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Renegade Lady

Page 22

by Dawn Martens

  Preach pulls away from the skank and turns to Daisy. He whips off the used condom and tosses it towards Leah. He starts to zip up as he yells at Daisy. “What the hell is your problem?”

  Her body goes still, and I swear I can see her eyes filling with tears from across the room. “I hate you. I hate you so fucking much,” she says in the coldest voice I’ve ever heard.

  With those words, she turns around and walks out of the clubhouse. I whip my head over to Preach and give him my death glare, but I let it soften when I see how pale his face is. I swear it looks like he just had his heart ripped out of his chest. He stands there for a second more before chasing after her.

  I’m still looking at the door when an arm wraps around my shoulders. “You best get your ass out of here, wahine.”

  I look up to Reese and scrunch up my nose. “What the hell is going on here tonight? I’ve seen a lot of shit around here over the years, but never anything like this.”

  “Some of the boys from the Lords came by, and they brought some weed with them. After it had been passed around a bit, they told us it was laced with E,” he chuckles. “The only woman in the place was Mary. When the boys started looking at her like she was a piece of meat, I decided to call in some the girls.”

  I let out a short laugh. “That’s good. Not sure Mary could handle you all.”

  He chuckles, “Doubtful.”

  I look around again, hoping to see Kidd, but don’t. I also don’t see Krista. “Where’s Kidd?”

  “When he realized it was going to be an orgy, he went to his room.”

  I nod then quietly ask. “Where’s the new girl, Krista?”

  He shakes his head. “Kidd told me to make sure she didn’t come with the rest of the girls.”

  “Her car’s outside.”

  He shrugs. “I haven’t seen her, but when I called in to get the girls, I told Skittles to make sure that Krista kept her ass away from the clubhouse.”

  I lean up and give him a quick kiss on the cheek. “I’m going to go find Kidd.”

  I walk towards the hallway, stepping around naked bodies. With each step, I remind myself that Kidd wouldn’t do anything with Krista. He promised me that he wouldn’t do that shit to me.

  When I reach his room, I hear murmured voices. It only takes a second to realize that Krista is in there with him. I have to stop myself from rushing in and going bat shit crazy, but I have to give him a chance to defend himself. I’ve seen too many old ladies just go off the rails on their man without knowing the full story. I’m more level headed than that shit.

  I quietly crack the door open and listen to what they’re saying.

  “Why are you with her? Sarah hated her! Didn’t you love my sister at all?” I hear Krista say.

  Oh shit. Do I want to hear this?

  “You know damn well I never loved Sarah. Why do you think Sarah was leaving? I told her straight up that she was a stand in for Jenna. She knew that since her first day in Big Clifty,” Kidd says back.

  “She’s not good enough for you. She’s cold. Even you call her Ice. Don’t you want something warm?” I hear her say, making her voice sound like a purr. Women and their fuckin’ purring. Why the hell do men like that shit? I’m not a fucking cat, and I don’t purr.

  I hear a long zip before Kidd shouts, “What the fuck are you doing? Put your damn dress back on!”

  That’s it! I swing the door open and see Krista plastered to Kidd, and Kidd standing as stiff as a board. I grab Krista by the back of the hair and throw her to the floor. The bitch’s boobs are on full display, so I grab the small knife out of my back pocket and put the blade next to her nipple.

  “Since day one, you have given me shit. Not only did you try mouthing off to me, you refused to stay behind the bar at The Kitty Kat like I told you. Then yesterday, you tried to get in there with Kidd, even though I told you to keep your fuckin’ hands off him,” I say while running the flat of my blade over her nipple, not causing any damage, but scaring the shit out of her. “He turned your ass down, but you wouldn’t take no for an answer. Now here you are, trying to get my man again. Do you really want to fuck him bad enough to die? I killed a bitch once just for slapping Chipper. What do you think I’d do to a skank trying to take Kidd from me?”

  Talking about Cary’s death sends a wave of nausea through me, but for the first time, I don’t feel that guilt. Instead, I just feel angry; angry that this bitch just won’t leave us alone.

