Renegade Lady

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Renegade Lady Page 10

by Dawn Martens

  They don’t even give me time to change, so I end up on the back of Chipper’s hog in my gown and cap. We barely make it out of the parking lot before my hats flies off. I watch it sail into the sky, and a big smile crosses my face.

  Thirty minutes later, I’m sitting at the club talking to Chipper. I knew we were going to have this conversation, but I didn’t realize that it would be so soon. “Can’t we talk about it later?”

  He shakes his head. “No, darlin’. We need to talk about it now. If you’re going to college, we got to get your applications and shit started.”

  “I know,” I whisper, trying to stall. I don’t want to disappoint him, but I don’t want to leave the only family I’ve ever known.

  “So Jenna, hun, what have you decided?” Chipper says softly.

  I sigh and nod. “I’ve decided to stay.”

  His face goes hard and turns red. “The fuck you will. I love you girl. You know that, but I want better for you.”

  “I’m not leaving my family,” I say quietly. “I can’t leave you.”

  He grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze. “You don’t have to leave forever. Just go to school for a while, and then you can come home.”

  “I don’t want to leave for even a day.”

  “Then go to community college. It’ll be just like it was in high school. You go during the day, but you’ll be home every night.”

  I shake my head. “I hated school. You know that. If it wasn’t for you and Mindy, I would’ve quit a long time ago.”

  “College will be different,” he pushes.

  I shake my head again. “No, it won’t.” I look into his eyes, hoping that he’ll see how determined I am. “You said this was my decision, and I’ve made it. I’m staying.”

  “So, you want to be a whore. You want to be used by all the guys and tossed to the side when they get what they want.”

  I shrug. “Been there, done that. At least this time, it’ll be for men I respect.”

  Anger flashes in his eyes. “Think about it a little more, and we’ll talk again in a few days.”

  “I’m sorry if you’re disappointed, but a few days will not change my mind.”

  “Fuck,” he yells and stomps away.


  I walk into The Kitty Kat and hear sounds of Rag Doll by Aerosmith pumping through the club. I look over to Preach and Reese who are walking in with me. “Sounds like one of the girls has a new routine. I haven’t heard that one in here before.”

  A smile spreads across Preach’s face, and Reese rubs his hands together. “Yeah, let’s go see who’s shaking their ass.”

  As I walk further into the room, the stage comes into view. What I see takes my breath away. Jenna has one leg wrapped around a stripper pole, her upper body bent back, and her hair brushing the floor. Her beautiful nipples are covered with red flower pasties, and a silver G-string is the only thing covering her ass.

  Anger shoots straight through me. I take a step towards the stage, but Reese grabs my arms. “What the fuck are you doing, man?”

  “I’m getting her ass off that stage. I don’t know what in the hell she’s doing up there, but this shit is gonna stop.”

  “She’s been dancing for a few weeks. You’ve been on the road, so you didn’t know. She’s been working here since she graduated.”

  “Why the fuck did Chipper let her do this?”

  Reese shrugs. “Wasn’t his choice. You know the rules. Girls are old ladies or whores. The choice of which one she wanted to be was hers.”

  I jerk away from him. “She could’ve went to college.”

  “Jenna wanted to stay part of the club. This is the only life she knows, and she didn’t want to walk away from it. Just be happy she’s not whoring yet.”

  I get in his face. “She’s not gonna whore, and any brother that touches her will pay. He’ll pay with his fuckin’ life.”

  “Unless you plan on eighty-sixing her, then it’s not your choice what she does. Long as she follows the rules, she can spread for whoever she wants.”

  His words send my already bubbling anger to its boiling point. “Like I said, a brother touches her, he dies.”

  “Until you brand her, she’s free game. The boys won’t force shit on her, but they will take what she gives them. Jenna’s not only beautiful, but she the freaking queen of the Big Clifty crew. Every brother is panting to get a piece of her. You can’t fight every one of us.”

  What the fuck? “Everyone knows she’s mine.”

  Preach steps up and adds in his two cents. “Everyone also knows you did her dirty. Your half ass claim won’t stop them.”

