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Renegade Lady

Page 17

by Dawn Martens

  He shakes his head. “I don't fucking think so.”

  “Well then, looks like I'll be the first old lady that doesn't get branded,” I say as I climb from the bed and try to walk past him.

  He grabs my arm before I even take a step. “Fuck yeah, you are.”

  “Unless you're getting one too, then you’ll have to pull me kicking and screaming into Ink Kings. I promise you that I’ll throw such a damn fit that Greg won't even be able to tattoo a straight line,” I say, determination lacing through my voice.

  He stares at me like I have a second head. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

  “Hell yeah, I am.”

  He blows out a frustrated breath before replying. “Fine, I’ll get your name, but I ain’t getting shit on my ass. I’ll have your name where everybody can fuckin’ see it, but there is no way in hell I’m getting a ‘property of’ tat, so your name will have to do.”

  I start to argue some more, but stop when it hits me. Kidd is giving me more than any other old lady has ever gotten. Sure, a few of the brothers have their woman’s name on them, but I doubt they got it for the same reason that Kidd is getting mine. A true smile finally crosses my lips. “Set it up. I’ll wear your brand, baby.”

  As soon as the words leave my mouth, Kidd’s lips cover mine. His kisses are so different than any other ones I’ve ever had. It’s slow and soft, as if he’s taking the time to memorize the feel of my lips. It sends shivers down my spine, and within seconds, my whole body is on fire. I’m about to lose myself to it, but one name keeps popping into my brain.

  I slowly pull back and look into his eyes. “Who exactly is Krista?”


  Shit! I knew she’d want to talk about Krista, but I’d rather be doing other things right now. I pause a second to get the words straight. “She’s Sarah’s sister.”

  “Sarah?” she asks in a whispered voice.

  I nod. “Yep. I only met her once, but they were real close.”

  “I can’t believe your old lady’s sister would come here after all this time.”

  “Sarah was never my old lady,” I say, trying to figure out the best way to tell her everything. “She was someone that I was with for a while, but nothing more.”

  “Come on, Kidd. Be real. She would’ve been if she hadn’t gotten in that accident. Everyone knew you were eventually going to brand her.”

  I shake my head. “No, that’s not true.”

  I’m not sure how in the hell to tell her the truth. How do you tell someone that you had just kicked another girl to curb because you wanted to be with them instead? Then, minutes later, that girl dies in a car accident. I know the kind of pain and guilt that causes, and I don’t want Jenna feeling it. “She and I had already ended our shit before she died.”

  A confused look crosses her face. “When?”

  “Right before she left the clubhouse.”

  I watch as the words sink in, and she realizes I had just got shot of the chick minutes before she was killed. “Yeah, right before she died.”

  She places her hand on my shoulder and takes a step towards me, placing her body flush with mine. “My God, Kidd. I’m so sorry.”

  “Nothing for you to be sorry about.”

  An angry look crosses her face, and she pulls away from me. “That’s not what you said the night she died.”

  Fuck! I knew having Krista here was going to lead to this shit. “I was pissed off that night. Not at you, at myself. Sarah was a good woman. I enjoyed my time with her when we were in Mateland, but that all changed when I got back here.”


  “I saw you.”

  Her body goes tight before she responds. “I don’t understand.”

  If I had been honest with her six years ago, she would. I guess it’s time to lay it all out for her. “When I went to Mateland, I left a kid behind. A kid that had me thinking things that didn’t sit well with me, because she was so damn young. But when I got back, that kid had become a woman. A woman that I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.”

  I take a step closer and give it all to her. “I wanted you so damn bad, but you were only seventeen. You can’t imagine how hard it was to keep my hands off you. For some fucked up reason, I thought I could use Sarah until you got old enough for me to claim. Sarah knew it, and that’s why she hated you so much. It’s also why she turned into a raging bitch when we got here. That Sarah, the woman that you knew, was a Sarah I’d never seen before. What I did to her was shitty, but I told her before we ever left Mateland that I didn’t know how long we would last.”

