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An American Life

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by Ronald Reagan

  Barbados, 450

  Barnett, Barney, 194

  Baseball Hall of Fame, 256

  Bay of Pigs invasion, 472

  Beahrs, Ollie, 694

  Bechtel Corporation, 511

  Begin, Menachem, 413–17, 419–29, 431–36, 440–42, 463, 491, 493

  Belgium, 188

  Benny, Jack, 42, 206

  Bergen-Belsen, 378, 382

  Berlin, Irving, 102

  Berlin Wall, 680–83, 698, 703, 706–8

  Berri, Nabih, 494–97

  Bethesda Naval Hospital, 499–504, 535, 611, 623, 694

  Big Ten football, 65–66

  Bipartisan Recovery budget, 319

  Bishop, Maurice, 450, 456

  Bitburg cemetery, 376–84

  Black, Charles, 208, 209, 214

  Blacklisting, 115


  in California, 163–64, 183

  economic status of, 401–2

  harassment of, 385

  parents’ attitude toward, 30, 52

  Soviet view of American treatment of, 638

  in World War II, 105

  Block grants, 298

  Bogart, Humphrey, 114, 398

  Bohling, Howard, 318

  Boland, Edward P., 477

  Boland Amendment, 485–87

  Bolshevik revolution, 237

  Bolshoi Ballet, 711

  Bonn economic summit, 376, 377, 381

  Booker, Colonel Philip T., 97

  Booth, John Wilkes, 152, 254

  Bork, Robert, 694

  Boseworth, Stephen, 362

  Bradley Tech, 47

  Brady, James, 261, 488

  Brady, Nicholas, 449

  Brazil, 475, 480–81

  Brezhnev, Leonid, 14, 265, 299, 306, 552, 567, 593, 602, 634

  arms control and, 553–54

  and Central America, 300

  correspondence with, 269–73, 302, 709

  death of, 559, 575

  and Middle East, 418, 422, 424–25, 437, 557

  and Poland, 304–5

  Brezhnev Doctrine, 266, 271, 302, 641

  British Commonwealth, 451, 454

  Brown, Edmund G. (Pat), 136, 144–151, 153, 156, 159, 160, 165, 175, 188

  Brown, Jerry, 323

  Buckley, William, 490, 507, 525

  Budget, 201, 335–39

  of California, 156–59, 165, 169, 175

  cuts in, see Spending cuts

  defense spending and, 235

  deficits, see Deficit

  Democratic proposals on, 568, 571

  growth of, 198

  military, see Defense spending

  negotiations on, 317–20, 324

  recession and, 316

  tax revenues and, 233

  under Truman, 133

  See also Balanced budget amendment

  Bureaucracy, 120, 147, 196–97, 337, 476

  in California, 164, 175, 182–83, 188, 189

  foreign affairs and, 594

  during Great Depression, 67, 69

  overregulation by, 129

  reductions in size of, 298, 335, 339, 341, 351

  Soviet, 640

  Truman and, 132

  waste and mismanagement in, 340–341

  during World War II, 101–2, 119

  Burke’s Peerage, 373

  Burns, Arthur, 378, 379

  Bush, Barbara, 216, 722, 723

  Bush, George, 234, 291, 298, 331, 364, 389, 488, 538, 609

  at Andropov’s funeral, 592

  and assassination attempt, 271

  and Bitburg visit, 378

  at Brezhnev’s funeral, 559

  at Chernenko’s funeral, 611, 612

  crisis management role of, 255, 256, 449

  during Reagan’s cancer surgery, 500, 501

  elected President, 719

  Gorbachev and, 720–21

  inauguration of, 722, 723

  and Iran-Contra affair, 528, 529

  in 1980 election, 206, 210–14, 216

  in 1984 election, 326, 327

  Panama and, 704

  Soviet policy and, 594, 595

  sworn in as vice president, 226

  trade policy and, 254

  weekly meetings with Reagan, 249

  Byrd, Robert, 454

  Cagney, James, 82, 83, 94, 96, 114, 398

  Caldicott, Helen, 566

  California, University of, 152, 179–81

  California primary, 202

  California Senate Fact Finding Committee on Un-American Activities, 109

  Cambodia, 266, 720

  Camp David accords, 407, 410, 414, 417, 419–22, 430, 432, 433, 511

