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Lesbian Shorts

Page 9

by Carla Blake

  The door rattled again and looking up Lucy thought she ought to get up and close it properly, before the wind blew it off its hinges. But before she could move, the door suddenly flew open, banged against the side and a female voice said, “shit!”

  Chloe stood on the threshold, a dripping umbrella in one hand and an irritated expression on her face. “ Bloody wind!” She grumbled. “ If it’s buckled that door, I’ll be bloody cross!”

  “Glad to find you in here though.” She added, stepping inside and shaking the worst of the rain from her brolly. “ I thought I’d find you sheltering under a bush somewhere. Forgot the shed was still open.”

  “Well, as you can it was and I’m fine.” Lucy replied, surreptitiously sneaking the bar of chocolate back into the box. “ Know I should have made a run for the house, but it seemed a bit far away, so I thought I’d just sit in out in here and I couldn’t send you a text, my mobile’s in your kitchen. You didn’t have to come out here though. Look at you, you’re soaked.”

  Chloe laughed and shook water from her sleeve. “ Nah, just a bit crinkly round the edges, that’s all. See you found my ration box.”

  Lucy blushed. “Er, yeah.” She stammered. “I, er.. found it when I was getting the sun lounger out. I haven’t touched anything though. Promise.”

  Chloe shrugged her shoulders. “ Don’t’ care if you have.” She said. “That’s what it’s there for, life little emergency’s. Or for when I can’t bear to listen to the bloody football anymore. Shove up and open the wine. Looks like we’re gonna be here for a while.”

  Lucy opened the bottle and made room for Chloe. It was a bit of a squeeze fitting both of them on the lounger, but they just about managed it, providing they both lay on their sides and faced each other. Not that Lucy minded in the least, pressed this close to Chloe, with their legs touching and her perfume filling her senses, Lucy thought she’d died and gone to Heaven.

  Please don’t stop raining, she silently implored whoever was in charge of the weather. Let it rain for hours. For days if you like. Anything that will prolong this perfect moment. God, I could sit here forever, pressed up against this gorgeous creature.

  “What are you smiling about?” Chloe asked, reaching across Lucy to top up the glass that had been in the box as well. “ Not thinking naughty thoughts were you?”

  Lucy’s heart skipped a beat. What did she mean? Naughty thoughts? Was this a ‘come on?’ Chloe’s subtle way of sounding her out?

  She blushed - again. “ I was just thinking how nice this was.” She said, watching Chloe’s face for signs that she was saying either the right or wrong thing. “You know, being somewhere warmish and dry while it thunders outside. It’s kinda cosy. We even have wine..”

  “And each other?” Chloe finished for her.

  Another thump of her heart. “ Well, yes, we do. Chloe. About last week?”

  Now it was Chloe’s turn to flush pink. “ What about it?”

  “You were about to kiss me, weren’t you? I didn’t get it wrong?”

  Chloe’s shake of the head was barely detectable.

  “So what stopped you then? Aside from Graham of course.”

  “I wasn’t.. sure it you’d want me to.” Chloe began. “ I don’t even know why I wanted to. It was just.. the moment, you know. It was hot, we were standing close. It just felt like the right thing to do.”

  “And now?” Lucy asked, her heart thundering in her chest. God, if Chloe couldn’t feel it against her own chest, then she must be made from stone! “ Do you still want to?”

  Again, Chloe’s nod was barely there, but she lifted her head and looked Lucy in the eye. “Yes.” She whispered. “I do.”

  “Then kiss me.”

  Their lips met. Soft and hesitant at first, but then, once they’d got over their initial shyness and discovered the way their mouths worked together, the kiss became deeper, more urgent and their tongues soon started to play a part, darting into each other’s mouths whilst they both made soft noises of contentment.

  When they finally broke apart, both of them were smiling.

  “Wow!” Lucy smiled. “ You kiss beautifully.”

  “So do you.”


  “Oh yes.”

  They kissed again. No, Lucy thought, we’re snogging, and casting aside her wine glass, she wrapped her arms around Chloe and felt her breath catch in her throat when Chloe did the same and pulled her even closer.