  She watches me closely as I continue laying it out for her. “The truth is, she had no reason to blame our shit on you. Yes, I had feelings for you, but that’s not the only reason I got shot of her. Even if it wasn’t for you, Jenna, just her acting the way she did, I would have scraped her off.”

  “Maybe she wouldn’t have acted that way if she hadn’t been jealous,” Jenna says quietly.

  “Maybe, but I’m not sure. There was always something missing about her. She was really sweet, but she had no fire, never even had an opinion of her own. I swear she just went with whatever I wanted without question. It was just fuckin’ weird.” I take a second to consider how to explain it the best way, and then I go on. “When we were in Mateland, Krista came down to visit her. She was just a kid then, so Sarah didn’t want her around the clubhouse. They got a hotel room in St. Louis and had a ton of shit planned to do. Sarah was so excited to get to spend time with her sister, and she wanted me to be part of it. I drove her down, and we picked Krista up from the airport. We barely made it to the hotel before I got a call about some shit going down at Mateland.”

  I shake my head at the memory. “I had no choice but to get back to the club house. Sarah could have stayed with Krista, but instead of spending time with her sister like she had planned on doing, she put the kid on a plane and followed me back to Mateland. It fuckin’ crushed Krista. She’d only been there for less than an hour. I felt so damn sorry for the kid, even tried to talk Sarah into staying, but she wouldn’t even consider it.”

  “She loved you, Kidd.”

  I look to Jenna and shake my head. “I don’t think she loved me. Looking back on our time together, I think she was obsessed with becoming an old lady, especially an old lady to a man that would be president someday.”

  “I got in her way. That’s why she hated me so much.”

  “No, my feelings for you got in the way, but that wasn’t all of it. I would’ve realized the game she was playing sooner or later.”

  She nods. “You would have, but she still would’ve hated me.”

  “I’m not sure if that’s true. I wasn’t faithful to her when we were in Mateland. I didn’t rub it in her face, but I didn’t try to hide it either. She had no claim on me, and I didn’t make any promises to her. She never seemed to have a problem with it. In fact, she was real good friends with one of the girls I used to hook up with. She had an issue with you because of some shit I did.”

  “What?” She asks.

  “I told her the first night here that it wasn’t gonna work between us, but that didn’t mean I turned away from her completely. I couldn’t have you at the time, so I used her. I was with her only once after we got back, but once was too much. I ended up calling out your name when I came. She flipped the fuck out. The sweet girl I knew disappeared, and she became a complete bitch.”

  “I can’t say I blame her. If you called out another woman’s name while you were inside me, I’d cut your fuckin’ balls off.”

  I smile at her. “Baby girl, when I’m inside you, the only thing I can think of is staying there. No damn way another bitch’s name would even flash through my mind.”

  She smiles. “It better stay that way.”

  I continue on after shooting Jenna a quick wink. “After all that happened, she became someone I didn’t know and kept doing stupid shit. She even tried making me jealous. I walked in on her having a three
some with a couple of the boys. At that point, I didn’t really give a shit who she was fuckin’, but I was disgusted that she was doing it just to try to piss me off. No matter how hard she tried, and believe me, she tried really fuckin’ hard, I never touched her again. I wouldn’t even let her ass in my room. That’s when she threatened to kill herself.”

  “My God,” she whispers out.

  “At first, I was scared as shit. That’s why you kept seeing her at my side. It wasn’t that I wanted her there. It was because I was afraid to leave her ass alone. But it didn’t take me long to figure out that she was running a game on me, doing anything she could to keep me by her side. That’s when I told her I was done and took one of the club girls to my bed. I made sure Sarah saw me taking her there, did my best to let her know that what we had was dead. Instead of making her go away like I wanted it to, she just got worse. She became my shadow, always on my ass. She stayed that way until the day I told her to leave on her own or I’d have some of the boys take her ass to Mateland and dump her in the middle of their clubhouse. That was the day she died.”