  “Jenna,” Kidd says, placing a hand on my shoulder.

  I ignore him and look into Krista’s eyes, expecting to see fear, but instead I see disgust. It takes a minute for her reaction to click in my mind. “I know you don’t really want him. The thought of doing Sarah’s man turns your stomach. Doesn’t it?”

  When her face pales, I know I’m on the right track. “You don’t want to be in Kidd’s bed, but you’re doing your best to get in it. I want to know why, and you’re going to tell me. If you don’t, I’m gonna take this blade, and for every minute you don’t fuckin’ tell me, I’m diggin’ it in.”

  She doesn’t respond, but looks behind me to Kidd. I feel his hand tighten on my shoulder. He knows I’ll do what I have to do to get the truth from her.

  “Might wanna speak up, Krista. There’s no stopping Ice once she starts,” he says, sounding bored, his voice almost dead. I’ve heard that voice before; it’s the voice he uses when he’s doing club business.

  She doesn’t say anything, but I feel her body shaking. I start to dig the knife into her, slowly, but not yet drawing blood. I don’t want to hurt her, but I’m willing to do what I have to. I also know that I can’t leave this for Kidd. He feels guilty enough about Sarah’s death. He doesn’t need Krista’s torture on his conscious too.

  “T-t-t-immons,” she suddenly stutters out.

  I’m almost tempted to just shove the blade into her after hearing that name. I have a feeling what she’s about to say is going to fuck with my head. More importantly, it’s going to hurt Kidd.


  I pull Jenna away from Krista, and take the knife from her, before stepping around her and pushing her behind me. I let her play her game with Krista, but it’s time to for me to step up. “What the fuck do you have to do with Timmons?”

  Krista starts to scoot back, pulling her dress up. “He showed up almost two years ago, said Sarah had left some of her stuff at the Mateland club house and he thought I might want it.”

  “It’s been years since she was there. There ain’t shit of hers in that place.”

  She nods. “I know that now.”

  “How did he even know where you lived? You told me that you were still in Iowa with your parents. Was that a lie too?”

  “I lived on campus at Iowa State. I’m not sure how he knew where I was,” she says, looking up to me. “I had never even met him before, but I wanted something of Sarah’s. After she ran off, my parents threw everything of hers away. When she died, I didn’t even have a picture to remember her by.”

  Her words cut through me. She sounds like that young girl I picked up from the airport; the one that was devoted to her sister. “So, you went to Mateland.”

  “Not right away. I had to wait until the semester ended,” she explains. “When I showed up at their clubhouse, Timmons claimed me. The minute I walked through the door, he told everyone I was his.”

  I feel Jenna start to tremble behind me. She takes a step to my side and whispers out, “Did he hurt you?”

  Krista looks to her, tears filling her eyes. “He hurt me every day.”

  Jenna makes a choked sound and buries herself into my side. “He used her to get to me.”

  She’s right, but she’s also wrong. Timmons used Krista to get to both of us. “Why did he send you here?”

  Her eyes cut to me. “He wanted me to get Jenna away from the club, so he could take her. But then when he found out that you’d made her your old lady, he told me to have sex with you. I was supposed to make sure Jenna knew abou
t it.”

  “Why the hell would you go along with this plan?”

  Krista doesn’t get a chance to answer, but instead Jenna does it for her. “She was scared.”

  “I didn’t want to hurt either one of you, but he said if I helped, he’d let me go. You’ve got to understand, I can’t go back there. I just can’t go back to Timmons and Tug.”

  As soon as she says the name Tug, a memory sparks in my mind. “Tug? What the hell does he have to do with this?”

  The fucker’s been dead for years, at least that’s what Killer told me. Was everything I was told in Mateland a fuckin’ lie?

  “He and Timmons are friends. He got out of prison a few weeks after I got to Mateland. Timmons likes for him to...” She trails off, but Jenna finishes for her.

  “He likes for Tug to join in.”