  Campus unrest, 152, 173, 174, 179–182

  Canada, 240, 350, 382, 388

  trade agreement with, 356

  Cannon, Lou, 725


  arms race and, 267

  entrepreneurial, 348

  and investment in China, 368

  merits of, 471

  perestroika and, 703

  Soviet belief in superiority of communism to, 605, 641

  Soviet propaganda against, 632, 638

  Caribbean Basin Initiative, 474

  Carlucci, Frank, 535, 540, 685

  Carter, Jimmy, 205, 210, 225–26, 263, 294, 295, 307, 312, 343

  and AWACS sale to Saudi Arabia, 410

  and Camp David accords, 407

  Central America policy of, 478

  elected president, 203

  and Iran hostage crisis, 218, 227, 237, 266, 281, 490, 491

  in 1980 election, 216, 220–22

  Olympic boycott by, 601

  Sadat and, 290

  Soviet grain embargo imposed by, 238, 270

  Carter, Rosalynn, 225–26

  Casey, William, 214, 281, 300, 364, 448, 495, 535–36, 673

  covert actions directed by, 474, 477, 478

  Iran-Contra role of, 486, 516, 523, 528, 529, 534, 542

  and Soviet policy, 606

  Cash-flow management techniques, 340, 341

  Castro, Fidel, 238, 239, 273, 300, 450, 457, 471–73, 475

  Catholic church, 22, 30–32

  Catholic Relief Services, 490, 522

  Cattle Queen of Montana, 118

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 281, 300, 491, 492, 535–36, 564

  in Central America, 474, 477

  Iran-Contra role of, 485–86, 510

  in Lebanon, 443, 490, 507, 525

  Chad, 290, 444

  Challenger disaster, 403–4, 515, 516

  Chambers of Commerce, 119, 128, 147, 315, 317

  Charles, Prince of Wales, 274, 287, 388, 391

  Charles, Ray, 326

  Chase, Jeanine, 8

  Checks and balances, 160

  Chernenko, Konstantin, 592–602, 611, 612

  Chernobyl nuclear accident, 664, 676, 685, 708, 710

  Chicago Cubs, 72–73, 77, 78, 80, 81

  Chicago White Sox, 72, 77

  China, People’s Republic of, 361, 368–73, 703–5

  Christian sects, Lebanese, 409, 418, 437, 442, 445, 461

  Christopher, George, 150–51

  Citibank, 322

  Citizens for the Republic, 203

  Citizens Military Training Program, 75

  Civil servants

  in California, 156

  salaries and fringe benefits for, 340

  Civil War, 230

  Cleaver, Margaret, 40–41, 44–46, 49, 51, 57, 61, 75–76

  Clark, Bill, 448, 477, 478

  Cohan, George M., 96

  Cold War, 270, 273, 306, 715

  Cole, Bud, 58, 65

  Colombia, 475, 476

  Columbia (space shuttle), 264–65

  Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), 215

  Commerce Department, U.S., 594

  Commonwealth Club, 128

  Communism, 14, 15, 132, 149, 205, 347, 348, 551, 556, 567, 591, 594, 605, 720

  and Berlin Wall, 680–82

  in Central America
, 238–40, 358, 450, 471–80, 484–85, 574

  in China, 368, 371, 372

  collapse of, 555, 558, 702–3

  as economic system, 237–38, 552, 638–39, 708

  Gorbachev and, 641, 702–3, 707, 720

  in Grenada, 450, 455–57

  and movie industry, 106–7, 109–115, 118, 119, 121

  in Philippines, 362

  in Poland, 301–2, 304–6

  spread of, 127, 219, 165–67, 300


  agricultural, 344

  industrial, 346–48

  trade policy and, 355–57

  Computers, government use of, 340, 341

  Concentration camps. 376–78, 381, 382

  films of, 99, 100, 380

  Congress, U.S., 129, 140, 197, 227, 307, 316, 326, 341, 352, 386, 453, 539, 621, 641, 669, 702, 705

  arms control and, 660, 661

  balanced budget amendment in, 439

  and Central America, 471, 476–79, 481–83, 515, 684, 703

  and communists in movie industry, 109–10

  defense spending and, 552, 557, 568, 571, 575, 585, 601, 615, 684

  economic policy and, 233–34, 265, 284–88, 298, 313, 314, 316, 319–22, 325, 332, 335–39, 350, 501

