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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 14

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by Nikhil Parekh

  There were infinite hair that floated in this Universe; some as hideously obdurate as the pigs skin; while some more tantalizing than the ultimate of seductresses,

  But your ravishing follicles were the only ones which tickled every iota of my entire demeanor; making me perpetually dream even in the most chaotic pandemonium

  besieging me from all sides .

  There were infinite lips that kissed in this Universe; some as blunt as miserably squashed tomato curry; while some more voluptuous than the contours of the

  milky moon,

  But your uninhibited smiles were the only ones which triggered in me blistering infernos till the sky; giving me a new mission to exist; at every fading footstep of mine .

  There were infinite shadows that fluttered in this Universe; some as mystical as the ethereal mirages; while some more tumultuously effusive than the chattering peacocks,

  But your majestic reflection was the only one which cast an impregnable spell upon my countenance; as I found myself in the land of ultimate paradise; every time I rattled up from deep sleep .

  There were infinite eyes that revolved in this Universe; some as seducing as the angels bouncing in the cosmos; while some more silent than morbid stones strewn rampantly near the corpse,

  But your gloriously royal eyelashes were the only ones I sighted; propelling me to incessantly flirt; nostalgically drifting me back into those moments once again; when I was an innocuous child .

  There were infinite hands that philandered in this Universe; some as magnetic as the lotus’s caress; while some more pugnaciously harder than the toughest of bricks,

  But your immaculate fingers were the only ones which impregnated in me the tenacity to defend; rise up to every occasion and obstacle in monotonously pragmatic

  life .

  There were infinite skins that stimulated in this Universe; some as impeccable as flawless cow’s milk; while some more vibrant than the unfathomable battalion of swarming bees,

  But your alluring flesh was the only one which titillated me beyond realms of unlimited eternity; making me desire above all the wonderful beauty

  profusely deluging this planet .

  There were infinite breaths that weaved in this Universe; some as fiery as the volcano’s swirlingfrenziedly towards the clouds; while some more serene than the magnificently cushioned waters of the placid lake,

  But your heavenly fragrance was the only one which I wholeheartedly inhaled; instilling in me the insurmountable capacity to live a thousand lives; in a single lifetime .

  And there were infinite hearts that palpitated in this Universe; some as rhythmic as the wonderfully cascading waterfalls; while some more passionate than the flamboyant rays of the golden Sun,

  But your immortal beats were the only ones which had bonded with mine even centuries before I was born; infact the sole reason that I was breathing blissfully

  today; staring death in its face; and yet alive .




  Do you want to know why your lips had a smile; coyly blushed as the sky blended wholesomely with the color of the moon?

  Ask the passion that fulminated from my countenance; wanting to profusely encapsulate them in the swirl of agnetic desire .

  Do you want to know why your eyes twinkled violently; casting an impregnable spell on every object; they lay their impeccable sight on ?

  Ask the rays of unprecedented desire that infiltrated from all directions into my blood; making me posses you more than the breath I lived .

  Do you want to know why your shadow stretched till times beyond eternity; slithering wildly towards the realms of absolute submission?

  Ask the tunes of tumultuous agony which emanated from my soul; wanting to bond with your spirit for times immemorial .

  Do you want to know why your tongue felt insatiably thirsty; even after consuming fathomless droplets from the spell binding river ?

  Ask the overwhelming blanket of sensuousness that profoundly enveloped my flesh; desiring to caress you for centuries unsurpassable; even after the planet had

  come to an abrupt standstill .

  Do you want to know why your hair swished in torrential fury; even though there wasn’t the most inconspicuous iota of wind in the placidly frigid atmosphere?

  Ask the rubicund mellow that insurmountably entrenched my palms; wanting to coalesce with each of your ravishing senses; till there seemed no difference between the royal night; and the austerely sweltering day .

  Do you want to know why your feet trespassed unrelentingly on land;; even when the most invincible of stalwarts had faded into remotely diminutive wisps of dilapidated oblivion?

  Ask the compassionate whirlwind which swept through my veins; drawing each contour of your visage inevitably towards my famished demeanor .

  Do you want to know why your mind fantasized relentlessly above the land of incomprehensible infinity; drowning in all the mesmerizing beauty that

  constituted the surface of this wonderful planet?

  Ask the dream that perpetually encompassed my persona even under brilliantly flaming rays of the Sun; igniting fireballs of longing in each molecule of doom

  that lingered in the air .

