Renegade Lady

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Renegade Lady Page 11

by Dawn Martens

  I’m brought back from thoughts of murdering the bitch myself when Chipper and Kidd come in. Seeing Kidd sends a wave of heat through my body. When in the hell am I gonna get over him?

  “What’d you find?” Chipper asks.

  “A bunch of shit.” I say as I throw the papers on the coffee table in front of them. “One of the girls was keeping track of what was going on. Looking at the shit she wrote, I don’t think she liked it. I’m thinking she was just too scared of Roxy to say no.”

  “Which one?” Kidd asks, picking the papers up.

  “Skittles, the chick with the multicolored hair.”

  He nods. “I remember her.”

  “I’m sure you do,” I snarl, remembering walking in on him getting his dick sucked by her not too long ago.

  He ignores me and shakes the papers in his hands. “What’s all in here?”

  “She was keeping track of everything. What the other girls were using, how much they were using,” I say, bending towards him and pointing to the yellow sheet of paper in his hand. “This here is proof that Roxy was pimping the girls out to non-club members. It tells when, where, and how much of the money they had to give to her.”

  “Fuck,” Chipper mumbles.

  “Like I said, this girl documented everything. She’s smart. I’d like to bring her back in.”

  Kidd opens the papers and looks them over. Every few moments, he looks up at me. I swear every time he does, it makes my knees weak. It’s like this every damn time I see him, and that’s why I try my hardest to ignore the bastard whenever he’s around. He doesn’t like it. Kidd is not a man who’s used to being ignored, but his reaction to it makes me sort of happy, somewhat. When he realizes I’m not going to talk to him, he gets this sexy jaw clench and muscle tick. So hot!

  At first, he did his best to get my attention. I swear every time I turned around he was there, but over the last month, he’s stopped talking to me all together. He usually just goes through the boys and gets them to tell me what he wants done with the club girls. I just ignore them too, when they say Kidd wants this or Kidd wants that, I just do whatever in the hell I want.

  “I’ll let you two sort this. I gotta make a quick run,” Chipper says as he walks out the apartment door. My eyes narrow on his back. Before he’s fully outside, he turns to me and winks, giving me a knowing grin. Bastard!

  Ignoring Kidd’s burning glare at my back, I go back to cleaning up the blood from the bathroom walls. I swear I’ve been scrubbing for hours, and I’m not even half way done.

  “You don’t need to be doing that. Get the new girls and some prospects in here. They can do that shit for you,” Kidd says, walking into the bathroom.

  I just ignore him and continue doing my thing. It’s not like I really have much else to do today anyways. Plus, I’m used to this. I clean the club house and The Kitty Kat all the time. After Mindy died, I sort of became a bit OCD with the cleaning. As much as I get pissed off at the nasty ass people I work with, there’s something about making things clean that seems to take the edge off.

  “Jenna!” Kidd snaps.

  Again, I ignore him. When’s he going to take the hint? I’m not talking to him, because I have nothing to say. At least, nothing nice. I run my sponge behind the toilet and feel something furry. “Oh my God, I think there’s a dead rat back there,” I say to myself, not to Kidd. Definitely not talking to Kidd.

  “Fuck!” I hear, then heavy boots coming towards me. I brace when he wraps a hand around my arm and spins me around to face him.

  “I’m tired of you fuckin’ ignoring me,” he says as he takes a step closer, causing me to take a step back. “I’m tired of your fuckin’ ice queen bullshit.”

  He backs me into the wall, and his hands come up to cage me in. “I miss you, baby girl,” he whispers, putting his forehead against mine.

  His words slice right through me. Misses me, huh? Well, he must not miss me much when he’s fuckin’ with a different girl every night. With that thought, I shove him off me.

  “Stay away from me, Kidd,” I say, trying to keep my emotions at bay. “Miss me all you want. It ain’t going to change anything. I miss you too. I miss the friendship we had, but when I think on it, I remember… I remember it was all just a lie. You used me, treated me like shit, then threw me away,” I say, moving away from him.

  “It wasn’t a lie. You mean the world to me,” he whispers.