  “My God,” she says again.

  “Yeah. I was a bastard, and because of that, she’s dead.”

  She shakes her head. “You made a lot of mistakes, but not one of them is the reason she died. You didn’t make her drive so fast. You didn’t cause her to crash her car. That was all on her.”

  I start to deny her words, but she cuts me off. “No, you listen to me. How you treated her was shitty, but her death is still not your fault.”

  I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her even closer. “It happened a long time ago. Nothing we say about it now matters, but you got to understand that I can’t just turn my back on Krista. I owe it to Sarah to look out for her little sister.”

  She nods. “I do understand. I don’t like it, but I understand. What’s this girl want?”

  “Her old man kicked her out, and her parents won’t let her move back home. She came here because she needs a place to stay and a job. I figured you could work her into the rotation over at The Kitty Kat. She told me that she’s been waitressing since she was sixteen. Maybe she can sling drinks for you. Can you do that for her?”

  “Not for her, but I can do that for you.”

  I lean down and kiss the top of her head. “Thank you, baby girl.”

  “Don’t thank me yet. If I hate the bitch, I will place her right back in your lap again,” she says, and then looks up to me. “Well, maybe not in your lap. Actually, she better not ever be anywhere near your lap.”

  As soon as the words leave her mouth, I throw my head back and laugh. “God, I love you.”

  I don’t even register my own words until I feel her body go solid and her breaths become labored. I look down to her eyes and see them shining bright with tears. “You can’t love me. There’s nothing about me to love.”

  I lean my face down to hers, nearly touching her lips. “I love everything about you. I have since you were just a kid. Even when you were too young for me to love you, I still did. I’ll keep on loving you until the day I die.”

  I gently place my mouth onto hers, nipping her bottom lip. I run my tongue across her mouth and slowly push it in. I take my time kissing her, savoring the taste of her, and loving the feel of her tongue against mine. I’m so fucking hard that it feels like my dick could burst at any moment, but I know I have to be gentle. Jenna has been fucked enough. I’m going to make love to her tonight.

  I slowly walk towards the bed, not letting go of her. I gently push her back, lying down beside her as I continue to kiss her, while my hand makes its way under her shirt. As soon as I reach her breast, her body bucks. “God, Kidd. That feels so good.”

  I don’t respond. I just smile against her mouth and keep kissing her. I slowly push her shirt up, raising my head to pull it off of her. After it’s gone, I try to go back to kissing her beautiful body, trying my damndest to be patient, but she isn’t feeling the need to go slow. She pushes me away and shakes her head before she reaches for the bottom of my tee and pulls it up.

  “I think you can handle the rest,” she says with a smile. She then leans back and jerks off her jeans, tossing her shoes off at the same time.

  When I see her lying on the bed with nothing but her black lace bra and tiny black panties on, I lose all of the control that I had. I jump up and kick off my boots, toss off my jeans, and jerk my boxers down. While I’m doing this, she takes off her bra and slings it in my direction. Before she can get her panties off, I grab the sides of them and tear them down her legs, then crawl onto the bed and cover her body with mine.

  I start to kiss her neck, grinding my hardness into her core. “I want you, Jenna. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything else in my life.”

  “I want you too,” she says, sounding desperate.

  I slowly make my way down her body, only stopping when I reach her nipples. I run my tongue over a stiff pink peak and pull it into my mouth. I lightly bite her nipple, using just enough pressure to cause a little pain, and when she sucks in a sharp breath, I know that she likes this just as much as I do. Hearing her contented sigh, I move on to the other breast and do the same, worshipping her with every lick, bite, and suck that I place on her plump breast.

  While I’m enjoying her beautiful tits, I move my hand to the dampness that’s pooling between her legs. I stop when I reach her clit and give it a gentle pinch, causing her hips to jerk. I smile against her skin before I pull my head back and look up at her. “Do you like that, baby doll?”

  “Um hum,” she moans out while fisting the sheets.