  Do you want to know why your nostrils breathed fountains of alluring fire; seeming alive as the most possessive of entities on the carpet of voluptuously chocolate brown soil?

  Ask the tremors of unconquerable mystique that arose from my eyelashes; wanting to incarcerate every cranny of your body in the avalanche of bountiful excitement .

  And do you want to know why your heart palpitated more vociferously than the entire Universe; even after you had relinquished your last trace of tangible breath?

  Ask the boundless love that hovered intransigently in my mind; body and soul; the love that was immortally yours till the time you were breathing; the love that

  snatched you back from the heavens; even after you died .




  We hardly had the time; to know each other’s name; the fraternity of religion that the tyrannically conventional society had maliciously placed us in,

  We hardly had the time; to conceive each other’s fantasies; the compassionately seductive whirlpool of thoughts that circumscribed our tantalizingly nimble brains,

  We hardly had the time; to gauge each other’s destinies; the inscrutable configuration of lines on our palms which perhaps held the key to our enigmatically future lives,

  We hardly had the time; to impregnably embrace each other; uninhibitedly feel the profoundly unconquerable sensuousness; embedded in our pristinely impeccable


  We hardly had the time; to perceive each other’s humorous instincts; the uncannily ludicrous clown in our demeanor’s; that sporadically usurped our souls,

  We hardly had the time; to write marathon epic’s of poetry about each other; artistically swishing our articulate fingers; in unlimitedly due admiration of our majestic senses,

  We hardly had the time; to wink at each other; timelessly flirt and philander in euphorically effervescent youth; through the perennially effulgent rivers and hills,

  We hardly had the time; to pamper each other’s ego; profusely garnish every cranny of our countenance with the vividly panoramic goodness of the gigantic planet;


  We hardly had the time; to clandestinely date each other; intrepidly elope on bare horseback skins; to the most exhilaratingly rhapsodic crannies of the erotically

  wild and deciduous forests,

  We hardly had the time; to surreptitiously mischief with each other; unabashedly pull at our hair and rubicund chin; to bountifully cherish the fruits of eternally exuberant youth,

  We hardly had the time; to gloriously triumph our presence; ebulliently rejoice to the most unprecedented limits; hand in hand; dancing under the iridescently milky moon,

  We hardly had the tim
e; to fathom each other’s families; the societal status; prestige and relationships that our parent’s had tenaciously assimilated; in the destined tenure of their lives,

  We hardly had the time; to ecstatically laugh and cry; poignantly engross our personalities in an unfathomable myriad of humanitarian emotions; exploring the brilliantly sensitive side of life,

  We hardly had the time; to enchantingly mesmerize each other; insuperably cast the incantation of our magically unadulterated innocence; upon our fervently dancing nerves,

  We hardly had the time; to unsurpassably thank each other; for our celestially miraculous interaction; at a rambunctious corner of an contumaciously disheveled


  We hardly had the time; to romanticize the essence of life; unassailably clasping our hands till times beyond eternal eternity; under Omnipotently spell binding rays of the afternoon Sun,

  We hardly had the time; to speak our heart out; timelessly listen to the insides of our chests; palpitating more passionately than the annals of extraordinarily benign paradise,

  We hardly had the time; to comprehend each other’s ambitions; the stupendously enamoring missions that we wanted to embark upon in the chapter of our beautifully blissful life,

  O! Yes; Believe it or not; we really didn’t find time for doing anything of any sort; as the very first instant that we witnessed each other; the beats of our hearts and soul unconquerably bonded in the garland of immortal love; our lives became one by the grace of the Omniscient Divine; without giving time the tiniest of chance to speak or intervene .



  It was the greatest honor for me on this fathomless planet; to forever close my lids after sighting the whites of your majestically impeccable eyes,

  As in them I regally found the vividly panoramic beauty of this fathomless Universe; for infinite more births of mine yet to unveil .

  It was the greatest honor for me on this spell-binding planet; to forever close my lips after tasting the sweetness of your sensuously effulgent cheeks,

  As in them I immaculately found the rhapsodically unending triumph of this gigantic Universe; for infinite more births of mine yet to unveil .

  It was the greatest honor for me on this limitless planet; to forever close my ears after hearing the inimitably unconquerable ebullience in your mellifluously sacrosanct voice,

  As in it I unceasingly found the irrefutably impregnable righteousness of

  this indomitable Universe; for infinite more births of mine yet to unveil .