  “Everything about you is a lie. If you ever cared anything about me at all, just leave me alone. Just stay the fuck away from me,” I shout as I turn and run out of the apartment.

  I hear a loud crash and Kidd yelling Fuck, but I just keep running.


  I walk into the club house with Preach just as Chipper comes storming towards the door.

  He damn near knocks me over, anger coming off him in waves. “Whoa, big bro. What’s the problem?”

  He doesn’t respond, just turns around staring behind him. It’s then I notice Jenna standing there, hands planted on her hips. She looks like she’s trying to get him to calm down, and he’s determined to flip the fuck out. “What the hell’s going on with you two?”

  “Want me to fill him in on what we’re discussin’?” Chipper says and Jenna’s face turns hard.

  “Do it. Not only will he probably not care, he might even take a few rounds of his own,” she says darkly.

  “Fuck it!” Chipper yells then jerks his head towards mine. “Some of the girls are sick, can’t work the party with the Lords tonight. Jenna’s determined to take their place.”

  “I don’t have a choice,” she shouts. “Four girls are down with the flu, and two more are on the road with Rum and Timber. That only leaves three for tonight.”

  Fuck! I don’t want Jenna part of this shit. She’s been working the girls for a few months now, and I know she’s been with a few of the brothers. So far, I’m pretty sure only Reese and Timber have taken her to bed. That’s two too many for me, but it’s a hell of a lot better than her being shared amongst all the brothers. With the Lords being here tonight, there’ll be over a hundred bikers looking for a piece of ass in the club. I don’t want that for Jenna. “You have no idea what tonight will be like. Believe me, you don’t want no part of it.”

  Her eyes hone in on me. “I don’t have a choice. I can’t make three girls deal with all those boys. I’m not saying I’m gonna let them pull a train on me, but I can be here to watch out for my girls.”

  “You better change your mind girl! If one of those, hell all of those, boys want you, there won’t be a damn thing you can do about it. The party will be out of control. It always is when another crew comes to town,” Chipper yells. “I don’t want you doin’ that shit. It’ll kill you. I don’t know why the hell you just don’t become Timber’s old lady!”

  When the words leave his mouth, I turn to him scowling. “Shut the fuck up about that shit.”

  The fucker knows how I feel about Jenna. Hell, I’ve talked to him a million times about it. I finally broke down and told him everything that happened between us, even took the ass whooping for it. He probably knows what he’s saying right now is pissing me off, but he doesn’t seem to care.

  “I told you a million times that I love Timber. He’s my friend, a better friend than anyone else. But I’m not going to be an Old Lady. I’ve tried that once, and it didn’t work out too great,” Jenna says, sending me a fuck you look.

  “Don’t go there, Jenna. I already told you, I’m tired of the ice queen act.”

  “Fuck you, Kidd.” she says walking past me. She rushes out the door with Chipper on her ass.

  I run my hand down my face, frustrated as fuck.

  “Give her time, man. She just needs a little time to work through her shit. You laid her low. It’s gonna take a while for her to forgive you,” Preach says, walking towards the bar.

  I follow and tell the prospect tending bar to bring me a beer. “It’s been months, damn near a year. How much fuckin’ time is she gonn
a need?”

  He shrugs. “You treated her like a kid, called her your little sister. When she becomes legal, you fuck her and claim her without explaining shit to her. Then you tell her it was her fault your piece on the side died. Not sure, man, but I’m thinking it might take a while to get over all that shit.”

  I give him a look that says fuck off. “Thanks for laying it out for me, brother.”

  “Not a problem,” he says with a smirk, but then his face goes serious. “You need to back the fuck off. If you keep getting in her face, she ain’t ever gonna have a chance to get over this shit. She needs space to come to terms with her own feelings. If you don’t give her that space, you’re gonna lose her forever.”

  “I’ll give her space, all the fuckin’ space she needs. But one way or another, she’ll be mine someday.”

  Part Two

  Six Years Later

  CHAPTER Thirteen


  Reese rolls to his back, pulling me into his side. “God, baby! Every fucking time I sink my dick into you, it’s better than the last.”