  My mouth goes back to work on her nipples, and I move my fingers from her clit to her core. I slide one finger inside of her and then another. The feeling of her tight heat surrounding them feels amazing. I swear just touching her is better than having my dick inside any other woman.

  “I need to be inside you,” I say as I reach to the floor and grab a condom from my jeans. Before I have a chance to open it, Jenna grabs it from my hand and rips it open with her teeth. She places her hand between our bodies and rolls it on. The feeling of her hand on my cock has me ready to explode.

  I settle myself between her legs and grab my rigid cock, rubbing it up and down her sweet little slit. “I planned on taking this slow and savoring every inch of you.” I rumble out to her as the head of my cock teases her most sensitive parts.

  She wraps her legs around me, pulling me even closer to the entrance of her core. “I don’t want you to go slow. I just want you inside me. NOW.”

  With those words, I lose my ability to be patient and slam myself into her. As soon as I’m buried deep inside her, I go still and enjoy the feeling of having her wrapped around me. “Fuck, you feel so damn good.”

  “It would feel even better if you’d move,” she says as she lifts her hips.

  I smile at her and pull out, only to push myself back into her. “Is that better?”

  “Oh, yeah,” she drawls out, scraping her fingernails down my back.

  After only a few strokes, I feel my balls start to tighten. I reach between our bodies and tweak her clit. “Give it to me, baby. I want to feel your pussy squeeze me.”

  The words barely leave my mouth before she starts to moan and her pussy starts to convulse around my cock. I speed up my pace and slam into her, giving her everything I’ve got. Within minutes, I’m exploding inside of her. I bury my face into her neck and shout out my release.

  Afterwards, I lay there for a moment, trying to catch my breath, before I pull out of her and give her a soft kiss on her swollen lips. “I gotta take care of the condom. Don’t move.”

  I crawl from the bed and walk to the bathroom. I do what I have to, and then walk back to the bed, cutting the light switch off on the way. I crawl in beside her and feel that her body is tight. I know she’s trying to think of a way to get out of this, trying to think of a way to get me out of her bed, but that shit isn’t happening.

  I throw my arm over
her and pull her body tightly against mine. “Go to sleep, baby doll. We’ll talk about whatever you got on your mind in the morning.”

  She stays quiet, and her body stays alert, as I lay beside her, keeping her in my arms. After what seems like hours, I feel her body go slack and her breathing even out. I place my lips against the top of her head and give her a kiss, and then close my eyes and let the sleep takeover.


  I wake up with a warm tingle blooming between my legs. I try to press them together, hoping to relieve a little of the pressure, but am blocked by Kidd’s broad shoulders. I slowly run my hands down to his hair and grab a handful. “What’cha doing?”

  He gives my clit a quick lick then raises his head, a cocky smile spread across his face. “I’m eating breakfast. Best damn meal I’ve had in a long damn time.”

  I don’t have time to respond before he gets back down to business. I’ve had more men than I can count with their heads between my legs, but not one of them has ever come close to Kidd. Having him between my legs makes me feel things that I didn’t even realize were possible. With each lick, each suck, and each nip of his teeth, I get closer to the edge.

  Within minutes, I’m exploding, and I can’t hold back a shout of pure pleasure that erupts from my body before I go slack. Closing my eyes, I try to hold on to my afterglow for as long as I can.

  After a few seconds pass, and Kidd has licked me clean, I can feel him slowly make his way up my body, kissing me the entire way. “Damn, baby doll. You taste so fucking good. I’ll never get enough of you.”

  I open my eyes and look up to him. “Don’t worry, you can do that any time you want.”

  He chuckles and rolls to his side, pulling me with him. I reach up and lick his lips, tasting myself on them. “I do taste pretty good, don’t I?”

  I hear him chuckle as I make my way down his body. Doing my best not to miss an inch of his chest, the saltiness of his skin makes my tongue tingle. I run the tip of my tongue around his belly button, causing goose bumps to prickle across his skin.


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