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In Wulf’s Clothing

Page 5

by B. A. Tortuga

  Cory nodded, bending to kiss her cheek. “He’s ready.”

  Trey slipped away as the pack came to say their goodbyes. This wasn’t his place anymore. Dave wasn’t his to mourn, so he would do it in Stephen’s house.

  Someone would bring his car back.


  Cory was going to lose his shit.

  Between Trey coming back and losing Dave, who was like an uncle to him…

  He stood in Ella’s front room holding a paper plate filled with taquitos and empanadas. In this, they had very much adopted the very American customs of bringing food and talking about how much they loved the one who had passed.

  Hell, their pack stole from every major culture in their area, even if they had no idea where they came from originally.

  Every member of the pack had stopped to pay their respects, even George. Trey was nowhere to be seen, which he supposed he understood. Trey wasn’t pack.

  Nothing could change that.

  “Thank you for everything today, Cory,” Ella told him, coming to hug his neck.

  “Oh, I’m just sorry—”

  “No. He went on his terms.” She patted his upper arm.

  “Thank you for the food.” He looked at his plate. “Do you mind if I sneak out? I want to take some food to Trey and make sure he’s all right. He adored your dad, you know?”

  “Of course. I was sorry that he couldn’t be here.”

  “Me too.” For most of his freaking life.

  “I can imagine. Tell him to eat and that Dad was so glad to see him.”

  “I will.” He set his plate aside on a TV tray set up for that before heading to the kitchen. He would take enough stuff for him and Trey to hide out and just… what? Trey might throw him out.

  He didn’t believe that. He’d heard the song. He’d felt the connection and the care.

  Trey had a pack of his own. Jesus.

  Cory had… what? A rented house and a twelve-pack of beer in the fridge.

  Still, right now his—mate— friend was hurting and alone, and he needed to be there. Ella didn’t need him, and Stephen had Laurel.

  He packed food between two plates, then wrapped them in a couple of paper towels before heading out to his truck. Cory wanted out of his uniform, too.

  He headed to the Alpha’s house, surprised to see George’s truck there when he arrived. What the fuck?

  The old man was stalking around Trey’s Escalade, growling low.

  “Hey! What are you doing?” Cory hopped out of his vehicle, hand on his sidearm.

  “Is it true? They welcomed the outsider back in?”

  “The one you banished has been restored to his rightful place, you mean.” He moved closer, wary, but wanting to get between George and the house.

  George snorted. “He was the start of all the trouble. Now the new Alpha is marrying a stranger. I blame the outsider.”

  “I really don’t give a shit, George. This is the Alpha’s house. You need to move on.” His jaw hurt.

  And Trey was in there. Hiding.

  “Are you running me off, boy?”

  “I am. You know damn well there’s a wake going on, and you’re up to something. Move on.” His heart pounded. He wasn’t afraid of George anymore, but this was still a freak show all of a sudden.

  George chuffed softly. “You’re less of a coward with your badge.”

  “Back off, asshole.” Trey stood in the doorway, hair wild, emerald eyes lit from within, a shotgun in his hand. “I will shoot your ass, man, and no one will care.”

  “You little fuck! Why couldn’t you stay gone!” George was suddenly all crazy eyes and spittle. Wow.

  Trey blew George a kiss and cocked the shotgun. “You know what they say about bad pennies.”

  “Bastard!” George stepped forward, so Cory drew down too.

  “No. None of that. You’ve done all the damage you’re gonna do.”

  “You’re not the Alpha anymore.” Trey smiled, and it scared him—the darkness there, the pain that had festered. “I don’t know if you want to fight me anymore.”

  “Stop it,” The command in his voice shocked the hell out of him.

  They both looked at him, eyes wide. Cory jerked his head at George. “Now, old man. Stephen will deal with you as he sees fit.”

  George got in his truck, stealing looks back at them before he squealed out, throwing gravel.

  Cory didn’t look away until the bastard was gone. “Hand over the weapon, Trey.”

  “What?” Trey looked down at the gun.