  “If it gets any better, you just might kill me.” I say, throwing my leg over his.

  He chuckles then starts to run his hands through my hair. “That is true.”

  We lay there quietly for a few minutes until I feel my eyes start to get heavy. I may want to sleep, but I don’t have time right now. I shake off my sleepiness, sit up, and then crawl off the bed. I’ve just about made it when Reese tags me and pulls me on top of him. “Where the hell do you think you’re going?”

  For a minute, I just stare at him. Other than Kidd, Reese is the sexiest man I have ever laid eyes on. He stands a good five inches over six feet, and his body is pure muscle. His eyes are so dark that they’re nearly black, and his hair is the color of dark chocolate, hanging low on his back. He’s half Polynesian and half Native American. The combination is pure beauty.

  Finally, I place my hands on his cheeks and give him a soft kiss. Reese and Timber are the only two guys that I kiss. The others may get a quick peck every now and then, but my guys get anything they want. Reese and Timber are definitely my guys. “You know I got to go. I told you before you pulled me to your room that I had to dance tonight.”

  His eyes search my face, and he says the same thing that he says every time we make love. “I wish I could make you mine.”

  I close my eyes, trying to hide the pain I feel. Being a whore isn’t so bad, but falling in love with one of the guys you service is, especially when that guy is married. I know I’m falling in love with Reese. Shit, I’ve loved him for years. It’s different than the love I feel for Kidd, but it’s love all the same.

  I look into his dark chocolate eyes and smile. “I know you would, but you got to think of Pebbles.”

  He squeezes me tight and smiles sadly. “Yeah, baby. I got to take care of my girl, but I can still wish that you were mine.”

  Pebbles’ bright green eyes and sweet smile flash through my mind. She’s nearly grown now, but she’s still just a kid to her dad. Blood or not, Pebbles is his baby girl, and he has to be there to protect her from her bitch of a mother. Soon he’ll able to cut his ties with Roxy, but until then, he’s gotta do what he’s gotta do.

  I bury my face into his neck and sigh. “We can both wish.”

  We cuddle for a few minutes more before we get up and get dressed. As soon as we step into the hallway, I hear one of the club hanger-ons screaming. “You think you can just use me, because you’re a Renegade Son. You need to think again. I’m not just some piece of trash, and I won’t be used.”

  I look to Reese and roll my eyes. “When are these girls ever going to learn?”

  A hanger-on is nothing in the club. Shit! They’re less than nothing. A hanger-on is a chick that only comes in to get her rocks off every once in a while. The members don’t hurt them, but they don’t respect them either. For the guys, these women are nothing more than cum buckets.

  If a woman wants to be treated with respect, she has to earn it. There are only two ways to do that; become a club girl or become and old lady. Granted, old ladies and club whores are considered property of the club, but everyone knows that the Renegade Sons take care of what they consider their property.

  How much respect an old lady is given depends on her old man. Most of the members treat their old ladies like they’re gold. Roxy and Lula are the only ones that I’ve seen that aren’t respected. Believe me, those two deserve any shit that is thrown at them.

  Reese grabs my arm just before we step into the common room. I look towards him, but he’s not looking at me. He looks almost afraid, but not for himself. What the hell? I turn to look into the common room, and see that it’s one of the girls that’s been coming around here for years, totally bitchin’ out Chipper. What the hell did he do? He doesn’t touch the bitches here; mainly, because I’m here and he doesn’t want his little girl to see that shit, or so he says.

  But, I know the truth. He hasn’t gotten over Mindy yet. She’s been dead nearly six years, but she’s still on his mind every day. I’m sure he uses women when he has an itch that needs to be scratched, but I figure he doesn’t scratch that itch very often.

  I pull my arm from Reese and take a step into the room just as Cary sticks her finger into Chipper’s face. “I don’t come to this club to give blow jobs, I come to get laid. If you knew that you couldn’t keep your dick up long enough to fuck me, you should have gone to one of the club skanks to get blown.”