  “Fuck you both!” I shout, as I stomp out the door.

  CHAPTER Eleven


  I walk into the club, my legs shaking with each step. There’s a party here tonight, and it’s my first night as one of the girls. I’ve been working at The Kitty Kat for nearly three months now, but I haven’t actually slept with any of the guys yet. At least not for money, but I have for pleasure. Believe me, Reese and Timber are all about pleasure. It seems I’ve got a talent for shaking my naked ass; so much so that some of the guys talked Roxy into letting me work the party.

  Most of the girls start working parties as soon as they start working at The Kitty Kat, but Roxy refused to let me come to the club house. In fact, she tried to keep me off the stage. She didn’t even want me waitressing. For my first month there, I wasn’t allowed out from behind the bar, but Timber put an end to that.

  He made sure that Roxy knew that eighteen year old girls did not serve booze. No way, no how. We can take off our clothes all day long, but we are not allowed to do personal dances or touch the liquor. That shit is illegal. He also made sure to tell me that Roxy knew that it was illegal. He said that she’s just trying to keep Reese from seeing my naked ass.

  Too bad for her; he already has. Yes, I have slept with Reese. Quite a few times, actually. After what my mom went through, I never thought I’d willingly sleep with a married man, but Reese is different. He’s married to a bitch. No that’s not true; he’s married to the bitch!

  Roxy not only throws attitude his way all the fucking time, but she also spreads her legs for any guy that comes around. In fact, she’s been doing that for a while now. Long enough to give him a beautiful red headed daughter; a daughter that he loves more than anything in the world even though he knows that she can’t possibly be his. She would and could snatch Pebbles away from him if Reese ever thought about kicking her ass to the curb.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I hear from behind me as I continue to walk into the club house.

  I stiffen because I know that voice. It’s the voice I’ve learned to hate. I turn around and glare at him. I motion towards my barely there dress and say, “What’s it look like I’m here for?”

  His face goes hard. “You are fucking crazy if you think I’m gonna let you be a club whore.”

  “Sorry, boss. The decision has already been made,” I say, shooting him a saccharine sweet smile.

  He shakes his head and leans his head towards mine. “No, fucking way!”

  “Your dad already approved it, and last time I looked, he was president,” I say, making sure to put just a bit of bitch into my voice. “We can talk about it again when you take up the gavel.”

  “Aren’t you ever going to give me a chance to apologize?” he asks, his voice getting loud.

  “There’s nothing to apologize for. You didn’t do anything that most men don’t do on a daily basis. You wanted some pussy and you said what you had to say to get it.”

  “I’m sorry about Mindy’s funeral. I shouldn’t have left you. I’m also sorry about the things I said the night Sarah died. They weren’t true,” he says, his voice strained.

  I want to scream and tell him he’s right. I want to tell him that he should have been there for me and how much his words hurt me, but I can’t. I can’t let him see how much pain I’m in.

  “You know what
? Fuck you.” He looks as if I’ve hit him.

  “Don’t do this, Jenna. We’re friends.”

  “Here’s a news flash for ya, big guy. You and me, we’re not even friends anymore. We haven’t been in a long damn time, not since you made me your whore. Not since you blamed me for Sarah’s death. Now we’re not anything. Isn’t that awesome?” I say sarcastically and paste on a fake ass smile. “I fuckin’ hate you.”

  And with that, he looks as if he just found out someone died. Good. I want him to feel that pain. I want him to feel the pain that I’ve been feeling ever since he left me. I only get two steps away from him before he’s pulling me back. “I might not be able to stop you, but I ain’t going to let you walk in there like that.”

  I jerk my arm away. “What do you mean?”

  “When you go in there tonight, you have no power. They won’t hurt you, but you’ll have no choice about who you end up with. The only one of the girls that has that power is Roxy. As the lead, she controls what goes on. If she was working the party, she would be able to choose who she hooked up with.” He looks me up and down, something important working behind his eyes. “Roxy hasn’t been doing her job the way she’s supposed to. I’ve been looking for someone to take over. I know you’ll need help, but Mary will lend a hand whenever you want.”

