Dragon's Curvy Engineer

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Dragon's Curvy Engineer Page 4

by Annabelle Winters

  “Dorrie?!” I say, doing a double-take and then another double-take. “From college? From the Sorority? Ohmygod, you are the last person I expected to see!”

  Dorrie stares at me in surprise. But she’s not freaking out like I am. She didn’t know I was here, but I get the sense she isn’t as surprised as she should be. Why not?

  Because she is a Moon Dragon, comes a whisper from inside me—a whisper that I know is my Dragon. The Red Diamond led her to us, and now she will lead us back to the Red Diamond.

  Easton is fuming at the door—and I mean fuming in the literal sense: There’s freakin’ smoke billowing from his nostrils like he’s about to explode.

  Do not worry, snickers my White Dragon. His Red Dragon will not join fully with him until he claims us. He is a half-breed, and he cannot Change to his Dragon until the man takes his mate.

  “Which is exactly what was gonna happen before Dorrie the Blocker popped in like this is a fucking sit-com,” I grumble while flashing a smile that I hope gives her a headache. “I thought this fate shit would work a bit more smoothly, you know.”

  This is how fate always works, whispers my Dragon. Twists and turns. Shortcuts around one corner, roadblocks at the next.

  But I sense my Dragon’s impatience, and I’m kinda losing my patience too. Dorrie and I got along, but we weren’t best friends or anything. For some reason fate makes her ring the doorbell at this exact moment? Great. So you have two options: Invite her in for tea, maybe even dinner. Catch up on the old days. Talk about the new days.

  And then there’s Option 2: Just get what we need from her and tell her you’ll text her later.

  I vote Option Two, chuckles my horny little she-Dragon. Go ahead and short-circuit this shit.

  So I look right at Dorrie, my eyes burning cold as ice. “I just have two questions for you, Dorrie: Where is the Red Diamond, and give me the Red Diamond.”

  That second thing wasn’t a question, honey, chuckles my Dragon.

  “I think it works fine,” I mutter, crossing my arms under my boobs and trying to ignore the way Easton is trying not to run over to me and smother me with kisses for how freakin’ awesome I am with my punk-bitch Dragon coming into her own.

  I really don’t know what I expect Dorrie to say, and I sigh as she blinks and does her own double-take. But then her eyes shine dark red like a Blood Moon, and I gasp when I see her Dragon slowly twist its way across those eyes.

  Finally she speaks, and she says the last thing I expected her to say:

  “The Red Diamond is in my husband’s South American vault,” she says calmly. “And you can have it.” Then she winks, shoots a glance up at Easton, and then looks over at me with a shrug. “Just don’t tell Diesel, all right?




  “You didn’t tell me your girls-night involved a man,” roars the massive Dragon blocking the thick steel door built into the mountainside.

  My own Dragon lurches inside me, but as a half-breed I cannot Change—not until I’ve claimed my mate! Still, I step in front of Ellie and stand tall, prepared to face this beast if I have to. But then Dorrie steps in front of all of us, rolls her eyes, and puts her hands on her hips.

  “Easton is a Dragon, not a man,” she says. “He’s also Ellie’s mate, so simmer down and let us through, Diesel.”

  Diesel’s Dragon arches its long neck down and noisily sniffs the air around me. He grunts like he isn’t impressed, and then he turns his attention to Ellie.

  “You sniff my mate and I’ll rip your scaly head off,” I growl, spreading my arms out wide and glaring up at Diesel. My Dragon is thrashing inside me, but I feel like I can handle this as a man. I sense that Diesel isn’t a threat to my mate. Not with Dorrie here. Certainly not with me here—whether or not I can Change to my Dragon.

  Diesel whips his neck around and brings his smoky snout so close I can feel the heat on my face. But I don’t even fucking flinch, and I feel my Dragonblood flow through my veins as I stay calm, shield my mate, ready to die without hesitation if it comes to that.

  Diesel and I lock eyes, and I know I’m not backing down. I may not be able to Change, but I’m still a Dragon. I know it. I feel it. I am it.

  “Huh,” grunts Diesel. “All right. I guess he is a Dragon after all. A half-breed, but from an ancient bloodline. I’ll let him live. For now.”