  “Give it, please. If you were to shoot George, Stephen would have no choice but to send you away at the very best.” Cory moved closer, holding out his hand. “Come on now.”

  “Of course. I wasn’t going to shoot anyone.” Trey handed over the shotgun, and Cory didn’t mention that he didn’t believe it.

  He unloaded the firearm. “I know, babe, but that was tense. I have some taquitos and empanadas from Ella. She said to tell you thank you. I also took some churros.”

  “That was sweet. Did you…would you like to come in?” Suddenly Trey seemed used up, small, and scared.

  “Do you mind? I was there at the wake and all I could think of was hiding out with you.” He waited, though. Permission was everything here, he thought. Not just politeness.

  “I-I don’t know what to say. Thank you? Come in? I miss you?”

  “I miss you, too. Let me get the food.” They would want it, and he could lock the shotgun in his truck. He jogged to the truck, making sure everything was secure, the warmth Trey’s words had created curling in his belly.

  Trey held the door and they headed back to the table they’d left earlier in the day.

  He spread out the food, and by unspoken agreement, they devoured the churros first. Just gobbled them down.

  Trey looked over at him, cinnamon sugar sparkling on his lips.

  Cory wanted to kiss that mouth so bad it hurt, so he did it. Just leaned over and took what he needed.

  Trey gasped, sweet lips parted, and he remembered that sound, the taste.

  He knew this, deep into his skin and bones and heart. Nothing could erase it. To feel it again, though… Oh, sweet fuck.

  They stood together; a fire lit between them as their bodies pressed against one another. He slid one hand behind Trey’s head, feeling all that luxurious hair slide through his fingers.

  Mine. The word flashed through his mind, clear as a bell.

  Cory might try to push it back, might try to deny it, but it was true. Trey was his mate.

  He grabbed Trey’s ass, dragging the man all the way up along his body.

  Trey put both hands on his shoulders, melting against him, licking his lips.

  He’d needed this for years. Nothing could take the place of this kiss.

  Cory turned, pushing Trey against the table to hold him in place, needing more contact. Full body.

  Trey didn’t fight him. In fact, the lean body arched up, cock hard as a diamond.

  He bent Trey back, reaching down between them so he could touch. Oh, that was just right, fitting his hand as if made for him.

  “Cory!” The word echoed weirdly from Trey and from behind him.



  He eased back, trying not to lose his shit. “What’s up, River?”

  “Stephen asked me to come get a couple of bottles of wine from the cellar. Surprised to see you here.”

  Yeah, he guessed so. “You know how much I suck at those things. I told Ella I was bringing Trey a plate.” He wasn’t going to hide. No way.

  River looked Trey up and down. “You obviously don’t have a type.”

  He growled low. “Back off, River.” They weren’t lovers. They never had been. They’d scratched an itch together sometimes.

  River grinned at him. “Touchy! I was just sayin’…”

  “Right here,” Trey grumped. “Let me up.”

  He backed all the way off so Trey could push to standing. Then he rubbed
his hand over his head, scrubbing at his hair. “George was here when I showed up, sniffing around.”

  River’s growl was immediate and gratifying. “Motherfucker! He’s not welcome here. Not with Trey here.”

  “Not at all.” Trey spat out the words. “He was defeated. He has no reason to come to the Alpha.”

  “Easy. Breathe.” He ran one hand down Trey’s spine, petting. He wasn’t going to let anything happen to Trey.

  “Hey, I’m on your side, Trey. Stephen told me what happened. George was totally in the wrong.” River stepped up to offer a hand.

  Trey took River’s hand, shook it, and Cory shocked himself with the growl that wanted out. This was about pack, not about mating. River wasn’t moving in.

  Still, the urge was wild. Fierce.

  “Thanks. I’d tell you I didn’t mean to mack on your fuckbuddy, but it would be a lie.”

  Oh, Jesus. He smacked his forehead, then grabbed an empanada. Oh, pumpkin. Yum.

  Trey chuckled and sat, then pulled his feet up onto the chair.

  River blinked. “Flexible.”

  “You have no idea, muscles.”