  Outside the wind continued to howl and thunder rolled massive bowling balls across the roof, but neither of them cared. The rain still fell, drip, dripping into the flower pot; the moisture counting off seconds that had suddenly become so very precious as they held each other and kissed with hunger and passion. Their hands no longer still but beginning to roam up the sides of each other’s bodies, plucking at the edges of T-shirts and exposing skin that shivered under another’s touch.

  But then Chloe suddenly broke away from the kiss and fiddling with the edge of her T shirt, she looked at Lucy from beneath her lashes. “ Can I touch you?” She asked, hardly able to look Lucy in the face. “ I won’t if you don’t want me to...”

  “I do!” Lucy said, stroking the side of her face. “ Very much. Please, Chloe, if you want to touch me, just do it. Do whatever you want.”


  “Really. This is special Chloe, can’t you feel it? Don’t ruin it with questions.”

  “Then I won’t.” Chloe replied and kissed her again. Tenderly and softly. Her tongue darting into Lucy’s mouth to explore the wetness within, while her hands slid up the sides of Lucy’s top and bunched it under her breasts, exposing Lucy’s stomach to her wandering hands that stroked the soft skin before dipping her finger into the shell of her belly button.

  “That’s nice.” Lucy sighed and did the same to Chloe, easing up her top until it was over her head and she was lying there in her bra.

  “This okay?” She whispered to Chloe. “Not too much?”

  “Not enough.” Came Chloe’s answer and moving her hands, she removed Lucy’s top and unclasped her bra, sliding the straps off her shoulders until her breasts were completely uncovered.

  The action made Lucy flinch with surprise and delight – these were surely not the actions of a straight girl?- but she wasn’t about to say anything. Not when Chloe was looking at her with such a rapt expression.

  “You have lovely breasts.” Chloe sighed, cupping the right one in her hand and gently running her thumb across a nipple that immediately hardened. “ I’ve always wondered what they would be like.”

  “You have?”

  “Yes! God, Lucy, I know this probably isn’t the time, or maybe it is, but I’ve lusted after you for months! Haven’t you noticed? Well, maybe it’s a good thing you haven’t, but I’ve really fancied you. I still do!”

  “And I’ve always fancied you, but I thought with Graham and everything you wouldn’t be interested.”

  “You thought wrong then.”

  Lucy undid Chloe’s bra. Her nipples were dark and already hard, the breasts themselves warm and rounded, and as the coolness of their surroundings washed over them, tiny goose bumps added texture to her skin and another dimension to her already crinkled nipples. Smiling Lucy told her they were lovely and taking the weight of them in her hands, kissed the tip of Chloe’s nose before telling her to lie flat on her back.

  It took a bit of wriggling to achieve this, but with Lucy relinquishing her place on the lounger to kneel on the floor beside her, it wasn’t long before Chloe had all the room she needed.

  “You look lovely.” Lucy said, kissing her nose again, “ I so want you.” And kissing her mouth, she stroked Chloe’s neck at the same time, lifting her hair away from her neck so she could plant dozens of kisses on the lobe of her ear and down the side of her throat.
/>   Chloe sighed. “ That is so lovely.” She breathed. “ So lovely.”

  “I know.” Lucy whispered back and sliding her tongue into the natural indent at the base of Chloe’s throat, she moved her hands up Chloe’s body, making her shiver in anticipation, as she slowly made her way towards her breasts, circling her fingers around and around the soft mounds before finally reaching the puckered nipples at their peak.

  She took the right one in her mouth and smiled as Chloe’s immediate reaction was to raise her hips. Then, dancing her tongue around the swollen nub, she circled and sucked, teasing Chloe’s nipple until Chloe’s breathing became faster and her hands gripped the side of the lounger.

  Lucy moved to the other breast, beginning all over again whilst her hand kept the other one warm, caressing and gently pinching the nipple between thumb and finger, knowing, from the small gasps and moans escaping her friend, that the delicious sensations were traveling straight down to Chloe’s pussy and starting her throbbing.

  She’ll be wet there, Lucy thought. Probably soaking. Fuck, I want to touch her. I want to feet that slippery wetness, that warmth, that special place I’ve only ever been able to think about.