  I’m about to leap through the air and land on this lizard’s big snout, but Dorrie steps between us and waves the whole thing down. “Enough!” she shouts, and I see the Dragon in her too. “Both of you! Ellie and I are friends, which means you two are gonna be friends, all right?”

  “We’ll see,” grumbles Diesel.

  “We shall see,” I mutter.

  “What are you guys doing here, anyway?” Diesel asks Dorrie while still keeping an eye on me.

  “What are you doing here?” says Dorrie. “Where are the kids?”

  “They’re with Addie, Bonnie, and Callie,” says Diesel. “Fishing trip in the Dead Sea.”

  “You know there are no fish in the Dead Sea,” says Dorrie with a sigh. “It’s too salty.”

  Diesel scratches his head with a talon, and then he sighs and Changes back to the man. “Well, it’ll be a good life lesson for the kids then,” he snickers, quickly covering his naked body with a thick robe draped over a rock. Then he strides up to his mate, yanks her into his body, and kisses her hard on the lips.

  I glance over at Eleanor as I think of that kiss we shared. Hell, we’d have shared so much more if not for the interruption! Still, maybe it’s better this way. It’s probably good for Ellie to see her old college friend Dorrie, to see a human woman Change to a powerful Moon Dragon that gave us a ride to South America. On the way Dorrie gave Ellie a thorough rundown on what to expect when her own Dragon finally comes forth.

  Dorrie even whispered something to Ellie that was clearly not meant for my ears. I managed to pick up a few words, and when I saw how flushed Ellie got in the face, I smiled to myself and decided that maybe fate’s little obstacles were for the better.

  Diesel and Dorrie are still kissing like they’d just met or something, and just as I’m about to glance over at Ellie again, I feel her sidle up to me, her hips pressing against my body, her hand slipping into mine.

  “You know what Dorrie said to me on the way here?” she whispers as I squeeze her hand and then snake my arm around her waist.

  “I picked up on a couple of words,” I say, leaning close enough to smell her sweet scent. Not too close, though. There’s only so much self-control available to a half-breed Dragon who needs to claim the mate who’s in his arms right now. Though if Diesel doesn’t stop kissing his woman, all bets are off and I’m taking Ellie right now, to hell with who sees us.

  Finally Dorrie pulls away, and Diesel wipes his mouth and grins over at us. “Sorry about threatening to kill you, bud,” he says to me. “But you know how a Dragon gets around its loot.”

  “Speaking of loot,” says Dorrie. “Be a dear and pop that vault open, will ya, Diesel?”

  Diesel puffs out his chest and shakes his head. “I most certainly will not. It’s my loot. I stole it fair and square.”

  I laugh and shake my head. I know what he means. A Dragon considers all loot his for the taking. Stealing isn’t considered immoral or unjust—certainly not illegal. It’s just what Dragons do.

  Among other things, I say to myself as I slide my hand down along Ellie’s side. My cock hardens like a post in my pants, and I have to grit my teeth to stop myself from palming her bottom.

  My head spins as I think about what Dorrie had whispered to Ellie. Something about how male Dragons get rough and dirty, how they have a burning need to claim their mates with power and dominance, to enter them in every hole, fill them again and again with their seed. At first I’d almost stepped in and stopped the conversation! I didn’t want Ellie to get scared of what would happen when I took her.

  But then I’d seen the look on Ellie’s face.

  It wasn’t fear.

  She wasn’t scared.

  She was ready.

  Diesel and Dorrie are arguing about the vault again, and I just turn to Ellie and look her right in the eye. Immediately I see it, and I grin and nod.

  Because she’s ready again.

  More ready than ever.

  That unexpected interruption added something to our courtship. It gave Ellie some time and also gave her a glimpse into what her life is going to be like. Talking with Dorrie calmed her down. And then seeing Dorrie and Diesel together heated her up, made her think about what was about to happen in my castle, what needs to happen before our story goes any further.

  I glance at the steel door. The Red Diamond is behind that door, and that’s been missing from my story for centuries. It belongs in my family, but I’m not ready to claim it yet.