  farm subsidies in, 342, 345

  federal employees strikes prohibited by, 282

  and Grenada invasion, 451, 454

  and Iran-Contra affair, 484–86, 510, 529, 533, 541

  and Middle East, 411–14, 416, 442, 446, 447, 461, 463, 466, 493, 705

  receptions for members of, 391

  SDI opposed in, 687

  trade policy and, 241–42, 254, 255, 273–74, 347

  during World War I, 101

  Connally, John, 212

  Conference of Studio Unions (CSU), 107–9

  Conscience of a Conservative, The (Goldwater), 138

  Conservative Party, British, 204

  Constitution, U.S., 129, 142, 180, 196, 198, 220

  balanced budget amendment to, 320, 321, 323, 338, 439

  separation-of-powers principles in, 483

  Supreme Court and, 280

  Twenty-fifth Amendment to, 500

  Contras, 300, 477, 481, 484–85, 515, 684, 703

  See also Iran-Contra affair

  Coolidge, Calvin, 244, 282

  Cooper, Gary, 117

  Cordiner, Ralph, 127, 133, 137

  Cornelius, Ray, 193

  Corporate taxes, 232

  simplification of, 333–34

  Cosner, David, 460

  Cosner, Marva, 460

  Costa Rica, 239, 474, 475

  Courtemanche, Jack, 725

  Covert operations, 476

  in Middle East, 281

  murder prohibited during, 491–92

  against Nicaragua, 300, 474, 477, 481, 484–86, 530, 542, 648

  See also Iran-Contra affair

  Crane, Phil, 212

  Craxi, Bettino, 509

  Crispin, Elaine, 695, 725

  Cronkite, Walter, 215

  Crowe, Admiral William J., 518

  Cruise missiles, 353, 551, 581, 586, 599, 699

  air-launched, 658

  Cuba, 238–40, 266, 272, 359, 361, 471–75, 720

  Grenada and, 450, 455–56

  missile crisis, 295, 472

  Soviet military facilities in, 574

  Cummings, Robert, 96

  Cyprus, 535

  Czechoslovakia, 267, 555, 584

  D-day anniversary ceremony, 374–76

  Dachau, 376–78

  Dailey, Dan, 103

  Daniloff, Nicholas, 526, 666–69, 672–74

  Darling, Bessie, 399

  Dart, Justin, 156, 204

  Davis, Dick, 694, 695

  Davis, Edith, 696–97

  Davis, Loyal, 145, 319, 321, 322, 560

  Davis, Patti, 125, 155, 193, 534, 554–566, 568, 603, 697

  “Day After, The,” 585

  Dead Souls (Gogol), 714

  Dean, Dizzy, 73

  “Death Valley Days,” 138, 144

  Deaver, Michael, 208, 209, 214, 230, 255, 256, 315, 377, 378, 448, 533, 534

  Defense Department, U.S., 571, 594

  Defense spending, 14, 234–35, 316, 562

  during Carter administration, 205, 217

  cuts in, 205, 315, 319, 320, 552, 557, 568, 684

  increases in, 294, 336

  See also Military, modernization of

  Deficit, 315, 317, 325

  in California, 157–59, 165, 175

  Congress and, 336–37

  debt ceiling and, 234

  farm aid and, 345

  growth of, 198, 312

  Mondale and, 326

  projected, 320, 323, 324

  spending cuts to reduce, 234, 313, 314, 318, 488, 516

  de Havilland, Olivia, 84, 103, 112–113, 115, 117

  Delehanty, Tom, 261

  Dellinger, Dottie, 8, 725

  Delta Force, 535

  Democratic Party, 119, 251, 259, 262, 336, 337, 339, 439, 482–83, 540

  anti-Communism and, 110

  in California, 144, 157, 159–62, 166, 168, 169, 184, 189–91

  Carter and, 205

  and Central America policy, 477, 481, 484

  defense spending opposed by, 557, 568, 571, 684

  during Depression, 66

  economic policy and, 233–34, 265, 284–88, 313, 314, 316–22, 324, 449, 510, 590

  House majority of, 233

  in 1960 election, 132–35, 137

  in 1964 election, 139, 140

  in 1976 election, 201

  in 1980 election, 209

  in 1982 election, 323

  in 1984 election, 325–27, 329

  SDI opposed by, 687

  trade policy and, 242, 255

  Dempsey, Jack, 260

  Deng Xiaoping, 370

  Denmark, 188

  Des Moines Register and Tribune, 86, 210

  Desperate Journey, 96, 97

  Détente, 265

  Diana, Princess of Wales, 287, 388


  unilateral, 270

  See also Arms control

  Disciples of Christ, 22, 32, 44, 61

  Discrimination, see Racial bigotry

  Dobrynin, Anatoly, 269, 551, 558, 559, 572, 582, 595, 599, 601, 603, 610, 661, 662, 667