  It was the greatest honor for me on this boundless planet; to forever close

  my palms after caressing your divinely sweet fingers,

  As in them I euphorically found the eternally everlasting companionship of

  this gargantuan Universe; for infinite more births of mine yet to unveil .

  It was the greatest honor for me on this unbelievable planet; to forever close my mind after profoundly absorbing myself into your timelessly emollient fantasy,

  As in it I incomprehensibly found the tantalizingly astounding iridescence

  of this endless Universe; for infinite more births of mine yet to unveil .

  It was the greatest honor for me on this inexhaustible planet; to forever

  close my veins after worshipping just an infinitesimal ingredient of your insuperably humanitarian blood,

  As in it I immutably found the jubilantly symbiotic fragrance of this redolently burgeoning Universe; for infinite more births of mine yet to unveil .

  It was the greatest honor for me on this victorious planet; to forever close my feet after kissing the paths that you unflinchingly traversed on,

  As in them I unshakably found the scent of fearlessly altruistic truth of this blessing Universe; for infinite more births of mine yet to unveil .

  It was the greatest honor for me on this ebullient planet; to forever close my nostrils after feeling your perpetually cascading and altruistically volatile breath,

  As in it I invincibly found the royal throne of undefeated life of this venerated Universe; for infinite more births of mine yet to unveil .

  And it was the greatest honor for me on this magnetic planet; to forever close my heart after perennially bonding with your magnanimously benign beats,

  As in them I irretrievably found the enthralling sky of endlessly miraculous

  love; for infinite more births of mine yet to unveil .





  Just because somebody calls the compassionately breathing rose a pathetically dilapidated gutter; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all its stupendously perennial fragrance,

  Just because somebody calls Omnipotently dazzling Sun a cadaverous hell of abysmal darkness; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all its unconquerably blistering flamboyance,

  Just because somebody calls the impregnably luminescent mountains an inanely frigid mosquito; doesn’t mean that they wholesomely lose all their indomitably endless temerity and unflinchingly peerless strength,

  Just because somebody calls the majestically fathomless deserts a lividly wounded traitor; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all its blazingly coruscated and timeless splendor,

  Just because somebody calls the seductively dancing nightingale an acrimoniously ballistic thorn; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all its enchantingly everlasting and poignantly mesmerizing melody,

  Just because somebody calls the voluptuous cloud an evaporating graveyard of abhorrently insipid nothingness; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all its unprecedented whirlpool of heavenly sensuousness,

  Just because somebody calls the mystically undulating wave a prison of disastrously truculent monotony; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all its vivaciously exhilarating and unfathomable tanginess,

  Just because somebody calls the wonderfully titillating and emolliently crafted poetry an infinitesimal trash can of hyperbolic adjectives; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses its ubiquitously everlasting essence of unfettered friendship,

  Just because somebody calls the unbelievably pristine pearl a tawdrily molested corpse of unthinkable profanity; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all its royal resplendence and exotically titillating charm,

  Just because somebody calls the flight of uninhibitedly untainted freedom a maliciously lambasting chain of hedonistically perverted slavery; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all its celestially altruistic fortitude,

  Just because somebody calls the lap of the unconquerably sacrosanct mother an insidiously gratuitous carcass; doesn’t mean that that it wholesomely loses all its perpetually subliming effulgence and inimitable glory,

  Just because somebody calls the vividly ebullient rainbow in the boundless sky a lackadaisically venomous scorpion rotting in the dungeons of bizarre isolation; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all its regally unsurpassable ocean of timeless


  Just because somebody calls the wind of beautifully egalitarian symbiotism an indiscriminately cold-blooded eunuch tyrannically marauding every conceivable trace of life in vicinity; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all its pricelessly

  bountiful religion of humanity,

  Just because somebody calls the wails of the immaculately wailing infant an apocalypse of murderous doom; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all its

  spell bindingly insuperable innocence and godly mischief,

  Just because somebody calls the united fabric of eternal living kind an orphaned stone forlornly fretting on the vagrantly obsolete streets; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all its unshakably Omnipotent aura and undefeatable companionship,

  Just because somebody calls the iridescently blossoming seed a curse on the trajectory of this eclectic planet; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all its unassailably ecstatic freshness,

  Just because
somebody calls the silken sensuality of paradise a devilish ghost invidiously permeating the hindside; doesn’t mean that it wholesomely loses all

  its indefatigably vibrant aristocracy and inexhaustibly Omniscient aura,

  Just because somebody calls the sword of patriotically unchallengeable truth a dolorously disparaging coward retreating back into his egregiously worthless shell;


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