  Because first I need to claim my mate.

  And become a Red Dragon like my father before me.

  I feel my veins throb with the fire of my Red Dragon, and I grab Ellie’s hand and pull her towards the far side of the mountain where I’d seen a cave earlier. One more quick glance at Dorrie and Diesel and I know they won’t be done anytime soon. No way is a hoarder Dragon like Diesel going to let anyone into this vault—not without a serious domestic dispute, at least.

  “This way,” I whisper to Ellie. “They won’t even notice we’re gone.”

  Ellie giggles as she stumbles after me, and the moment we’re out of sight I turn and sweep her up into my arms. I kiss her full on the lips, and then I’m running to that cave with my mate in my arms, her taste in my mouth, her scent in my breath. My cock is straining at the gates, and I’m snorting Dragonsmoke by the time I get to the cave.

  I’m almost out of my mind with need, but the need to protect always comes first. So I set Ellie down near the mouth of the cave, and then I boldly stride into the darkness and roar like a lion staking his claim. I hear the rustle of movement somewhere in the shadows, and when I let out another thundering roar the cowering beasts decide that maybe they should find another fucking cave. This one belongs to me now.

  “Ohmygod!” Ellie shouts, digging her fingers into my back and pressing up against me. “What animals are those?”

  “Smart ones,” I growl, placing my hand on her thigh as the last of the cave’s inhabitants heads for daylight. “They know I’ll be hungry for meat when we’re done here.”

  “Ohmygod, Dorrie was totally right,” Ellie whispers as I turn around, pull her close, and firmly grab her buttocks, one palm on each cheek, squeezing so hard I lift her off the ground. “You guys are all animals when it comes down to it. I saw it out there when you faced Diesel’s Dragon even though you were just a man. You totally didn’t back down, even though he could have swallowed you whole and not even noticed.”

  “Oh, he’d have noticed when I ripped his guts out from the inside,” I growl as I fist her hair and sniff her neck like the filthy animal that’s coming alive in me.

  Ellie tries to laugh, but all that comes out is a whimper as I slide one hand down her jeans from behind, pushing my fingers down into her underwear and spreading her bare bottom so wide she opens her mouth in sympathy. I thumb her asshole as I kiss her hard, and as she grinds into me I pick up the scent of her sex in the darkness of our cave.

  Her musk sends me over the edge, and I’m all animal now, all Dragon, all beast. All I can think about is her taste, her smell, her touch. I want to own her from the inside, inside every entrance. I want to take her so deep I open up new space inside her. Claim her so hard the cave walls shudder from the strain. Pour so much seed into her that the mountainsides weep in synchronicity.

  She’s already up against the wall, and I swiftly rip her top off, snap her bra like a ribbon, and bury my face between her breasts. I pinch her left nipple hard and suck the other until it pricks up in my mouth, and soon her breasts are coated and glistening, marked by the animal, claimed by the man.

  I kiss Eleanor again on the lips, and she tastes even sweeter than the last time, softer than the first time. The White Dragon in her eyes is dancing like a spirit of the forest, and I feel my Red Dragon twist and turn in delight. But then both Dragons are gone, back to the shadows of our souls. They understand that although the power of our animals fuels the fire of this first mating, this is the realm of man and woman.

  “Just a man and a woman,” I whisper against her cheek as I run my tongue down the side of her neck, squeezing her breasts with all my strength until she groans against the cave wall.

  Eleanor licks her lips and smiles, and I give her one last wet kiss before moving down along her body, hungry for more of her, for all of her

  I slide my big hands down her side, groaning at the way her healthy body reacts to my touch. I kiss her smooth belly, grinning like a fool as I imagine our big, bouncy babies growing inside her womb. Babies that will be pureblood Dragons, a powerful mix of White and Red, a perfect mix of Eleanor and me.

  I lick her belly-button, and she giggles and gasps as my tongue moves farther down, teasing the waistband of her jeans which need to come off right now. Before the thought completes itself I’ve broken her belt, popped the button, and ripped the zip right off the cloth. My face is in her crotch even before I pull the tattered remains of her jeans off, and the smell of her sex is so sweet and strong that I push my tongue into her cunt without bothering to take her panties off.