  Cory was going to kill them both. “Will you stop it? Focus. River, you do remember you’re here to get wine?”

  “I’d rather stay here and play with bendy-wolf.”

  “No.” He barked it out, the order clear.

  Trey and River both stared at him, heads tilted.

  “Did I blow a whistle? River, get the wine and go to Stephen about George.”

  “Man, when did he get all bossy and hot?” River asked Trey.

  “You’ve been here. You tell me.”

  Cory stared at River until he shrugged and headed off to the wine cellar.

  Trey watched him like a hawk, the gaze making him itch, bone-deep.

  He waited to say his piece, though, knowing River had to come back through.

  Trey was more patient now than he’d been back then, and he was impressed with the way those eyes didn’t waver.

  “Wow, you two look serious. I’m out.” River gave them a wave and a laughing grin, leaving them to it.

  “Are you going to yell at me?” Trey asked.

  “No. Fuck, no. I just— I wanted not to have the damn mood killed, but I guess it is, huh?”

  “Well, given that River’s going to go to Stephen who will be here immediately after demanding answers and blustering?” Trey grabbed an empanada.

  “Yeah.” He slumped into the chair across from Trey. That kiss had been about to burn him to the ground.

  “I’ve never had a kiss like that.” Trey’s words didn’t help.

  “Me either, babe. Never.” His lips still burned.

  “I want to ride you until you can’t bear it anymore.”

  His mouth fell open, and he nodded hard, his throat seizing up a little.

  Trey watched him, eyes curious, the heat in them a little dizzying.

  “I want you,” he finally said, the words sounding torn out of him.

  “I know. It’s a shit idea, but I need to feel you again.”

  “It’s not, though. I swear to the moon, it’s not.” How could Cory possibly put into words what he knew? How he understood this on a cellular level?

  Trey shifted, one hand rubbing his cock through his jeans. “Shit. I—Cory.”

  “Trey. Christ, babe you smell so good.” He licked his lips, ready to move in.

  Trey growled, head falling back and exposing that long neck. His. That was his.

  He took a step forward, intending to pounce, when he heard a truck door slam.

  “Shit.” He rocked back, sliding back into the chair. “Stephen.”

  Trey groaned. “Motherfucker.”

  No shit. This— fuck, what if this had been their chance? No. Cory would make more chances. He was tired of half living.

  Trey put his legs down and scooted in toward the table, hiding his erection.

  Smart man. Damn it. The view was good, regardless.

  Stephen slammed into the house. “Tell me what happened with George.”

  “I didn’t shoot him. That’s Cory’s fault.”

  “Nobody shot anyone,” Cory said, sighing. “It just got a little tense. There was a shotgun involved, so I equalized by drawing my sidearm.”

  “Trey. Man, brother…”

  “I know. I didn’t do it. He was touching my car.” Trey’s eyes lit up, that spark calling to him.

  “I really believe he had intent to do mischief at best, Stephen. He lost his shit, and he was foaming by the end.” Cory needed Stephen to know who was at fault here.

  “Fucker. I don’t need his shit right now. I need to be with Laurel. She’s the one that’s vulnerable.” Stephen groaned, running one hand through his hair, and Cory smiled. When his hackles were up, you could tell Stephen and Trey were related.

  “I’ll handle George. Did you leave Laurel at Ella’s?”

  “River is with her, yeah.” Stephen shook his head. “What the hell is wrong with him?”

  “Well, not only is Trey back, people were saying nice things because he helped me get Dave, and Dave was waiting for him to come home…” Cory got how criminals thought.

  “Yeah. Okay. I need to be with my mate.” Stephen caught him with a stare. “I know you have things to do, but right now, you need to stay with Trey.”

  “I don’t need babysitting!” Trey sounded hurt, but Cory wanted to howl with happiness.

  His Alpha had ordered him to stay with his mate.

  “You need protection, and I’m in short supply of people like River and Cory. Suck it up.” Stephen nodded to Cory. “Until further notice, he’s in your back pocket.”

  “Fuck.” Trey stared at him.

  Cory answered that with a huge grin.