  Dole, Robert, 212, 317

  Domenici, Pete, 318

  Dominica, 450

  Donaldson, Sam, 439, 725

  Douglas, Helen Gahagan, 132

  Douglas, Melvyn, 132

  Drake Relays, 71

  Druse militias, 445, 446, 464

  Duarte, José Napoléon, 478

  Duberstein, Ken, 722, 725

  Duberstein, Sydney, 725

  Duvalier, Jean-Claude (Baby Doc), 363

  East Germany, 555

  Economic planning, 205

  Economic recovery program, 230–34, 243, 253, 256, 265, 279, 298, 324–25, 412, 414, 536

  Democrats and, 284–88

  hardship during early years of, 342–348

  international response to, 350–51

  pressure to abandon, 589–90

  public support for, 479

  recession and, 306–7, 311–24

  tax simplification and, 332–35

  trade and, 241–42, 253–55

  Economic summits, 350–55, 373, 376, 381–82, 421, 554, 559, 636


  in California, 163–64

  federal aid to, 196–98, 201, 298

  Education, U.S. Department of, 198

  Egypt, 290–92, 412, 415, 417, 419–421, 424, 432, 435, 441, 444, 492

  and Achille Lauro hijacking, 508

  ancient, 231

  Camp David accords, 407, 414, 417, 420

  Eisenhower, Dwight, 133, 140, 141, 229, 279–80, 472

  Eisenhower (aircraft carrier), 445

  Electoral districts, drawing of boundaries of, 160–61, 482

  Electronic funds-transfer s
ystem, 340

  Elizabeth II, Queen, 354, 373, 387, 568

  El Salvador, 238, 240, 266, 300, 456, 474, 477–79

  Emancipation Proclamation, 229

  Energy crisis, 266

  England, see United Kingdom

  Enrile, Juan Ponce, 363

  Entitlement programs, 198, 336

  cuts in, 316

  for farmers, 343

  fraud and waste in, 340–41

  See also Welfare

  Entrepreneurship, 348–49

  in China, 371

  EPCOT Center, 568

  Erkenbeck, Jane, 725

  Ethiopia, 266, 472

  Eureka College, 44–61, 64–65, 69–70, 72, 81, 87, 180, 231, 552

  Excise taxes, 315, 321

  Executives Club, 128

  Fascism, 106, 110, 112

  Fahd, King of Saudi Arabia, 463, 492, 493

  Falklands war, 357–62

  Fair Housing Act (1968), 401

  Faisal, King of Syria, 434


  in China, 372

  federal aid to, 196, 198, 343–45, 355

  grain embargo and, 238

  tariffs and, 241–42

  Federal aid, control through, 196–97

  Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 282–83

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 111, 112, 115, 280, 536

  Federal Elections Commission, 212

  Federal Register, 341

  Federal Reserve Board, 298, 538, 694

  Federated Republican Women’s Club, 145

  Feltsman, Vladimir, 638, 686

  Feminists, 638

  Fenwick, Millicent, 323

  Ferraro, Geraldine, 327

  Ferraro, Tom, 725

  Fields, W. C, 261, 501

  Firestone, Leonard, 156

  Florida primary, 201

  Flynn, Errol, 84, 92, 96

  Food stamp program, 341

  Football, 20, 32, 34, 38–40, 42, 45, 90–92

  broadcasting of games, 59, 64–66, 72–74, 200

  at Eureka College, 47, 49–53, 55, 56, 87

  Ford, Gerald, 74, 200–203, 215–216, 220, 379

  Foreign policy, 243, 523, 533, 601

  toward Central America, 238–40, 471–84, 703, 704; See also Iran-Contra affair

  CIA and, 477

  Congress and, 483–84, 493

  Haig and, 254, 256, 270, 360–61

  job approval rating on, 572

  toward Middle East, 407–48, 461–467, 490–92, 704–5; See also Iran-Contra affair

  role of bureaucracy in, 594

  toward Soviets, see Soviet Union

  Foster Grandparents Program, 187, 195, 204, 694

  France, 188, 350, 374–76, 382

  arms control and, 577, 580–81, 620

  D-day anniversary ceremony in, 374–76

  Middle East and, 413, 418, 434, 438, 444, 448, 453, 460, 464, 465, 523

  and U.S. bombing of Libya, 519

  Frazer, B. J., 41–42, 57, 76, 86

  Freeman, Y. Frank, 171

  Free trade, 241, 242, 253, 355–56

  Frost, Robert, 15

  Gable, Clark, 117, 398

  Gale, Robert, 710

  Galtieri, Leopoldo, 358, 360

  Garland, Judy, 118


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