper, paid her last lot of rent, thank God it was rented, and promptly resigned from her boring job in IT to chase the dream of living in the country without obligation or responsibility to anyone else but herself.


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