  Visions of what Jenna must have went through send bile into my mouth. My God! What in the fuck is wrong with these people? Promise or not, Mateland is no longer part of the Renegade Sons.

  Krista hangs her head and starts to sob. “I can’t go back there. Please, don’t make me go back to Timmons.”

  Jenna pulls away from me and gets on the floor beside Krista. She pulls her into her arms and starts to rock her back and forth. “You’ll never set foot in that clubhouse again, and I promise Timmons will never touch you.”

  I look to the woman I love holding a woman that I thought I hated in her arms and say, “Timmons will never lay a motherfucking hand on any woman again.”

  I walk to the door and shout for Reese. Within minutes, he’s there looking at Jenna and Krista, still comforting each other. “What the hell is going on? I thought Ice hated that bitch.”

  I ignore his question. “Call the boys together. Church in an hour.”

  He jerks his head towards me. “Are you going to tell me what’s up?”

  “I’ll tell you when I tell everyone else. Too much shit to go into right now.”

  He nods and starts down the hallway. Before he disappears, I call out to him. “Send Mary up here. Tell her we need a safe room made ready for Krista. Also, send Rum up here. She’ll need a guard. Tell Rum to watch her door, and end that orgy that’s going on downstairs. The party is officially over. I want only members in the clubhouse.”

  I turn away and walk back to the girls. I squat down beside them and place my hand on Jenna’s cheek. “I’m gonna let the boys know what’s going on. Do you think you’ll be okay on your own?”

  She leans into my hand. “I’ll be fine. You go take care of business.”

  I pull her into me and give her a soft kiss. “Love you, baby girl.”

  “Love you, too,” she says against my lips.



  Sitting at the end of the table, I glance around the room. “We have a problem.”

  I spend the next ten minutes explaining all the shit that happened with Krista. Needless to say, the boys are pissed.

  Timber pounds his fist against the table. “I know you’re all comparing her to Ice, but you need to remember that Ice was just a kid when that shit happened to her. This bitch is a woman.”

  “Doesn’t matter how old she is, no one deserves the shit Timmons did to her,” Preach says.

  Timber nods. “You’re right about that, but you’re not getting my point. Ice was stuck in that shithole. This bitch could have ran.”

  “You don’t know that. He kept Ice under lock and key. He could’ve done the same thing with Krista,” Reese adds, always the voice of reason.

  Timber shakes his head. “She wasn’t under lock and key when she got here. She could’ve came to any one of us, instead of playing his game. Hell, I hate the fuckin’ cops, but she’s not a club member. She could have went to the police.”

  Glad to hear my own thoughts are shared by at least one other brother, I say, “That’s exactly what I was thinking.”

  Reese leans back in his seat. “You think she’s playing you and Jenna?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know. Her fear of Timmons is real, but there’s more to the story than she’s telling.”

  “I don’t really give a fuck,” Chipper says in a voice only slightly lower than a roar. “She came here to help that sick bastard get my girl. As far as I’m concerned, she’s a dead woman.”

  I nod in agreement. “I agree, but the hard part is getting Jenna to see the light. She sees too much of herself in this girl. She ain’t gonna want to see Krista hurt.”

  “Too fuckin’ bad,” Chipper shouts.

  I see the boys start to nod and know that Krista’s days are coming to an end. “We’ll deal with her later. For now, we need to focus on finding Timmons. I want his ass dead. I’m gonna call in the all the boys. I’m even gonna ask the Lords to keep their eyes open.”

  “You put a price on his head, you’ll have every biker in the state looking for him,” Preach says. “The Lords will help, but they’ll be diligent if they know something’s coming to them at the end.”

  I think for a second then say, “Twenty-five thousand.”

  Everyone nods as I look towards Preach. “Make it known that the man that brings Timmons in gets the money whether he’s dead or alive.”

  “We got more trouble than just Timmons,” Preach says.

  I jerk my eyes to him and growl out, “What?”