  And taking her hand away from Chloe’s breast, she slid her fingers over her stomach, across her belly button and down to the waistband of her jeans.

  “May I?” She asked, and Chloe nodded. “ Yes. Yes.” Popping open the button for her whilst Lucy worked on the zip and slid the jeans down the length of Chloe’s legs until she could pull them off and let them drop to the floor.

  Now Chloe was practically naked save for a pair of white panties with tiny, pink flowers embroidered around the top and pressing the palm of her hand against them, Lucy applied the smallest of pressures to her mound, already feeling the heat of desire radiating from between Chloe’s legs as she smiled at the thought of what lay beneath. Again she asked permission and again Chloe gave it.

  Slowly, she peeled off her panties, delighted to discover that although Chloe clearly kept herself neat, she had not removed her fluff entirely.

  Her panties fell to the floor and dipping her head, Lucy kissed Chloe’s stomach, finding her skin soft and warm and fragranced with traces of perfume from her last shower.

  She kissed her belly button and trailed her tongue in and out of the shallow hollow. Her hand following the achingly soft route of Chloe’s inner thigh, her fingers brushing close but never quite touching the secret heart of her.

  She kissed her mound, burying her face in the short, soft hairs and breathing in the clean, sweet aroma of musk. She blew against the heat of her pussy and her hand moved closer, a single finger pressing against Chloe’s clit and staying just long enough for her to gasp, before Lucy removed it again and continued to kiss her.

  Chloe pleaded with her to touch her again and Lucy responded with a smile, tailing her hand up and over Chloe’s fluff and burying her fingers in it, relishing the feel, the warmth, the privilege of being where she was before using her fingers to part Chloe’s pussy lips and reveal the swollen, pink, glistening folds that were begging for her to touch them.

  For her tongue to taste the sweet nectar of Chloe’s desire.

  Groaning, Chloe again pleaded with her to touch her, and spreading her legs still wider, lay herself fully open to whatever Lucy cared to do to her.

  Lucy licked her. Her tongue eagerly diving into the delicate pink. Lapping and probing, carefully applying the smallest of sensations to Chloe’s slit until Chloe was practically screaming at her to fuck her!

  Using the flat of her tongue, she swept from the entrance to Chloe’s vagina all the way to her clit and back again.

  And Chloe nearly came there and then. Gripping the sides of the lounger, she gasped out loud and raised her head to watch Lucy lap at her pussy.

  “Fuck me!” She demanded and Lucy licked her. Using all of her tongue and then just the very tip to circle the entrance of her cunt and then nudge at the swollen nub of her engorged clit. She lapped her, taking in all of Chloe’s juices and groaning with pleasure herself when Chloe thrust her hips forwards and did everything she could to make sure Lucy didn’t stop.

  Not that she was going to, Instead, keeping her tongue firmly focused on Chloe’s clit she laced two fingers together and pushed them deep inside her cunt. Then she fucked her, her tongue keeping perfect rhythm with her fingers as she licked and thrust. Pussy juices flowed and she licked them up greedily, feeling Chloe’s cunt open and then squeeze tight around her fingers as she moved her fingers in and out and ran her tongue over and over her clit.

  “I am.. going.. to come!” Chloe cried, and arching her back, gasped her way towards her orgasm, her fingers gripping the lounger so tightly her knuckles were white, whilst outside the shed the rain hammered on the roof and the thunder crashed, as Lucy licked and fucked her over the edge.

  Finally, she was still and raising her head, Lucy wiped pussy juices from her chin and smiled at her friend, now lying sweaty and exhausted in front of her. “ I take it that was ok?” She smiled, licking her fingers. “ Good orgasm?”

  “Oh, God, yes! Thank you so much. Christ, if I’d known being fucked by another woman was this good, I would have done it years ago. But what about you? You must be feeling a bit.. er.. “

  “ Moist?” Lucy offered with a cheeky grin. “ You could say that. But you don’t have to touch me if you don’t want to. It’s one thing being made love to by another woman, something else to do it yourself.”