  “What are you saying?” I ask, knowing he cannot mean what I think he does.

  “I want you to take Roxy’s place.”

  I shake my head. “She would shit a brick if I took the girls from her.”

  “I don’t give a fuck. If she gives you any trouble, let me know. I’ll handle her.”

  I only take a second to think about it. I know Roxy, and I know the stuff she does to the girls isn’t right. “As long as Mary will teach me the ropes, I think I could handle it.”

  He nods before placing his hand on my cheek. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

  “Of course I am. This way I get to choose who I fuck.” I pull away and sneer at him. “There are some real assholes out there.”

  “Yeah, there are,” he says, a wealth of meaning behind his words.

  “What about tonight?”

  He shakes his head. “Nope, you go home. Let me talk to Roxy and let her know she’s done. After that, I’ll tell the girls you’re in charge.”

  I nod and turn away. Before I reach the door, I hear him shout. “Night, baby girl.”


  I stalk over to the bar where I see Chipper. He looks about as happy as I do. “She’s really doing this shit?” I ask him.

  Chipper grunts. “Yeah, she’s been at The Kitty Kat for a few months now. I was hoping she’d stick to just stripping, but I guess that ain’t going to happen.”

  “She can make good money dancing. She doesn’t need to come here.”

  “I know, brother. Told her that myself. I’ve done everything I could to talk her outta this shit, but she won’t budge.” He looks at me, eyes narrowed. “For some reason, she has it in her head that being a whore is all she’s good for. Wonder where she got that idea?”

  Hearing Chipper say that makes me madder than hell. Knowing that he blames me pisses me way the fuck off. She’s not a fuckin’ whore, and I never said she was. I may have said shit to make her think that, but I sure in the hell didn’t feel like she was anything other than the woman I wanted as my own. I wanted her more than anything in this world. I know I fucked up with Jenna, but I have no damn idea how to fix it. After the night I was an idiot, she hasn’t given me the time of day. She won’t let me apologize or explain where my head was at. Nothing.

  “I’m gonna have her take over the girls,” I say after asking the prospect behind the bar for some whiskey.

  “Roxy’s gonna shit a brick.” Chipper says and then grins. “Can’t stand that bitch anyway. Not sure what the hell Reese was thinking, tying himself to her.”

  “Don’t know, and at this point, don’t care. I just don’t want her to turn The Kitty Kat into a free for all,” I explain. “This way, Jenna can do what she wants, pick her own picks, and not just get taken like all the rest of the whores.”

  He nods. “At least it’s something.”

  I toss the whiskey down my throat and look back to Chipper. “Wanna come with me to find Roxy. I might need someone to restrain her,” I say chuckling.

  “Yeah, I’m down. Grab Reese too. He’ll want to hear this shit from us. God knows how Roxy would spin it.”

  We get up and walk over to where Roxy and Reese are playing pool. Well, Reese is playing pool. Roxy is spending her time trying to get some of the brothers’ attention, but most of them have already learned her game and are staying clear. How Reese stands to be around her, I don’t know. By the look on his face, he’s not a happy man. If I was in his shoes, I’d put a bullet in the bitch’s head. I’d raise my daughter on my own. Pebbles would be a hell of a lot better off if he did.

  “You two,” I say, pointing towards then. “Office. We gotta have a chat.”

  Roxy stiffens as soon as she hears my tone. The bitch knows her game is over, and she’s scared. They both follow us quickly into my office.

  “Take a seat.”

  “Uh, did we do something wrong?” Roxy asks hesitantly.

  “Nope, but what we gotta say won’t be pretty,” I say to her then look towards Reese.

  He raises a brow. “What’s up?”

  “Roxy here is gonna get bent outta shape, so we figured we’d do it with you around.” When I say that, Roxy instantly goes on alert, her eyes narrowing.

  “I know I gave you control over the women, but that’s done now. I have someone to take over. I appreciate the work, but I need someone that’s capable to run that shit. I need someone I know I can trust. Sorry to say Roxy, but that’s not you.”