  “Perfect. If you take him home, let me know. Or you can stay here. Whatever.”

  “We’ll see what the wedding planning demands.” It would be more convenient to stay at Stephen’s, but he wanted Trey at his place at night.

  “I’m easy. Keep him safe. Laurel would fuss if he bleeds on the wedding clothes.” Stephen was trying to keep it light, but Cory knew his Alpha was worried.

  “Got it, boss.” He would lay his life down for Trey. He hadn’t really known what that meant all those years ago, but he did now.

  “You know, I could have just shot him and taken care of it.” Trey scowled, frowning deep. Cory got it. No one wanted to be thought incapable, but Cory intended to take advantage.

  “No. I won’t have you banished again.” Stephen’s tone brooked no argument.

  “I’ll stick with him. No problem.” He had permission now, to relearn his mate.

  “Good. Okay, you lock up if you leave.”

  “We’ll wait for you to come back.” He wouldn’t leave Laurel’s wedding stuff where it could be vandalized.

  “I’ll be right here, brother.” Trey rolled his eyes. “I’m fine.”

  “Of course you are. That doesn’t mean I can’t be a freak about shit going down when my wedding looms imminently.”

  Yeah, and there were old folks who would take Dave’s death as a bad omen. No matter that Dave had been ill and holding on.

  That Trey’s coming had been a good omen for the old guy…

  “Go be the Alpha. If I get a call, I’ll take Trey with me and ask Wendy to come keep an eye on the house.” Cory clapped Stephen on the back. Time to go, boss, he thought. He had a Wulf to seduce.

  “Good deal. We’ll be home late.”

  “Yes, mom.” Trey made shooing motions with his hands. “I am a grown-up wolf, you know, Cory.”

  “I am well-aware. I am also sure that I’m doing this for Stephen. To ease his stress.” He grinned, because that was a half-truth. “And to be near you with permission.”

  “Butthead.” Trey stuck his tongue out at Cory. “I’ve changed my mind.”

  “About what? Wanting me to kiss you? Fuck you?” He wasn’t letting this go. Maybe for now, physically, but not in an
y other way.

  Trey’s response flooded his nose with pheromones. “Stop it.”

  “Nope. I mean, I’m willing to let us breathe after that stress but no stopping now.” Cory needed Trey to know this. “I can smell you.”

  Trey groaned softly, and Cory loved the way his words made Trey slide his legs together. He loved the way Trey smelled, the deep, musky scent.

  Soon he would get to taste it from the source. Right now, they needed to find their calm, to let the fight or flight come down a notch. He wanted Trey to need him on his own merit.

  Hell, he wanted Trey to ask for it again, and it would happen.

  Cory would do anything Trey wanted but walk away or let Trey leave again without having this out.

  “Are you done with all the food?” Trey asked. “The empanadas are good.”

  “They are. You want some more?” He just wanted to sit and stare at Trey, but that was probably rude.

  “No. I’ll put them away.” Trey stood up and started gathering plates, a deep frown on his forehead.

  “What?” He wanted to smooth out those lines with his fingers.

  “I’m—Fuck if I know? Adrenaline let down? I pulled a gun on my arch-enemy and kissed my…you.”

  “Your me. I like it.” He moved across the room to wrap his arms around Trey from behind. “Breathe with me.”

  “Breathe with you.” Trey sighed softly, relaxing into him with a happy sound.

  “That’s it.” Old Dave had taught them this years ago, the mystic he was. Dave had believed they were mates, that they were fated to be together.

  Now Cory was believing it again, too. They had so much to work through, but he thought it was worth every bit of try he had in him.

  His mate was in his arms, heart beating hard enough that he could feel it.

  Cory hummed, swaying to some kind of inner music. He would bet Trey could hear it too.

  He let his nose rest in Trey’s hair, inhaling deep. God. That smelled so good. That hair could become his new obsession. Really, who knew Trey could look like that?

  Trey leaned back into him, breathing nice and slow. “Damn.”

  “Mmmhmm. Better, huh?”

  “Yeah. It so is. It’s really not fair that you can do this.”


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