  “So you’ve done this before?”

  Lucy nodded. “I’m gay, Chloe. I thought you might have guessed that by now?”

  Chloe pulled a face and shrugged her shoulders apologetically.

  Lucy shrugged right back. “ Oh. Well, it doesn’t matter, but I’d rather you didn’t tell anyone if you don’t mind, especially at work. You know what they’re like. Still want to touch me?”

  “More than ever. And I don’t care if you are gay, it makes no difference to me. And I promise I won’t tell a soul. Can’t really shout too loud anyway, can I? Especially after today. But would you help me though? Touching you I mean. I’d like to know what you like?”

  “Anything.” Lucy replied, moving to lie beside Chloe again. “ Just touch me. It’s okay. You won’t do anything wrong.”

  “Can I touch your breasts?”

  “You already have! But yes, of course you can. Do what you want, sweetie. Don’t think about it, just do it.”

  Chloe touched her breasts, tentatively at first, as if she were afraid they might shatter under her touch. But once Lucy began to sigh with pleasure and closed her eyes, Chloe became bolder, running her palms and then her thumbs over Lucy’s nipples, before scooting down a little to take them in her mouth.

  It was just what Lucy had always dreamed about and she wallowed in it, reaching down to stroke Chloe’s hair and run her fingers through the soft, silky strands, feeling Chloe smile around her nipple as she reached down to touch Lucy’s stomach, recoiling a

  little when Lucy’s stomach muscles twitched in response, but returning once Lucy had reassured her that she wasn’t doing anything wrong. “ I can’t help it.” She said. “ Its just my stomach’s way of saying thank you.”

  In response, Chloe trailed her fingers over Lucy’s jeans. Her hesitation apparent until Lucy undid the button herself, and Chloe did the rest, unzipping and pulling them off to reveal black, lace panties beneath.

  “Saucy.” She smiled. “ Very sexy.”

  Lucy laughed. “ Never know when I’m going to get lucky.” She said. “Take them off.”

  Chloe did as she was told and then blushed once they were. “ I’ve never touched another woman before.” She said, trailing a hand across Lucy’s equally neat fluff. “I’ve only ever touched myself.”

  “Well, I’m not much different.” Lucy assured her. “ Touch me.
Explore if you like. I don’t mind. Just touch me till you get used to me.”

  “Ok.” Chloe said and placed her hand on Lucy’s pussy. She, too, could feel the heat just as Lucy had done and it excited her to the point where part of her wanted to just plunge right in and bury her fingers inside Lucy right up to the hilt, whilst the other half faltered and dithered, too terrified to do anything at all.

  Lucy helped her out. “ It’s okay.” She said, placing her hand over Chloe’s and guiding her fingers into the moist, swollen well of her. “Feel.” She said. “Touch me. Look at me if you want. I don’t mind and I don’t bite. Well, not hard anyway.”

  Chloe moved her fingers. Her heart was hammering almost as loudly as the rain and she was still more than a little anxious that she would do something wrong and she would either hurt Lucy or Lucy would smack her hand away and tell her she was doing it all wrong and she would do it herself!

  But Lucy seemed to be enjoying what she was doing and as she signed and gasped and moved her hips to better accommodate Chloe’s hand, Chloe grew in confidence and moving her hand slowly up and down Lucy’s pussy, began to fuck her, proving to herself that Lucy wasn’t that much different from herself and loving the soft, sticky wetness that was growing around her and inviting her in. Inviting her to push her finger inside Lucy’s cunt...

  Oh, my God!

  Chloe almost came a second time. She obviously had some idea of what Lucy would feel like once she entered her, because she’d often played with herself, but that was nothing compared to the warm, soft, all consuming hold that she was now experiencing, and moving her fingers to gently begin fucking her, she felt her own pussy start to throb and grow wet all over again, helplessly turned on by the beautiful sensations now wrapping themselves around her fingers.

  “Yes.” Lucy sighed, “Screw me honey.” And Chloe fucked her harder. Loving the way Lucy’s muscles clenched and then relaxed, sucking her in, holding her tight, determined not to let her go until orgasm had been achieved.


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