  “We put off dealing with the girls too long,” he says then looks around the table. “Timmons had one of the dancers selling coke at The Kitty Kat. I know Ice is our first priority, but we can’t let that shit fly. If word gets out that drugs are being sold there, we’ll have the boys in blue breathing down our necks. With this shit going down, that’s the last thing we need.”

  “Why the fuck didn’t I know about this?” I ask, angry that I was kept in the dark again.

  Preach looks to me. “Brother, you had your hands full dealing with Ice. I never meant to keep it from you, just didn’t think about it again till Leah mentioned it to me earlier.”

  “I want drug tests done, and don’t give them any fuckin’ warnings. Whoever is doing that shit will be eighty-sixed, but of course, not before we have ourselves a little interrogation. Make sure Timmons is their only supplier.”

  We have fuckin’ rules in place for a reason. Can’t be fuckin’ clear headed and be on drugs. I won’t put up with that shit from my men, and I sure in the hell won’t put up with it from the women. I don’t need fuckin’ crazy ass junkies in my club.

  The guys all nod in agreement. I’m about to call the meeting when Reese leans forward. “We still need to deal with the Cali shit.”

  Fuck! I forgot about that. With all the shit going on with Jenna, I’ve let club business fall to the back court. I love my woman, but I’m president and it’s my job to see that this shit gets done. For the first time since my time in Mateland, the Cali boys haven’t got their blow. “Any word on the latest shipment?”

  Reese shakes his head. “Nothing yet. I’ve called Brew three times. He says it’s on the way, but he has no explanation of why it was over two weeks late.”

  “I want to cut the Mateland charter out. They’re just a bunch of fuck ups. I promised Pop that I’d keep them on, but after this shit with Timmons, and now the late shipments, I’m done. I call a vote.”

  A minute later, it’s official. The Mateland Charter of the Renegade Sons is dead. “I’ll deal with letting Killer know when they get here this weekend. Any other business?”

  Timber nods. “Got a call from my dad. The boys in Cali want us to start running guns for them. They got a supplier in New York. They need us to pick them up and bring the shit here. Dad will send some boys up to bring them down to Cali.”

  Fuck again! “Why the hell did Digger call you about this shit, and not me?”

  Timber shrugs. “He wants me to come to Cali. He mentioned the guns while he was spewing about me taking his spot.”

  He’s quiet for a moment then looks to me. “I know it’s not my decision, but I told him ‘no’ about t
he guns. I can’t speak for everyone, but I think running the drugs is enough. It makes us a fuck load of cash, and the risk is minimal. You get involved with this, and it opens us up to a shitload of new problems.”

  I take a second to consider his words then look to the other boys and say, “I agree with Timber. That shit just brings too many fuckin’ issues along with it. I know of other charters and clubs that run the guns, and they have nothing but trouble. The drugs we run keep us in the black. The legit businesses we have are even better. Plus, with Jenna wanting to get all those other legit businesses going, I don’t see any reason to add guns, but I’m willing to vote on it.”

  Luckily, the vote swings my way. Surprisingly, it was close. Even more of a surprise, Chipper voted for the guns. “Meeting closed.”

  Ten minutes later, I walk into the bar and see Jenna talking to Rum behind the counter. I walk over to her and kiss the side of her neck. “I need you to get drug tests done on the girls. I want them done first thing in the morning. Don’t give them any notice.”

  She nods. “We need to have the doc come in and do check-ups too. If the girls are doing drugs, we need to make sure more than just their blood is clean.”

  “If they test positive, there’s no need for check-ups. Any one of those bitches that test positive, get rid of them. I don’t care who it is. I want them gone,” I say to her, leaving no room for her to protest.

  She’s stuck up for a few of the girls before, the ones she brought in from rough homes. I’ve let her have her way a time or two, but not this time. It’s time to clean up the club.

  Jenna just looks at me and nods. “Okay, but we still need to have the doc come in for the girls that stay. With the shit that was happening here a few hours ago, they might have been too wired to even think about protecting themselves.”

  It takes me a second to realize she didn’t try to give me any shit about getting rid of the girls. I’m shocked really. I’ve never known her to just agree with me. “You do what you need to do.”


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