  Chipper doesn’t respond. He just keeps looking at her like she’s crazy as shit. I can tell he wants to knock her on her ass, but he would never lay a hand on a woman. Well, he may not believe in hitting women, but I sure as hell do. I take a step towards him when Reese grabs my arm. “Let Chipper take care of this.”

  I shake my head. “Hell no. I’m not letting that slut talk to him like that.”

  “He’s a man, Ice. He won’t want you stepping into his shit. What would his brothers say if you did?”

  I take a second to think about his words before nodding. I know Reese is right. Chipper would kick my ass if I got into the middle of this shit. Even worse, he’d have to listen to the rest of the guys calling him a pussy for letting his little girl take care of him. Then, he’d kick my ass for that. Finally, I nod. I’m just about to turn away when the bitch rears back and slaps him. All thoughts of letting Chipper deal with it fly out of my head, and I totally fuckin’ lose it as I rush towards them.

  Reese tries to hold me back again by grabbing my arm. “I said, let him handle it.”

  “Fuck that shit!” I scream as I swing my body and dislodge his grip on my arm. I race forward and tackle the whore. She starts to use her nails and gets on top of me, but Timmons taught me a few things and every one of them is going to come in handy now.

  I grab the side of her face, placing my thumbs in her eyes and push. As I do my best to push her eyeballs through her fuckin’ brain, I roll her over and straddle her. Then, I start punching. “You crazy ass bitch. You don’t come in here and pull this shit.”

  I continue to punch and scream, until someone jerks me off of the bitch. I’m so damn mad that I start to fight whoever’s holding me.

  “Damn it, Ice. Quit this shit.”

  As soon as I hear the gravelly voice, my body goes rock solid. “Let go of me, Kidd.”

  This is the first time he’s touched me in years; nearly six to be exact. Even though I’m angry as hell, I have to fight from melting into him. After all this time, my body still knows where it belongs.

  He gives my midsection a squeeze. “I will, if you promise to walk out of here.”

  “She slapped Chipper.” I shout, wanting to pummel the bitch a little more.

  “I know she did, and she’ll pay for that, but you gotta let me take care of it.”

  I want to argue. My heart is aching to defend the man that saved me, but my brain is telling me to let the guys do what they need to do. I take a deep breath and nod my head. “Fine, b
ut make sure the bitch gets what’s coming to her.”

  I can feel his body vibrate as he chuckles. “Didn’t know you were such a blood thirsty bitch.”

  I pull away from him and turn around. “I am, and don’t you forget it.”

  Without looking back, I start to walk towards the door. I’m only a few steps away, when I hear a shout. “Grab her.”

  I turn around and see Cary running towards me with a fuckin’ knife in her hand. Without taking the time to think about it, I run towards Reese, pull the gun from his hip, and then turn to her. A second later, she’s lying in a pool of blood at my feet.

  I can’t seem to take my eyes off of her frozen, crumpled body. The sight of her makes my stomach roll and my heart hurt. What did I just do? Did I really just take another’s life? Oh my God! I drop the gun and sink to the floor.

  I feel arms around me and hear murmured voices telling me that it’s okay. It’s ok? How can that be true? How the fuck is this okay? I just killed someone. I just took someone’s life. Nothing will ever be okay again.

  I feel tears running down my face. I reach up and try to wipe them away before pulling my shaking hands back and looking at them. For the first time, I notice the vibrant red blood that they’re covered in; blood of the woman I just killed. My already rolling stomach starts to churn, and I know I’m gonna be sick. Oh my God.

  “I’ve got Jenna. You take care of this shit. Make sure that her body is never found.” I hear shouted as I start dry heaving. I can’t believe I killed someone.

  I’m jerked up into Kidd’s arms. He pushes my face into his neck. “Shh, baby girl. It’s ok. I’ve got you,” he whispers into my hair.

  I shake my head and whisper, “No, no, it’s not ok. Nothing will ever be okay again.”

  He walks me to his room and crawls on the bed, still cradling me in his arms. He holds me close as my tears drench his shirt. I can feel him rubbing slow circles on my back, doing his best to soothe me. Neither of us says a thing as I lay there crying. Slowly, the sobs fade away and sleep over takes me.


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