  The thin satin of her underwear lets just enough of her sweet honey into my mouth to give me a taste, and the sample makes my fucking head explode. With a roar I reach around and tear her panties off, spreading her buttocks as I open my mouth wide and devour her perfect pinkness until she’s coming in my mouth, all over my face, dripping down my chin as I drink from her like a panting beast at the riverbank.

  “You taste so damned sweet, Eleanor,” I growl as I lap at her pussy, pull her buttocks wide, touch her right on that dark pucker until she comes again. “Keep coming. I need more of you in me.”

  Eleanor grabs my hair and pulls, grinding her crotch into my face as she rides my tongue like her she-Dragon wants. I lift her right leg and push my tongue deeper into her, my cock throbbing with need as I feel my stiff tongue go so damned deep up her canal its exploring new land. Soon I’m rubbing my cock and balls against her leg like a dog in heat, tongue-fucking her like a good Knight, fingering her asshole like a dirty Dragon.

  Eleanor comes one more time, and before she’s fully down I flip her around and push her against the cave wall. I press against her lower back, forcing her to arch down and raise her bottom. The sight of her bare ass raised up for me is almost too much to handle, and I kiss each cheek as I reach between her thick thighs and rub her mound rough and hard. She’s so damned wet my hands are dripping, and I coat her shining rear rim with her own juices as I groan and try my damndest to control the urge to ram right into that forbidden entrance.

  “What are you doing to me, Easton . . .” she murmurs as I lick her rim until it’s shining like the moon during an eclipse. “That’s so filthy, Easton. I don’t even know what I’m feeling. Don’t even understand how I can be . . . oh, Easton. Oh, Easton!”

  She slams her palms against the cave walls as I slide my tongue into her anus, keeping it stiff and thick as I open her up. I’m still fingering her wet pussy from beneath, flicking her stiff clit blindingly fast, keeping her in a state of continuous climax that I know is wrecking her from the inside out, taking her to a place where she’s completely under my control, totally giving herself to me, aching to be dominated from front and behind, taken the way a Dragon takes his mate.

  And now I can no longer wait. My balls are so heavy and my cock so hard that if I do not take her now I might explode all over the cave walls, drown us both in the rush of seed that’s been centuries in the making.

  “I need you, Eleanor,” I growl as I bring my tongue out of her ass, lick her along her spine as I rise up behind
her. I snake my arms around her, taking firm hold of her voluptuous breasts as my cockhead lines up against her warm, dripping slit. “I need to be inside you. All the way inside you. So deep inside you I’m never coming out, you hear?”

  Eleanor mutters something, and then she stiffens and lets out a deep, guttural groan as I reach down between us and guide my thick cock into her slit, pushing smooth and firm, my mind riveted on the sensation of her tight vagina closing around my shaft as I drive myself home.

  Home . . . to where I belong.



  He belongs in me.

  That’s the only thought that made it through my pounding head, made it out of the swirling mass that was once a sensible engineer’s brain and is now a frenzied mass of wild desire, overflowing with images of a centuries-old scarred monster taking me in the most depraved ways, owning me in every hole, bringing out the animal in me even as he shows me the animal in him.

  I scream again as Easton rams all the way into me, his heavy balls slapping against my bare thighs as he pinches my nipples so hard I swear he’s gonna pop them off. I’ve been coming for what feels like hours, days, weeks. I don’t know how that’s even possible, but I don’t want it to stop. My need is so deep and desperate that I want Easton to fuck me forever, go deeper each time he drives, empty those big balls into my cunt until I overflow like a river in flood.

  Easton is biting my neck, growling like a beast of the night as he pounds his hips into me, the force of his entry sending vibrations through my ass, making my boobs tremble, my teeth rattle. He reaches down along my front as he takes me again, pushing his fingers through my feminine curls and finding my clit again, tapping it ferociously until I’m sobbing from coming so hard.

  And then suddenly Easton is coming, and I jerk my head back in shock at the power of his explosion. “Oh, fuck!” I howl, my eyes rolling up in my head as Easton roars and blasts another load so far into me I can almost feel it in my throat.


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