  “I’ve been doing a good job,” She says with a sneer.

  I hear Reese mumble under his breath for her to shut up, but I know she’s not gonna listen, so I lay it out for her. “You’re all kinds of fucked up, and half the girls you’ve brought into the club are as bad as you. Damn near every one of them is using, and you knew how I felt about drugs in the club. Also, Pop explained the importance of regular check-ups. I know that shit isn’t happening, because some of them bitches are a walking petri dish.”

  Roxy jumps up from her chair. “Fuck you! I’ve done great things here. I’ve brought in more girls then you’ve ever had here!” she yells.

  Reese grabs her arm. “Shut the fuck up now, or I’ll shut you up myself.”

  I don’t wait to see if Roxy listens. I’m too fucking pissed off to care. “Yeah, you have. The fact remains, the girls you brought here are shit. They need rules and someone to lead their asses. Jenna will do a better job of that than you ever thought about doing,” I say, standing up and getting in her face.

  “Jenna? Are you fuckin’ kidding me! That bitch can’t do shit. She’s nothing but a kid.” She turns to Reese and looks about ready to kill the guy. “You did this. I knew you were fuckin’ that slut!” she yells at him.

  “Shut up, Roxy! What Jenna and I do ain’t none of your fuckin’ business, but I will tell you this. Kidd’s right. Jenna does a better job than you ever thought of doing,” he says inches from her face.

  “What the fuck?” No way, no damn way! Reese can’t be fuckin’ her. She’s mine.

  CHAPTER Twelve


  It took me nearly two weeks, but I finally finished hiring the new girls. By the time I was done cleaning up Roxy’s mess, there were only two girls left. I need at least ten to work the Kitty Kat, and another ten to work the clubhouse. Needless to say, finding that many girls willing to flash their tits and sell their pussy was not easy. I even have rules in place, and when I showed them to Kidd and Chipper, they were shocked. Monthly check ups and random drug tests whenever I feel the need. Birth control and condoms are a must. No bitches.

  Reese’s old lady really fucked this shit up. It’s hard to believe she’s only had control for a year.
I can’t imagine the mess she would’ve made if Kidd hadn’t removed her. I have no idea what Gun was thinking when he let her run the girls. No, that’s not true. We would’ve had some dead girls and the cops breathing down our necks.

  Today is clean-up day. I’m at the apartment that the club keeps for the girls, trying to get it ready for my new girls. When I decided to tackle this on my own, I had no idea it would be this bad. Looking at the mess I created going through apartments has me pissed. Believe it or not, one of the girls kept records. Everything is here in black and white for me to see. Prostituting in and out of the club, and giving a fifty percent cut over to Roxy. That bitch even had them selling sex out of the private dance rooms. What the fuck?!

  That was just the tip of the iceberg. Let’s not even get into the fuckin’ drugs I found in the dressers. Coke, heroine, meth… you name, and it was here. Some of the bathrooms even have blood splatter on the wall. Being with Timmons, I know what that’s from. A needle hitting the vein wrong can send blood everywhere.

  I didn’t think I’d ever be in this job, especially after working at the Kitty Kat for only three months. Sometimes, I think it’s too much for me, but I’m glad I don’t have to work for Roxy anymore. That bitch is fuckin’ psycho. She turned up a time or two and tried to boss my girls around, but I wasn’t having it. We ended up having words, and she tried to come at me. Once I showed her the gun Chipper insisted I carry, she backed up, but not before telling me that this shit wasn’t over.

  I made sure to tell Chipper about her showing up. I hated to turn to the guys for help, but I had too much to deal with to put up with her shit. I haven’t seen her since, and I’m pretty sure Kidd and Chipper banned her from the club and the club house.

  Reese needs to figure out a way to get rid of that bitch and still keep his little girl. I know she holds Pebbles’ real dad over his head, but there are more ways than divorce to end a marriage. Even though I don’t think a man should take his hand to a woman, I think that bitch deserves a little punishment. God knows, Pebbles would be better off without her around.


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